Authors Name | Title | Journal name | Vol no | Page no | Year | DOI | Affiliated to CeNS |
Kundu, S., George, S. J., & Kulkarni, G. U | Fabrication of High-Performance Visible-Blind Ultraviolet Photodetectors Using Electro-ionic Conducting Supramolecular Nanofibers | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 15 | 19270-19278 | 2023 | DOI | Yes |
Rao, Tejaswini. S., Kundu, S., Bannur, B., George, S. J., & Kulkarni, G. U | Emulating Ebbinghaus forgetting behavior in a neuromorphic device based on 1D supramolecular nanofibres | Nanoscale | 2023 | DOI | Yes | ||
Chaitali Sow, Suchithra P, Gangaiah Mettela and G.U.Kulkarni | Noble Metal Nanomaterials with Nontraditional Crystal Structures. In D. R. Clarke (Ed.), | Annual Review of Materials Research | 50 | 345-370 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
Manisha Singh, Cheong See Yin, Samuel J. Page,Yuqing Liu, Gautama Wicaksono, Rajashekhar Pujar, Shyam Kumar Choudhary, Giridhar U. Kulkarni, Jun Chen, John V. Hanna, Richard D. Webster and Terry W. J. Steele | Synergistic Voltaglue Adhesive Mechanisms with Alternating Electric Fields | Chemistry of Materials | 32(6) | 2440-2449 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
Indrajit Mondal, Gaurav Bahuguna, Mukesha K.G, Mohit Verma, Ritu Gupta, Ashutosh k. SIngh and G.U. Kulkarni | Scalable Fabrication of Scratch-Proof Transparent Al/F-SnO2 Hybrid Electrodes with Unusual Thermal and Environmental Stability | Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces | 12(48) | 2020 | DOI | Yes | |
Suman Kundu, S.J. George & Kulkarni, G.U. | Electric field assisted assembly of 1D supramolecular nanofibres for enhanced supercapacitive performance | Journal of Materials Chemistry A | 8(26) | 13106-13113 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
Kiruthika, S, & Kulkarni, G. U. | Smart Electrochromic Supercapacitors Made of Metal Mesh Electrodes with Polyaniline as Charge Storage Indicator | Energy Technology | 8(5) | 2020 | DOI | Yes | |
Nikita Gupta, Sunil Walia, Umesha Mogera & Kulkarni, G. U | Twist-Dependent Raman and Electron Diffraction Correlations in Twisted Multilayer Graphene | Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | 11(8) | 2797-2803 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
Chithaiah P,Raju, M. M,Kulkarni, G. U. & Rao, C. N. R | Simple synthesis of nanosheets of rGO and nitrogenated rGO | Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology | 11 | 68-75 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
Chithaiah P, Pramoda K, Kulkarni, G. U. & Rao, C. N. R | A Simple Chemical Route to Borocarbonitride Nanotubes | European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry | 13 | 1230-1232 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
Bahuguna, G., Mondal, I., Verma, M., Kumar, M., Bhattacharya, S., Gupta, R., & Kulkarni, G. U. | Innovative Approach to Photo-Chemiresistive Sensing Technology: Surface-Fluorinated SnO2 for VOC Detection | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 12(33) | 37320-37329 | 2020 | Yes | |
Sunil Walia, Ashutosh K Singh, Veena S G Rao, Suryasarathi Bose & Giridhar U Kulkarni | Metal mesh-based transparent electrodes as high-performance EMI shields | Bulletin of Materials Science | 43 | 187 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
A. Bhattacharyya, M. K. Sanyal, U. Mogera, S. J. George, S. Dhiman, G. U. Kulkarni & P. Fontaine | Formation of Two-Dimensional Network of Organic Charge-Transfer Complexes at the Air–Water Interface | Langmuir | 35 | 12630-12635 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
S. Walia, I. Mondal & G. U. Kulkarni | Patterned Cu mesh based transparent and wearable touch panel for tactile, proximity, pressure and temperature sensing | ACS Appl. Elec. Mater. | 8 | 1597-1604 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
A. K. Singh, R. K. Govind & G. U. Kulkarni | Hybrid transparent conducting glasses made of metal nanomesh coated with metal oxide overlayer | Mater. Chem. Phys. | 239 | 121997 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
S. Kundu, U. Mogera, J.G. Subi & G. U. Kulkarni | A planar supercapacitor made of supramolecular nanofibre based solid electrolyte exhibiting 8 V window | Nano Energy | 61 | 259-266 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
Bannur, B, Rao, K.D.M, K. N. Harish & Kulkarni G. U | A Solution-Based Fast Fabrication of a High-Performance Unlimited Area Au Nanostructure/Si Heterojunction Photodetector | ACS Appl. Elec. Mater. | 1 | 577-584 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
Mogera U. & Kulkarni G. U | Twisted multilayer graphene exhibiting strong absorption bands induced by van Hove Singularities | Bull. Mater. Sci | 41 | 130 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
Gupta N., Rao K. D. M., Srivastava K., Gupta R., Kumar A., Marconnet A., Fisher T. S., & Kulkarni G. U. | Cosmetically Adaptable Transparent Strain Sensor for Sensitively Delineating Patterns in Small Movements of Vital Human Organs | ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces | 10 | 44126–44133 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Radhakrishnan J. K., Nithila S., Kartik S. N., Bhuvana T., Kulkarni G. U. & Singh U. K. | A Novel, Needle-Array Dry-Electrode With Stainless Steel Micro-Tips, for Electroencephalography Monitoring | J. Med. Devices | 12 | 041001 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Mettela G., Kouser S., Sow C., Pantelides S. T. & Kulkarni G. U | Nobler than the Noblest: Noncubic Gold Microcrystallites | ANGEW. CHEM. | 57 | 9018-9022 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Goudappagouda, Gedda M.,Kulkarni G. U. & Babu S. S | One‐Dimensional Porphyrin–Fullerene (C60) Assemblies: Role of Central Metal Ion in Enhancing Ambipolar Mobility | CHEM. EUR. J. | 24 | 7695-7701 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Mogera U., Sundaresan A. & Kulkarni G. U | Graphene−Ni(111) Synergy Influencing Crystalline Orientation, Grain Morphology and Magnetic Properties of Poly-Ni | J. PHYS. CHEM. C | 122 | 13962–13968 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Mondal I., Kumar A.,Rao K. D. M. and Kulkarni G. U | Parallel cracks from a desiccating colloidal layer under gravity flow and their use in fabricating metal micro-patterns | J PHYS CHEM SOLIDS | 118 | 232-237 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Kiruthika, S., Chaitali S. and Kulkarni, G.U | Transparent and Flexible Supercapacitors with Networked Electrodes | SMALL | 1701906 | 2017 | DOI | Yes | |
Mogera, U. and Kulkarni, G.U | Improving the Quality of Graphene/Cu by Joule Heating and Enabling Polymer-free Direct Transfer onto Arbitrary Substrates | CARBON | 124 | 525-530 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Mogera, U., Gedda, M., George, S.J. and Kulkarni, G.U | Supramolecular Nanofibers as Ambient Stable Wide Voltage Window Electrolyte for Micro-Supercapacitors | CHEMNANOMAT | 3(1) | 39-43 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Mettela, G., Sorb, Y.A., Shukla, A., Bellin, C., Svitlyk, V., Mezouar, M., Narayana, C. and Kulkarni, G.U | Extraordinarily Stable Noncubic Structures of Au: A High-Pressure and -Temperature Study | CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS | 29(4) | 1485-1489 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Kiruthika, S. and Kulkarni, G.U | Energy efficient hydrogel based smart windows with low cost transparent conducting electrodes | SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS | 163 | 231-236 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Gupta, N., Rao, K.D.M., Gupta, R., Krebs, F.C. and Kulkarni, G.U | Highly Conformal Ni Micromesh as a Current Collecting Front Electrode for Reduced Cost Si Solar Cell | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 9 | 8634-8640 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Bhattacharyya, A., Sanyal, M.K., Mogera, U., George, S.J., Mukhopadhyay, M.K., Maiti, S. and Kulkarni, G.U | In-Situ GISAXS Study of Supramolecular Nanofibers having Ultrafast Humidity Sensitivity | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 7 | 2017 | DOI | Yes | |
Gupta, R., Kumar, A., Sadasivam, S., Walia, S., Kulkarni, G.U., Fisher, T.S. and Marconnet, A | Microscopic Evaluation of Electrical and Thermal Conduction in Random Metal Wire Networks | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 9 | 13703-13712 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Fisher, T.S. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Nanomaterials for Clean Energy and Environmental Sensors: An India-US Workshop | ACS ENERGY LETTERS | 2(5) | 1137-1138 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Singh, A.K., Kiruthika, S., Mondal, I. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Fabrication of solar and electrically adjustable large area smart windows for indoor light and heat modulation | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 5 | 5917-5922 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Mettela, G., Mammen, N., Joardar, J., Narasimhan, S. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Non-FCC rich Au crystallites exhibiting unusual catalytic activity | NANO RESEARCH | 10(7) | 2271-2279 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Mogera, U., Walia, S., Bannur, B., Gedda, M. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Intrinsic Nature of Graphene Revealed in Temperature-Dependent Transport of Twisted Multilayer Graphene | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C | 121 | 13938-13943 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Kumar, A., Pujar, R., Gupta, N., Tarafdar, S. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Stress modulation in desiccating crack networks for producing effective templates for patterning metal network based transparent conductors | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 111(1) | 013502 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Kumar, A., Vidhyadhiraja, N.S. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Current distribution in conducting nanowire networks | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 122(4) | 045101 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Kumar, A. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Evaluating conducting network based transparent electrodes from geometrical considerations | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 119(1) | 015102 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Rao, K.D.M., Sagade, A.A., John, R., Pradeep, T. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Defining Switching Efficiency of Multilevel Resistive Memory with PdO as an Example | ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS | 2(2) | 1500286 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Kiruthika, S., Singh, S. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Large area transparent ZnO photodetectors with Au wire network electrodes | RSC ADVANCES | 6 | 44668-44672 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Gupta, R., Rao, K.D.M., Kiruthika, S. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Visibly Transparent Heaters | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 8 | 12559-12575 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Walia, S., Gupta, R., Rao, D.M. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Transparent Pd Wire Network-Based Areal Hydrogen Sensor with Inherent Joule Heater | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 8 | 23419-23424 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Sreedhara, M.B., Gopalakrishnan, K., Bharath, B., Kumar, R., Kulkarni, G.U. and Rao, C.N.R. | Properties of nanosheets of 2D-borocarbonitrides related to energy devices, transistors and other areas | CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS | 657 | 124-130 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Umesha Mogera, Radhakrishnan Dhanya, Rajashekhar Pujar, Chandrabhas Narayana, and Giridhar U. Kulkarni | Highly Decoupled Graphene Multilayers: Turbostraticity at its Best | The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | 6:21 | 4437-4443 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Gangaiah Mettela and Giridhar U. Kulkarni | Site selective Cu deposition on Au microcrystallites: corners, edges versus planar surfaces | CrystEngComm | 17:48 | 9459-9465 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
S. Kiruthika, Ritu Gupta, Aman Anand, Ankush Kumar and G. U. Kulkarni | Fabrication of Oxidation-Resistant Metal Wire Network-Based Transparent Electrodes by a Spray-Roll Coating Process | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 7:49 | 27215–27222 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Ritu Gupta, Hima K Nagamanasa, Rajesh Ganapathy and Giridhar U Kulkarni | Viscoelastic nature of Au nanoparticle–PDMS nanocomposite gels | Bulletin of Materials Science | 38:4 | 817-823 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Ritu Gupta, Soumik Siddhanta, Gangaiah Mettela, Swati Chakraborty, Chandrabhas Narayana and Giridhar U. Kulkarni | Solution processed nanomanufacturing of SERS substrates with random Ag nanoholes exhibiting uniformly high enhancement factors | RSC Advances | 5:103 | 85019-85027 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Radha Goudar, Ritu Gupta, Giridhar U. Kulkarni, Sanjeev R. Inamdar | Rotational Diffusion of a New Large Non Polar Dye Molecule in Alkanes | Journal of Fluorescence | 25:6 | 1671 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Mettela, G., Bhogra, M., Waghmare, U.V. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Ambient Stable Tetragonal and Orthorhombic Phases in Penta-Twinned Bipyramidal Au Microcrystals | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY | 137(8) | 3024-3030 | 2015 | DOI | No |
Walia, S., Gupta, R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Disposable Heater Arrays Using Printed Silver Patterns on Polyethylene Terephthalate for Multipurpose Applications | ENERGY TECHNOLOGY | 3 | 359-365 | 2015 | DOI | No |
Hunger, C., Rao, K.D.M., Gupta, R., Singh, C.R., Kulkarni, G.U. and Thelakkat, M. | Transparent Metal Network with Low Haze and High Figure of Merit applied to Front and Back Electrodes in Semitransparent ITO-free Polymer Solar Cells | ENERGY TECHNOLOGY | 3(6) | 638-645 | 2015 | DOI | No |
Kulkarni, G.U., Kiruthika, S., Gupta, R. and Rao, K.D.M. | Towards low cost materials and methods for transparent electrodes | CURRENT OPINION IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING | 8 | 60-68 | 2015 | DOI | No |
Gupta, R., Nagamanasa, H.K., Ganapathy, R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Viscoelastic nature of Au nanoparticle-PDMS nanocomposite gels | BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE | 38(4) | 817-823 | 2015 | DOI | No |
Padmavathy, N., Vijayaraghavan, R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Correction: Solution based rapid synthesis of AgCuO2 at room temperature | RSC ADVANCES | 5 | 62746 | 2015 | DOI | No |
Mettela, G. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Facet selective etching of Au microcrystallites | NANO RESEARCH | 8(9) | 2925-2934 | 2015 | DOI | No |
Kiruthika, S., Rao, K.D.M., Kumar, A., Gupta, R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Metal wire network based transparent conducting electrodes fabricated using interconnected crackled layer as template | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS | 1(2) | 026301 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Mogera, U., Sagade, A.A., George, S.J. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Ultrafast response humidity sensor using supramolecular nanofibre and its application in monitoring breath humidity and flow | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 4 | 4103 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Kiruthika, S., Gupta, R., Rao, K.D.M., Chakraborty, S., Padmavathy, N. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Large area solution processed transparent conducting electrode based on highly interconnected Cu wire network | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 2 | 2089-2094 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Gupta, R., Hosel, M., Jensen, J., Krebs, F.C. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Digital grayscale printing for patterned transparent conducting Ag electrodes and their applications in flexible electronics | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 2 | 2112-2117 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Gupta, R., Reifenberger, R.G. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Cellphone Camera Imaging of a Periodically Patterned Chip as a Potential Method for Point-of-Care Diagnostics | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 6(6) | 3923-3929 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Rukam, T.S., Kulkarni, G.U., Parakhia V, M., Thakkar, J.R., Rathod, V.M., Solanki, R.K. and Golakiya, B.A. | Genetic diversity analysis in coriander (Coriandrum sativum) genotypes through morphological and molecular characterization | RESEARCH JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY | 9(3) | 1-11 | 2014 | No | |
Kurra, N., Reifenberger, R.G. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Nanocarbon-Scanning Probe Microscopy Synergy: Fundamental Aspects to Nanoscale Devices | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 6(9) | 6147-6163 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Kurra, N., Kiruthika, S. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Solution processed sun baked electrode material for flexible supercapacitors | RSC ADVANCES | 4 | 20281-20289 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Rao, K.D.M. and Kulkarni, G.U. | A highly crystalline single Au wire network as a high temperature transparent heater | NANOSCALE | 6 | 5645-5651 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Mettela, G., Siddhanta, S., Narayana, C. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Nanocrystalline Ag microflowers as a versatile SERS platform | NANOSCALE | 6 | 7480-7488 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Angmo, D., Dam, H.F., Andersen, T.R., Zawacka, N.K., Madsen, M.V., Stubager, J., Livi, F., Gupta, R., Helgesen, M., Carle, J.E., Larsen-Olsen, T.T., Kulkarni, G.U., Bundgaard, E. and Krebs, F.C. | All-Solution-Processed, Ambient Method for ITO-Free, Roll-Coated Tandem Polymer Solar Cells using Solution-Processed Metal Films | ENERGY TECHNOLOGY | 2(7) | 651-659 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Gupta, R., Walia, S., Hosel, M., Jensen, J., Angmo, D., Krebs, F.C. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Solution processed large area fabrication of Ag patterns as electrodes for flexible heaters, electrochromics and organic solar cells | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A | 2 | 10930-10937 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Rao, K.D.M., Hunger, C., Gupta, R., Kulkarni, G.U. and Thelakkat, M. | A cracked polymer templated metal network as a transparent conducting electrode for ITO-free organic solar cells | PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS | 16 | 15107-15110 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Gupta, R., Rao, K.D.M. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Transparent and flexible capacitor fabricated using a metal wire network as a transparent conducting electrode | RSC ADVANCES | 4 | 31108-31112 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Gupta, R., Rao, K.D.M., Srivastava, K., Kumar, A., Kiruthika, S. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Spray Coating of Crack Templates for the Fabrication of Transparent Conductors and Heaters on Flat and Curved Surfaces | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 6 | 13688-13696 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Mogera, U., Kurra, N., Radhakrishnan, D., Narayana, C. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Low cost, rapid synthesis of graphene on Ni: An efficient barrier for corrosion and thermal oxidation | CARBON | 78 | 384-391 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Angmo, D., Sommeling, P.M., Gupta, R., Hosel, M., Gevorgyan, S.A., Kroon, J.M., Kulkarni, G.U. and Krebs, F.C. | Outdoor Operational Stability of Indium-Free Flexible Polymer Solar Modules Over 1 Year Studied in India, Holland, and Denmark | ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS | 16(8) | 976-987 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Radha, B., Sagade, A.A. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Metal-organic molecular device for non-volatile memory storage | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 105(8) | 08310 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Madsen, M.V., Gevorgyan, S.A., Pacios, R., Ajuria, J., Etxebarria, I., Kettle, J., Bristow, N.D., Neophytou, M., Choulis, S.A., Roman, L.S., Yohannes, T., Cester, A., Cheng, P., Zhan, X., Wu, J., Xie, Z., Tu, W.-C., He, J.-H., Fell, C.J., Anderson, K., Hermenau, M., Bartesaghi, D., Koster, L.J.A., Machui, F., Gonzalez-Valls, I., Lira-Cantu, M., Khlyabich, P.P., Thompson, B.C., Gupta, R., Shanmugam, K., Kulkarni, G.U., Galagan, Y., Urbina, A., Abad, J., Roesch, R., Hoppe, H., Morvillo, P., Bobeico, E., Panaitescu, E., Menon, L., Luo, Q., Wu, Z., Ma, C., Hambarian, A., Melikyan, V., Hambsch, M., Burn, P.L., Meredith, P., Rath, T., Dunst, S., Trimmel, G., Bardizza, G., Muellejans, H., Goryachev, A.E., Misra, R.K., Katz, E.A., Takagi, K., Magaino, S., Saito, H., Aoki, D., Sommeling, P.M., Kroon, J.M., Vangerven, T., Manca, J., Kesters, J., Maes, W., Bobkova, O.D., Trukhanov, V.A., Paraschuk, D.Y., Castro, F.A., Blakesley, J., Tuladhar, S.M., Roehr, J.A., Nelson, J., Xia, J., Parlak, E.A., Tumay, T.A., Egelhaaf, H.-J., Tanenbaum, D.M., Ferguson, G.M., Carpenter, R., Chen, H., Zimmermann, B., Hirsch, L., Wantz, G., Sun, Z., Singh, P., Bapat, C., Offermans, T. and Krebs, F.C. | Worldwide outdoor round robin study of organic photovoltaic devices and modules | SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS | 130 | 281-290 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Kiruthika, S., Gupta, R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Large area defrosting windows based on electrothermal heating of highly conducting and transmitting Ag wire mesh | RSC ADVANCES | 4 | 49745-49751 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Padmavathy, N., Vijayaraghavan, R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Solution based rapid synthesis of AgCuO2 at room temperature | RSC ADVANCES | 4 | 62746-62750 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Rao, K.D.M., Gupta, R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Fabrication of Large Area, High-Performance, Transparent Conducting Electrodes Using a Spontaneously Formed Crackle Network as Template | ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES | 1(6) | 1400090 | 2014 | DOI | No |
Kurra, N., Bhadram, V.S., Narayana, C. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Few layer graphene to graphitic films: infrared photoconductive versus bolometric response | NANOSCALE | 5(1) | 381-389 | 2013 | DOI | No |
Sagade, A.A., Rao, K.V., Mogera, U., George, S.J., Datta, A. and Kulkarni, G.U. | High-Mobility Field Effect Transistors Based on Supramolecular Charge Transfer Nanofibres | ADVANCED MATERIALS | 25(4) | 559-564 | 2013 | DOI | No |
Rao, K.D.M., Radha, B., Smith, K.C., Fisher, T.S. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Solution-processed soldering of carbon nanotubes for flexible electronics | NANOTECHNOLOGY | 24(7) | 075301 | 2013 | DOI | No |
Gupta, R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Holistic Method for Evaluating Large Area Transparent Conducting Electrodes | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 5(3) | 730-736 | 2013 | DOI | No |
Radha, B., Lim, S.H., Saifullah, M.S.M. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Metal hierarchical patterning by direct nanoimprint lithography | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 3 | 2013 | DOI | No | |
Angmo, D., Gevorgyan, S.A., Larsen-Olsen, T.T., Sondergaard, R.R., Hosel, M., Jorgensen, M., Gupta, R., Kulkarni, G.U. and Krebs, F.C. | Scalability and stability of very thin, roll-to-roll processed, large area, indium-tin-oxide free polymer solar cell modules | ORGANIC ELECTRONICS | 14(3) | 984-994 | 2013 | DOI | No |
Radha, B., Liu, G., Eichelsdoerfer, D.J., Kulkarni, G.U. and Mirkin, C.A. | Layer-by-Layer Assembly of a Metallomesogen by Dip-Pen Nanolithography | ACS NANO | 7(3) | 2602-2609 | 2013 | DOI | No |
Mettela, G., Boya, R., Singh, D., Kumar, G.V.P. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Highly tapered pentagonal bipyramidal Au microcrystals with high index faceted corrugation: Synthesis and optical properties | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 3 | 1793 | 2013 | DOI | No |
Boya, R., Jayaraj, D. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Top-contacting molecular monolayers using single crystalline Au microplate electrodes | CHEMICAL SCIENCE | 4(6) | 2530-2535 | 2013 | DOI | No |
Kurra, N., Dutta, D. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Field effect transistors and RC filters from pencil-trace on paper | PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS | 15 | 8367-8372 | 2013 | DOI | No |
Sagade, A.A., Rao, K.V., George, S.J., Datta, A. and Kulkarni, G.U. | A charge transfer single crystal field effect transistor operating at low voltages | CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS | 49 | 5847-5849 | 2013 | DOI | No |
Kurra, N. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Pencil-on-paper: electronic devices | LAB ON A CHIP | 13 | 2866-2873 | 2013 | DOI | No |
Lim, S.H., Radha, B., Chan, J.Y., Saifullah, M.S.M., Kulkarni, G.U. and Ho, G.W. | Flexible Palladium-Based H-2 Sensor with Fast Response and Low Leakage Detection by Nanoimprint Lithography | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 5 | 7274-7281 | 2013 | DOI | No |
Gupta, R., Kiruthika, S., Rao, K.D.M., Jorgensen, M., Krebs, F.C. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Screen-Display-Induced Photoresponse Mapping for Large-Area Photovoltaics | ENERGY TECHNOLOGY | 1 | 770-775 | 2013 | DOI | No |
Radha, B. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Giant single crystalline Au microplates | CURRENT SCIENCE | 102(1) | 70-77 | 2012 | No | |
Kurra, N., Bhadram, V.S., Narayana, C. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Field-Effect Transistors Based on Thermally Treated Electron Beam-Induced Carbonaceous Patterns | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 4(2) | 1030-1036 | 2012 | DOI | No |
Radha, B., Jayaraj, D., Kulkarni, G.U., Heun, S., Ercolani, D. and Sorba, L. | Large-Area Ohmic Top Contact to Vertically Grown Nanowires Using a Free-Standing Au Microplate Electrode | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 4(4) | 1860-1864 | 2012 | DOI | No |
Gupta, R., Sagade, A.A. and Kulkarni, G.U. | A low cost optical hydrogen sensing device using nanocrystalline Pd grating | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY | 37 | 9443-9449 | 2012 | DOI | No |
Radha, B. and Kulkarni, G.U. | An Electrical Rectifier Based on Au Nanoparticle Array Fabricated Using Direct-Write Electron Beam Lithography | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS | 22 | 2837-2845 | 2012 | DOI | No |
Gupta, R., Thomas, R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Tunable solid state fluorescence behavior of a methoxy substituted oligo(phenyleneethynylene): influence of cooling rate and surface crystallization | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 22 | 19139-19145 | 2012 | DOI | No |
Kurra, N., Bhadram, V.S., Narayana, C. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Field effect transistors and photodetectors based on nanocrystalline graphene derived from electron beam induced carbonaceous patterns | NANOTECHNOLOGY | 23 | 425301 | 2012 | DOI | No |
Gupta, R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Pd grating obtained by direct micromolding for use in high resolution optical diffraction based sensing | BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE | 35(5) | 773-779 | 2012 | DOI | No |
Radha, B. and Kulkarni, G.U. | A Real Time Microscopy Study of the Growth of Giant Au Microplates | CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN | 11(1) | 320-327 | 2011 | DOI | No |
Radha, B., Sagade, A.A., Gupta, R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Direct Micromolding of Pd mu-Stripes for Electronic Applications | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY | 11(1) | 152-157 | 2011 | DOI | No |
