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Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Ms. Aparna Ramesh received the "Best Oral Presentation Award".

Ms. Aparna Ramesh received the "Best Oral Presentation Award" at an international conference by the Indian Peptide Society at IISER Pune.

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Dr. Subash C K received the best flash talk/ poster award during CompFlu-2024 'Soft Matter & Beyond'.

Dr. Subash C K received the best flash talk/ poster award during CompFlu-2024 'Soft Matter & Beyond'. An international conference hosted by IIT Hyderabad and the Indian Society of Rheology from 16-18 Dec 2024.


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Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Singh has been awarded with Chirantan Rasayan Sanstha

Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Singh has been awarded with Chirantan Rasayan Sanstha Young Scientist Award in the symposium entitled Science Beyond Boundary: Invention, Discovery, Innovation and Society "Rasayan 20" organized at Vidyasagar University during December 16-17, 2024 as a recognition of his enormous contribution in the advancement as well as popularization of science.

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Aparna received the Best Oral Presentation Award at CMPA-2024

Aparna received the Best Oral Presentation Award at the Condensed Matter Physics and Applications (CMPA-2024) conference at Manipal Institute of Technology, MAHE, Manipal.

Best Oral Presentation Award Aparna at CMPA 2024

Mukhesh K. G. received the best poster award at “Winter School -2024”

MukheshK. G. received the best poster award at “Winter School -2024” held at JNCASR

Rahuldeb received the Best Poster at AEMI-2024

Rahuldeb received the Best Poster award at the International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials and Interfaces (AEMI-2024) held at IISER Pune during 9-11 December, 2024

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Dr. Ashutosh K. Singh received “Wiley- Early Career Researcher Award -2024”

Dr. Ashutosh K. Singh received “Wiley- Early Career Researcher Award -2024” during the AEMI-2024 conference at IISER Pune. He is recognised as Young scientist leading the change towards a brighter and greener future

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Dr Goutam Ghosh has been selected as Rising Star 2024

Dr Goutam Ghosh has been selected for "The Rising Stars 2024" by The Society of Polymer Science, Japan.


Dr Pralay K. Santra invited to join the Editorial Advisory Board(EAB)

Dr Pralay K. Santra invited to join the Editorial Advisory Board(EAB) for ACS Materials Au

TWAS young affiliate for the year 2024-2029

Dr H S S Ramakrishna Matte has been selected to be inducted as TWAS young affiliate for the year 2024-2029

Dr. C. V. Yelamaggad is awarded the Dr. Raja Ramanna State Award.

Dr. C. V. Yelamaggad is awarded the Dr. Raja Ramanna State Award for the year 2023 in appreciation and recognition of his exceptional contribution to the field of Science Education on 26th September 2024