Kurra, N., Vijaykumar, T. and Kulkarni, G.U. | CNT Manipulation: Inserting a Carbonaceous Dielectric Layer Beneath Using Electron Beam Induced Deposition | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY | 11(2) | 1025-1029 | 2011 | DOI | No |
Verma, A., Sharma, A. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Ultrafast Large-Area Micropattern Generation in Nonabsorbing Polymer Thin Films by Pulsed Laser Diffraction | SMALL | 7(6) | 758-765 | 2011 | DOI | No |
Kurra, N., Prakash, G., Basavaraja, S., Fisher, T.S., Kulkarni, G.U. and Reifenberger, R.G. | Charge storage in mesoscopic graphitic islands fabricated using AFM bias lithography | NANOTECHNOLOGY | 22 | 245302 | 2011 | DOI | No |
Vasudevan, S. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Modern Trends in Inorganic Chemistry (MTIC-XIII) Foreword | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL SCIENCES | 123 | 2011 | No | ||
Rao, K.D.M., Bhuvana, T., Radha, B., Kurra, N., Vidhyadhiraja, N.S. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Metallic Conduction in NiS2 Nanocrystalline Structures | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C | 115 | 10462-10467 | 2011 | DOI | No |
Gupta, R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Removal of Organic Compounds from Water by Using a Gold Nanoparticle-Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Nanocomposite Foam | CHEMSUSCHEM | 4(6) | 737-743 | 2011 | DOI | No |
Hodson, S.L., Bhuvana, T., Cola, B.A., Xu, X., Kulkarni, G.U. and Fisher, T.S. | Palladium Thiolate Bonding of Carbon Nanotube Thermal Interfaces | JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC PACKAGING | 133(2) | 020907 | 2011 | DOI | No |
Dlamini, L.N., Krause, R.W., Kulkarni, G.U. and Durbach, S.H. | Synthesis and characterization of titania based binary metal oxide nanocomposite as potential environmental photocatalysts | MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS | 129 | 1-2 | 2011 | DOI | No |
Radha, B., Sagade, A.A. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Flexible and Semitransparent Strain Sensors Based on Micromolded Pd Nanoparticle-Carbon mu-Stripes | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 3(7) | 2173-2178 | 2011 | DOI | No |
Radha, B., Kiruthika, S. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Metal Anion-Alkyl Ammonium Complexes as Direct Write Precursors to Produce Nanopatterns of Metals, Nitrides, Oxides, Sulfides, And Alloys | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY | 133 | 12706-12713 | 2011 | DOI | No |
Kurra, N., Sagade, A.A. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Ultrafast Direct Ablative Patterning of HOPG by Single Laser Pulses to Produce Graphene Ribbons | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS | 21 | 3836-3842 | 2011 | DOI | No |
Radha, B. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Patterned Synthesis of Pd4S: Chemically Robust Electrodes and Conducting Etch Masks | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS | 20(6) | 879-884 | 2010 | DOI | No |
Kurra, N., Scott, A. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Electrocondensation and Evaporation of Attoliter Water Droplets: Direct Visualization Using Atomic Force Microscopy | NANO RESEARCH | 3(5) | 307-316 | 2010 | DOI | No |
Radha, B. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Micro- and Nanostripes of Self-Assembled Au Nanocrystal Superlattices by Direct Micromolding | NANO RESEARCH | 3(8) | 537-544 | 2010 | DOI | No |
Scott, A., Gupta, R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | A Simple Water-Based Synthesis of Au Nanoparticle/PDMS Composites for Water Purification and Targeted Drug Release | MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS | 211 | 1640-1647 | 2010 | DOI | No |
Heun, S., Radha, B., Ercolani, D., Kulkarni, G.U., Rossi, F., Grillo, V., Salviati, G., Beltram, F. and Sorba, L. | Pd-Assisted Growth of In As Nanowires | CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN | 10(9) | 4197-4202 | 2010 | DOI | No |
Sagade, A.A., Radha, B. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Intricate nature of Pd nanocrystal-hydrogen interaction investigated using thermolysed Pd hexadecylthiolate films | SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL | 149(2) | 345-351 | 2010 | DOI | No |
John, N.S., Raina, G., Sharma, A. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Cellular network formation of hydrophobic alkanethiol capped gold nanoparticles on mica surface mediated by water islands | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS | 133(9) | 094704 | 2010 | DOI | No |
Kulkarni, G.U. and Bhuvana, T. | Fabrication of a single nanowire circuit made of semiconducting NiS(2) by direct-write electron beam lithography and observation of metallic conduction | INEC: 2010 3RD INTERNATIONAL NANOELECTRONICS CONFERENCE, VOLS 1 AND 2 | 117 | 2010 | |||
Radha, B. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Direct Single-Step Micromolding Method For Patterning Of Various Nanomaterials | INEC: 2010 3RD INTERNATIONAL NANOELECTRONICS CONFERENCE, VOLS 1 AND 2 | 492 | 2010 | |||
Heun, S., Radha, B., Ercolani, D., Kulkarni, G.U., Rossi, F., Grillo, V., Salviati, G., Beltram, F. and Sorba, L. | Coexistence of Vapor-Liquid-Solid and Vapor-Solid-Solid Growth Modes in Pd-Assisted InAs Nanowires | SMALL | 6 | 1935-1941 | 2010 | DOI | No |
Kulkarni, G.U. and Radha, B. | Metal nanowire grating patterns | NANOSCALE | 2 | 2035-2044 | 2010 | DOI | No |
Bhuvana, T., Boley, W., Radha, B., Dolash, B.D., Chiu, G., Bergstrom, D., Reifenberger, R., Fisher, T.S. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Inkjet printing of palladium alkanethiolates for facile fabrication of metal interconnects and surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates | MICRO & NANO LETTERS | 5(5) | 296-299 | 2010 | DOI | No |
Radha, B., Arif, M., Datta, R., Kundu, T.K. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Movable Au Microplates as Fluorescence Enhancing Substrates for Live Cells | NANO RESEARCH | 3 | 738-747 | 2010 | DOI | No |
Bhuvana, T. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Femtoliter silver cups as surface enhanced Raman scattering active containers | NANOTECHNOLOGY | 20(4) | 045504 | 2009 | DOI | No |
Bhuvana, T., Gregoratti, L., Heun, S., Dalmiglio, M. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Electron Resist Behavior of Pd Hexadecanethiolate Examined Using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy with Nanometric Lateral Resolution | LANGMUIR | 25(2) | 1259-1264 | 2009 | DOI | No |
Chattopadhyay, S., Mukherjee, R., Datta, A., Saha, A., Sharma, A. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Self-Assembly of a Two-Dimensional Au-Nanocluster Superlattice and Its Photoluminescence Spectra | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY | 9 | 190-194 | 2009 | DOI | No |
Thomas, R., Mallajyosula, S.S., Lakshmi, S., Pati, S.K. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Conjugation in 1,4-diphenylbutadiyne and 1,2-diphenylacetylene: A combined experimental and theoretical study | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE | 922 | 1-3 | 2009 | DOI | No |
Bhuvana, T., Subramaniam, C., Pradeep, T. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Conducting Nanocrystal Patterns Using a Silver Organic Complex Blended with Polystyrene as e-Beam Resist | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C | 113 | 7038-7043 | 2009 | DOI | No |
Thomas, R., Varghese, S. and Kulkarni, G.U. | The influence of crystal packing on the solid state fluorescence behavior of alkyloxy substituted phenyleneethynylenes | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 19 | 4401-4406 | 2009 | DOI | No |
Radha, B. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Dewetting Assisted Patterning of Polystyrene by Soft Lithography to Create Nanotrenches for Nanomaterial Deposition | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 1(2) | 257-260 | 2009 | DOI | No |
Angappane, S., Selvi, N.R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | ZnO(101) films by pulsed reactive crossed-beam laser ablation | BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE | 32(3) | 253-258 | 2009 | No | |
Vijaykumar, T. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Local Anodic Oxidation Patterning of Au Deposited Si Surfaces | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY | 9(9) | 5351-5354 | 2009 | DOI | No |
Rout, C.S., Kulkarni, G.U. and Rao, C.N.R. | Electrical and Hydrogen-Sensing Characteristics of Field Effect Transistors Based on Nanorods of ZnO and WO2.72 | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY | 9(9) | 5652-5658 | 2009 | DOI | No |
Shibu, E.S., Radha, B., Verma, P.K., Bhyrappa, P., Kulkarni, G.U., Pal, S.K. and Pradeep, T. | Functionalized Au-22 Clusters: Synthesis, Characterization. and Patterning | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 1 | 2199-2210 | 2009 | DOI | No |
Radha, B. and Kulkarni, G.U. | A Modified Micromolding Method for Sub-100-nm Direct Patterning of Pd Nanowires | SMALL | 5 | 2271-2275 | 2009 | DOI | No |
Bhuvana, T., Smith, K.C., Fisher, T.S. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Self-assembled CNT circuits with ohmic contacts using Pd hexadecanethiolate as in situ solder | NANOSCALE | 1(2) | 271-275 | 2009 | DOI | No |
Boley, W., Bhuvana, T., Hines, B., Sayer, R.A., Chiu, G., Fisher, T.S., Bergstrom, D., Reifenberger, R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Inkjet Printing Involving Palladium Alkanethiolates and Carbon Nanotubes Functionalized with Single-Strand DNA | NIP 25: DIGITAL FABRICATION 2009, TECHNICAL PROGRAM AND PROCEEDINGS | 824+ | 2009 | |||
John, N.S., Pati, S.K. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Electrical characteristics of layered palladium alkanethiolates by conducting atomic force microscopy | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 92(1) | 013120 | 2008 | DOI | No |
Agrawal, V.V., Kulkarni, G.U. and Rao, C.N.R. | Surfactant-promoted formation of fractal and dendritic nanostructures of gold and silver at the organic-aqueous interface | JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE | 318(2) | 501-506 | 2008 | DOI | No |
Rakshit, R.K., Bose, S.K., Sharma, R., Budhani, R.C., Vijaykumar, T., Neena, S.J. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Correlations between morphology, crystal structure, and magnetization of epitaxial cobalt-platinum films grown with pulsed laser ablation | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 103(2) | 2008 | DOI | No | |
Thomas, R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Hydrogen bonding in proton-transfer complexes of cytosine with trimesic and pyromellitic acids | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE | 873 | 1-3 | 2008 | DOI | No |
Rakshit, R.K., Budhani, R.C., Bhuvana, T., Kulkarni, V.N. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Inhomogeneous vortex-state-driven enhancement of superconductivity in nanoengineered ferromagnet-superconductor heterostructures | PHYSICAL REVIEW B | 77(5) | 2008 | DOI | No | |
Agrawal, V.V., Varghese, N., Kulkarni, G.U. and Rao, C.N.R. | 00 Effects of changes in the interparticle separation induced by alkanethiols on the surface plasmon band and other properties of nanocrystalline gold films | LANGMUIR | 24(6) | 2494-2500 | 2008 | DOI | No |
Bhuvana, T. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Highly conducting patterned Pd nanowires by direct-write electron beam lithography | ACS NANO | 2(3) | 457-462 | 2008 | DOI | No |
Bhuvana, T. and Kulkarni, G.U. | A SERS-activated nanocrystalline Pd substrate and its nanopatterning leading to biochip fabrication | SMALL | 4(5) | 670-676 | 2008 | DOI | No |
Mlakar, T., Biasiol, G., Heun, S., Sorba, L., Vijaykumar, T., Kulkarni, G.U., Spreafico, V. and Prato, S. | Conductive atomic force microscopy of InAs/GaAs quantum rings | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 92 | 2008 | DOI | No | |
Bhuvana, T. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Polystyrene as a zwitter resist in electron beam lithography based electroless patterning of gold | BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE | 31(3) | 201-206 | 2008 | DOI | No |
Vijaykumar, T., Raina, G., Heun, S. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Catalytic behavior of individual Au nanocrystals in the local anodic oxidation of Si surfaces | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C | 112 | 13311-13316 | 2008 | DOI | No |
Thomas, R., Pal, S., Datta, A., Marchewka, M.K., Ratajczak, H., Pati, S.K. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Charge density analysis of two proton transfer complexes: Understanding hydrogen bonding and determination of in-crystal dipole moments | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL SCIENCES | 120(6) | 613-620 | 2008 | DOI | No |
John, N.S. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Dip-pen lithography using pens of different thicknesses | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY | 7(3) | 977-981 | 2007 | DOI | No |
Vijaykumar, T., Sanketh, R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Polar-solvent mediated phase-transfer of nanocrystals of metals and semiconductors from an aqueous to an organic phase | CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS | 436 | 1-3 | 2007 | DOI | No |
John, N.S., Kulkarni, G.U., Datta, A., Pati, S.K., Komori, F., Kavitha, G., Narayana, C. and Sanyal, M.K. | Magnetic interactions in layered nickel alkanethiolates | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C | 111(5) | 1868-1870 | 2007 | DOI | No |
Bhuvana, T., Kumar, G.V.P., Narayana, C. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Nanogranular Au films deposited on carbon covered Si substrates for enhanced optical reflectivity and Raman scattering | NANOTECHNOLOGY | 18 | 2007 | DOI | No | |
Vijaykumar, T. and Kulkarni, G.U. | A study of LAO nanopatterns on Si substrates of different crystallographic orientations | SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS | 142 | 1-2 | 2007 | DOI | No |
Bhuvana, T. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Gold nanostructuring on Si substrate by selective electroless deposition | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY | 7 | 2063-2068 | 2007 | DOI | No |
Mathur, M., DasGupta, R., Selvi, N.R., John, N.S., Kulkarni, G.U. and Govindarajan, R. | Gravity-free hydraulic jumps and metal femtoliter cups | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS | 98 | 2007 | DOI | No | |
John, N.S., Selvi, N.R., Kulkarni, G.U., Heun, S., Cavaliere, E., Fanetti, M., Kholmanov, I., Gavioli, L. and Sancrotti, M. | Transformation of femtoliter metal cups to oxide cups: chemical mapping by scanning Auger spectroscopy | APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING | 87(4) | 683-689 | 2007 | DOI | No |
Bhuvana, T., Kumar, G.V.P., Kulkarni, G.U. and Narayana, C. | Carbon assisted electroless gold for surface enhanced Raman scattering studies | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C | 111 | 6700-6705 | 2007 | DOI | No |
Rout, C.S., Kulkarni, G.U. and Rao, C.N.R. | Room temperature hydrogen and hydrocarbon sensors based on single nanowires of metal oxides | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS | 40(9) | 2777-2782 | 2007 | DOI | No |
Bera, M.K., Sanyal, M.K., Pal, S., Daillant, J., Datta, A., Kulkarni, G.U., Luzet, D. and Konovalov, O. | Reversible buckling in monolayer of gold nanoparticles on water surface | EPL | 78(5) | 2007 | DOI | No | |
Thomas, R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | A hydrogen-bonded channel structure formed by a complex of uracil and melamine | BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY | 3 | 2007 | DOI | No | |
Vijaykumar, T. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Electrostatic nanolithography on PVP films for patterning metal nanocrystals and fullerenes | NANOTECHNOLOGY | 18 | 2007 | DOI | No | |
Angappane, S., John, N. and Kulkarni, G. | Pyramidal nanostructures of zinc oxide | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY | 6(1) | 101-104 | 2006 | DOI | No |
Agrawal, V., Mahalakshmi, P., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | Nanocrystalline films of Au-Ag, Au-Cu, and Au-Ag-Cu alloys formed at the organic-aqueous interface | LANGMUIR | 22(4) | 1846-1851 | 2006 | DOI | No |
Rao, C.N.R., Agrawal, V.V., Biswas, K., Gautam, U.K., Ghosh, M., Govindaraj, A., Kulkarni, G.U., Kalyanikutty, K.R., Sardar, K. and Vivekchandi, S.R.C. | Soft chemical approaches to inorganic nanostructures | PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY | 78(9) | 1619-1650 | 2006 | DOI | No |
Bhuvana and Kulkarni, G.U. | Optimizing growth conditions for electroless deposition of Au films on Si(111) substrates | BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE | 29(5) | 505-511 | 2006 | DOI | No |
John, N.S., Selvi, N.R., Mathur, M., Govindarajan, R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | A facile method of producing femtoliter metal cups by pulsed laser ablation | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 110 | 22975-22978 | 2006 | DOI | No |
Maheswari, P.U., Rajendiran, V., Palaniandavar, M., Thomas, R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Mixed ligand ruthenium(II) complexes of 5,6-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline: The role of ligand hydrophobicity on DNA binding of the complexes | INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA | 359 | 4601-4612 | 2006 | DOI | No |
Thomas, R., Lakshmi, S., Pati, S.K. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Role of triple bond in 1,2-diphenylacetylene crystal: A combined experimental and theoretical study | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 110 | 24674-24677 | 2006 | DOI | No |
Gautam, U., Vivekchand, S., Govindaraj, A., Kulkarni, G., Selvi, N. and Rao, C. | Generation of onions and nanotubes of GaS and GaSe through laser and thermally induced exfoliation | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY | 127 | 3658-3659 | 2005 | DOI | No |
Agrawal, V., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | Nature and properties of ultrathin nanocrystalline gold films formed at the organic-aqueous interface | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 109 | 7300-7305 | 2005 | DOI | No |
Gupta, V., Vinod, C., Kulkarni, G., Lahiri, G., Maity, N. and Bhaduri, S. | Polyethersulfone supported titanium complexes as ethylene polymerization catalysts | CURRENT SCIENCE | 88(7) | 1162-1164 | 2005 | No | |
Pal, S., Sanyal, M., John, N. and Kulkarni, G. | Formation of a rectifier with gold nanoclusters: X-ray reflectivity and atomic force microscopy measurements | PHYSICAL REVIEW B | 71 | 2005 | DOI | No | |
Thomas, P., Rajamathi, M., Vanitha, P., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | Perpendicular magnetization in self-assembled films of citrate-capped gamma-Fe2O3 nanocrystals on Si(100) surfaces | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY | 5(4) | 565-570 | 2005 | DOI | No |
John, N. and Kulkarni, G. | Gold-coated conducting-atomic force microscopy probes | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY | 5(4) | 587-591 | 2005 | DOI | No |
Deepak, F., John, N., Govindaraj, A., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | Nature and electronic properties of Y-junctions in CNTs and N-doped CNTs obtained by the pyrolysis of organometallic precursors | CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS | 411 | 4-6 | 2005 | DOI | No |
Rao, C., Kulkarni, G., Agrawal, V., Gautam, U., Ghosh, M. and Tumkurkar, U. | Use of the liquid-liquid interface for generating ultrathin nanocrystalline films of metals, chalcogenides, and oxides | JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE | 289(2) | 305-318 | 2005 | DOI | No |
Gautam, U., Gundiah, G. and Kulkarni, G. | Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of Se and Te nanorods | SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS | 136(3) | 169-172 | 2005 | DOI | No |
Agrawal, V., Thomas, R., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | A single molecule switch based on two Pd nanocrystals linked by a conjugated dithiol | PRAMANA-JOURNAL OF PHYSICS | 65 | 769-775 | 2005 | DOI | No |
Vijaykumar, T., John, N. and Kulkarni, G. | A resistless photolithography method for robust markers and electrodes | SOLID STATE SCIENCES | 7 | 1475-1478 | 2005 | DOI | No |
Datta, A., John, N., Kulkarni, G. and Pati, S. | Aromaticity in stable tiara nickel thiolates: Computational and structural analysis | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A | 109 | 11647-11649 | 2005 | DOI | No |
Thomas, R., Gopalan, R.S., Kulkarni, G.U. and Rao, C.N.R. | Hydrogen bonding patterns in the cocrystals of 5-nitrouracil with several donor and acceptor molecules | BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY | 1 | 2005 | DOI | No | |
John, N.S., Gundiah, G., Thomas, P.J., Kulkarni, G.U. and Heun, S. | DIP-PEN nanolithography using colloidal inks | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE, VOL 4, NOS 5 AND 6 | Vol 4(5-6) | 921-934 | 2005 | DOI | No |
Thomas, P., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | Dip-pen lithography using aqueous metal nanocrystal dispersions | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 14(4) | 625-628 | 2004 | DOI | No |
Balamurugan, R., Palaniandavar, M., Gopalan, R. and Kulkarni, G. | Copper(II) complexes of new pentadentate bis(benzimidazolyl)-dithioether ligands: synthesis, structure, spectra and redox properties | INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA | 357(4) | 919-930 | 2004 | DOI | No |
Gundiah, G., John, N., Thomas, P., Kulkarni, G., Rao, C. and Heun, S. | Dip-pen nanolithography with magnetic Fe2O3 nanocrystals | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 84 | 5341-5343 | 2004 | DOI | No |
Raina, G., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | Formation of B, Al, Ga, and Si nitrides from their oxides: a reactive laser ablation study | MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN | 39(9) | 1271-1277 | 2004 | DOI | No |
Pal, S., John, N., Thomas, P., Kulkarni, G. and Sanyal, M. | Deposition of a metal-organic heterostructure to form magnetic-nonmagnetic bilayer films | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 108 | 10770-10776 | 2004 | DOI | No |
Ranganathan, A., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | An experimental charge density study of the N-H+...O(-)bonds in a proton-transfer system in comparison with regular N-H...O and O-H...N hydrogen bonds | ISRAEL JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY | 44 | 1-3 | 2004 | DOI | No |
Balasubrahmanyam, S., Kulkarni, G., Gopalan, R., Kumar, A. and Hiremath, U. | The central region of meso-3,4-diphenylhexane-2,5-dione | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE | 645 | 2-3 | 2003 | DOI | No |
Raina, G., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | (HCN)(m)(NH3)(n)H+ clusters formed by the reaction of carbon vapor with jet-cooled ammonia | CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS | 372 | 1-2 | 2003 | DOI | No |
Vijayalakshmi, S., Vinod, C. and Kulkarni, G. | A methanol-water complex stabilized on a Zn(0001) surface | SURFACE REVIEW AND LETTERS | 10(1) | 87-94 | 2003 | DOI | No |
Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | EXAFS and XPS investigations of Cu/ZnO catalysts and their interaction with CO and methanol | TOPICS IN CATALYSIS | 22 | 3-4 | 2003 | DOI | No |
Raina, G. and Kulkarni, G. | Competitive surface enrichment of alcohols in ternary water-alcohol mixtures | CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS | 373 | 3-4 | 2003 | DOI | No |
Rao, C., Kulkarni, G., Thomas, P., Agrawal, V. and Saravanan, P. | Films of metal nanocrystals formed at aqueous-organic interfaces | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 107 | 7391-7395 | 2003 | DOI | No |
Ranganathan, A., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | Understanding the hydrogen bond in terms of the location of the bond critical point and the geometry of the lone pairs | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A | 107 | 6073-6081 | 2003 | DOI | No |
Ranganathan, A., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | Probing the hydrogen bond through experimental charge densities | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE | 656 | 1-3 | 2003 | DOI | No |
John, N., Thomas, P. and Kulkarni, G. | Self-assembled hybrid bilayers of palladium alkanethiolates | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 107 | 11376-11381 | 2003 | DOI | No |
Rao, C., Kulkarni, G., Thomas, P., Agrawal, V., Gautam, U. and Ghosh, M. | Nanocrystals of metals, semiconductors and oxides: Novel synthesis and applications | CURRENT SCIENCE | 85(7) | 1041-1045 | 2003 | No | |
Kulkarni, G., Bagchi, B. and Gopalakrishnan, J. | Emerging directions in chemical sciences - Foreword | PROCEEDINGS OF THE INDIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-CHEMICAL SCIENCES | 115 | 5-6 | 2003 | No | |
Ranganathan, A. and Kulkarni, G. | Aromaticity in benzene-like rings - An experimental electron density investigation | PROCEEDINGS OF THE INDIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-CHEMICAL SCIENCES | 115 | 5-6 | 2003 | No | |
Velusamy, M., Palaniandavar, M., Gopalan, R. and Kulkarni, G. | Novel iron(III) complexes of tripodal and linear tetradentate bis(phenolate) ligands: Close relevance to intradiol-cleaving catechol dioxygenases | INORGANIC CHEMISTRY | 42 | 8283-8293 | 2003 | DOI | No |
Thomas, P. and Kulkarni, G. | From colloids to nanotechnology: Investigations on magic nuclearity palladium nanocrystals | CURRENT SCIENCE | 85 | 1760-1766 | 2003 | No | |
Rao, C., Kulkarni, G., Thomas, P. and Edwards, P. | Size-dependent chemistry: Properties of nanocrystals | CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL | 8(1) | 28-35 | 2002 | No | |
Thomas, P., Saravanan, P., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | Arrays of magnetic nanoparticles capped with alkylamines | PRAMANA-JOURNAL OF PHYSICS | 58(2) | 371-383 | 2002 | DOI | No |
Sharma, R., Vinod, C. and Kulkarni, G. | A method employing STM for the estimation of relative changes in the work function of modified metal tips | BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE | 25(3) | 247-249 | 2002 | DOI | No |
Ranganathan, A. and Kulkarni, G. | An experimental electron density investigation of squarate and croconate dianions | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A | 106 | 7813-7819 | 2002 | DOI | No |
Vijayalakshmi, S. and Kulkarni, G. | Interaction between carbon disulfide and oxygen on a Ni(110) surface | CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS | 362 | 3-4 | 2002 | DOI | No |
Gulyani, A., Gopalan, R., Kulkarni, G. and Bhattacharya, S. | Twisted aromatics, 9-anthryl and 1-pyrenyl terpyridines organize into novel multi-directional `ladder-like' motifs in the solid state | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE | 616 | 1-3 | 2002 | DOI | No |
Kulkarni, G., Thomas, R. and Rao, C. | Mesoscale organization of metal nanocrystals | PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY | 74(9) | 1581-1591 | 2002 | DOI | No |
Krishnan-Ghosh, Y., Gopalan, R., Kulkarni, G. and Bhattacharya, S. | Structure of cholest-5-en-3 beta-oxy-5-bromopentane by single-crystal X-ray diffraction at 130 K | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE | 560 | 1-3 | 2001 | DOI | No |
Thomas, P., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | Magic nuclearity giant clusters of metal nanocrystals formed by mesoscale self-assembly | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 105 | 2515-2517 | 2001 | DOI | No |
Raina, G. and Kulkarni, G. | A molecular beam study of water-methanol clusters | CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS | 337 | 4-6 | 2001 | DOI | No |
Carley, A., Davies, P., Harikumar, K., Jones, R., Kulkarni, G. and Roberts, M. | The chemisorption of nitric oxide and the oxidation of ammonia at Cu(110) surfaces: a X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) study | TOPICS IN CATALYSIS | 14 | 1-4 | 2001 | No | |
Gopalan, R., Kulkarni, G., Ravi, M. and Rao, C. | A charge density study of an intramolecular charge-transfer quinoid compound with strong NLO properties | NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY | 25(9) | 1108-1110 | 2001 | No | |
Saravanan, P., Jose, T., Thomas, P. and Kulkarni, G. | Submicron particles of Co, Ni and Co-Ni alloys | BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE | 24(5) | 515-521 | 2001 | DOI | No |
Gopalan, R. and Kulkarni, G. | An investigation of the photo-reactive and unreactive polymorphs of o-ethoxy cinnamic acid and of its photodimer | PROCEEDINGS OF THE INDIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-CHEMICAL SCIENCES | 113(4) | 307-324 | 2001 | No | |
Raina, G., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | Surface enrichment in alcohol-water mixtures | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A | 105 | 10204-10207 | 2001 | DOI | No |
Thomas, P., Lavanya, A., Sabareesh, V. and Kulkarni, G. | Self-assembling bilayers of palladiumthiolates in organic media | PROCEEDINGS OF THE INDIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-CHEMICAL SCIENCES | 113 | 5-6 | 2001 | No | |
Raina, G., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | Mass spectrometric determination of the surface compositions of ethanol-water mixtures | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY | 212 | 1-3 | 2001 | DOI | No |
Thomas, P., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | Mesoscopic assembly of magnetic Pd-Ni nanocrystals into ordered arrays by using alkane thiols | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY | 1(3) | 267-270 | 2001 | DOI | No |
Rao, C., Kulkarni, G., Thomas, P. and Edwards, P. | Metal nanoparticles and their assemblies | CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS | 29(1) | 27-35 | 2000 | DOI | No |
Carley, A., Davies, P., Jones, R., Harikumar, K., Kulkarni, G. and Roberts, M. | The structure of sulfur adlayers at Cu(110) surfaces: an STM and XPS study | SURFACE SCIENCE | 447 | 1-3 | 2000 | DOI | No |
Vinod, C., Harikumar, K., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | Interaction of carbon monoxide with Cu-Pd and Cu-Ni bimetallic clusters | TOPICS IN CATALYSIS | 11 | 1-4 | 2000 | DOI | No |
Carley, A., Davies, P., Jones, R., Harikumar, K., Kulkarni, G. and Roberts, M. | Structural aspects of chemisorption at Cu(110) revealed at the atomic level | TOPICS IN CATALYSIS | 11 | 1-4 | 2000 | DOI | No |
Gopalan, R., Kumaradhas, P., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | An experimental charge density study of aliphatic dicarboxylic acids | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE | 521 | 97-106 | 2000 | DOI | No |
Thomas, P., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | Effect of size on the Coulomb staircase phenomenon in metal nanocrystals | CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS | 321 | 1-2 | 2000 | DOI | No |
Gopalan, R., Kulkarni, G., Subramanian, E. and Renganayaki, S. | Molecular geometry versus crystal packing in N-methyl-N-(2-nitrophenyl) cinnamanilide: an experimental charge density study | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE | 524 | 169-178 | 2000 | DOI | No |
Kulkarni, G., Gopalan, R. and Rao, C. | Experimental and theoretical electronic charge densities in molecular crystals | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM | 500 | 339-362 | 2000 | DOI | No |
Rao, C., Kulkarni, G., Govindaraj, A., Satishkumar, B. and Thomas, P. | Metal nanoparticles, nanowires, and carbon nanotubes | PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY | 72 | 1-2 | 2000 | DOI | No |
Acharya, S., Gopalan, R., Kulkarni, G., Venkatesan, K. and Bhattacharya, S. | Novel organic porous solids with channel and layered structures from 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triaminehexaacetic acid and its calcium salt | 15 | 1351-1352 | 2000 | DOI | No | |
Thomas, P., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | An investigation of two-dimensional arrays of thiolized Pd nanocrystals | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 104 | 8138-8144 | 2000 | DOI | No |
Raina, G., Kulkarni, G., Yadav, R., Ramamurthy, V. and Rao, C. | An indigenous cluster beam apparatus with a reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometer | PROCEEDINGS OF THE INDIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-CHEMICAL SCIENCES | 112(2) | 83-95 | 2000 | No | |
Mathew, N., Jagirdar, B., Gopalan, R. and Kulkarni, G. | Influence of the cone angles and the pi-acceptor properties of phosphorus-containing ligands in the chemistry of dihydrogen complexes of ruthenium | ORGANOMETALLICS | 19 | 4506-4517 | 2000 | DOI | No |
Gopalan, R., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | An experimental charge density study of the effect of the noncentric crystal field on the molecular properties of organic NLO materials | CHEMPHYSCHEM | 1(3) | 127-135 | 2000 | No | |
Sarathy, K., Thomas, P., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | Superlattices of metal and metal-semiconductor quantum dots obtained by layer-by-layer deposition of nanoparticle arrays | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 103(3) | 399-401 | 1999 | DOI | No |
Harikumar, K., Vinod, C., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | Facile C-O bond scission in alcohols on Zn surfaces | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 103 | 2445-2452 | 1999 | DOI | No |
Carley, A., Davies, P., Jones, R., Kulkarni, G. and Roberts, M. | Flexibility of the Cu(110)-O structure in the presence of pyridine | 8 | 687-688 | 1999 | DOI | No | |
Carley, A., Davies, P., Kulkarni, G. and Roberts, M. | Oxygen chemisorption at Cu(110) at 120 K: dimers, clusters and mono-atomic oxygen states | CATALYSIS LETTERS | 58 | 2-3 | 1999 | DOI | No |
Kumaradhas, P., Gopalan, R. and Kulkarni, G. | A charge density study of the effect of irradiation on the alpha-form of p-nitrophenol | PROCEEDINGS OF THE INDIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-CHEMICAL SCIENCES | 111(4) | 569-579 | 1999 | No | |
Gopalan, R., Kumaradhas, P. and Kulkarni, G. | Structural phase transition in adipic acid | JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY | 148(1) | 129-134 | 1999 | No | |
Gopalan, R. and Kulkarni, G. | A Mn K-EXAFS study of Y0.5Ca0.5MnO3 | SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS | 105(6) | 371-375 | 1998 | DOI | No |
Vinod, C., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | Size-dependent changes in the electronic structure of metal clusters as investigated by scanning tunneling spectroscopy | CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS | 289 | 3-4 | 1998 | DOI | No |
Fritsch, S., Sarrias, J., Rousset, A. and Kulkarni, G. | Low-temperature oxidation of Mn3O4 hausmannite | MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN | 33(8) | 1185-1194 | 1998 | DOI | No |
Fritsch, S., Sarrias, J., Rousset, A. and Kulkarni, G. | Low-temperature oxidation of Mn3O4 hausmannite. (vol 33, pg 1185, 1998) | MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN | 33 | 1998 | No | ||
Kulkarni, G., Kumaradhas, P. and Rao, C. | Charge density study of the polymorphs of p-nitrophenol | CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS | 10 | 3498-3505 | 1998 | DOI | No |
Tailhades, P., Villette, C., Rousset, A., Kulkarni, G., Kannan, K., Rao, C. and Lenglet, M. | Cation migration and coercivity in mixed copper-cobalt spinel ferrite powders | JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY | 141(1) | 56-63 | 1998 | DOI | No |
Bandwar, R., Rao, C., Giralt, M., Hidalgo, J. and Kulkarni, G. | Transition-metal saccharide chemistry and biology: Saccharide complexes of Cu(II) and their effect on in vivo metallothionein synthesis in mice | JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY | 66(1) | 37-44 | 1997 | DOI | No |
Sarathy, K., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | A novel method of preparing thiol-derivatised nanoparticles of gold, platinum and silver forming superstructures | 6 | 537-538 | 1997 | No | ||
Kulkarni, G. and Vinod, C. | Diverse reactivity patterns observed in the interaction of oxygen with nickel deposited on gold and tungsten surfaces | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE | 115(4) | 336-341 | 1997 | DOI | No |
Sarathy, K., Raina, G., Yadav, R., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | Thiol-derivatized nanocrystalline arrays of gold, silver, and platinum | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 101 | 9876-9880 | 1997 | DOI | No |
Sankar, G., Thomas, J., Varma, V., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | An investigation of the first-order spin-state transition in Fe(Phen)(2)(NCS)(2) EXAFS and infrared spectroscopy | CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS | 251 | 1-2 | 1996 | DOI | No |
Kulkarni, G., Laruelle, S. and Roberts, M. | The oxygen state active in the catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide at a caesium surface: Isolation of the reactive anionic CO2 delta- species | 1 | 9-10 | 1996 | DOI | No | |
Kulkarni, G., Laruelle, S. and Roberts, M. | Reactivity of oxygen states at caesium surfaces towards carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide | JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY-FARADAY TRANSACTIONS | 92 | 4793-4798 | 1996 | DOI | No |
Authors Name | Title | Journal name | Vol no | Page no | Year | DOI | Affiliated to CeNS | |
Saini, H., Vishwanathan, S., Sil, S., Kumar, N. S., & Matte, H. S. S. R. | Micro/Nanostructured Co3O4 as an Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries | ACS Applied Nano Materials | 8 | 917-923 | 2025 | DOI | Yes | |
Soman, G., Molahalli, V., Sayeed, K., Pandey, K., Kulkarni, B. B., & Hegde, G. | Acid-functionalized Arachis hypogaea skin based carbon nanosphere as efficacious material for enhanced energy storage | Journal of Energy Storage | 111 | 115373 | 2025 | DOI | Yes | |
Soundarya Mary, A., Mahendra, G., Roy, R., Ganesha, M. K., & Singh, A. K. | A review of the design and strategies for photoassisted rechargeable metal-ion batteries | EES Batteries | 2025 | DOI | Yes | |||
Hariram, M., Pal, P. K., Chandran, A. S., Nair, M. R., Kumar, M., Ganesha, M. K., Singh, A.K., Dasgupta, B. G., Saurav Roy, Tribeni Menezes, Prashanth W. & Sarkar, D. | Insights into interlayer dislocation augmented Zinc-Ion storage kinetics in MoS2 nanosheets for rocking-chair zinc-ion batteries with ultralong cycle-life. | Small | 2410408 | 2025 | DOI | Yes | ||
Khatun, N., Sridurai, V., Sau, S., Tamudia, D. K., Roy, A., Mitra, S., & Nair, G. G. | Amorphous blue phase liquid crystal gelation modulated by functionalized CdSe/ZnS quantum dots: implications for oil recovery | ACS Applied Nano Materials | 8 | 1184-1195 | 2025 | DOI | Yes | |
Saha, S., Ramesh, A., Samanta, T., Roy, R. K., Biswas, S., Begum, N. A., Ghosh, Goutam & Dey, P. | Impact of Tuning the hydrophobicity in ABA-type amphiphilic polythiourethane on the dye loading and stability of formed polymersomes using pendant aromatic groups. | Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics | 2400385 | 2025 | DOI | Yes | ||
Mondal, S., Sharma, G., Bhoi, S., Wadepalli, S., Santra, P. K., Saha, D., & Hazarika, A. | A-site composition tuning in methylammonium-based metal halide perovskite colloidal nanocrystals | Nanoscale | 2025 | DOI | Yes | |||
Krishnamurthy, K. S., Prasad, S. K., Shankar Rao, D. S., Yelamaggad, C. V., & Dozov, I. | Freedericksz states in elastically varying nematic liquid crystals in the pi-cell geometry | Physical Review E | 111 | 015402 | 2025 | DOI | Yes | |
Vigneshraaj, A. S., Ramesh, S. K., Kim, J., & Pandey, K. | Phase-dependent electronic structure modulation of nickel selenides by Fe doping for enhanced bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysis | Nanoscale | 2025 | DOI | Yes | |||
Jha, D., Somapur, B., Paul, A., Kavitha, C., & Kambhala, N. | Enhanced super capacitance performance of V₂O₅·nH₂O/g-C₃N₄ nanocomposites: Synthesis, characterizations, and electrochemical properties | Materials Chemistry and Physics | 332 | 130244 ( | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Sachin A. Bhat, D. S. Shankar Rao, S. Krishna Prasad and C. V. Yelamaggad | Tuning optical properties of gold nanoparticles via photoactive liquid crystalline azo ligands. nanoscale. | Nanoscale | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |||
Roy, K., Marilingaiah, N. R., Kumar, A., Palya Narayanaswamy, M., Yelamaggad, C. V., Doddakunche Shivaramu, P., S, Vidyashankar Singh, Sushil Kumar & Rangappa, D. | Phase-controlled construction of copper-leaf-like 2D NiS for enhanced supercapacitor performance: A supercritical fluid approach | Materials Today Communications | 42 | 111202 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
.Chandran M, A., Dutta, P., Singh, P., Singh, A. K., & Prasad, B. L. V. | Design and synthesis of ptpdnicomn high-entropy alloy electrocatalyst for enhanced alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction: A theoretically supported predictive design approach | Advanced Functional Materials | 2418644 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | ||
Karmakar, G., Shah, A. Y., Kumar, M., Santra, P. K., Bahadur, J., Pathak, A., Kole, G. K. & Tyagi, A. | Binuclear Cu-Pyrazinylthiolate molecular precursor as a gateway to binary CuS and Ternary CuInS2, Cus2SnS3, and CuSbS2 Nanoparticles | Crystal Growth & Design | 25 | 158–170 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Sahoo, R., Pisharody, G. R., Shankar Rao, D. S., Yelamaggad, C. V., & Krishna Prasad, S. | Influence of an imposed network on one- and three-dimensional photonic liquid crystal structures through the polymer template technique | The Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 128 | 12775–12785 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Das, T. N., Jena, R., Ghosh, G., Fernández, G., & Maji, T. K. | Binder-mediated supramolecular polymerization with controllable gel-to-crystal transformation in metal-organic polyhedra | Angewandte Chemie International Edition | e202421536 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | ||
Sahoo, P., Lobo, K., Gangaiah, V. K., Sumbe, P., More, M. A., Late, D. J., Vankayala, Kiran & Matte, H. S. S. R. | Insights into the solution processing of Non-van der Waals Boron Carbide | Chemistry – A European Journal | 31 | e202403328 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Das, T. N., Moyra, S., Sharafudheen, R. A., Ghosh, A., Ramesh, A., Maji, T. K., & Ghosh, G., | Organic two-dimensional nanostructures: harnessing soft matter for multifunctional applications | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 126506 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | ||
Das, T. N., Ramesh, A., Ghosh, A., Moyra, S., Maji, T. K., & Ghosh, G. | Peptide-based nanomaterials and their diverse applications | Nanoscale Horizons | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |||
Roy, R. K., Samanta, T., Saha, S., Ramesh, A., Begum, N. A., Ghosh, G., & Dey, P. | Aromatic vs. Aliphatic linkers: impact on dye loading and stability in oligoglycerol-derived dendronized polymersomes | Polymer Chemistry | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |||
Chandran M, A., Sahoo, S., Singh, A. K., & Prasad, B. L. V. | Synthesis framework for designing ptpdconimn high-entropy alloy: a stable electrocatalyst for enhanced alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction | Small | 2408317 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | ||
Sow, C., Mettela, G., Puliyassery, S., & Kulkarni, G. U. | Deciphering NonCubic Phases in Au Microcrystallites via under potential Cu deposition and selective growth of noble metal and sulfide overlayers | Chemistry of Materials | 36 | 11035-11041 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Baravkar, M. D., & Prasad, B. L. V. | An effective alliance for successful coupling: electrochemical alcohol oxidation mediated conversion of indoles to bis(indolyl)methanes | Journal of Applied Electrochemistry | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |||
Sharma, G., Rathod, R., & Santra, P. K | Retarding anion exchanges in lead halide perovskite nanocrystals by ligand immobilization | Nanoscale | 16 | 21928-21936 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Catalytic gas-driven exfoliation of sulfonic acid-linked covalent organic framework nanostructures for hydrogen sensing | ACS Applied Nano Materials | 7 | 23416–23422 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Roy, R., Mahendra, G., & Singh, A. K. | Photo-assisted self-chargeable aqueous Zn-Ion energy storage device | Chemical Engineering Journal | 500 | 156870 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Khan, S., Lone, A. R., Khan, M. Y., Rahaman, S., Pandey, K., Helal, A., Sama, Farasha & Shahid, M. | Engineered amine-functionalized metal–organic framework to fabricate a composite for next-generation asymmetric supercapacitors with ultrahigh performance: modulating the energy storage barrier | Langmuir | 40 | 21106-21119 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Anand, A., Raj, A., Mondal, D., Maity, D., Ganesha, M. K., Singh, A. K., De, Debasis, Khan, Gobinda & Khan, G. G. | Effective surface engineering for defect passivation and reduction of water oxidation overpotential in benchmark 2D | Advanced Functional Materials | 2417398 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | ||
Correya, B., Xavier, P., Nayak, P., & Viswanath, P | Dilatational rheological studies on the surface micelles of Poly(styrene)-b-Poly(4-vinyl pyridine) block copolymer at the air-water interface | Polymer | 312 | 127602 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Sahoo, R. C., Paniya, S., Singh, R., Pai, A. M., Vankayala, K., & Matte, H. S. S. R. | Heterostructured Ni2Co layered double hydroxide/reduced graphene oxide nanosheets for H2 Production assisted by benzylamine oxidation | ACS Applied Nano Materials | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |||
Mukhesh. K. G., H. Hakkeem, I. Mondal, Ashutosh. K. Singh & G. U. Kulkarni | An ITO-free all tungsten‐based electrochromic energy storage device as smart window | Small | 2405467 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | ||
Pandey, H., Chithaiah, P., Vishwanathan, S., Matte, H., & Rao, C. N. R. | Topochemically synthesized Nb36 as a stable anode for sodium-ion batteries | Chemical Communications | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |||
Behera, P. K., Lenka, S., Chen, F. R., Roy, M., Mondal, I., Rao, D. S. S., Senanayak, S. P., Jou, J. H. & Achalkumar, A. S. | Revelation of room temperature liquid crystallinity and yellow-orange electroluminescence (EQE>7%) in a columnar self-assembled N-annulated perylene bisimide | Chemical Engineering Journal | 497 | 154719 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Prakasha, B. S., Shukla, G., & Subramanian, A. | Discriminative analysis of volatile organic compounds using machine-learning assisted Au loaded ZnO and TiO 2-based thin film sensors | Sensors and Actuators a-Physical | 373 | 115385 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Mohandas, P., Srinivasulu, M., Dhingra, S., Pal, S. K., & Yelamaggad, C. V. | Interdigitated orthogonal smectic and cybotactic nematic mesomorphism in three-ring hockey-stick-shaped 1,2,4-oxadiazole mesogens | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 125817 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | ||
Sohel, A., Kovilakath, M. S. N., Gogoi, P. J., Ansari, H., Phukan, P., Bag, S., John, Neena, S. & Baksi, A. | Mechanistic Insights into the Stabilization of In Situ Formed γ-NiOOH Species on Ni60Nb40Nanoglass for Effective Urea Electro-Oxidation | Small | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |||
Roy, R., R, G., Basith, A., Banerjee, R., & Singh, A. K. | Self-rechargeable aqueous Zn2+/K+ electrochromic energy storage device via scalable spray-coating integrated with marangoni flow | Energy Storage Materials | 71 | 103680 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Punjani, V., Mohiuddin, G., Chakraborty, S., Barman, P., Baghla, A., Kanakala, M. B., Das, M.K., Yelamaggad, C.V. & Pal, S. K. | Observation of Ferroelectric Behaviour in Non-Symmetrical Cholesterol-Based Bent-Shaped Dimers | Soft Matter | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |||
Das, Tarak Nath, Moram, V.M.T. Naidu, Viswanath, P., Maji, Tapas Kumar and Ghosh, Goutam. | Controlling Supramolecular Self-Assembly and Nanostructures: A Comparative Study in the Solution Phase and at the Air−Water Interface | ACS Applied Nano Materials | 7 | 19311-19319 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Raza, A., Sayeed, K., 3.7Naaz, A., Muaz, M., Islam, S. N., Rahaman, S.,Sama, F., Pandey, Kavita & Ahmad, A. | Green Synthesis of ZnO Nanoparticles and Ag-Doped ZnO Nanocomposite Utilizing Sansevieria trifasciata for High-Performance Asymmetric Supercapacitors | ACS Omega | 9 | 32444-32454 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Raza, A., Najrul Islam, S., Sayeed, K., Pandey, K., Mashkoor, F., Jeong, C., Shoeb, M. & Ahmad, A. | Fusarium oxysporum mediated synthesis of nitrogen-doped carbon supported platinum nanoparticles for supercapacitor device and dielectric applications | Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |||
Agarwal, S., Khatavi, S., Singh, B. P., Kanakala, M. B., Santra, P. K., Kumar, S., Huang, Chi Yen, Yelamaggad C.V., & Manohar, R. | ESIPT-Active Columnar Liquid Crystal: Organic Dyes and Quantum Dots Assisted Fluorescence Modulation | Journal of Materials Chemistry C | 12 | 13609-13620 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Roy, R., Greeshma, R., Dutta, P., Mondal, I., Banerjee, R., & Singh, A. K. | Electrochromic and Energy Storage Performance Enhancement by Introducing Jahn–Teller Distortion: Experimental and Theoretical Study | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 16 | 39539- 39550 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Mahapatra, S., Dey, P., & Ghosh, G. | Controlled synthesis of cylindrical micelles via crystallization-driven self-assembly (CDSA) and applications | Polymer Journal | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |||
Sahu, U., & Prasad, B. L. V. | One-pot, easy and scalable synthesis of large-size short wave length IR emitting PbS quantum dots | Photochemistry and Photobiology | 100 | 1020-1030 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Pisharody, G. R., Sahoo, P., Mishra, A. K., Rao, D. S. S., Matte, H. S. S. R., & Prasad, S. K. | A generic approach for aligning liquid crystals using solution-processed 2D materials on ITO-free surfaces | Journal of Materials Chemistry C | 12 | 10707-10717 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Hossain, M., M. , H., Ghosh, R., Rathod, R., & Santra, P. K. | Insights into the Cation Migration Kinetics across 2D/3D Perovskite Interfaces and Strategy for Its Prevention | The Journal of Physical Chemistry C | 128 | 10936-10944 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Dutta, P., Mondal, I., Saha, A., & Singh, A. K. | Complementary Electrochromic Device via A Single-Step Scalable Solution Process: A Step Towards Affordable And Energy-Efficient Smart Windows | Journal of Materials Chemistry C | 12 | 11446-11457 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Behera, P. K., Chen, F. R., Mondal, I., Lenka, S., Gautam, P., Khatiwoda, N., Siddiqui, I., Krishnaprasad, V. E., Ahmed, R., Rao, D. S. S., Senanayak, S. P., Jou, J. & Achalkumar, A. S. | Superior electron mobility, red electroluminescence with high quantum efficiency from printable room temperature columnar liquid crystalline perylene bisimide | Chemical Engineering Journal | 488 | 150762 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Shibu, A., Dsouza, Anusha., Akkera, H. S., Giresha, A. S., & Kambhala, N. | Structural, optical, and photocatalytic properties of nano-scaled g-C3N4materials | Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing | 130 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | ||
Sahoo, R. C., Sahoo, P., Mohanta, M. K., Jena, P., & Matte, H. | Solution Processing of Spinel Nickel Cobaltite: Exfoliation Mechanism, Dispersion Stability, and Applications | Inorganic Chemistry | 63 | 7838-7847 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Behera, P. K., Lenka, S., Chen, F. R., Gautam, P., Siddiqui, I., Rao, D. S. S.,Jou, J.H. &Achalkumar, A. S. | Highly fluorescent room temperature liquid crystalline S-annulated swallow tail perylene bisimide exhibiting enhanced electroluminescence (EQE>11%). | Journal of Materials Chemistry C | 12 | 6893-6904 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Ganesha Krishna, V. S., G, M. K., Jagadeesha, C. S., Hakkeem, H., Singh, A. K., & Kulkarni, G. U. | Ultrathin Sputtered NiO Films for Enhanced Electrochromic Performance in Smart Windows | Journal of Materials Chemistry A | 12 | 19378-19391 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
. Ganesha, M. K., Hakkeem, H., & Singh, A. K. | Redox Potential Based Self-Powered Electrochromic Devices for Smart Windows | Small | 2403156 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | ||
Prakasha, B. S., Shukla, G., & Subramanian, A. | Discriminative analysis of volatile organic compounds using machine-learning assisted Au loaded ZnO and TiO 2-based thin film sensors | Sensors and Actuators a-Physical | 373 | 115385 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Rahaman, S., Raza, A., Lone, A. R., Muaz, M., Zaidi, S. M. H., Adeeb, M. A., Sama, F., Pandey, Kavita & Ahmad, A. | Eco-friendly synthesis of an α-Fe2O3/rGO nanocomposite and its application in high-performance asymmetric supercapacitors | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 26 | 16273-16286 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Naduvil Kovilakath, M. S., Alex, C., Rao, N. N., Bagchi, D., Tayal, A., Peter, S. C., & John, N. S. | Unfolding the Significance of Regenerative Active Species in Nickel Hydroxide-Based Systems for Sustained Urea Electro-Oxidation | Chemistry of Materials | 36 | 5343-5355 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Verma, A., Hari M, A., & Karumuthil, S. C. | Vanadium disulfide-incorporated polymer nanocomposites for flexible piezoelectric energy generators and road safety sensors | Journal of Materials Chemistry A | 12 | 12721-12732 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Sahoo, P., Gangaiah, V. K., Singh, K., Narwal, A., Reddy, S. K., Yamijala, S. S. R. K. C., Rao, K. D. M. & Matte, H. S. S. R. | Identification of Environmentally Friendly Solvents to Exfoliate and Stabilize the Dispersions of Antimony Sulfide Nanosheets for Optoelectronic Applications | ACS Applied Nano Materials | 7 | 13447-13456 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Parvin, A., Mitra, S., Das, M. K., Chakraborty, S., Kanakala, M. B., & Yelamaggad, C. V. | Exploring the nematic to twist-bend nematic phase transition: calorimetric and optical measurements | Liquid Crystals | 1.14 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | ||
Veerabhadraiah, S. R., Bhat, S. A., Sharma, R. K., Yelamaggad, C. V., & Naik, N. | Comparative Study on Solvothermal and Sonochemical Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanomaterials and Unraveling the Efficacy in Sunscreen Formulations for Enhanced UV Protection | Chemistryselect | 9 | e202400617 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Khatun, N., & Nair, G. G | Effect of High-Index Nanoparticles on the Emission Properties of a Dye-Doped Blue Phase Liquid Crystal | Chemistry of Materials | 36 | 4726-4735 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Deshpande, P. S., Radhakrishnan, T., & Prasad, B. L. V. | Establishing a new efficiency descriptor for methanol oxidation reaction and its validation with commercially available Pt-based catalysts | Fuel Cells | e2300199 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | ||
Mahadev, A. P., Kavitha, C., Perutil, J. R., John, N. S., & Sudheeksha, H. C., | Flower-like Ag-decked non-stoichiometric Bi2O3−x/rGO hybrid nanocomposite SERS substrates for an effective detection of Rhodamine 6G dye molecules | RSC Advances | 14 | 11951-11968 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Mukherjee, G., Verma, A., Madhu, A. H., Prasad, B. L. V., & Cherumannil Karumuthil, S | Polymer Nanocomposites with UiO-Derived Zirconia Fillers for Energy Generation and Pressure-Sensing Devices: The Role of Crystal Structure and Surface Characteristics | ACS Applied Nano Materials | DOI | Yes | ||||
Das, G., Ibrahim, F. A., Khalil, Z. A., Bazin, P., Chandra, F., AbdulHalim, R. G., Prakasam, Thirumurugan., Das, Akshaya Kumar., Sharma, Sudhir Kumar., Varghese, Sabu., Kirmizialtin, Serdal., Jagannathan, Ramesh., Saleh, Na'il., Benyettou, Farah., Roz, Mohamad El., Addicoat, Matthew., Olson, Mark A., Rao, D. S. Shankar., Prasad, S. Krishna & Trabolsi, A. | Ionic Covalent Organic Framework as a Dual Functional Sensor for Temperature and Humidity | Small | 2311064 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | ||
Baghla, A., Punjani, V., Rao, D. S. S., Prasad, S. K., & Pal, S. K. | Mesomorphic and dielectric properties of strategically designed chiral bent-core liquid crystals displaying wide temperature range dark conglomerate phase | Journal of Materials Chemistry C | 12 | 3915-3924 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Vishwanathan, S., Pandey, H., & Ramakrishna Matte, H. S. S | Amorphous Anode Materials for Fast-charging Lithium-ion Batteries | Chemistry – A European Journal | e202303840 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | ||
Alex, C., Naduvil Kovilakath, M. S., Rao, N. N., Sathiskumar, C., Tayal, A., Meesala, L., Kumar, Pramod & John, N. S. | In-situ generated Ni(OH)2 on chemically activated spent catalyst sustains urea electro-oxidation in extensive alkaline conditions | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | 59 | 390-399 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Behera, P. K., Chen, F.-R., Gautam, P., Roy, M., Rao, D. S. S., Yelamaggad, C. V.,Jou, J.H. & Ammathnadu Sudhakar, A | Tuning the Liquid Crystallinity and Electroluminescence via Sulfonation of S-Annulated Perylene Tetraester | Chemistry – A European Journal | e202304333 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | ||
Chaudhary, R., Yadav, A., Bahota, A. S., Agrawal, N., Prasad, V., Araújo, B. S., Ayala, Alejandro Pedro., Singh, Swapnil & Tandon, P | Unraveled mesophase dynamics of discotic liquid crystal using combination of vibrational spectroscopy and DFT | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 397 | 124076 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Rathod, R., Kapse, S., Pal, D., Das, M. R., Thapa, R., & Santra, P. K. | Restricting Anion Migrations by Atomic Layer-Deposited Alumina on Perovskite Nanocrystals while Preserving Structural and Optical Properties | Chemistry of Materials | 36 | 1719-1727 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Lobo, K., Sumbe, P. R., More, M. A., Late, D. J., & Ramakrishna Matte, H. S. S. | Solution-based electrostatic self-assembly route for obtaining graphene–transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures | Dalton Transactions | 53 | 3465-3469- | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Dahiya, Y., Sharma, K., Singh, R., Ganesha, M. K., Singh, A. K., Kumar, M., Ichikawa, Takayuki., Sarkar, Debasish & Jain, A. | High-capacity all-solid-state Li-ion battery using MOF-derived carbon-encapsulated iron phosphide as anode material | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | 976 | 173288 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Pal, D., Maity, D., De, D., Ganesha, M. K., Singh, A. K., Bhaladhare, S., & Khan, G. G. | Citrate modulation of CoAl(OH)x Catalyst/Sb–TiO2 nanorods interface boosting photocarrier separation and injection for enhanced water oxidation | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | 51 | 52-65 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Vishwanathan, S., Chithaiah, P., Matte, H. S. S. R., & Rao, C. N. R. | 3R-NbS2 as a highly stable anode for sodium-ion batteries | Chemical Communications | 60 | 1309-1312 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Krishnamurthy, K. S. | Nematic and twist-bend nematic drops of surfactant-doped CB7CB as colloidal inclusions: topological defects and field effects | Liquid Crystals | 1-21 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | ||
Pramanik, A., Mahapatra, P. L., Tromer, R., Xu, J., Costin, G., Li, Chenxi., Saju, Sreehari., Alhashim, Salma., Pandey, Kavita., Srivastava, Anchal., Vajtai, Robert., Galvao, Douglas S., Tiwary, Chandra Sekhar & Ajayan, P. M | Biotene: Earth-Abundant 2D Material as Sustainable Anode for Li/Na-Ion Battery | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |||
Purushotham, N., Bhat, S., Puthran, D., Poojary, B., Yelamaggad, C. V., Madan Kumar, S., & Kamat, V | Exploring a new class of efficient boranil-like fluorescent benzoxazaborinines engendered from amino acid counterparts: A synthetic and spectral investigation | Dyes and Pigments | 222 | 111878 | 2024 | DOI | Yes | |
Maity, M., Bala, I., Kanakala, M. B., Gupta, S. P., Yelamaggad, C. V., & Pal, S. K. | Tailoring Chiral Discotic Liquid Crystals: Mesophase Engineering through Alternative Approaches and Chain Lengths | Chemistry – An Asian Journal | e202300936 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | ||
Ture, S. A., Pattathil, S. D., Yelamaggad, C. V., & Venkataraman, A | Exploring the Fluorescence Quenching of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Doped Polyaniline by Energetic Nitrocompounds | Chemistryselect | 8 | e202301662 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Dutta, P., Verma, M., Paliwal, M. S., Mondal, I., Ganesha, M. K., Gupta, R., Singh, A.K & Kulkarni, G. U., | Dual-Functional Electrochromic Smart Window Using WO3·H2O-rGO Nanocomposite Ink Spray-Coated on a Low-Cost Hybrid Electrode | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |||
Sahoo, P., Sahoo, R. C., & Matte, H. S. S. R., | Determination of Hansen Solubility Parameter and In Situ Visualization of Dispersion Stability of Solution-Processed Antimonene | ACS Applied Nano Materials | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |||
Anurag Mukherjee & Goutam Ghosh | Light Regulated Morphology Control in Supramolecular Polymers | Nanoscale | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |||
Behera, P. K., Yadav, K., Rao, D. S. S., Pandey, U. K., & Sudhakar, A. A | Self-Assembled anti-Napthalene-3,4:9,10-bis(benzimidazole)s: Stabilizing Room Temperature Columnar Phase with Ambipolar Conductivity | ACS Applied Electronic Materials | 5 | 5417-5421 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Roy, R., Ganesha, M. K., Dutta, P., Pal, D., & Singh, A. K. | High-Performance Aqueous Electrochromic Battery for Smart Window Application: Mechanistic Insights of Al-Ion (De)Intercalation Kinetics in Thickness-Optimized WO3 | ACS Applied Energy Materials | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |||
Pisharody, G. R., Sahoo, P., Rao, D. S. S., Matte, H. S. S. R., Sikdar, D., & Prasad, S. K. | IR regulation through preferential placement of h-BN nanosheets in a polymer network liquid crystal | Materials Horizons | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |||
Teli, Y. A., Reetu, R., Singh, P. G., Patel, M. J., Dash, S., Paine, S., Prabhakar, P.S., Singh, V., Keremane, K.S., Al-Zaqri, N., Mukherjee, K., Dutta, S. & Malakar, C. C. | Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Pd@rGO−CuFe2O4 Magnetic Nanoparticles: A Recyclable Catalyst for C−C Coupling Reaction in Biomass-Derived Organic Solvent | Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry | e202300481 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | ||
Sahoo, R., Reshma, C., Shankar Rao, D. S., Yelamaggad, C. V., & Krishna Prasad, S. | Dimer-parity dependent odd–even effects in photoinduced transitions to cholesteric and twist grain boundary SmC* mesophases: PBG characteristics | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 106 |
044702 |
2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Kommula, B., Prabhu B, R., Kopperi, H., Bhat, V. S., Hegde, G., & John, N. S. | Diverse Morphologies of Nb2O5 Nanomaterials: A Comparative Study for the Growth Optimization of Elongated Spiky Nb2O5 and Carbon Nanosphere Composite | Particle & Particle Systems Characterization | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |||
Shimpi, J. R., Thomas, R., Meena, S. K., & Prasad, B. L. V | Influence of van der Waals Interactions between the Alkyl Chains of Surface Ligands on the Size and Size Distribution of Nanocrystals Prepared by the Digestive Ripening Process | Langmuir | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |||
Bhattacharjee, K., Vaidya, S. S., Pathak, T., Shimpi, J. R., & Prasad, B. L. V., | Topological phases in nanoparticle monolayers: can crystalline, hexatic, and isotropic-fluid phases coexist in the same monolayer? | Soft Matter | 19 | 7271-7280 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Mounika, P. M., Ambapuram, M., Maddala, G., Kalvapalli, S., Ganesha, M. K., Singh, A. K.,Thota,N.,Rajesh, M.N., Giribabu, L., Venkateshwarlu, K .& Mitty, R. | Unveiling a New Frontier in Efficient Solar Power Conversion with a Pioneering Bifacial Tandem Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell | ACS Applied Electronic Materials | 5 | 5661-5667 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Rashid, T., Raza, A., Saleh, H. A. M., Khan, S., Rahaman, S., Pandey, K., AlDamen, Murad A., Sama, Farasha., Ahmad, Absar., Shahid, M. & Ahmad, S. A. | Green Synthesis of Ni/Fe3O4/rGO Nanocomposites for Desulfurization of Fuel | ACS Applied Nano Materials | 6 | 18905-18917 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Chithaiah, P., Sahoo, R. C., Seok, J. H., Lee, S. U., Matte, H. S. S. R., & Rao, C. N. R | NbO2 a Highly Stable, Ultrafast Anode Material for Li- and Na-Ion Batteries | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 15 | 45868-45875 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Khatun, N., Vimala, S., & Nair, G. Geetha. | Towards complete photonic band gap in a high refractive index nanoparticle-doped blue phase liquid crystal | Nanoscale | 15 | 17808-17817 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Arfin, H., Rathod, R., Shingote, A. S., Priolkar, K. R., Santra, P. K., & Nag, A. | Short-Wave Infrared Emissions from Te4+–Ln3+ (Ln: Er, Yb)-Codoped Cs2NaInCl6 Double Perovskites | Chemistry of Materials | 35 | 7133-7143 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Pramanik, H. A. R., Kharpan, B., Bhattacharya, B., Bhattacharjee, C. R., Paul, P. C., Sarkar, U., Prasad, S.K & Rao, D. S. S. | Mononuclear photoluminescent salicylaldimato copper(II) complex: synthesis, characterization, mesomorphic investigation and DFT study | Soft Materials | 21 | 280-292 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Basavaraja, B. M., Bantwal, R. P., Tripathi, A., Hegde, G., John, N. S., Thapa, R., Hegde, G., Balakrishna R.G., Saxena, M., Altaee, A & Samal, A. K. | Functionalized Silver Nanocubes for the Detection of Hazardous Analytes through Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering: Experimental and Computational Studies | ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering | 11 | 10605-10619 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Chamanmalik, M. I., Antony, A. M., Yelamaggad, C. V., Patil, S. A., & Patil, S. A. | Biogenic Silver Nanoparticles/Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxides with Peroxidase-like Activity for Mercury Detection and Antibacterial Activity | Molecules | 28 | 5754 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Antony, A. M., Chamanmalik, M. I., Kandathil, V., Sampatkumar, H. G., Sasidhar, B. S., Yelamaggad, C. V., & Patil, S. A. | Biomacromolecule supported N-heterocyclic carbene-palladium(II) as a novel catalyst for Suzuki-Miyaura and Mizoroki-Heck cross-coupling reactions | Cellulose | 30 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | ||
M, Athira. C., Cherumannil Karumuthil, S., Singh, A. K., & Prasad, B. L. V. | Electrodeposited Co–Mn–Sn multicomponent alloy as an efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |||
Lobo, K., Gangaiah, V. K., Chandraraj, A., John, N. S., & Matte, H. S. S. R. | Spontaneous decoration of Ultrasmall Pt Nanoparticles on size-separated MoS2 nanosheets | Chemistry – A European Journal | 29 | e202301596 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
D., Mehta, S., Mandal, S., Mahata, A., Pramanik, T., Kamilya, S., Vidhan, A., Guru Row., Tayur N., Santra, Pralay K., Sarkar, Shaibal K., De Angelis, Filippo., Mondal, Abhishak & Sarma, D. D. | Realizing the Lowest Bandgap and Exciton Binding Energy in a Two-Dimensional Lead Halide System | Journal of the American Chemical Society | 145 | 15896–15905 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Vishwanathan, Savithri., & Matte, H. S. S. R | Low temperature synthesis of crystalline pyrite FeS2 for high energy density supercapacitors | Chemical Communications | 59 | 9263-9266 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Khatun, N., Sridurai, V., Csorba, K. F., & Nair, G. G. | Topological defects stabilized by a soft twist-bend dimer and quantum dots lead to a wide thermal range and ultra-fast electro-optic response in a liquid crystalline amorphous blue phase | Journal of Materials Chemistry C | 11 |
9686-9694 |
2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Raju, A., Kuthanapillil, J., Mathews, M., Rao, D. S. S., Vallooran, J. J., & John, G. | Modulating nanostructure morphology and mesomorphic properties using unsaturation in cardanol-azo benzenes | Chemical Communications | 59 | 5090-5093 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Vishwakarma, V. K., Roy, M., Singh, R., Rao, D. S. S., Paily, R., & Sudhakar, A. A. | Liquid-Crystalline Naphthalene and Perylene Bisimides with a D-2-pi(2)-A Architecture for High-Mobility Organic Field-Effect Transistors | ACS Applied Electronic Materials | 5 | 2351–2364 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Mondal, I., Ganesha, M. K., Singh, A. K., & Kulkarni, G. U. | Affordable Smart Windows with Dual-Functionality: Electrochromic Color Switching and Charge Storage | Advanced Materials Technologies | 2300651 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | ||
Varshini, G. V., Rao, D. S. S., & Prasad, S. K. | Anisotropic sol–gel transition and morphological aspects of a hierarchical network of nematic gel and a superimposed photopolymer | Journal of Materials Chemistry C | 11 | 7682-7696 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Alex, C., Jana, R., Ramakrishnan, V., Naduvil Kovilakath, M. S., Datta, A., John, N. S., & Tayal, A | Probing the Evolution of Active Sites in MoO2 for Hydrogen Generation in Acidic Medium | ACS Applied Energy Materials | 6 | 5342-5351 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Rathore, H. K., Hariram, M., Ganesha, M. K., Singh, A. K., Das, D., Kumar, M. & Sarkar, D., | Understanding supercapacitive performance of a N-doped vanadium carbide/carbon composite as an anode material in an all pseudocapacitive asymmetric cell. | Sustainable Energy & Fuels | 7 | 2613-2626 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Behera, P. K., Yadav, K., Kumar, N., Gupta, R. K., Rao, D. S. S., Pandey, U. K., & Achalkumar, A. S., | First example of ambipolar naphthalene diimide exhibiting a room temperature columnar phase | Chemical Communications | 59 | 6028-6031 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Deshpande, P., & Prasad, B. L. V. | Alloying with Mn Enhances the Activity and Durability of the CoPt Catalyst toward the Methanol Oxidation Reaction | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 15 | 26554-26562 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Bhardwaj, A., Puthoor, N. M., Matte, H. S. S. R., & Nair, G. G. | Metal-free radiative cooling polymer films containing high bandgap materials employing a tandem approach | Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer | 298 | 108495 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Das, R., Hossain, M., Mahata, A., Swain, D., De Angelis, F., Santra, P. K., & Sarma, D. D | Unique Chiro-optical Properties of the Weakly-2D (R-/S-MBA)2CuBr4 Hybrid Material | ACS Materials Letters | 5 | 1556-1564 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Das, S., Hossain, M., & Samanta, A | Stable and Intense Violet-Emitting CsPbCl3 Nanocrystals for Light-Emitting Diodes: Directly Obtained by L-Type Surface Passivation | ACS Applied Nano Materials | 6 | 4812-4820 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Sahoo, R. C., Moolayadukkam, S., Seok, J. H., Lee, S. U., & Matte, H. | Enhanced charge storage capacity and high rate capabilities of Ni2Co-layered double hydroxides/expanded-graphite composites as anodes for Li-ion batteries | Journal of Materials Chemistry A, | 11 | 7142-7151 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Behera, P. K., Yadav, K., Rao, D. S. S., Pandey, U. K., & Sudhakar, A. A | Ambipolar Columnar Self-assembled Organic Semiconductors based on Heteroatom bay-Annulated Perylene Bisimides | Chemistry-an Asian Journal | 18 | e202300086 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Xavier, P., Bhat, S. A., Yelamaggad, C. V., & Viswanath, P | Phase behaviour and adsorption of deoxyribonucleic acid onto an azobenzene liquid crystalline ligand at the interfaces | Biophysical Chemistry | 296 | 106980 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
M, Arjun Hari, Karumuthil, S. C., & Rajan, L | Optimization of PVDF nanocomposite based flexible piezoelectric tactile sensors: A comparative investigation | Sensors and Actuators A: Physical | 353 | 114215 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Roy, R., Mondal, I., & Singh, A. K., | Fabrication of an anodized nanoporous aluminium (AAO/Al) transparent electrode as an ITO alternative for PDLC smart windows | Materials Advances | 4 | 923-931 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Mondal, I., Awasthi, N., Ganesha, M. K., Singh, A. K., & Kulkarni, G. U | Cost-Effective Smart Window: Transparency Modulation via Surface Contact Angle Controlled Mist Formation | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 15 | 3613-3620 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Veerabhadraswamy B.N.,Khatavi, S. Y.,Rathod, A. S.,Kanakala, M. B.,ao, D. S. Shankar Rao and Yelamaggad, C. V. | Tris(boranil) Columnar Liquid Crystalline Fluorophores: pseudo-Triphenylene Boron(III) Complexes with Peripheral N-B-O Linkages | Chemistry-a European Journal | 29 | e202202 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Pritha Dutta, Subash C K, Rahuldeb Roy and Ashutosh K. Singh |
Highly Stable Poly(o-methoxyaniline)/WO3-Nanoflower Composite-Based Electrochromic Supercapacitors with Real-Time Charge Indication |
ACS Applied Polymer Materials | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |||
Goutam Ghosh | Pathway Dependent Controlled Supramolecular Polymerization of Peptides | Giant | 14 | 100160 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Swati Sharma, Akanksha Adaval, Shiva Singh, Pradip K. Maji, Cherumannil Karumuthil Subash, Valiyaveetil Haneefa Shafeeq and Arup R. Bhattacharyya | Influence of graphene oxide on rheology, mechanical, dielectric, and triboelectric properties of poly(vinyl alcohol) nanocomposite hydrogels prepared via a facile one-step process | Soft Matter | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |||
Mukhesh K G, Indrajit Mondal, Ashutosh K. Singh, G. U. Kulkarni | >Fabrication of Large-Area, Affordable Dual-Function Electrochromic Smart Windows by Using a Hybrid Electrode Coated with an Oxygen-Deficient Tungsten Oxide Ultrathin Porous Film | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |||
Bhattacharjee, Kaustav & Prasad, B L. V. | Surface functionalization of inorganic nanoparticles with ligands: a necessary step for their utility | Chemical Society reviews | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |||
Chaudhary, RajniChaudhary, RajniYadav, ArtiSingh Bahota, AshokSingh, Swapnilde Castro Fonseca, JéssicaPedro Ayala, AlejandroPrasad, VeenaTandon, Poonam |
Monitoring structural fluctuations of discotic liquid crystal during phase transitions |
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy | 295 | 122619 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
Adaval, A.Subash, C. K.Shafeeq, V. H, Singh, S.Maji, P. K.Aslam, M.Turney, T. W.Simon & G. P.Bhattacharyya, A. R. | Exploring interfacial interactions, dielectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene/graphene oxide nanocomposites | Journal of Applied Polymer Science | 140 | 2022 | Yes | |||
Shruti Rani, Vidhika Punjani, Santosh P Gupta,Madhu B Kanakala, C V Yelamaggad & Kumar Pal | Observation of helical self-assembly in cyclic triphosphazene-based columnar liquid crystals bearing chiral mesogenic units | Journal of Materials Chemistry C | 11 | 1067-1075 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Akanksha Adaval, Subash C K, V H Shafeeq, Shiva Singh, Pradip K. Maji,Mohammed Aslam,Terence W T, G P Simon & Arup R Bhattacharyya | Exploring interfacial interactions, dielectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene/graphene oxide nanocomposites | Journal of Applied Polymer Science | 140 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | ||
K. S. Krishnamurthy, D. S. Shankar Rao, Shreya Sharma.& C V Yelamaggad. | Structure, stability, and electro-optic features of nematic drops in 1",7"-bis(4-cyanobiphenyl-4'-yl)heptane-surfactant binary systems. | Physical Review E | 105 | 024709 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Akanksha Adaval, Subash C K, V H Shafeeq, Mohammed Aslam,Terence W. Turney,George P. Simon & Arup R.Bhattacharyya |
A comprehensive investigation on the influence of processing techniques on the morphology, structure, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of poly (vinylidene fluoride)/Graphene oxide nanocomposites | Polymer | 256 | 125239 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Paresh K. Behera, Mangey R M, Ravindra K. Gupta, Sibasankar Pradhan, D S Shankar Rao, S.Krishna Prasad,Luke The, Abhijeet Choudhury, Jwo-Huei Jou & A S Achal Kumar. | Highly stable deep red-to-NIR OLEDs with an external quantum efficiency of 4.9% from room temperature nanostructured columnar fluids based on hetero atom bay-annulated perylene bisimides | Journal of Materials Chemistry C | 48 | 18351-18365 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Amit Bhardwaj, Navas M P & Geetha G. Nair. | Dynamic Tuning and Swapping of Electric and Magnetic Dipolar Mie Resonances in High Index Dielectric Particles Dispersed in an Anisotropic Medium | Particle & Particle Systems Characterization |
2200107 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Amit Bhardwaj, Vimala Sridurai, Navas M P & Geetha G. Nair. | Enhanced Mie resonance in a low refractive index colloidal metamaterial aided by nematic liquid crystal | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 346 | 117116 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Sachin A.Bhat & C V. Yelamaggad. | The Fluorometric Detection of Explosives: An Application of Photoluminiscent Coordination Polymers | ACS Applied Polymer Materials | 4 | 7126-7134 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Bhavvya, M. B, Ramya Prabhu B,Anjana Tripathi, Sudesh Yadav, Neena S. John,Ranjit Thapa,Ali Altaee, Manav Saxena & Akshaya K.Samal. |
A Unique Bridging Facet Assembly of Gold Nanorods for the Detection of Thiram through Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering |
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering | 10 | 7330-7340 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Marilyn E DMello, Ramesh C. Sahoo, Rajamani Raghunathan, H S S R Matte, Priyanka Yadav, Ganapathi V.Shanbhag & Suresh Babu Kalidindi | Pd (II) decorated conductive two-dimensional chromium-pyrazine metal-organic framework for rapid detection of hydrogen. | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | 47 | 9477-9483 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Marilyn E DMello, Savithri Vishwanathan, Vasudeva Rao Bakura, Ganapathi V.Shanbhag & Suresh Babu Kalidindi | Metal-Organic Framework-Derived Co-Doped ZnO Nanostructures Anchored on N-Doped Carbon as a Room-Temperature Chemiresistive Hydrogen Sensor. | ACS Applied Nano Materials | 6 | 238-247 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
M. Arjun Hari, Subash C.K., Soney Varghese & Lintu Ranjan | Performance Enhancement of Flexible and Self-Powered PVDF-ZnO Based Tactile Sensors | IEEE Sensors Journal | 22 | 9336-9343 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Syed Lidia Hossain, Manoj Mathews, Veerabhadra Swamy B N, B Kiran Kumar, C V Yelamaggad & C Rajendra Singh | Antiproliferative, apoptosis-inducing activity and molecular docking studies of sydnones compounds | Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics | 18 | 681-690 | 2022 | DOI |
Yes | |
Divya Jayoti,Akhil R. Peeketi,Ratna K A & S Krishna Prasad | Dynamics of the photo-thermo-mechanical actuations in NIR-dye doped liquid crystal polymer networks. | Soft Matter | 18 | 3358-3368 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Priyanka Kanth,D S Shankar Rao,S Krishna Prasad & Bachcha Singh | Investigation of mesomorphic, photophysical and gelation behavior in aroylhydrazone based liquid crystals: Observation of mesophase crossover phenomena | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 346 | 117084 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Suman Kundu & G U Kulakrni | Fabrication of High-performance Supercapacitors Using Hierarchical MnO2 Nanostructures on a Frosted Glass Surface | Energy Technology | 10 | 2200505 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Raju Laishram, Souvik Sarkar, Indranil Seth, Nurjahan Khatun, Vinod Kumar Aswal, Uday Maitra & Subi J. George | Secondary Nucleation-Triggered Physical Cross-Links and Tunable Stiffness in Seeded Supramolecular Hydrogels | Journal of the American Chemical Society | 144 | 11306-11315 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Kenneth Lobo, Vijaya Kumara G,Harsha Priya & H S S R Matte | Spontaneous formation of gold nanoparticles on MoS2 nanosheets and its impact on solution-processed optoelectronic devices | Iscience | 25 | 104120 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Kenneth Lobo, Rohit Thakur, S. Krishna Prasad & H S S R Matte | Solution-processed 2D materials on paper substrates for photodetection and photomechanical applications. J | Journal of Material Chemistry C | 10 | 18326-18335 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Indrajit Mondal, Mukhesh K. Ganesha, Ashutosh K. Singh & G U Kulkarni | Inkjet printing aided patterning of transparent metal mesh for wearable tactile and proximity sensors | Materials letters | 312 | 131724 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Indrajit Mondal & G U Kulkarni | Lithography-Free Fabrication of Periodic Metal Network for Ultra-Sensitive Transparent and Unidirectional Strain Sensor in Health-Monitoring Applications | Advanced Materials Interfaces | 9 | 2200020 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Patrick Oswald, Guilhem Poy & K. S. Krishnamurthy |
Structure and Lehmann rotation of drops in a surfactant-doped bent-core liquid crystal | Physical Review E | 106 |
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2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Sourav Patranabish, Aloka Sinha, Madhu B Kanakala & C V Yelamaggad | Nematic twist-bend phase of a bent liquid crystal dimer: field-induced deformations of the helical structure and macroscopic polarization |
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter |
34 | 465101 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Pradip C. Paul, Utpal Sarkar, Jyotirmoy Deb, S. Krishna Prasad & D.S. Shankar Rao |
A new N2O2-donor compartmental Schiff base ligand and its cadmium(II) complex: synthesis, mesogenic and photoluminescent properties | Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |||
S. Krishna Prasad, Sandeep Kumar & Corrie T Imrie | B K Sadashiva Commemorative Issue PREFACE | Liquid Crystals | 49 | 907 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Hem Kanwar Rathore, Muruganandham Hariram, Kamlendra Awasthi, Manoj Kumar, Debasish Sarkar, Mukhesh K. Ganesha, Ashutosh K. Singh, Debanjan Das & Ashok Shukla |
Partially carbonized tungsten oxide as electrode material for asymmetric supercapacitors | Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry | 26 (9) | 2039-2048 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Hem Kanwar Rathore, Muruganandham Hariram, Mukhesh K. Ganesha, Ashutosh K.Singh, Debanjan Das, Manoj Kumar, Kamlendra Awasthi & Debasish Sarkar |
Charge storage mechanism in vanadium telluride/carbon nanobelts as electroactive material in an aqueous asymmetric supercapacitor | Journal of Colloid and Interface Science | 621 | 110-118 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Ramesh Chandra Sahoo, Haijiao Lu, Dimple Garg, Zongyou Yin & H.S.S. Ramakrishna Matte |
Bandgap engineered g-C3N4 and its graphene composites for stable photoreduction of CO2 to methanol | Carbon | 192, | 101-108 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Pragnya Satapathy, Navyashree Vasudeva, James Oinam & S. Krishna Prasad |
Enhanced luminescence, electric-field and actinic-light modulation of emission in nematic-CdSeS gradient nanocrystal composites by polymer confinement | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 347 | 118004 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
G. V. Varshini, Srividhya Parthasarathi, D. S. Shankar Rao and S. Krishna Prasad |
Anisotropic sol-gel transition: the influence of sample thickness, pressure and strain | Soft Matter | 18 | 8792-8803. | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Shivender Yadav, Ashwathanarayana Gowda, D. S. Shankar Rao, S. Krishna Prasad & N. Jayaraman |
Control of smectic layering in mono- vs disaccharide-coated polydiacetylenes | Liquid Crystals | 49 | 1031-1042 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Subash C K, Mukhesh K G, Indrajit Mondal, Ashutosh K. Singh and G. U. Kulkarni | Fabrication of dual-functional electrochromic smart window based on low-cost hybrid transparent electrode coated with a solution-processable polymer | Journal of Materials Chemistry A | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |||
Nandor Ebera, Agnes Bukaa & K S Krishnamurthy. | Electrically driven structures in bent-core materials | Liquid Crystals | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |||
Kempasiddaiah, M.,Raj, K. A. S.,Kandathil, V.,Dateer, R. B.Dateer, R. B.,Sasidhar, B. S,Yelamaggad, C. V.,Rout, C. S. & Patil, S. A. | Waste biomass-derived carbon-supported palladium-based catalyst for cross-coupling reactions and energy storage applications | Applied Surface Science | 570 | 151156 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |
Moolayadukkam, S.,Vishwanathan, S.Vishwanathan, S.,Jun, B.,Lee, S. U. & Matte, HSSR | Unveiling the effect of the crystalline phases of iron oxyhydroxide for highly sensitive and selective detection of dopamine | Dalton Transactions | 50 | 13497-13504 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |
Varshini, G. V.,Satapathy, P.,Rao, D. S. S. & Prasad, S. K. | Multiple pathways to stabilize/induce an ordered phase in a system exhibiting a reentrant sequence | Liquid Crystals | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |||
Cherian, A. R.,Benny, L.,Varghese, A.,John, N. S. & Hegde, G. | Molecularly Imprinted Scaffold Based on poly (3-aminobenzoic acid) for Electrochemical Sensing of Vitamin B-6 | Journal of the Electrochemical Society | 7 | 077512 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |
Eber, N.,Buka, A.,& Krishnamurthy, K. S. | Electrically driven structures in bent-core nematics | Liquid Crystals | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |||
Khatun, N.,Sridurai, V.,Gupta, R. K.,Nath, S.,Kanakala, M. B.,Garain, S.,Achalkumar, A. S., Yelamaggad, C. V. & Nair, G. G. | Effect of Photonic Band Gap on Photoluminescence in a Dye-Doped Blue Phase Liquid Crystal | Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 125(41) | 11582–11590 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |
Chowdhury, A.Chowdhury, A.,Sasidharan, S.,Xavier, P.,Viswanath, P. & Raghunathan, V. A. | Effect of pH on the phase behavior of DMPC bilayers | Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes | 1863(11) | 183695 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |
Patil, V. B.,Nadagouda, M. N.,Ture, S. A.,Yelamaggad, C. V. & | Detection of energetic materials via polyaniline and its different modified forms | Polymers for Advanced Technologies | 32(12) | 4663-4677 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C. V.Yelamaggad, C. V. and Bhat, S. A. | Cholesterol-based nonsymmetric dimers comprising phenyl 4-(benzoyloxy)benzoate core: the occurrence of frustrated phases | Liquid Crystals | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |||
Kundu,Suman;George, Subi J. & Kulkarni, G U | Parts per billion sensitive, highly selective ambient operable, ammonia sensor with supramolecular nanofibres as active element | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical | 347 | 130634 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |
Varshini, G. V., Rao, D. S. S., Hiremath, U. S., Yelamaggad, C. V., & Prasad, S. K. | Dielectric and viscoelastic investigations in a binary system of soft- and rigid-bent mesogens exhibiting the twist-bend nematic phase | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 323 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | ||
Ture, S. A., Pattathil, S. D., Patil, V. B., Yelamaggad, C. V., Martinez-Manez, R., & Abbaraju, V. | Synthesis and fluorescence sensing of energetic materials using benzenesulfonic acid-doped polyaniline. | Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |||
Ture, S. A., Patil, V. B., Yelamaggad, C. V., Martinez-Manez, R., & Abbaraju, V. | Understanding of mechanistic perspective in sensing of energetic nitro compounds through spectroscopic and electrochemical studies | Journal of Applied Polymer Science | 138(32) | 2021 | DOI | Yes | ||
Satapathy, P., Adiga, R., Kumar, M., Hegde, G., & Prasad, S. K. | Porous nanocarbon particles drive large magnitude and fast photomechanical actuators | Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |||
Pathak, G., Hegde, G., & Prasad, V. | Octadecylamine-capped CdSe/ZnS quantum dot dispersed cholesteric liquid crystal for potential display application: Investigation on photoluminescence and UV absorbance | Liquid Crystals | 48(4) | 579-587 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |
Nayak, R. A., Veerabhadraswamy, B. N., Rao, D. S. S., Sudhakar, A. A., & Yelamaggad, C. V. | Room-Temperature, Deep-Red/NIR-Emissive, C-3-Symmetric (n,pi-conjugated) Columnar Liquid Crystals: C-3h-Tris(keto-hydrazone)s | ACS Omega | 6(4) | 3291-3306 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |
Mandal, S., Gupta, R. K., Pathak, S. K., Rao, D. S. S., Prasad, S. K., Sudhakar, A. A., & Jana, C. K. | Metal-free C-H functionalization of pyrrolidine to pyrrolinium-based room temperature ionic liquid crystals | New Journal of Chemistry | 45(18) | 8064-8071 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |
Lobo, K., Sahoo, P., Kurapati, R., Krishna, V. K., Patil, V., Pandit, A., & Matte, H.S.S.R. | Additive-free Aqueous Dispersions of Two-Dimensional Materials with Glial Cell Compatibility and Enzymatic Degradability | Chemistry-a European Journal | 27(26) | 7434-7443 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |
Krishnamurthy, K. S., Rao, D. S. S., Kanakala, M. B., & Yelamaggad, C. V. | Electric response of topological dipoles in nematic colloids with twist-bend nematic droplets as the dispersed phase | Physical Review E | 103(4) | 2021 | DOI | Yes | ||
Khatun, N., Sridurai, V., Pujar, R., Kanakala, M. B., Choudhary, S. K., Kulkarni, G. U.,Yelamaggad, C. V., & Nair, G. G. | Enhanced thermal stability and monodomain growth in a 3D soft photonic crystal aided by graphene substrate | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 325 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | ||
Kar, S., Bramhaiah, K., John, N. S., & Bhattacharyya, S | Insight into the Multistate Emissive N, P-doped Carbon Nano-Onions: Emerging Visible-Light Absorption for Photocatalysis | Chemistry-an Asian Journal | 16(9) | 138-1149 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |
Kanakala, M. B., & Yelamaggad, C. V | Exceptionally Wide Thermal Range Enantiotropic Existence of a Highly Complex Twist Grain Boundary Phase in a Pure, Single-Component Liquid Crystal Chiral Dimer | ACS Omega | 6(17) | 11556-11562 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |
Kanakala, M. B., & Yelamaggad, C. V | Exceptional dual fluorescent, excited-state intramolecular proton-transfer (ESIPT) columnar liquid crystals characterized by J-stacking and large Stokes shifts | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 332 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | ||
Jayaraman, N., & Prasad, S. K | B. K. Sadashiva (1946-2020) | Current Science | 120(7) | 1257-1258 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |
Hossain, M., Chonamada, T. D., & Santra, P. K. | Understanding the Transformation of 2D Layered Perovskites to 3D Perovskites in the Sonochemical Synthesis | Journal of Physical Chemistry C | 125(22) | 12131-12139 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |
Chikkonda, R., Ravindran, A., Saikia, S., Thankamani Sathyanathan, A. R., Chelvane, A., Subramanian, A.,Chinnayya,Kanakkappillavila., Raju,James., & Gangineni, R. B. | Low-frequency ferroelectric switching studies in PVDF thin films across Cu or (Ag/Cu)/PVDF/Cu capacitor structures | Journal of Applied Polymer Science | 138(11) | 50018 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |
Chakraborty, S., Shyam, A., Mondal, P., Prasad, S. K., Rao, D. S. S., & Bhattacharjee, C. R | Liquid crystalline oxovanadium(IV) and copper(II) complexes of halogen-substituted salphen ligands: role of metal and spacer substituents. | Liquid Crystals | 48(6) | 902-914 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |
Bhat, S. A., Rao, D. S. S., Prasad, S. K., & Yelamaggad, C. V. | Chiral plasmonic liquid crystal gold nanoparticles: self-assembly into a circular dichroism responsive helical lamellar superstructure | Nanoscale Advances | 3(8) | 2269-2279 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |
Bhardwaj, A., Sridurai, V., Bhat, S. A., Yelamaggad, C. V., & Nair, G. G. | Photo-tunable epsilon-near-zero behavior in a self-assembled liquid crystal- nanoparticle hybrid material dagger | Nanoscale Advances | 3(9) | 2508-2515 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |
Alex, C., Shukla, G., & John, N. S. | Introduction of surface defects in NiO with effective removal of adsorbed catalyst poisons for improved electrochemical urea oxidation | Electrochimica Acta, | 385 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | ||
Das, N., Borah, D., Acharya, H., Choudhury, S., Prasad, S. K., Rao, D. S. S., & Bhattacharjee, C. R. | Grafting a mesomorphic Schiff base onto gold nanoparticle via ester link - photoluminescence, mesomorphism, electrical conductivity and antioxidant activity | Liquid Crystals | 46(4) | 609-617 | 2020 | DOI | Yes | |
Chakraborty, S., Prasad, S. K., Rao, D. S. S., & Bhattacharjee, C. R. | Photoluminescent nickel(II)-metallomesogens derived from salphen ligands: influence of halogens at the spacer on mesomorphism and emission properties | Liquid Crystals | 46(6) | 872-883 | 2020 | DOI | Yes | |
Bhat, V. S., Kanagavalli, P., Sriram, G., Prabhu, B. R., John, N. S., Veerapandian, M., Kurkuri, M ., & Hegde, G. | Low cost, catalyst free, high performance supercapacitors based on porous nano carbon derived from agriculture waste | Journal of Energy Storage | 32 | 2020 | DOI | Yes | ||
Prasad, S. K. | OBITUARY BK Sadashiva, FNA, 6th December 1946-30th September 2020 | Liquid Crystals | 47(14-15) | 2120-2121 | 2020 | DOI | Yes | |
Mogera, U., & Kulkarni, G. U. | A new twist in graphene research: Twisted graphene | Carbon | 156 | 470-487 | 2020 | DOI | Yes | |
Malkar, D., Monika, M., Prasad, V., & Roy, A. | Pseudopolar smectic-C phases of azo-substituted achiral bent-core hockey-stick-shaped molecules | Physical Review E | 101(1). | 2020 | DOI | Yes | ||
Gedda, M., Das, D., Iyer, P. K., & Kulkarni, G. U. | Work function tunable metal-mesh based transparent electrodes for fabricating indium-free organic light-emitting diodes | Materials Research Express | 7(5) | 2020 | DOI | Yes | ||
K.S. Krishnamurthy,D.S. Shankar Rao, Madhu B.Kanakala,Channabasaveshwar V. Yelamaggad, and N. V. Madhusudana | Saddle-splay-induced periodic edge undulations in smectic-A disks immersed in a nematic medium | . Physical Review E | 101(3) | 2020 | DOI | Yes | ||
Gagandeep Kaur, Pankaj Kumar, Asahwani Kumar Singh, Divya Jayoti and Praveen Malik | Dielectric and electro-optic studies of a ferroelectric liquid crystal dispersed with different sizes of silica nanoparticles | Liquid Crystals | 47(14-15), | 2020 | DOI | Yes | ||
Chithaiah P, Saptarshi Ghosh,Alxendar Rovinsky,Lev Rovinsky, Tsachi Livneh and Alla Zak | Solving the "MoS2 Nanotubes" Synthetic Enigma and Elucidating the Route for Their Catalyst-Free and Scalable Production | ACS Nano | 14(3) | 3004–3016 | 2020 | DOI | Yes | |
Sunil Walia, Ashutosh K Singh, Veena S G Rao, Suryasarathi Bose & Giridhar U Kulkarni | Metal mesh-based transparent electrodes as high-performance EMI shields | Bulletin of Materials Science | 43 | 187 | 2020 | DOI | Yes | |
Ashutosh K. Singh, R.K. Govind, K. Shanmugam, M. G. Sreenivasan and G. U. Kulkarni | Hybrid transparent conducting glasses made of metal nanomesh coated with metal oxide overlayer | Materials Chemistry and Physics | 239 | 121997 | 2020 | DOI | Yes | |
Singh, A. K., & Sarkar, D. | Enhanced Light Absorption and Charge Carrier Management in Core-Shell Fe2O3@Nickel Nanocone Photoanodes for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting | Chemcatchem | 11(24) | 6355-6363 | 2019 | DOI | Yes | |
Das, G., Nagaraja, S., Sridurai, V., Shinde, D. B., Addicoat, M., Prakasam, T.,etal | Redox-Triggered Buoyancy and Size Modulation of a Dynamic Covalent Gel | Chemistry of Materials | 31(11) | 4148-4155 | 2019 | DOI | Yes | |
Chonamada, T. D., Sharma, B., Nagesh, J., Shibu, A., Das, S., Bramhaiah, K.,Rajendar, N.Rajendar, N.,John, N. S.John, N. S. & Santra, P. K. | Origin of Luminescence-Based Detection of Metal Ions by Mn-Doped ZnS Quantum Dots | Chemistryselect | 4(46) | 13551-13557 | 2019 | DOI | Yes | |
Singh, H. K., Gupta, R. K., Singh, S. K., Rao, D. S. S., Prasad, S. K., Achalkumar, A. S., & Singh, B. | Synthesis and self-assembly of aroylhydrazone based polycatenars: A structure-property correlation | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 284 | 282-290 | 2019 | DOI | Yes | |
Varshini, G. V., Rao, D. S. S., Mukherjee, P. K., & Prasad, S. K. | Suppression of the reentrant nematic and stabilization of the smectic phases by carbon nanotubes | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 286 | 2019 | DOI | Yes | ||
Veerabhadraswamy, B. N., Bhat, S. A., Hiremath, U. S., & Yelamaggad, C. V. | Light-Emitting Chiral Nematic Dimers with Anomalous Odd-Even Effect | Chemphyschem | 20(21) | 2836-2851 | 2019 | DOI | Yes | |
Sadhukhan, S., Kumar, A., Kulkarni, G. U., Tarafdar, S., & Dutta, T. | A spring network simulation in three dimensions for designing optimal crack pattern template to fabricate transparent conducting electrodes. | Bulletin of Materials Science | 42(5) | 2019 | DOI | Yes | ||
Sarkar, A., Suresh, K. A., & Gayathri, H. N. | Charge transport in a system of cholesterol molecules deposited on graphene oxide using current sensing atomic force microscope | Materials Today-Proceedings | 11 | 645-650. | 2019 | DOI | Yes | |
Prasad, S. K. | Lead kindly light: spectroscopy and the periodic table | Current Science | 117(12) | 1967-1970 | 2019 | DOI | Yes | |
Exner, G. K., Marinov, Y. G., Perez, E., Prasad, S. K., Yelamaggad, C. V., & Hadjichristov, G. B. | Nanocomposite of polymer liquid crystal/single wall carbon nanotubes: isothermal and non-isothermal phase kinetics. In A. A. Dreischuh, T. Spassov, I. Staude, & D. N. Neshev (Eds.) | International Conference on Quantum, Nonlinear, and Nanophotonics | 11332 | 2019 | Yes | |||
Rasi, U. P. M., Shihab, N. K., Angappane, S., & Gangineni, R. B. | Coexistence of ferromagnetic and spin glass-like magnetic order in Bi10Co16O38-Bi25FeO40 powder composite | Ceramics International | 45(12) | 15171-15177 | 2019 | DOI | Yes | |
Pujar, R., Kumar, A., Rao, K. D. M., Sadhukhan, S., Dutta, T., Tarafdar, S., & Kulkarni, G. U. | Narrowing Desiccating Crack Patterns by an Azeotropic Solvent for the Fabrication of Nanomesh Electrodes | Langmuir | 35(49) | 16130-16135 | 2019 | DOI | Yes | |
Pramanik, H. A. R., Chanda, C., Paul, P. C., Bhattacharjee, C. R., Prasad, S. K., & Rao, D. S. S. | Novel tris-buffer based Schiff base bearing long flexible alkoxy arm and its lanthanide complexes: Mesomorphism and photoluminescence | Journal of Molecular Structure | 1180 | 472-479 | 2019 | DOI | Yes | |
Maji, K., Acharyya, P., Satapathy, P., Prasad, S. K., & Biswas, K. | Mechanochemical Synthesis and Temperature-Dependent Optical Properties of Thermochromic (Ag1-xCux)(2)HgI4 | Chemistry-an Asian Journal | 14(24) | 4641-4644 | 2019 | DOI | Yes | |
Marinov, Y. G., Hadjichristov, G. B., Petrov, A. G., & Prasad, S. K. | UV Light Enhanced Confined Freedericksz Transition in Photoisomerizable Nematic Nanocomposite with Photoactive Molecules of Azobenzene Nematic Liquid Crystal. In T. M. Mishonov & A. M. Varonov (Eds.), | 0th Jubilee Conference of the Balkan Physical Union | 2075 | 2019 | DOI | Yes | ||
Nayak, R. A., Bhat, S. A., Shanker, G., Rao, D. S. S., & Yelamaggad, C. V. | Highly frustrated liquid crystal phases in optically active dimers: synthesis and rich phase transitional behavior | New Journal of Chemistry | 43(5) | 2148-2162 | 2019 | DOI | Yes | |
Mallik, S., Nayak, A., Daschakraborty, S., Kumar, S., & Suresh, K. A. | Supramolecular Self-Assembly of Ionic Discotic Liquid Crystalline Dimer with DNA at Interfaces | Chemistryselect | 3(25) | 7318-7326 | 2018 | DOI | Yes | |
Jayoti, D., Malik, P., & Prasad, S. K. | Effect of ZnO nanoparticles on the morphology, dielectric, electro-optic and photo luminescence properties of a confined ferroelectric liquid crystal material | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 250 | 381-387 | 2018 | DOI | Yes | |
Singh, A. K., & Sarkar, D | A facile approach for preparing densely-packed individual p-NiO/n-Fe2O3 heterojunction nano-wires for photoelectrochemical water splitting | . Nanoscale | 10(27) | 13130-13139 | 2018 | DOI | Yes | |
Rasi, U. P. M., Chelvane, J. A., Angappane, S., Magudapathy, P., Amirthapandian, S., & Gangineni, R. B. | Influence of Thickness on Structural and Magnetic Properties of Co-rich Bi10Co16O38 Sillenite Thin Films | Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism | 31(5) | 1623-1629 | 2018 | DOI | Yes | |
Nagaraju, K., Phanindra, D. V. S., Prasad, S. K., Rao, D. S. S., & Sreekumar, P. | Full Stokes polarimetry using Dual-Frequency Liquid Crystals In C. J. Evans, L. Simard, & H. Takami (Eds.), | Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy Vii | 10702 | 2018 | Yes | |||
Mogera, U., & Kulkarni, G. U. | Twisted multilayer graphene exhibiting strong absorption bands induced by van Hove Singularities | . Bulletin of Materials Science | 41(5) | 2018 | DOI | yes | ||
Hadjichristov, G. B., Marinov, Y. G., Petrov, A. G., & Prasad, S. K. ( | Light-stimulated electro-optics by azo-doped aerosil/7CB nanocomposites | Opto-Electronics Review | 26(2), | 172-182 | 2018 | DOI | Yes | |
Gupta, R. K., Rao, D. S. S., Prasad, S. K., & Achalkumar, A. S. | Columnar Self-Assembly of Electron-Deficient Dendronized Bay-Annulated Perylene Bisimides. | Chemistry-a European Journal | 24(14) | 3566-3575 | 2018 | DOI | Yes | |
Goudappagouda, Gedda, M., Kulkarni, G. U., & Babu, S. S. | One-Dimensional Porphyrin-Fullerene (C-60) Assemblies: Role of Central Metal Ion in Enhancing Ambipolar Mobility | Chemistry-a European Journal | 24(30) | 7695-7701 | 2018 | DOI | Yes | |
Goyal, R., Madhuri, P. L., Prasad, S. K., Hegde, G., & Shanmuganathan, P. V. | Fast Responsive Soft Bio-mimetic Robtic Actuators | Materials Today-Proceedings | 15 | 300-308 | 2019 | DOI | Yes | |
Pandey, Indu and Sekhar, Praveen and Khosla, Ajit | Electrochemically synthesized new class of molecularly imprinted poly-rhodamine b nanodots for the detection of nutritional anaemia biomarker-bovine haemoglobin in salt-sick cattle | Microsystem Technologies | 24:10 | 4225-4235 | 2018 | DOI | Yes | |
Vivek Ramakrishnan, C. Alex, Aruna N. Nair and Neena S. John | Designing Metallic MoO2 Nanostructures on Rigid Substrates for Electrochemical Water Activation | Chemistry – A European Journal | 24:68 | 18003-18011 | 2018 | DOI | Yes | |
Supreet Kaur, Golam Mohiuddin, Pragnya Satapathy, Rajib Nandi, Vidhika Punjani, S. Krishna Prasad and Santanu Kumar Pal | Influence of terminal halogen moieties on the phase structure of short-core achiral hockey-stick-shaped mesogens: design, synthesis and structure–property relationship | Molecular Systems Design & Engineering | 3:5 | 839-852 | 2018 | DOI | Yes | |
Sujeet Dutta and S. Krishna Prasad | Confinement-driven radical change in a sequence of rotator phases: a study on n-octacosane | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 20:37 | 24345-24352 | 2018 | DOI | Yes | |
Marlin Baral, A P Ranjitha, S Krishna Prasad | Confinement of an antiferroelectric liquid crystal in a polymer nanonetwork: thermal and dielectric behaviour | Bulletin of Materials Science | 41:5 | 135 | 2018 | DOI | Yes | |
Saripalli, R. K., Bhat, H. L., & Elizabeth, S. | Glucuronic acid gamma-lactone: an organic nonlinear optical crystal with high laser-induced damage threshold | Optical Engineering | 56(1). | 2017 | DOI | Yes | ||
Monika, M., Roy, A., & Prasad, V. | Smectic nanoclusters in the nematic mesophases of dimeric compounds composed of rod-like azo moieties with lateral substituents | New Journal of Chemistry | 41(20) | 11576-11583 | 2017 | DOI | Yes | |
Debasish Sarkar and Ashutosh K. Singh | Mechanism of Nonvolatile Resistive Switching in ZnO/alpha-Fe2O3 Core–Shell Heterojunction Nanorod Arrays | Journal of Physical Chemistry C | 121:23 | 12953–12958 | 2017 | DOI | Yes | |
K Hareesh, B Shateesh, J F Williams, K Asokan, D M Phase, K Priya Madhuri, S K Haram and S D Dhole | Enhanced supercapacitance behaviour of low energy ion beam reduced graphene oxide | Materials Research Express | 4:6 | 065018 | 2017 | DOI | Yes | |
Arachchige, Indika U. and Armatas, Gerasimos S. and Biswas, Kanishka and Subrahmanyam, Kota S. and Latturner, Susan and Malliakas, Christos D. and Manos, Manolis J. and Oh, Youngtak and Polychronopoulou, Kyriaki and P. Poudeu, Pierre. F. and Trikalitis, Pantelis N. and Zhang, Qichun and Zhao, Li-Dong and Peter, Sebastian C. | Mercouri G. Kanatzidis: Excellence and Innovations in Inorganic and Solid-State Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | 56:14 | 7582-7597 | 2017 | DOI | Yes | |
Ashutosh K. Singh and Debasish Sarkar | Substrate-integrated core–shell Co3O4@Au@CuO hybrid nanowires as efficient cathode materials for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitors with excellent cycle life | Journal of Materials Chemistry A | 5:41 | 21715-21725 | 2017 | DOI | Yes | |
Gaurav Bahuguna and Vikash C. Janu and Vinay Uniyal and Nagaiah Kambhala and S. Angappane and Rakesh K. Sharma and Ritu Gupta | Electrophilic fluorination of alpha-Fe2O3 nanostructures and influence on magnetic properties | Materials & Design | 135 | 84-91 | 2017 | DOI | Yes | |
Saripalli, R. K., Rao, K. R., Kumar, R. S., Bhat, H. L., & Elizabeth, S. | A Study of the Piezoelectric Resonance in Metal Organic NLO Single Crystals: Sodium D-Isoascorbate Monohydrate and Lithium L-Ascorbate Dihydrate. In M. S. Shekhawat, S. Bhardwaj, & B. Suthar (Eds.), | International Conference on Condensed Matter and Applied Physics | 1728 | 2016 | Yes | |||
Saripalli, R. K., Bhat, H. L., & Elizabeth, S. | Bulk growth, structure, optical properties and laser damage threshold of organic nonlinear optical crystals of Imidazolium L-Ascorbate. In J. E. Haley, J. A. Schuller, M. Eich, & J. M. Nunzi (Eds.), | Light Manipulating Organic Materials and Devices Iii | 9939 | 2016 | Yes | |||
Ravi Kiran Saripalli, Handady L. Bhat, Suja Elizabeth | Glucuronic acid gamma-lactone: an organic nonlinear optical crystal with high laser-induced damage threshold | Optical Engineering | 56:1 | 011025 | 2016 | DOI | Yes | |
Ashutosh K. Singh, Debasish Sarkar, Keshab Karmakar, Kalyan Mandal, and Gobinda Gopal Khan | High-Performance Supercapacitor Electrode Based on Cobalt Oxide–Manganese Dioxide–Nickel Oxide Ternary 1D Hybrid Nanotubes | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 8:32 | 20786-20792 | 2016 | DOI | Yes | |
Ravi Kiran Saripalli, Tirthankar Chakraborty, H. L. Bhat, Suja Elizabeth | A study of the piezoelectric resonance in organic single crystal: glucuronic acid γ-lactone | Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing | 122:4 | 438 | 2016 | DOI | Yes | |
Tirthankar Chakraborty, Ruchika Yadav, Suja Elizabeth and H. L. Bhata | Evolution of Jahn–Teller distortion, transport and dielectric properties with doping in perovskite NdFe1−xMnxO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) compounds | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 18:6 | 5316-5323 | 2016 | DOI | Yes | |
Ruchika Yadav, Diptikanta Swain, H. L. Bhat, and Suja Elizabeth | Order-disorder phase transition and multiferroic behaviour in a metal organic framework compound (CH3)2NH2Co(HCOO)3 | Journal of Applied Physics | 119 | 064103 | 2016 | DOI | Yes | |
Ayan Sarkar, Keshab Karmakar, Ashutosh K. Singh, Kalyan Mandal and Gobinda Gopal Khan | Surface functionalized H2Ti3O7 nanowires engineered for visible-light photoswitching, electrochemical water splitting, and photocatalysis | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 18:38 | 26900-26912 | 2016 | DOI | Yes | |
Ravi Kiran Saripalli, Sanath Kumar, H. L. Bhat, Suja Elizabeth | Investigations on growth, structure, optical properties and laser damage threshold of organic nonlinear optical crystals of Guanidinium L-Ascorbate | Nonlinear Optics and Applications IX | 9503 | 2015 | DOI | Yes | ||
Ruchika Yadav, Harikrishnan S. Nair, Amit Kumar, Shilpa Adiga, H. L. Bhat, S. M. Yusuf, and Suja Elizabeth | Investigation of dielectric relaxation, Jahn-Teller distortion, and magnetic ordering in Y substituted Pr1−xYxMnO3 (0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.4) | Journal of Applied Physics | 117 | 093903 | 2015 | DOI | Yes | |
Synthesis and characterization of novel chiral dimers exhibiting highly frustrated liquid crystal phases | Tetrahedron | 70:32 | 4745-4753 | 2014 | DOI | Yes | ||
Constitutional bis(N-salicylideneaniline)s as new class of mesogens: synthesis and thermal properties | Liquid Crystals | 41:1 | 44-55 | 2014 | DOI | Yes | ||
Hariharan Nhalil, Harikrishnan S. Nair, H. L. Bhat, Suja Elizabeth | Glassy dielectric response in Tb2NiMnO6 double perovskite with similarities to a Griffiths phase | EPL (Europhysics Letters) | 104:6 | 2013 | DOI | Yes | ||
Structural isomerism of functionalised triphenylene discotic liquid crystals | Liquid Crystals | 40:11 | 1477-1486 | 2013 | DOI | Yes | ||
Manoj KumarPaul, Gayatri Kalita, Atiqur Rahman Laskar, Somen Debnath, Venkatesh Gude, Dipika Debnath Sarkar, Golam Mohiuddin, Sanjay Kumar Varshney, V.S.Nandiraju Rao | Synthesis and mesomorphic behaviour of achiral four-ring unsymmetrical bent-core liquid crystals: Nematic phases | Journal of Molecular Structure | 1049 | 78 - 89 | 2013 | DOI | Yes | |
Uma S.Hiremath | Liquid crystalline bis(N-salicylideneaniline)s: synthesis and thermal behavior of constitutional isomers | Tetrahedron Letters | 54:26 | 3419-3423 | 2013 | DOI | Yes | |
K. Raghavendra Rao and H.L. Bhat and Suja Elizabeth | Studies on lithium l-ascorbate dihydrate: An interesting chiral nonlinear optical crystal | Materials Chemistry and Physics | 137:3 | 756 - 763 | 2013 | DOI | Yes | |
K. Raghavendra Rao, C. Aneesh, H. L. Bhat, Suja Elizabeth, M. S. Pavan, and Tayur N. Guru Row | Lithium d-Isoascorbate Monohydrate, a New Nonlinear Optical Material | Crystal Growth & Design | 13:1 | 97-105 | 2013 | DOI | Yes | |
K. Raghavendra Rao,H. L. Bhat and Suja Elizabetha | Crystal growth and nonlinear optical properties of sodium d-isoascorbate monohydrate | CrystEngComm | 15:33 | 6594-6601 | 2013 | DOI | Yes | |
Harikrishnan S. Nair, C. M. N. Kumar, H. L. Bhat, Suja Elizabeth, and Th. Brückel | Effect of substitution of Y on the structural, magnetic, and thermal properties of hexagonal DyMnO${}_{3}$ single crystals | Physical Review B | 83:10 | 104424 | 2011 | DOI | Yes | |
Kaustuv Manna, Debakanta Samal, Suja Elizabeth, H. L. Bhat, and P. S. Anil Kumar | On the Magnetic Ground State of La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 Single Crystals | Journal of Physical Chemistry C | 115:29 | 13985-13990 | 2011 | DOI | Yes | |
Kaustuv Manna, D. Samal, Suja Elizabeth, H. L. Bhat, P. S. Anil Kumar | Observation of Spin-Glass Behavior in La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 Single Crystals | Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism | 24:1-2 | 833–837 | 2011 | DOI | Yes | |
A. A. Wagh, P. S. Anil Kumar, H. L. Bhat and Suja Elizabeth | Study of the Low Temperature Glassy Phase in Gd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 Single Crystals | Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism | 24:1-2 | 665–667 | 2011 | DOI | Yes | |
K. Ganesan, S. S. Rao, S. V. Bhat and H. L. Bhat | Electron paramagnetic resonance studies on Mn doped GaSb | Journal of Applied Physics | 109: 033903 | 2011 | DOI | Yes | ||
Observation of Flexoelectricity in a Mixture of Carbon Single Walled Nanotubes with a Nematic Liquid Crystal | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 545:1 | 1282-1290 | 2011 | DOI | Yes | ||
Aditya A Wagh, P S Anil Kumar, H L Bhat, Suja Elizabeth | An investigation of first-order transition across charge ordered and ferromagnetic phases in Gd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 single crystals by magnetic and magnetotransport studies | Journal of Physics Condensed Matter | 22 | 2010 | DOI | Yes | ||
Pramoda Kumar, Jana Heuer, Tibor Tóth-Katona, Nándor Éber, and Ágnes Buka | Convection-roll instability in spite of a large stabilizing torque | Physical Review E | 81:2 | 2010 | DOI | Yes | ||
Aditya A. Wagh, P. S. Anil Kumar, H. L. Bhat, and Suja Elizabeth | Negative differential resistance in Gd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 : A consequence of Joule heating | Journal of Applied Physics | 108:6 | 063703 | 2010 | DOI | Yes | |
S Harikrishnan, S Rößler, C M N Kumar, Y Xiao, H L Bhat, U K Rößler, F Steglich, S Wirth, Suja Elizabeth | Memory effect in Dy0.5Sr0.5MnO3 single crystals | Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter | 22:34 | 346002 | 2010 | DOI | Yes | |
K Ganesan, N B Pendyala, K S R Koteswara Rao, V Venkataraman and H L Bhat | Optical absorption and photoluminescence studies on heavily doped (Ga,Mn)Sb crystals | Semiconductor Science and Technology | 25:10 | 105003 | 2010 | DOI | Yes | |
S. Rößler, Dona Cherian, S. Harikrishnan, H. L. Bhat, Suja Elizabeth, J. A. Mydosh, L. H. Tjeng, F. Steglich, and S. Wirth | Disorder-driven electronic localization and phase separation in superconducting Fe1+yTe0.5Se0.5 single crystals | Physical Review B | 82:14 | 144523 | 2010 | DOI | Yes | |
Sahana Rößler, B. Padmanabhan, Suja Elizabeth, H. L. Bhat, F. Steglich, and S. Wirth | Atomically resolved scanning tunneling microscopy on perovskite manganite single crystals | Applied Physics Letters | 96:20 | 202512 | 2010 | DOI | Yes | |
J.N. Babu Reddy and H.L. Bhat and Suja Elizabeth | Polarization switching in near-stoichiometric Zn:LiNbO3 at high temperatures | Solid State Communications | 150:27 | 1258 - 1261 | 2010 | DOI | Yes | |
Babu Reddy J N, Suja Elizabeth, H. L. Bhat and A. K. Karnal | Development of a versatile high temperature top seeded solution growth unit for growing cesium lithium borate crystals | Review of Scientific Instruments | 80 | 013908 | 2009 | DOI | Yes | |
N. Nagappa, J. Mahadeva, S. Mohyeddine, C. V. Yalemaggad, S. Anitha Nagami, Uma S. Herimath, D. Revannasiddaiah & M. V. Krishnaswamy | TGB Phases in the Binary Mixtures of Nematic and Cholesteric Compounds | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 508:1 | 242-248 | 2009 | DOI | Yes | |
Harikrishnan, S and Rößler, S and Kumar, C M Naveen and Bhat, H L and Rößler, U K and Wirth, S and Steglich, F and Elizabeth, Suja | Phase transitions and rare-earth magnetism in hexagonal and orthorhombic DyMnO3 single crystals | Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter | 21:9 | 096002 | 2009 | DOI | Yes | |
J.N. Babu Reddy and S. Vanishri and Ganesh Kamath and Suja Elizabeth and H.L. Bhat and D. Isakov and M. Belsley and E. de Matos Gomes and T.L. Aroso | Growth and physical properties of a new chiral open-framework crystal for NLO applications: Cesium hydrogen l-malate monohydrate | Journal of Crystal Growth | 311:16 | 4044 - 4049 | 2009 | DOI | Yes | |
A. V. Raghu, Han Mo Jeong, Jae Hoon Kim, Yu Rok Lee, Youn Bok Cho, Kiran Sirsalmath | Synthesis and characterization of novel polyurethanes based on 4-{(4-hydroxyphenyl)iminomethyl}phenol | Macromolecular Research | 16:3 | 194-199 | 2008 | DOI | Yes | |
First liquid crystalline cuneane‐caged derivatives: a structure–property relationship study | Liquid Crystals | 33:6 | 689-696 | 2006 | DOI | Yes | ||
Sandeep Kumar, Jaishri Naidu & S. K. Varshney | Combination of Electron-deficient and Electron-rich Discotic Liquid Crystals in Novel Unsymmetrical Columnar Twins | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 411:1 | 355-362 | 2004 | DOI | Yes | |
Prasad, S. K., Nair, G. G., Sandhya, K. L., & Rao, D. S. S. | Photoinduced phase transitions in liquid crystalline systems | Current Science | 86(6) | 815-823 | 2004 | Yes | ||
Richard J. Bushby, Owen R. Lozman, Lee A. Mason, Norman Taylor & Sandeep Kumar | Cyclic Voltammetry Studies of Discotic Liquid Crystals | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 410:1 | 171-181 | 2004 | DOI | Yes | |
Kumar, S | Molecular engineering of discotic nematic liquid crystals | Pramana | 61 | 199–203 | 2004 | DOI | Yes | |
Balasubrahmanyam, S. N., Kulkarni, G. U., Gopalan, R. S., Kumar, A. S., & Hiremath, U. S. | The central region of meso-3,4-diphenylhexane-2,5-dione | Journal of Molecular Structure | 645(2-3) | 159-169 | 2003 | DOI | Yes | |
S Chandrasekhar | Proceedings of the International Conference on Discotic Liquid Crystals - 25th Anniversary of the Discovery of Discotic Liquid Crystals - International Centre for Theoretical Physics - Trieste, Italy - November 25-29, 2002 - Part I of II - Preface | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 396 | V-VII | 2003 | Yes | ||
Sandeep Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Varshney & Diwakar Chauhan | Room-Temperature Discotic Nematic Liquid Crystals | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 396:1 | 241-250 | 2003 | DOI | Yes | |
M. Manickam, Graeme Cooke, Sandeep Kumar, Peter R. Ashton, Jon A. Preece & Neil Spencer | Triphenylene/Carbazole Mesogens and Their Electrochemistry | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 397:1 | 99-116 | 2003 | DOI | Yes | |
Jaishri J. Naidu & Sandeep Kumar | Novel Anthraquinone Based Discotic Metallomesogens | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 397:1 | 17-24 | 2003 | DOI | Yes | |
Molecularengineering of discotic nematic liquid crystals | Pramana | 61:2 | 199-203 | 2003 | DOI | Yes | ||
Sandeep Kumar, Jaishri J. Naidu & Sanjay K. Varshney | Novel monofunctionalized electron-deficient anthraquinone-based discotic liquid crystals | Liquid Crystals | 30:3 | 319-323 | 2003 | DOI | Yes | |
Kumar, S., & Naidu, J. J. | The first columnar discortic liquid crystalline anthraquinone metal complexes | Liquid Crystals | 29(10) | 1369-1371 | 2003 | DOI | Yes | |
Schonherr, H., Manickam, M., & Kumar, S. | Surface morphology and molecular ordering in thin films of polymerizable triphenylene discotic liquid crystals on HOPG revealed by atomic force microscopy | Langmuir | 18(18) | 7082-7085 | 2003 | DOI | Yes | |
Sandeep Kumar, Sanjay K. Varshney | Design and Synthesis of Discotic Nematic Liquid Crystals | Organic Letters | 4:2 | 157-159 | 2002 | DOI | Yes | |
Sandeep Kumar & Sanjay K. Varshney | Dibenzo[g,p]chrysene, a Novel Core for Discotic Liquid Crystals | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 378:1 | 59-64 | 2002 | DOI | Yes | |
Sandeep Kumar | Discotic liquid crystals for solar cells | Current Science | 82:3 | 256-257 | 2002 | DOI | Yes | |
Sandeep Kumar & Jaishri J. Naidu | Synthesis of the First Anthraquinone Copper Complex Displaying a Columnar Phase Induced by Noncovalent π-π Interactions | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 378:1 | 123-128 | 2002 | DOI | Yes | |
Sandeep Kumar & Jaishri J. Naidu | Novel hexasubstituted triphenylene discotic liquid crystals having three different types of peripheral substituent | Liquid Crystals | 29:7 | 899-906 | 2002 | DOI | Yes | |
S. Chandrasekhar and V. S. K. Balagurusamy | Discotic liquid crystals as quasi–one–dimensional electrical conductors | Proceedings of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences | 458:2024 | 1783-1794 | 2002 | DOI | Yes | |
Sandeep Kumar & Sanjay K. Varshney | A new form of discotic metallomesogens: the synthesis of metal-bridged triphenylene discotic dimers | Liquid Crystals | 28:1 | 161-163 | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
Sandeep Kumar & Jaishri J. Naidu | First rational synthesis of dibenzo[fg,op]naphthacene discotics | Liquid Crystals | 28:9 | 1435-1437 | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
Sandeep Kumar, Sanjay K. Varshney | Synthesis of triphenylene and dibenzopyrene derivatives: Vanadium oxytrichloride a novel reagent | Synthesis | 2 | 305-311 | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
K. Krishnan & V. S. K. Balagurusamy | A novel dimeric discotic liquid crystal based on anthraquinone | Liquid Crystals | 28:2 | 321-325 | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
Markovitsi, Dimitra and Marguet, Sylvie and Bondkowski, Jens and Kumar, Sandeep | Triplet Excitation Transfer in Triphenylene Columnar Phases | The Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 105:7 | 1299-1306 | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
V. N. Raja & Jong-Cheon Lee | Temperature effect on the rubbing-induced optical phase retardation of a side group liquid crystalline polymer film | Liquid Crystals | 28:11 | 1723-1725 | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
M. Manickam, Sandeep Kumar, Jon A. Preece & Neil Spencer | The first hexagonal columnar discotic liquid crystalline carbazole derivative | Liquid Crystals | 27:5 | 703-706 | 2000 | DOI | Yes | |
Sandeep Kumar and Sanjay Kumar Varshney | A Room-Temperature Discotic Nematic Liquid Crystal | Angewandte Chemie International Edition | 39:17 | 3140-3142 | 2000 | DOI | Yes | |
K. Krishnan & V. S. K. Balagurusamy | An Efficient Synthesis, and Characterisation of Anthraquinone-based Discotic Liquid Crystals and Their X-Ray Diffraction Studies | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 350:1 | 1-18 | 2000 | DOI | Yes | |
Sandeep Kumar & M. Manickam | Synthesis of phenanthro[b] phenazine, a novel heterocyclic ring structure for discotic liquid crystals | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 338:1 | 175-179 | 2000 | DOI | Yes | |
K. Krishnan & V. S. K. Balagurusamy | An example of an unsymmetrically substituted, monofunctionalized anthraquinone-based discotic liquid crystal | Liquid Crystals | 27:7 | 991-994 | 2000 | DOI | Yes | |
Renate Hiesgen and Holger Schönherr and Sandeep Kumar and Helmut Ringsdorf and Dieter Meissner | Scanning tunneling microscopy investigation of tricycloquinazoline liquid crystals on gold | Thin Solid Films | 358:1 | 241 - 249 | 2000 | DOI | Yes | |
T. Perova, S. Tsvetkov, J. Vij & S. Kumar | Observation of the Orientational Transition in Hexa(hexylthio)Triphenylene using Polarized FTIR Study | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 351:1 | 95-102 | 2000 | DOI | Yes | |
SANDEEP KUMAR & M. MANICKAM | Synthesis of phenanthro[a] phenazine derivatives: a novel ring structure forming discotic liquid crystals | Liquid Crystals | 26:7 | 1097-1099 | 1999 | DOI | Yes | |
S. KUMAR, M. MANICKAM & H. SCHONHERR | First examples of functionalized triphenylene discotic dimers: molecular engineering of advanced materials | Liquid Crystals | 26:10 | 1567-1571 | 1999 | DOI | Yes | |
S. KUMAR, M. MANICKAM, V. S. K. BALAGURUSAMY & H. SCHONHERR | Electrophilic aromatic substitution in triphenylene discotics: Synthesis of alkoxynitrotriphenylenes | Liquid Crystals | 26:10 | 1455-1466 | 1999 | DOI | Yes | |
Sandeep Kumar & Sanjay K. Varshney | Vanadium oxytrichloride, a novel reagent for the oxidative trimerization of o-dialkoxybenzenes to hexaalkoxytriphenylenes | Liquid Crystals | 26:12 | 1841-1843 | 1999 | DOI | Yes | |
M. Manickam & Sandeep Kumar | New Mixed Tail Triphenylene Discotic Liquid Crystals | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 326:1 | 165-176 | 1999 | DOI | Yes | |
Tsvetkov, S. E., Perova, T. S., Vij, J. K., Simpson, D., Kumar, S., & Vladimirov, F. | Influence of the properties of the substrate's surface on the alignment of a discotic liquid crystals | Molecular Materials | 11 | 267-276 | 1999 | Yes | ||
Sandeep Kumar and M. Manickam | Synthesis of functionalized triphenylenes by selective ether cleavage with B-bromocatecholborane | Synthesis | 8 | 1119-1122 | 1998 | DOI | Yes | |
Sandeep Kumar and M. Manickam | Novel unsymmetrical triphenylene discotic liquid crystals: first synthesis of 1,2,3,6,7,10,11-heptaalkoxytriphenylenes | Chemical Communications | 14 | 1427-1428 | 1998 | DOI | Yes | |
S. Kumar & M. Manickam | Nitration of Triphenylene Discotics: Synthesis of Mononitro-, Dinitro- and Trinitro-Hexaalkoxy Triphenylenes | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 309:1 | 291-295 | 1998 | DOI | Yes | |
Marguet, Sylvie and Markovitsi, Dimitra and Millié, Philippe and Sigal, Hervé and Sandeep Kumar | Influence of Disorder on Electronic Excited States: An Experimental and Numerical Study of Alkylthiotriphenylene Columnar Phases | The Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 102:24 | 4697-4710 | 1998 | DOI | Yes | |
Sandeep Kumar and M. Manickam | Oxidative trimerization of o-dialkoxybenzenes tohexaalkoxytriphenylenes: molybdenum(v) chloride as a novel reagent | Chemical Communications | 17 | 1615-1666 | 1997 | DOI | Yes | |
S. Kumar, P. Schuhmacher, P. Henderson, J. Rego & H. Ringsdorf | Synthesis of New Functionalized Discotic Liquid Crystals for Photoconducting Aplications | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 288:1 | 211-222 | 1996 | DOI | Yes | |
Sandeep Kumar | A Simple, Rapid, One-Step Synthesis of Aryl Poly Ethers from Aryl Acetates: Improved Synthesis of Hexaalkoxytricycloquinazoline Derivatives | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 289:1 | 247-253 | 1996 | DOI | Yes | |
S Chandrasekhar and Ranganathan Shashidhar | Proceedings of the International Symposium on Liquid Crystals and Supramolecular Order - Bangalore, India - 3-5 January 1996 - Preface | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 288 | R5-R5 | 1996 | Yes | ||
S. Chandrasekhar | Biaxial Nematic Liquid Crystals in Low Molecular Weight Thermotropic Systems | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 243:1 | 1-9 | 1994 | DOI | Yes | |
S. Chandrasekhar | Discotic liquid crystals. A brief review | Liquid Crystals | 14:1 | 3-14 | 1993 | DOI | Yes | |
K. Usha, Kalyani Vijayan & S. Chandrasekhar | Structural characteristics of some metallo-organic discogens | Liquid Crystals | 15:5 | 575-589 | 1993 | DOI | Yes | |
V. N. Raja, S. Krishna Prasad, D. S. Shankar Rao & S. Chandrasekhar | High precision density studies near the smectic A–nematic tricritical point | Liquid Crystals | 12:2 | 239-243 | 1992 | DOI | Yes |
Authors Name | Title | Journal name | Vol no | Page no | Year | DOI | Affiliated to CeNS |
Arup Sarkar and K. A. Suresh | Negative differential resistance in nickel octabutoxy phthalocyanine and nickel octabutoxy phthalocyanine/graphene oxide ultrathin films | Journal of Applied Physics | 123 | 155501 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Samapika Mallik, Alpana Nayak , Snehasis Daschakraborty, Sandeep Kumar and Kattera A. Suresh | Supramolecular Self‐Assembly of Ionic Discotic Liquid Crystalline Dimer with DNA at Interfaces | Chemistry Select | 3 | 7318 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
K. A. Suresh & H. N. Gayathri | Charge transport in mesogenic rod-like, disc-like and polymeric monolayers at air-solid interface | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 646:1 | 194-213 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Arup Sarkar and K. A. Suresh | Self-assembly and molecular packing in cholesteryl esters at interfaces | J. Chem. Phys. | 146 | 214702 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Gayathri, H.N., Kumar, B., Suresh, K.A., Bisoyi, H.K. and Kumar, S. | Charge transport in a liquid crystalline triphenylene polymer monolayer at air-solid interface | PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS | 18 | 12101-12107 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Gayathri, H.N. and Suresh, K.A. | Electrical conductivity in Langmuir-Blodgett films of n-alkyl cyanobiphenyls using current sensing atomic force microscope | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 117 | 2015 | DOI | Yes | |
Viswanath, P. and Suresh, K.A. | Spreading and retraction dynamics of smectic liquid crystal domains at interfaces | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 41(3) | 320-327 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Gupta, R.K., Manjuladevi, V., Karthik, C., Kumar, S. and Suresh, K.A. | Studies on Langmuir monolayer of tricycloquinazoline based disk-shaped liquid crystal molecules | COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS | 410 | 91-97 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
P. Viswanath, K. A. Suresh and Bharat Kumar | Spreading and retraction dynamics of a dye doped smectic liquid crystal domain at the air–water interface | Soft Matter | 8:43 | 11180-11184 | 2012 | DOI | No |
Hyung Guen Yoon, Shin-Woong Kang, Ronald Y. Dong, Alberto Marini, Kattera A. Suresh, Mohan Srinivasarao, and Satyendra Kumar | Nematic biaxiality in a bent-core material | Physical Review E | 81 | 051706 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Kumar, B., Suresh, K.A., Gupta, S.K. and Kumar, S. | Stress-strain relation in the collapse of Langmuir monolayer of a dimer of disk shaped moiety | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS | 133(4) | 2010 | DOI | Yes | |
Bharat Kumar, A. K. Prajapati, M. C. Varia, and K. A. Suresh | Novel Mesogenic Azobenzene Dimer at Air−Water and Air−Solid Interfaces | Langmuir | 25:2 | 839-844 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Alpana Nayak and K. A. Suresh | Mechanical Properties of Langmuir-Blodgett Films of a Discogen-DNA Complex by Atomic Force Microscopy | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 113(12) | 3669-3675 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Lethy, K.J., Beena, D., Pillai, V.P.M. and Suresh, K.A. | Micro-Structural, Electrical and Spectroscopic Investigations of Pulsed Laser Ablated Palladium Incorporated Nanostructured Tungsten Oxide Films | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY | 9(9) | 5335-5344 | 2009 | DOI | |
Kumar, B. and Suresh, K.A. | Kinetics of trans-cis isomerization in azobenzene dimers at an air-water interface | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 80(2) | 021601 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Suresh, K.A. and Nayak, A. | Discotic Mesogen - DNA Complex Films at Interfaces | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 512 | 1903-1926 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Nayak, A. and Suresh, K.A. | Discogen-DNA complex films at air-water and air-solid interfaces | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 112 | 2930-2936 | 2008 | DOI | |
Gupta, R.K. and Suresh, K.A. | Stabilization of Langmuir monolayer of hydrophobic thiocholesterol molecules | COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS | 320 | 1-3 | 2008 | DOI | |
Nayak, A. and Suresh, K.A. | Conductivity of Langmuir-Blodgett films of a disk-shaped liquid-crystalline molecule-DNA complex studied by current-sensing atomic force microscopy | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 78 | 021606 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Gupta, R.K., Suresh, K.A. and Kumar, S. | Monolayer of amphiphilic functionalized gold nanoparticles at an air-water interface | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 78 | 2008 | DOI | ||
Gupta, R.K., Suresh, K.A., Kumar, S., Lopatina, L.M., Selinger, R.L.B. and Selinger, J.V. | Spatiotemporal patterns in a Langmuir monolayer due to driven molecular precession | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 78 | 2008 | DOI | ||
Agarwal, A.K., Suresh, K.A., Pal, S.K. and Kumar, S. | Twist viscoelastic coefficient of novel thiol terminated alkoxy-cyanobiphenyl nematic liquid crystals | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS | 126 | 2007 | DOI | ||
Nayak, A., Suresh, K.A., Pal, S.K. and Kumar, S. | Films of novel mesogenic molecules at air-water and air-solid interfaces | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 111 | 11157-11161 | 2007 | DOI | |
Pandey, R.K., Suresh, K.A. and Lakshminarayanan, V. | Electron transfer studies on cholesterol LB films assembled on thiophenol and 2-naphthalenethiol self-assembled monolayers | JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE | 315(2) | 528-536 | 2007 | DOI | |
Vijayaraghavan, D. and Suresh, K.A. | Magnetic susceptibility studies on a lyotropic liquid crystal system - The role of bound water | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 478 | 771-776 | 2007 | DOI | |
Gupta, R., Suresh, K., Guo, R. and Kumar, S. | Langmuir-Blodgett films of octadecanethiol - properties and potential applications | ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA | 568 | 1-2 | 2006 | DOI | |
Suresh, K. | Prof. Sivaramakrishna Chandrasekhar - Obituary | NATIONAL ACADEMY SCIENCE LETTERS-INDIA | 28 | 1-2 | 2005 | ||
Vijayaraghavan, D. and Suresh, K. | Magnetic susceptibility studies on a lyotropic nematic system | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 434 | 609-618 | 2005 | DOI | |
Prasad, V., Kang, S., Suresh, K., Joshi, L., Wang, Q. and Kumar, S. | Thermotropic uniaxial and biaxial nematic and smectic phases in bent-core mesogens | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY | 127 | 17224-17227 | 2005 | DOI | |
Gayathri, S., Agarwal, A., Suresh, K. and Patnaik, A. | Structure and dynamics in solvent-polarity-induced aggregates from a C-60 fullerene-based dyad | LANGMUIR | 21 | 12139-12145 | 2005 | DOI | |
Gupta, R. and Suresh, K. | AFM studies on Langmuir-Blodgett films of cholesterol | EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL E | 14(1) | 35-42 | 2004 | DOI | |
Viswanath, P. and Suresh, K. | Monolayers and 3D films of cholesteryl derivatives at the air-water interface | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 108 | 9198-9207 | 2004 | DOI | |
Bhattacharyya, A. and Suresh, K. | Unusual features in the surface pressure area isotherms in the Langmuir monolayer of a siloxane polymer | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 412 | 1781-1789 | 2004 | DOI | |
Viswanath, P. and Suresh, K. | Photoinduced phase separation and miscibility in the condensed phase of a mixed Langmuir monolayer | LANGMUIR | 20 | 8149-8154 | 2004 | DOI | |
Viswanath, P. and Suresh, K. | Polar head group interactions in mixed Langmuir monolayers | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 67 | 2003 | DOI | ||
Chandrasekhar, S., Sadashiva, B. and Suresh, K. | Liquid crystals of disc-like molecules (Reprinted from Pramana, vol 9) | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 397(2) | 595-605 | 2003 | DOI | |
Suresh, K. | Viscoelastic modes in chiral liquid crystals | PRAMANA-JOURNAL OF PHYSICS | 61(2) | 297-312 | 2003 | DOI | |
Giridhar, M., Suresh, K. and Ranganath, G. | Optical diffraction in nonuniform cholesteric liquid crystals: phase-grating mode | JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION | 19(1) | 19-23 | 2002 | DOI | |
Giridhar, M. and Suresh, K. | A dynamic light scattering study of the viscoelastic twist mode in cholesteric liquid crystals | EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL E | 7(2) | 167-173 | 2002 | DOI | |
Suresh, K., Shit, Y., Bhattacharyya, A. and Kumar, S. | Wetting-dewetting transition and conformal to non-conformal interfacial roughness transition in ultra-thin liquid crystal films on solid substrates | MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B | 15(8) | 225-233 | 2001 | DOI | |
Suresh, K., Ranganath, G. and Giridhar, M. | Diffraction in heterogeneous liquid crystals | CURRENT SCIENCE | 76 | 1325-1329 | 1999 | ||
Suresh, K. and Bhattacharyya, A. | Phase transitions in Langmuir monolayers | PRAMANA-JOURNAL OF PHYSICS | 53(1) | 93-106 | 1999 | DOI | |
Bhattacharyya, A. and Suresh, K. | Novel phase diagram of a mixed Langmuir monolayer of octylcyanobiphenyl and stearic acid | EUROPHYSICS LETTERS | 41(6) | 641-646 | 1998 | DOI | |
Sah, Y. and Suresh, K. | Visco-elastic modes in some ferroelectric liquid crystals | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 24(5) | 701-705 | 1998 | ||
Hariharan, P., Suresh, K. and Mujumdar, S. | Pancharatnam phase as a purely geometric phase | CURRENT SCIENCE | 74(9) | 731-732 | 1998 | ||
Suresh, K. and Bhattacharyya, A. | Formation of liquid crystalline phases from a Langmuir monolayer | LANGMUIR | 13(6) | 1377-1380 | 1997 | DOI | |
Hariharan, P., Ramachandran, H., Suresh, K. and Samuel, J. | The Pancharatnam phase as a strictly geometric phase: A demonstration using pure projections | JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS | 44(4) | 707-713 | 1997 | DOI | |
Bhattacharyya, A. and Suresh, K. | Phase diagram of a liquid crystal siloxane polymer at air water interface | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SECTION A-MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 299 | 193-198 | 1997 | DOI | |
Suresh, K. and Sah, Y. | Optical diffraction in chiral liquid crystals | MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B | 10(8) | 305-321 | 1996 | DOI | |
Sah, Y., Kumar, P. and Suresh, K. | Modulations in the diffracted intensity in chiral smectic-C liquid crystals | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 54(3) | 3025-3027 | 1996 | DOI | |
Authors Name | Title | Journal name | Vol no | Page no | Year | DOI | Affiliated to CeNS |
Swati Khurana, Md. Samim Hassan, Priyesh Yadav, Trupthi Devaiah Chonamada, Manash R. Das, Pralay K. Santra, Dibyajyoti Ghosh, and Sameer Sapra | Defect Passivation Results in the Stability of Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals | The Journal of Physical Chemistry C | 2023 | DOI | Yes | ||
Radha Rathod, Ranjan Das, Manash R. Das, and Pralay K. Santra* | Plasma-Treated CsPbBr3 Nanocrystal Films for Anticounterfeiting Applications | ACS Applied Nano Materials | 5:7 | 9852-9860 | 2022 | DOI | Yes |
Radha Rathod, Pralay K. Santra.* | Probing Chemical-Composition-Induced Heterostructures and Interfaces in Lead Halide Perovskites | Langmuir | 38:40 | 12103-12117 | 2022 | DOI | Yes |
Anamul Haque, Soheil Ershadrad, Trupthi Devaiah Chonamada, Dipankar Saha, Biplab Sanyal*, Pralay K. Santra.* | Vacancy assisted growth of copper tantalum sulfide nanocrystals | Journal of Materials Chemistry A | 10 | 19925-19934 | 2022 | DOI | Yes |
Ajeet Singh, Jyoti Rohilla, Md. Samim Hassan, Trupthi Devaiah C., Pravin P. Ingole,* Pralay K. Santra,* Dibyajyoti Ghosh,* Sameer Sapra* | MoSe2/SnS Nanoheterostructures for Water Splitting | ACS Applied Nano Materials | 5 (3) | 4293-4304 | 2022 | DOI | Yes |
Modasser Hossain and Pralay K Santra | Spray coated micropatterning of metal halide perovskite for anticounterfeiting fluorescent tags | Nanotechnology | 0957-4484 | 2022 | DOI | Yes | |
Pralay K. Santra, Ashutosh Kumar Singh, Giridhar U. Kulkarni, Suman Kundu, Tejaswini S. Rao, Mukhesh K. Ganesha | Aesthetically Acceptable, Breath Friendly Triboelectric Face Masks: Design, Fabrication and its Efficacy | Energy Technology | 2100614 | 1-6 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Modasser Hossain, Trupthi Devaiah Chonamada, Pralay K. Santra | Understanding the Transformation of 2D Layered Perovskites to 3D Perovskites in the Sonochemical Synthesis | J. Phys. Chem C | 125 | 12131 - 12139 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Anamul Haque, Trupthi Devaiah Chonamada,Arka Bikash Dey and Pralay K. Santra | Insights into the interparticle mixing of CsPbBr3 and CsPbI3 nanocubes: halide ion migration and kinetics | Nanoscale | 12(40) | 20840-20848 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
Trupthi Devaiah Chonamada, Dr. Bhagwati Sharma, Dr. Jayashree Nagesh, Abhishek Shibu, Dr. Shyamashis Das, Kommula Bramhaiah, Dr. Nasani Rajendar, Dr. Neena S. John, Dr. Pralay K. Santra | Origin of Luminescence-Based Detection of Metal Ions by Mn–Doped ZnS Quantum Dots | ChemistrySelect | 4:46 | 13551-13557 | 2019 | DOI |
Trupthi Devaiah Chonamada, Arka Bikash Dey and Pralay K. Santra | Degradation Studies of Cs3Sb2I9: A Lead-Free Perovskite | ACS Applied Energy Materials | 2019 | DOI | Yes | ||
Priya K. Madhuri, Pralay K. Santra, Florian Bertram and Neena Susan John | Current Mapping of Lead Phthalocyanine Thin Films in the Presence of Gaseous Dopants | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. | 2019 | DOI | No | ||
Pragnya Satapathy, Pralay K. Santra and S. Krishna Prasad | Synergistic Path for Dual Anisotropic and Electrically Switchable Emission From a Nanocomposite of CsPbBr3 Quantum Cuboids and Nematic Liquid Crystal | Crystals | 9 | 378 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
Anamul Haque, Ananya Banik, Rahul Mahavir Varma, Indranil Sarkar, Kanishka Biswas, and Pralay K. Santra | Understanding the Chemical Nature of the Buried Nanostructures in Low Thermal Conductive Sb-Doped SnTe by Variable Energy Photoelectron Spectroscopy | J. Phys. Chem. C | 123 | 10272 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
Pragnya Satapathy Pralay K. Santra Anamul Haque C. V. Yelamaggad Shyamashis Das, and S. Krishna Prasad | Anisotropic Fast Electrically Switchable Emission from Composites of CsPbBr3 Perovskite Quantum Cuboids in a Nematic Liquid Crystal | Advanced Optical Materials | 1801408 | 2019 | DOI | Yes | |
K. Priya Madhuri, Neena John, Angappane Subramanian, Pralay K. Santra, Florian Bertram | Influence of Iodine Doping on the Structure, Morphology and Physical Properties of Manganese Phthalocyanine Thin Films | The Journal of Physical Chemistry C | 122 | 49 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Anamul Haque, Vikash Kumar Ravi, G. Shiva Shanker, Indranil Sarkar, Angshuman Nag, and Pralay K. Santra | Internal Heterostructure of Anion Exchanged Cesium Lead Halide Nanocubes | J. Phys. Chem. C | 2018 | DOI | Yes | ||
Tandon, B.; Yadav, A.; Khurana, D.; Reddy, P..; Santra, P.K.; Nag, A | Size-Induced Enhancement of Carrier Density, LSPR Quality Factor, and Carrier Mobility in Cr-Sn Doped In2O3 Nanocrystals | Chem. Mater. | 29 | 9360 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Ravi V. K; Santra, P. K.; Joshi, N.; Chugh, J.; Singh, S. K.; Rensmo, H.; Ghosh, P.; Nag, A. | Origin of Substitution Mechanism for the Binding of Organic Ligands on the Surface of CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocubes | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. | 8 | 4988 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Zhang, X.; Santra, P. K.; Tian, L.; Johansson, M. B.; Rensmo, H.; Johansson E. M. J. | Highly Efficient Flexible Quantum Dot Solar Cells with Improved Electron Extraction Using MgZnO Nanocrystals | ACS Nano | 11 | 8478 | 2017 | DOI | |
Roelofs, K.E., Pool, V.L., Bobb-Semple, D.A., Palmstrom, A.F., Santra, P.K., Campen, D.G.V., Toney, M.F. and Bent, S.F. | Impact of Conformality and Crystallinity for Ultrathin 4 nm Compact TiO2 Layers in Perovskite Solar Cells | Adv. Mater. Interfaces | 28 | 6687 | 2016 | DOI | |
Santra, P.K., Palmstrom, A.F., Tassone, C.J. and Bent, S.F. | Molecular Ligands Control Superlattice Structure and Crystallite Orientation in Colloidal Quantum Dot Solids | Chem. Mater. | 28 | 7072 | 2016 | DOI | |
Mukherjee, S., Santra, P.K. and Sarma, D.D. | Depth Profiling and Internal Structure Determination of Low Dimensional Materials Using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy | Springer Series in Surface Sciences | 309 | 2015 | DOI | ||
Palmstrom, A.F., Santra, P.K. and Bent, S.F. | Atomic layer deposition in nanostructured photovoltaics: tuning optical, electronic and surface properties | Nanoscale | 7(29) | 12266 | 2015 | DOI | |
Santra, P.K., Palmstrom, A.F., Tanskanen, J.T., Yang, N. and Bent, S.F. | Improving Performance in Colloidal Quantum Dot Solar Cells by Tuning Band Alignment through Surface Dipole Moments | J. Phys. Chem. C | 119(6) | 2996 | 2015 | DOI | |
Hazarika, A.; Peretz, E.; Dikovsky, V.; Santra, P. K.; Shneck R. Z.; Sarma, D. D.; Manassen, Y. | STM Verifications of the Reduction of the Young’s Modulus of CdS Nanoparticles at Smaller Sizes | Surf. Sci. | 630 | 89 | 2014 | DOI | |
Wang, Y.; Liu, K.; Mukherjee, P.; Hines, D.; Santra, P. K.; Shen, H. Y.; Kamat, Prashant V.; Waldecka, D. H. | Driving Charge Separation for Hybrid Solar Cells: Photo-induced Hole Transfer in Conjugated Copolymer and Semiconductor Nanoparticle Assemblies | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. | 16 | 5006 | 2014 | DOI | |
Mukherjee, S., Nag, A., Kocevski, V., Santra, P.K., Balasubramanian, M., Chattopadhyay, S., Shibata, T., Schaefers, F., Rusz, J., Gerard, C., Eriksson, O., Segre, C.U. and Sarma, D.D. | Microscopic description of the evolution of the local structure and an evaluation of the chemical pressure concept in a solid solution | Phys. Rev. B | 89 | 224105 | 2014 | DOI | |
Mukherjee, S., Hazarika, A., Santra, P.K., Abdelhady, A.L., Malik, M.A., Gorgoi, M., O'Brien, P., Karis, O. and Sarma, D.D. | Determination of Internal Structures of Heterogeneous Nanocrystals Using Variable-Energy Photoemission Spectroscopy | J. Phys. Chem. C | 118 | 15534 | 2014 | DOI | |
Mukherjee, S., Saha, A., Santra, P.K., Sengupta, S. and Sarma, D.D. | Beyond the “Coffee Ring”: Re-entrant Ordering in an Evaporation-Driven Self-Assembly in a Colloidal Suspension on a Substrate | J. Phys. Chem. B | 118 | 2559 | 2014 | DOI | |
Radich, J.G., Peeples, N.R., Santra, P.K. and Kamat, P.V. | Charge Transfer Mediation Through Cu(x)S. The Hole Story of CdSe in Polysulfide | J. Phys. Chem. C | 118 | 16463 | 2014 | DOI | |
Santra, P. K.; and Chen, Y.-S. | Role of Mn2+ in Doped Quantum Dot Solar Cell | Electrochim. Acta | 146 | 654 | 2014 | DOI | |
Faber, M. S.; Park, K.; Cabán-Acevedo, M.; Santra, P. K.; Jin, S. | Earth-Abundant Cobalt Pyrite (CoS2) Thin Film on Glass as a Robust, High-Performance Counter Electrode for Quantum Dot-Sensitized Solar Cells | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. | 4 | 1843 | 2013 | DOI | |
Sarma, D.D., Santra, P.K., Mukherjee, S. and Nag, A. | X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy: A Unique Tool To Determine the Internal Heterostructure of Nanoparticles | Chem. Mater. | 25 | 1222 | 2013 | DOI | |
Santra, P. K.; Nair, Pratheesh V.; George Thomas K.; Kamat, P. V. | CuInS2-Sensitized Quantum Dot Solar Cell. Electrophoretic Deposition, Excited-State Dynamics, and Photovoltaic Performance | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. | 4 | 772 | 2013 | DOI | |
Santra, P. K.; Kamat, P. V. | Tandem-Layered Quantum Dot Solar Cells: Tuning the Photovoltaic Response with Luminescent Ternary Cadmium Chalcogenides | J. Am. Chem. Soc. | 135 | 877 | 2013 | DOI | |
Santra, P. K.; Kamat, P. V. | Mn-Doped Quantum Dot Sensitized Solar Cells: A Strategy to Boost Efficiency over 5 % | J. Am. Chem. Soc. | 134 | 2508 | 2012 | DOI | |
Choi, H., Santra, P.K. and Kamat, P.V. | Synchronized Energy and Electron Transfer Processes in Covalently Linked CdSe Squaraine Dye TiO2 Light Harvesting Assembly | ACS Nano | 6 | 5718 | 2012 | DOI | |
Fern, G. R.; Ireland, T.; Harris, P.; Silver, J.; Withnall, R.; Salimian, A.; Santra, P. K.; Leoni, M.; Erko, A.; Lennie, A.; Tang C. C. | Crystal Structure of Quenched and In-field Electroluminescent Phosphors | DLS Proceedings | 1 | 206 | 2011 | DOI | |
Jana, S., Srivastava, B.B., Acharya, S., Santra, P.K., Jana, N.R., Sarma, D.D. and Pradhan, N. | Prevention of photooxidation in blue-green emitting Cu doped ZnSe nanocrystals | Chem. Commun. | 46 | 2853 | 2010 | DOI | |
Santra, P.K., Mukherjee, S. and Sarma, D.D. | Growth Kinetics of ZnO Nanocrystals in the Presence of a Base: Effect of the Size of the Alkali Cation | J. Phys. Chem. C | 114 | 22113 | 2010 | DOI | |
Sarma, D.D., Nag, A., Santra, P.K., Kumar, A., Sapra, S. and Mahadevan, P. | Origin of the Enhanced Photoluminescence from Semiconductor CdSeS Nanocrystals | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. | 1 | 2149 | 2010 | DOI | |
Investigation of the internal heterostructure of highly luminescent quantum dot-quantum well nanocrystals | Santra, P. K.; Viswanatha, R.; Daniels, S. M.; Pickett, N. L.; Smith, J. M.; O’Brien, P.; Sarma, D. D. | J. Am. Chem. Soc. | 131 | 470 | 2009 | DOI | |
Viswanatha, R., Santra, P.K. and Sarma, D.D. | Self Assembly and Electronic Structure of ZnO Nanocrystals | J. Cluster Sci. | 20 | 389 | 2009 | DOI | |
Viswanatha, R., Santra, P., Dasgupta, C. and Sarma, D. | Growth Mechanism of Nanocrystals in Solution: ZnO, a Case Study | Phys. Rev. Lett. | 98 | 255501 | 2007 | DOI |
Authors Name | Title | Journal name | Vol no | Page no | Year | DOI | Affiliated to CeNS |
S. Krishnamurthy, D. S. S. Rao, S. Y. Khatavi, and C. V. Yelamaggad. | Twist-bend nematic drops as colloidal particles: Structural features. | Phys Rev E. | 107 | 034706 | 2023 | DOI | Yes |
Rani, V. Punjani, S. P. Gupta, M. B. Kanakala, C. V. Yelamaggad and S. K. Pal. | Observation of Helical Self-assembly in Cyclic Triphosphazenebased Columnar Liquid Crystals bearing Chiral Mesogenic Units | J. Mater. Chem. C. |
11 | 1067-1075 | 2023 | DOI | Yes |
Arnet Maria Antony,C V. Yelamaggad, and S. A. Patil. | Palladium Nanoparticles Decorated on Functionalized Graphitic Carbon Nitride as an Efficient and Retrievable Nanocatalyst for Organic Dye Degradation and Hydrogen Peroxide Sensing | Mater. Chem. Phys. | 297 | 127370 | 2023 |
Yes |
Rahaman, M. B. Kanakala, M. Waldiya, A. Sadhanala, C. V. Yelamaggad and Kavita Pandey. | Scalable Novel Lanthanide-ligand Complex for Robust Flexible Micro-supercapacitor | Power Sources |
564 | 232801 | 2023 | DOI | Yes |
K. S. Krishnamurthy, D. S. S. Rao, Shreya Sharma and C. V. Yelamaggad | Structure, stability and electrooptic features of nematic drops in 1”,7”-bis(4-cyanobiphenyl-4’-yl)heptane/surfactant binary systems | Phys Rev E | 105 | 024709 | 2022 | DOI | Yes |
S. L. Hossain, M. Mathews, B. N. Veerabhadraswamy, B. K. Kumar, C. V. Yelamaggad and C. Rajendra Singh | Antiproliferative, apoptosis‑inducing activity and molecular docking studies of sydnone compounds. | J. Can. Res. Ther. , (in press) | 2021 | Yes | |||
Satish A. Ture, Shruthy D. Pattathil, Veerabhadragouda B. Patil, Channabasaveshwar V. Yelamaggad, Ramón Martínez-Máñez, Venkataraman Abbaraju | Cholesterol-based nonsymmetric dimers comprising phenyl 4-(benzoyloxy)benzoate core: the occurrence of frustrated phases |
Liquid Crystals |
0 | 1-15 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
S. Yuvaraja, V. N. Bhyranalyar, S. A. Bhat, M. T. Vijjapu, S. G. Surya, C. V. Yelamaggad, and K. N. Salama | Tris(Keto-Hydrazone): A Fully Integrated Highly Stable and Exceptionally Sensitive H2S Capacitive Sensor. | Adv. Elect. Mater. | 7:8 | 2000853 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Satish A. Ture, Shruthy D. Pattathil, Veerabhadragouda B. Patil, Channabasaveshwar V. Yelamaggad | Synthesis and fluorescence sensing of energetic materials using benzenesulfonic acid-doped polyaniline | J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron. | 33 | 8551–8565 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
S. A. Ture,V. B. Patil,C. V. Yelamaggad,R. Martínez-Máñez,V.Abbaraju | Understanding of Mechanistic Perspective in Sensing of Energetic Nitro Compounds through Spectroscopic and Electrochemical studies. | J. Appl. Polym. Sci. | 32 | 138 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
V. B. Patil, M. N. Nadagouda, S. A. Ture, C. V. Yelamaggad, V. Abbaraju | Detection of energetic materials via polyaniline and its different modified forms. | Polym. Adv. Technol. | 32:12 | 4663-4677 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
M. Kempasiddaiah, K. A. Sree Raj, V. Kandathil, R. B. Dateer, B. S. Sasidhar, C. V. Yelamaggad, C. S. Rout, S. A. Patil. | Waste biomass-derived carbon-supported palladium-based catalyst for cross-coupling reactions and energy storage applications | Appl. Sur. Sci. | 570 | 151156 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Vijayshree Patil N, R.Sahoo, B. N. Veerabhadraswamy, S. Chakraborty, R. Dhard, R. D. Mathad and C. V. Yelamaggad. | Polarization investigations of Schiff base three-ring ferroelectric liquid crystals. | Liq. Cryst. | 48 | 1194-1205 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Madhu Babu Kanakala and C. V. Yelamaggad | Exceptionally Wide Thermal Range Enantiotropic Existence of a Highly Complex Twist Grain Boundary Phase in a Pure, Single-Component Liquid Crystal Chiral Dimer | ACS Omega | 6 | 11556−11562 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
S. Krishnamurthy, D. S. Shankar Rao, Madhu B. Kanakala, and Channabasaveshwar V. Yelamaggad | Electric response of topological dipoles in nematic colloids with twist-bend nematic droplets as the dispersed phase | Phys Rev E | 103 | 042701-042710 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
A. Bhardwaj, Vimala Sridurai, Sachin A. Bhat, C. V. Yelamaggad and G. G. Nair. | Photo-tunable Epsilon-Near-Zero behavior in a Self-assembled Liquid Crystal – Nanoparticle Hybrid Material | Nanoscale Adv. | 3 | 2508-2515 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
S. A. Bhat, D. S. Shankar Rao, S. Krishna Prasad, and C. V. Yelamaggad | Chiral Plasmonic Liquid Crystal Gold Nanoparticles: Self-Assembly into Circular Dichroism Responsive Helical Lamellar Superstructure | Nanoscale Adv., | 3 | 2269-2279 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
N. Khatun, V. Sridurai, R. Pujar, K. Madhu Babu, S. K. Choudhary, Geetha G. Nair G. U. Kulkarni; C. V. Yelamaggad | Enhanced thermal stability and monodomain growth in a 3D soft photonic crystal aided by graphene substrate. | J. Mol. Liq. | 325 | 115059 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
G.V. Varshini, D.S. Shankar Rao, Uma S. Hiremath, C. V. Yelamaggad and S. Krishna Prasad | Dielectric and viscoelastic investigations in a binary system of soft- and rigid-bent mesogens exhibiting the twist-bend nematic phase | J. Mol. Liq. | 323 | 114987 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Madhu Babu Kanakala and C. V. Yelamaggad | Exceptional dual fluorescent, excited-state intramolecular proton-transfer (ESIPT) columnar liquid crystals characterized by J-stacking and large Stokes shifts | J. Mol. Liq. | 332 | 115879 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
V. Patil N, B. N. Veerabhadraswamy, S. Chakraborty, S. M. Khened, R. D. Mathad and C. V. Yelamaggad | Investigation of Dielectric Behavior of Two Different Schiff base Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals | Ferroelectrics | 571 | 85-95 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
S. Yuvaraja, B. N. Veerabhadraswamy, S. A. Bhat, Sandeep G. Surya, C. V. Yelamaggad, and K. N. Salama | A highly selective electron affinity facilitated H2S sensor: the marriage of tris(keto-hydrazone) and organic field-effect transistor | Mater. Horizons | 8 | 525-537 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Rashmi A. Nayak, B. N. Veerabhadraswamy, D. S. Shankar Rao, A. S. Achalkumar, and C. V. Yelamaggad | Room Temperature, Deep-Red/NIR-Emissive, C3-Symmetric (n,π-conjugated) Columnar Liquid Crystals: C3h-Tris(keto-hydrazone)s | ACS Omega, 2021 | 6 | 3291−3306 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Chonamada, T. D., Dey, A. B., & Santra, P. K. | Degradation Studies of Cs3Sb2I9: A Lead-Free Perovskite | ACS Applied Energy Materials | 3:1 | 47-55 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
S. Yuvaraja, B. N. Veerabhadraswamy, S. A. Bhat, T. Vijjapu, Sandeep G. Surya, Mani, C. V. Yelamaggad, K. N. Salama. | Tris(Keto-Hydrazone): A fully integrated highly stable and exceptionally sensitive H2S capacitive sensor | Adv. Electron. Mater. | 7:8 | 2000853 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Vijayshree Patil N, R. Sahoo, B. N. Veerabhadraswamy, S. Chakraborty, R. Dhard, R. D. Mathad and C. V. Yelamaggad. | Polarization investigations of Schiff base three-ring ferroelectric liquid crystals. | Liq. Cryst. | 48 | 1194-1205 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
V. B. Patil, S. A. Ture, C. V. Yelamaggad, M. N. Nadagouda, A. Venkataraman. | Turn-off fluorescent sensing of energetic materials using protonic acid doped polyaniline: A spectrochemical mechanistic approach | Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem | 647 | 331-340 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
S. Yuvaraja, B. N. Veerabhadraswamy, S. A. Bhat, Sandeep G. Surya, C. V. Yelamaggad, K. N. Salama. | A highly selective electron affinity facilitated H2S sensor: the marriage of tris(keto-hydrazone) and an organic field-effect transistor | Materials Horizons | 8:2 | 525-537 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
V. N. Patil, B. N. Veerabhadraswamy, S. Chakraborty, S. M. Khened, R. D. Mathad and C. V. Yelamaggad | Investigation of Dielectric Behavior of Two Different Schiff base Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals | Ferroelectrics | 571:1 | 85-95 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Vijayshree Patil, N. and Veerabhadraswamy, B. N. and Chakraborty, Susanta and Khened, S. M. and Mathad, R. D. and Yelamaggad, C. V. | Dielectric study of three homologous Schiff base ferroelectric liquid crystals with the variation of temperature and frequency | Journal of Advanced Dielectrics | 10:05 | 2050019 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
M. Baral, S. K. Prasad; S. A. Bhat; R. A. Nayak and C.V. Yelamaggad | Conjunctive photoluminescence enhancement through plasmonic and photonic bandgap pathways in a chiral self-assembled system | ChemPhotoChem | 4 | 582 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
S. A. Inchara, B. N. Veerabhadraswamy, B. Paul, G. Hegde, C. V. Yelamaggad, and G. Shanker. | Supramolecular Self-Assembly Properties of Metallo-Ionic Phthalocyanines Constituting Regioisomers | ChemistrySelect | 05 | 10106– 10113 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
Rashmi A. Nayak, Sachin A. Bhat, D. S. Shakar Rao and C. V. Yelamaggad | Wide thermal Range, Exclusive Occurrence of Technically Significant Chiral Nematic Phase: Synthesis and Mesomoprhism of Cholesterol-Based Nonsymmetric Dimers | Bull. Mater. Sci | 43 | 188 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
K. S. Krishnamurthy, D. S. Shankar Rao, M. B. Kanakala, C. V. Yelamaggad and Maurice Kleman | Topological defects due to twist-bend nematic drops mimicking colloidal particles dispersed in a nematic medium | Soft Matter | 16 | 7479-7491 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
Rajalaxmi Sahoo, D. S. S. Rao, Uma S. Hiremath, C. V. Yelamaggad and S. K. Prasad | Impact of photoisomerization on the one-dimensional fluid and three-dimensional Abrikosov-like photonic structures of liquid crystals | J. Phy. Chem | 124:25 | 13920−13929 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
V. Lakshmidevi, S. A. Ture, C. V. Yelamaggad, V. N. N. Sundaram, R. Martínez-Máñez and V. Abbaraju |
Mechanistic insight into the turn off sensing of nitroaromatic compounds employing functionlized polyaniline | ChemistrySelect | 5 | 6321 – 6330 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
A. Narayana, S. A. Bhat, A. Fathima, S. V. Lokesh, S. G Surya and C. V. Yelamaggad | Green and Low-Cost Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Applications in Transistor-Based Carbon Monoxide Sensing | The Royal Society of Chemistry Advances | 10:23 | 13532-13542 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
Rajalaxmi Sahoo, Uma S Hiremath, D. S. Shankar Rao, C. V. Yelamaggad, P. Shinde, B. L. V. Prasad and Krishna Prasad | Influence of Gold Nanorods on the Structure and Photonic Bandgap in a Twist Grain Boundary Phase with Smectic C* Blocks | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 299 | 112117 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
K. S. Krishnamurthy, D. S. Shankar Rao, Madhu B. Kanakala, C. V. Yelamaggad and N. V. Madhusudana | Saddle-splay induced periodic edge undulations in Smectic A discs immersed in a nematic medium | Phys. Rev. E | 101 | 032704 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
S. Vimala, Madhu Babu Kanakala, C. V. Yelamaggad, Geetha G. Nair | Effect of gelation on the Frank elastic constants in a liquid crystalline mixture exhibiting a twist bend nematic phase | Soft Matter | 15:48 | 9982-9990 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
Chandraraj Alex, Sachin A. Bhat, Neena S. John and C. V. Yelamaggad | Highly Efficient and Sustained Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution by Embedded Pd-Nanoparticles on a Coordination Polymer-Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite | ACS Appl. Energy Mater | 2 | 8098-8106 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
B. N. Veerabhadraswamy, S. A. Bhat, U. S. Hiremath and C. V. Yelamaggad, | Light‐Emitting Chiral Nematic Dimers with Anomalous Odd‐Even Effect | ChemPhysChem | 20 | 2836-2851 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
N. Sharadhi, S. Vimala, K. Nurjahan, B. N. Veerabhadraswamy, C. V. Yelamaggad and G. G Nair | Tuning of Photonic band gap via combined effect of electric and optical fields in a blue phase liquid crystal composite | Liquid Crystals | 47:2 | 211-218 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
M. Baral, S. K. Prasad, B. N. Veerabhadraswamy and C. V. Yelamaggad | Enhanced photoluminescence in a chiral nematic liquid crystal through polymer stabilization and an erasable 3-state memory device | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 292 | 111338 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
K. Krishnamurthy, Madhu Babu Kanakala, C. V. Yelamaggad and N. Madhusudana. | Microscale Structures Arising from Nanoscale Inhomogeneities in Nematics Made of Bent Shaped Molecules. | The Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 123:6 | 1423-1431 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
D. P. Singh, A.K. Misra, A.S. Achalkumar, C.V. Yelamaggad and M. Depriester. | Transmuting the blue fluorescence of hekates mesogens derived from Tris(N-salicylideneaniline)s core via ZnS/ZnS:Mn2+ semiconductor quantum dots dispersion | Journal of Luminescence | 210 | 7–13 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
P. Satapathy, P. K. Santra, A. Haque, C. V. Yelamaggad, S. Das and S. Krishna Prasad. | Anisotropic Fast Electrically Switchable Emission from Composites of CsPbBr3 Perovskite Quantum Cuboids in a Nematic Liquid Crystal | Advanced Optical Materials | 7 | 1801408 (1 to 9) | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
Ashok K. Satapathy and Santosh K. Behera and Ankit Yadav and Laxmi Narayan Mahour and C.V. Yelamaggad and K.L. Sandhya and Balaram Sahoo | Tuning the fluorescence behavior of liquid crystal molecules containing Schiff-base: Effect of solvent polarity | Journal of Luminescence | 210 | 371 - 375 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
Rashmi Nayak, Sachin A. Bhat, G. Shanker and C. V. Yelamaggad | Frustrated Liquid Crystal Phases in Optically Active, Schiff Base Dimers Derived from Cholesterol: Synthesis and Rich Phase Transitional Behavior | New J. Chem. | 43 | 2148-2162 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
G. Shanker, P. Pratap, Ravindra Kumar Gupta, A. S. Achalkumar and C. V. Yelamaggad | Single Component Room Temperature Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals. | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 275 | 849 - 858 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
D.P. Singh and K. Agrahari and A.S. Achalkumar and C.V. Yelamaggad and R. Manohar and M. Depriester | Preparation and photophysical properties of soft-nano composites comprising guest anatase TiO2 nanoparticle and host hekates mesogens | Journal of Luminescence | 205 | 304 - 309 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
V. V. Mohanan, Balaram Pradhan, Vimala Sridurai, C. V. Yelamaggad, A. S. Achal Kumar and Geetha G. Nair | Giant enhancement and facile tuning of photoluminescence in a soft anisotropic magneto-gel | Nanoscale | 10:33 | 15686-15695 | 2018 | DOI | No |
S. Krishna Prasad, P. Lakshmi Madhuri, Pragnya Satapathy, and C. V. Yelamaggad | A soft-bent dimer composite exhibiting twist-bend nematic phase: Photo-driven effects and an optical memory device | Applied Physics Letters | 112 | 253701 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Pragnya Satapathy, Srividhya Parthasarathi, D. S. Shankar Rao, Madhubabu Kanakala, C. V. Yelamaggad, and S. Krishna Prasad |
Influence of zinc oxide nanorods on an orientationally ordered fluid comprising soft-bent dimers | Bulletin of Materials Science | 41(5) | 116 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Marlin Baral, S. Krishna Prasad, Himali Patel, A. S. Achal Kumar and C.V. Yelamaggad. | Giant Enhancement of Photoluminescence and Tertiary Emission in a Chiral Nematic by Matching Photonic Band Gap and Excitation Wavelength. | J. Mol. Liq. | 262 | 354–362 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
B. N. Veerabhadraswamy, D. S. Shankar Rao and C. V. Yelamaggad. | Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals: Synthesis and Thermal Behavior of Optically Active, Three-Ring Schiff bases and Salicylaldimines. | Chem. Asian J. | 13 | 1012-1023 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
A. K. Satapathy, S. K. Behera, Rajeev Kumar, K. L. Sandhya, C.V.Yelamaggad and Balaram Sahoo. | Excited state intramolecular proton transfer emission in bent core liquid crystals. | J. Photochem. Photobiol., A: Chemistry | 358 | 186-191 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
V. Lakshmidevi, C. V. Yelamaggad and A. Venkataraman | Studies on Fluorescence Quenching of DBSA-PANI Employing Nitroaromatics. | ChemistrySelect | 3 | 2655-2664 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Srividhya Parthasarathi, D. S. Shankar Rao, Rashmi Prabhu, C. V. Yelamaggad and S. Krishna Prasad. | Influence of chirality on the thermal and electric properties of the columnar mesophase exhibited by homomeric dipeptides | J. Chem. Phy., | 147 | 2017 | DOI | Yes | |
S. Vimala, Manoj Mathews, C. V. Yelamaggad and Geetha G. Nair | Electrically tunable soft photonic gel formed by blue phase liquid crystal for switchable colour reflecting mirror. | ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces | 9 | 39569–39575 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
K. S. Krishnamurthy, N. Palakurthy, and C. V. Yelamaggad | Confined Electroconvective and Flexoelectric Instabilities Deep in the Freedericksz State of Nematic CB7CB | J. Phy. Chem. B. | 121 | 5447-5454 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
L. Zhang, L. Wang, U. S. Hiremath, H. K. Bisoyi, G. G. Nair, C. V. Yelamaggad, A. M. Urbas, T. J. Bunning, Q. Li | Dynamic Orthogonal Switching of a Thermoresponsive Self-Organized Helical Superstructure | Advanced Materials | 29:24 | 1700676 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Parthasarathi, S., Rao, D.S.S., Palakurthy, N.B., Yelamaggad, C.V. and Prasad, S.K. | Effect of Pressure on Dielectric and Frank Elastic Constants of a Material Exhibiting the Twist Bend Nematic Phase | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 121(4) | 896-903 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Madhuri, P.L., Hiremath, U.S., Yelamaggad, C.V., Madhuri, K.P. and Prasad, S.K. | Influence of virtual surfaces on Frank elastic constants in a polymer-stabilized bent-core nematic liquid crystal | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 93(4) | 2016 | DOI | Yes | |
Krishnamurthy, K.S., Kumar, P., Palakurthy, N.B., Yelamaggad, C.V. and Virga, E.G. | Interfacial and morphological features of a twist-bend nematic drop | SOFT MATTER | 12 | 4967-4978 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
G. K. Narasimhamurthy, C. M. Subhan, Seema agarwal, S. Rangappa, C. V. Yelamaggad and K. Fakruddin. | Orientational order parameter of some CBOnO.m liquid crystalline compounds-An optical study. | Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. | 641 | 25-36 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Deepak, H.S.V., Yelamaggad, C.V., Khetrapal, C.L. and Ramanathan, K.V. | Effect of phase symmetry on the NMR spectrum of acetonitrile oriented in a uniaxial-biaxial-uniaxial phase | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE | 1119 | 110-114 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Achalkumar, A.S., Veerabhadraswamy, B.N., Hiremath, U.S., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Photoluminescent discotic liquid crystals derived from tris(N-salicylideneaniline) and stilbene conjugates: Structure-property correlations | DYES AND PIGMENTS | 132 | 291-305 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
P. Srividhya, D. S. Shankar Rao, Nani Babu Palakurthy, C. V. Yelamaggad and S. Krishna Prasad | Binary System Exhibiting the Nematic to Twist-Bend Nematic Transition: Behaviour of Permittivity and Elastic Constants. | J. Phy. Chem. B. | 120 | 5056-5062 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Veerabhadraswamy, B.N., Dambal, H.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | s-Triazine-Based Functional Discotic Liquid Crystals: Synthesis, Mesomorphism and Photoluminescence | CHEMPHYSCHEM | 17 | 2225-2237 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Padmini, V., Babu, P.N., Nair, G.G., Rao, D.S.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Optically Biaxial, Re-entrant and Frustrated Mesophases in Chiral, Non-symmetric Liquid Crystal Dimers and Binary Mixtures | CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL | 11 | 2897-2910 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Vimala, S., Sathya, S.M., Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Photo-driven change in the polar environment tunes gelation in a nematic liquid crystal | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 4 | 11313-11320 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Sambyal, A., Kour, G., Sharma, S., Bamezai, R.K., Anthal, S., Gupta, V.K., Kant, R. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Studies of an Intermolecular Hydrogen-Bonded Complex of Butyloxy Benzoic Acid and Dipyridyl Ethylene | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 608(1) | 135-145 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Kamaliya, B., Kumar, M.V., Yelamaggad, C.V. and Prasad, S.K. | Enhancement of electrical conductivity of a liquid crystal-gold nanoparticle composite by a gel network of aerosil particles | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 106(8) | 2015 | DOI | Yes | |
Veerabhadraswamy, B.N., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Optically active, three-ring calamitic liquid crystals: the occurrence of frustrated, helical and polar fluid mesophases | NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY | 39(3) | 2011-2027 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Veerabhadraswamy, B.N., Rao, D.S.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Stable Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals Derived from Salicylaldimine-Core | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 119 | 4539-4551 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Madhuri, P.L., Rao, D.S.S., Yelamaggad, C.V., Achalkumar, A.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Fast Photoluminescence Switching in the Nematic Phase of Calamitic-Discotic Composites | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS | 3(8) | 1116-1124 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Prabhu, R. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Structure-Property Correlations in Cyanobiphenyl-Based Dimer-Like Mesogens | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 119 | 11935-11952 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K., Kumar, M.V., Shilpa, T. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Enhancement of electrical conductivity, dielectric anisotropy and director relaxation frequency in composites of gold nanoparticle and a weakly polar nematic liquid crystal | RSC ADVANCES | 4(9) | 4453-4462 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K., Madhuri, P.L., Hiremath, U.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | A photo-driven dual-frequency addressable optical device of banana-shaped molecules | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 104:11 | 111906 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Prabhu, R., Yelamaggad, C.V. and Shanker, G. | Self-organisation properties of homomeric dipeptides derived from valine | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 41(7) | 1008-1016 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Madhuri, P.L., Prasad, S.K., Hiremath, U.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Photo-driven giant reduction of the Frank elastic constants in a bent-core nematic liquid crystal | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 104 | 2014 | DOI | Yes | |
Vimala, S., Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K., Hiremath, U.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Influence of polarization-tilt coupling on the ferroelectric properties of smectic gels | SOFT MATTER | 10 | 5905-5915 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Achalkumar, A.S., Rao, D.S.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Non-symmetric dimers comprising chalcone and cholesterol entities: an investigation on structure-property correlations | NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY | 38(9) | 4235-4248 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Hadjichristov, G.B., Marinov, Y.G. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Photo-stimulated electro-optic response of liquid-crystalline system with trans-cis photo-isomerizable agent | 18TH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS: CHALLENGES OF NANOSCALE SCIENCE: THEORY, MATERIALS, APPLICATIONS | 558 | 2014 | DOI | Yes | |
Achalkumar, A.S., Hiremath, U.S., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Self-Assembly of Hekates-Tris(N-salicylideneaniline)s into Columnar Structures: Synthesis and Characterization | JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY | 78(2) | 527-544 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Bapat, P.N., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K., Hiremath, U.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Effect of pressure on the dielectric behavior of a bent-core liquid crystal | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 87(4) | 2013 | DOI | Yes | |
Prasad, S.K., Kumar, M.V. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Dual frequency conductivity switching in a carbon nanotube/liquid crystal composite | CARBON | 59 | 512-517 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Dambal, H.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Technologically promising, room temperature luminescent columnar liquid crystals derived from s-triazine core: molecular design, synthesis and characterization | TETRAHEDRON LETTERS | 53(2) | 186-190 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Shanker, G., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Self-assembly of chiral hexacatenar-bisamides into a columnar structure | RSC ADVANCES | 2(4) | 1592-1597 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Findeisen-Tandel, S., Weissflog, W., Baumeister, U., Pelzl, G., Murthy, H.N.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Laterally substituted symmetric and nonsymmetric salicylideneimine-based bent-core mesogens | BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY | 8 | 129-154 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
S. K. Gupta, D. Pratap Singh, R. Manohara, Uma S. Hireamth and C. V. Yelmaggad. |
Dielectric behaviour of a ferroelectric liquid crystal dimer. | Liq. Cryst. | 39 | 1125-1129 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Shanker, G. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Synthesis and thermal behavior of chiral dimers: occurrence of highly frustrated and cholesteric liquid crystal phases | NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY | 36(4) | 918-926 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
S. Sridevi, Uma S. Hiremath, C.V. Yelamaggad, A.G. Petrov, S. Krishna Prasad. |
Bend Flexoelectricity of a Polymorphic Mesogen | Bulg. J. Phys. | 39 | 3-11 | 2012 | ||
Koizumi, N., Shanker, G., Araoka, F., Ishikawa, K., Yelamaggad, C.V. and Takezoe, H. | Interplay between polarity and chirality in the electric-field-responsive columnar phase of a dipeptide derivative | NPG ASIA MATERIALS | 4 | 2012 | DOI | Yes | |
Shanker, G., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Synthesis and characterization of supramolecular optically active bisamides derived from amino acids | TETRAHEDRON | 68 | 6528-6534 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Prabhu, R. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Reentrant Nematic Phenomenon in a New Class of Low Molar Mass, Single-Component Liquid Crystals | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 116 | 9549-9555 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Achalkumar, A.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Light emitting, star-shaped tris(N-salicylideneaniline) discotic liquid crystals bearing trans-stilbene fluorophores: synthesis and characterization | TETRAHEDRON LETTERS | 53 | 7108-7112 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Marinov, Y.G., Hadjichristov, G.B., Petrov, A.G., Sridevi, S., Hiremath, U.S., Yelamaggad, C.V. and Prasad, S.K. | Trans-cis photoizomerization-induced tilted anchoring in photoactive guest-host liquid crystalline systems | 17TH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS (ISCMP): OPEN PROBLEMS IN CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS, BIOMEDICAL PHYSICS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS | 398 | 2012 | DOI | Yes | |
Hiremath, U.S., Sonar, G.M., Rao, D.S.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Wide thermal range frustrated liquid crystal phase in chiral dimers | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 21 | 4064-4067 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Shanker, G., Prehm, M., Yelamaggad, C.V. and Tschierske, C. | Benzylidenehydrazine based room temperature columnar liquid crystals | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 21 | 5307-5311 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Bhargavi, R., Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K., Prabhu, R. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Anomalously large bend elastic constant and faster electro-optic response in anisotropic gels formed by a dipeptide | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 109(8) | 2011 | DOI | Yes | |
Pandey, A.S., Dhar, R., Achalkumar, A.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Thermodynamic, optical and dielectric properties of the twisted grain boundary phases of the homologous series of 4-n-alkyloxy-4 `-(cholesteryloxycarbonyl-1-butyloxy) chalcone | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 38(6) | 775-784 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Petrov, A.G., Marinov, Y.G., Hadjichristov, G.B., Sridevi, S., Hiremath, U.S., Yelamaggad, C.V. and Prasad, S.K. | New Photoactive Guest-Host Nematics Showing Photoflexoelectricity | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 544 | 3-13 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Shanker, G. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Synthesis and Phase Transitional Behavior of Dimer-like Optically Active Liquid Crystals | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 115 | 10849-10859 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Abhay S. Pandey, R. Dhar, A. S. Achalkumar and C. V. Yelamaggad. |
Electrical Behaviour of Twist Grain Boundary Phases of 4-n-dodecyloxy-4'-(cholesteryloxy-carbonyl-1-butyloxy)chalcone. | The Open Crystallography Journal | 4 | 49-58 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Shanker, G. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | A new class of low molar mass chiral metallomesogens: synthesis and characterization | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 21 | 15279-15287 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Sridevi, S., Hiremath, U.S., Yelamaggad, C.V., Prasad, S.K., Marinov, Y.G., Hadjichristov, G.B. and Petrov, A.G. | Behaviour of photosensitive soft materials: Thermo-optical, dielectric and elastic constant studies on azo-dye doped nematic liquid crystals | MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS | 130(3) | 1329-1335 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Achalkumar, A.S., Hiremath, U.S., Rao, D.S.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Non-conventional liquid crystals: synthesis and mesomorphism of non-symmetric trimers and tetramers derived from cholesterol | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 38 | 11-12 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Tadapatri, P., Hiremath, U.S., Yelamaggad, C.V. and Krishnamurthy, K.S. | Patterned Electroconvective States in a Bent-Core Nematic Liquid Crystal | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 114(1) | 10-21 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K., Bhargavi, R., Jayalakshmi, V., Shanker, G. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Soft Glass Rheology in Liquid Crystalline Gels Formed by a Monodisperse Dipeptide | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 114(2) | 697-704 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Y G Marinov, G B Hadjichristov, A G Petrov, S Sridevi, U S Hiremath, C V Yelamaggad, S K Prasad | Conoscopic evidence of the UV light-induced flexoelectric effect in homeotropic layers of nematic liquid crystal doped with azobenzene derivatives | Journal of Physics Conference Series | 253:1 | 012060 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Tadapatri, P., Hiremath, U.S., Yelamaggad, C.V. and Krishnamurthy, K.S. | Permittivity, Conductivity, Elasticity, and Viscosity Measurements in the Nematic Phase of a Bent-Core Liquid Crystal | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 114(5) | 1745-1750 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Shibata, Y., Akutsu, H., Yamada, J.-i., Satoh, M., Hiremath, U.S., Yelamaggad, C.V. and Nakatsuji, S. | Multifunctional Spin-carrying Anthraquinone Derivatives | CHEMISTRY LETTERS | 39(7) | 671-673 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Prabhu, R., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | The first examples of supramolecular discotic C-3h tris(N-salicylideneamine)s featuring inter- and intra-molecular H-bonding: synthesis and characterization | TETRAHEDRON LETTERS | 51 | 4579-4583 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Bapat, P.N., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | High-Pressure Dielectric Investigations of Nanocolloidal Aerosil-Nematic Liquid Crystal Composites | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 114 | 12825-12832 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Pandey, V.S., Dhar, R., Singh, A.K., Achalkumar, A.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Thermodynamic and electrical characteristics of the twisted grain boundary phases of 4-n-dodecyloxy-4'-(cholesteryloxycarbonyl-1-butyloxy) chalcone | PHASE TRANSITIONS | 83 | 1049-1058 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Pandey, A.S., Dhar, R., Pandey, M.B., Achalkumar, A.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Dielectric spectroscopy of unsymmetrical liquid crystal dimers showing wide temperature range TGBA and TGBC* phases | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 36(1) | 13-19 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Dhar, R., Pandey, M.B., Pandey, V.S., Pandey, A.S., Das, I.M.L., Achalkumar, A.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Characteristics of electrical properties of wide temperature range TGB phases in liquid crystal dimers | OPTO-ELECTRONICS REVIEW | 17(2) | 144-149 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Achalkumar, A.S., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Luminescent, Liquid Crystalline Tris(N-salicylideneaniline)s: Synthesis and Characterization | JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY | 74(8) | 3168-3171 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K., Jayalakshmi, V., Shanker, G. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Fast Responding Robust Nematic Liquid Crystalline Gels Formed by a Monodisperse Dipeptide: Electro-Optic and Rheological Studies | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 113 | 6647-6651 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Tamilenthi, V.P., Rao, D.S.S., Nair, G.G. and Prasad, S.K. | A new thermotropic reentrant behaviour in a chiral liquid crystal dimer: the occurrence of SmA-SmA(b)-SmA phase sequence | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 19 | 2906-2908 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Sharma, R.K., Gupta, V.K., Mathews, M. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Crystal structure of an optically active non-symmetric liquid crystal dimer: cholesteryl 5-[4-(4-n-heptylphenylethynyl)phenoxy]pentanoate | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 36(3) | 225-230 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Prabhu, R., Shanker, G. and Bruce, D.W. | Optically active, mesogenic lanthanide complexes: design, synthesis and characterisation | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 36(3) | 247-255 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
N. Nagappa, J. Mahadeva, S. Mohyeddine, C. V. Yelamaggad, S. Anitha Nagami, Uma S. Hiremath, D. Revannasiddaiah and M. V. Krishnaswamy. | TGB Phases in the Binary Mixtures of Nematic and Cholesteric Compounds | Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. | 508 | 242-248 | 2009 | DOI | |
Gupta, V.K., Sharma, R.K., Mathews, M. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Crystal structure of bis(cholesteryl)4,4'-(1,2-phenylenebis(oxy))-dibutanoate: an oligomesogen | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 36(3) | 339-343 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Kumar, P., Marinov, Y.G., Hinov, H.P., Hiremath, U.S., Yelamaggad, C.V., Krishnamurthy, K.S. and Petrov, A.G. | Converse Flexoelectric Effect in Bent-Core Nematic Liquid Crystals | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 113 | 9168-9174 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V. and Tamilenthi, V.P. | Synthesis and thermal properties of liquid crystal trimers comprising cyanobiphenyl and salicylaldimine anisometric segments | TETRAHEDRON | 65 | 6403-6409 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Hinov, H.P., Marinov, Y.G., Petrov, A.G., Hiremath, U.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Observations of flexo-dielectric walls in a bent-core-calamitic nematic liquid crystal | JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS | 11(9) | 1194-1197 | 2009 | Yes | |
Marinov, Y.G., Hinov, H.P., Hadjichristov, G.B., Petrov, A.G., Hiremath, U.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Observation of Flexoelectricity in Mixtures of Calamitic and Bent-Core Liquid Crystals | 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE BALKAN PHYSICAL UNION VOLS 1 AND 2 | 1203 | 329+ | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V. and Shanker, G. | Liquid crystal dimers derived from naturally occurring chiral moieties: synthesis and characterization | TETRAHEDRON | 64 | 3760-3771 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Rajneesh K. Sharma, Vivek K. Gupta, Manoj Mathews & C. V. Yelamaggad | Crystal structure of cholesteryl 5‐(4′‐(n‐decyloxy)‐2′,3′‐difluoro‐biphenyl‐4‐yloxy)pentanoate – a liquid crystalline non‐symmetric dimer | Liquid Crystals | 35:9 | 1161-1167 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Tamilenthi, V.P., Rao, D.S.S., Nair, G.G. and Prasad, S.K. | Optically biaxial interdigitated smectic A phase: liquid crystalline dimeric bidentate ligands and their metal complexes | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 18 | 2096-2103 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
PRAMODA KUMAR, UMA S. HIREMATH, C. V. YELAMAGGAD, AXEL G. ROSSBERG, AND K. S. KRISHNAMURTHY | Drifting Periodic Structures in a Degenerate-Planar Bent-Rod Nematic Liquid Crystal Beyond the Dielectric Inversion Frequency | J. Phys. Chem. B | 112 | L9270–9274 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Pandey, M.B., Dhar, R., Achalkumar, A.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Frequency and temperature dependence of the dielectric parameters of wide temperature range TGBA and TGBC* phases of unsymmetrical liquid crystal dimers | PHASE TRANSITIONS | 81(5) | 449-458 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shanker, G., Hiremath, U.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Cholesterol-based nonsymmetric liquid crystal dimers: an overview | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 18 | 2927-2949 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Achalkumar, A.S., Rao, D.S.S., Nobusawa, M., Akutsu, H., Yamada, J.-i. and Nakatsuji, S. | The first examples of discotic radicals: columnar mesomorphism in spin-carrying triphenylenes | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 18 | 3433-3437 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Kumar, P., Hiremath, U.S., Yelamaggad, C.V., Rossberg, A.G. and Krishnamurthy, K.S. | Electroconvection in a homeotropic bent-rod nematic liquid crystal beyond the dielectric inversion frequency | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 112 | 9753-9760 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Sridevi, S., Prasad, S.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Pretransitional behaviour in the vicinity of the isotropic-nematic transition of strongly polar compounds | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER | 20 | 2008 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shanker, G., Rao, R.V.R., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Babu, V.V.S. | Supramolecular Helical Fluid Columns from Self-Assembly of Homomeric Dipeptides | CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL | 14 | 10462-10471 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Mathews, M., Nagamani, S.A., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K., Findeisen, S. and Weissflog, W. | A novel family of salicylaldimine-based five-ring symmetric and non-symmetric banana-shaped mesogens derived from laterally substituted resorcinol: synthesis and characterization | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 17(3) | 284-298 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Sandhya, K.L., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K., Hiremath, U.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Dielectric studies under high pressure on strongly polar liquid crystals exhibiting monolayer smectic A phase | THERMOCHIMICA ACTA | 452(1) | 65-70 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Hiremath, U.S., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Liquid crystal dimers possessing chiral rod-like anisometric segments: synthesis, characterization and electro-optic behaviour | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 34(2) | 153-167 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Bonde, N.L., Achalkumar, A.S., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Prajapati, A.K. | Frustrated liquid crystals: Synthesis and mesomorphic behavior of unsymmetrical dimers possessing chiral and fluorescent entities | CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS | 19 | 2463-2472 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Achalkumar, A.S., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Monodispersive linear supermolecules stabilizing unusual fluid layered phases | ORGANIC LETTERS | 9 | 2641-2644 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Varshney, S.K., Yelamaggad, C.V. and Takezoe, H. | Iodo-substituted triphenylene-based discogens: by metal-mediated oxidative cross-coupling | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 34(7) | 787-790 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V. and Shanker, G. | Mesomorphic chiral non-symmetrical dimers: synthesis and characterization | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 34(7) | 799-809 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V. and Shanker, G. | Synthesis and characterization of non-symmetric chiral dimers | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 34(9) | 1045-1057 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Pandey, M.B., Dhar, R., Achalkumar, A.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Characteristic dielectric behaviour of the wide temperature range twist grain boundary phases of unsymmetrical liquid crystal dimers | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER | 19 | 2007 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Achalkumar, A.S., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | A new class of discotic mesogens derived from Tris(N-salicylideneaniline)s existing in C-3h and C-s keto-enamine forms | JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY | 72 | 8308-8318 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Achalkumar, A.S., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | The first examples of optically active tris(N-salicylideneaniline)s: manifestation of chirality from molecules to fluid columnar phases | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 17 | 4521-4529 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S. and Li, Q. | Liquid crystal trimers composed of banana-shaped and rodlike anisometric segments: Synthesis and characterization | CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS | 19 | 6561-6568 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Gupta, V., Rao, D., Lobo, C., Prasad, S., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | High pressure investigations of the photo-stimulated orientational ordering transition in a liquid crystal with photoactive dimeric molecules | THERMOCHIMICA ACTA | 440(2) | 205-211 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Lobo, C., Prasad, S. and Yelamaggad, C. | Experimental investigations on weakly polar liquid crystal-aerosil composites | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER | 18(3) | 767-776 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Achalkumar, A., Bonde, N. and Prajapati, A. | Liquid crystal Abrikosov flux phase: The exclusive wide thermal range enantiotropic occurrence | CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS | 18(5) | 1076-1078 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Liao, G., Shashikala, I., Yelamaggad, C., Rao, D., Prasad, S. and Jakli, A. | Ferroelectricity of a bent-core material with cholesteryl terminal chain | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 73 | 2006 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Hiremath, U.S., Liao, G., Jakli, A., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Li, Q. | Fluorine containing nonsymmetrical five-ring achiral banana-shaped compounds with columnar and synclinic antiferroelectric layered phases | SOFT MATTER | 2(9) | 785-792 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V. and Achalkumar, A.S. | Tris(N-salicylideneanilines) [TSANs] exhibiting a room temperature columnar mesophase: synthesis and characterization | TETRAHEDRON LETTERS | 47 | 7071-7075 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Rao, D.S.S., Nair, G.G. and Prasad, S.K. | The biaxial smectic (SmAb) phase in nonsymmetric liquid crystal dimers comprising two rodlike anisometric segments: an unusual behavior | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 16 | 4099-4102 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
R. K. Sharma, V. K. Gupta, P. Bandhoria, Manoj Mathews and C. V. Yelamaggad | X-Ray Study of Weak Interactions in a Liquid Crystalline Dimers. | My Science | 1(2) | 93-104 | 2006 | ||
Jakli, A., Liao, G., Shashikala, I., Hiremath, U.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Chirality and polarity transfers between bent-core smectic liquid-crystal substances | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 74 | 2006 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Liao, G., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K., Li, Q. and Jakli, A. | Blue phase, smectic fluids, and unprecedented sequences in liquid crystal dimers | CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS | 18 | 6100-6102 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K., Sandhya, K.L., Nair, G.G., Hiremath, U.S., Yelamaggad, C.V. and Sampath, S. | Electrical conductivity and dielectric constant measurements of liquid crystal-gold nanoparticle composites | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 33 | 1121-1125 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Nair, G.G., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Nonsymmetrical five-ring achira banana-shaped liquid crystals comprising salicylaldimine mesogenic segment | Journal of Chemical Research | 9 | 612-616 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Mathews, M., Hiremath, U., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Self-organization of mesomeric-ionic hybrid heterocycles into liquid crystal phases: a new class of polar mesogens | 12 | 1552-1554 | 2005 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C., Mathews, M., Hiremath, U., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Self-assembly of chiral mesoionic heterocycles into smectic phases: a new class of polar liquid crystal | TETRAHEDRON LETTERS | 46 | 2623-2626 | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
V. K. Gupta, P. Bandhoria, R. Sharma, M. Mathews & C. V. Yelamaggad | Crystal structure of cholesteryl 4-[4-(4-n-hexylphenylethynyl)-phenoxy]butanoate – a liquid-crystalline unsymmetric dimer | Phase Transitions | 78:6 | 481-488 | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
Hegde, G., Nair, G., Prasad, S. and Yelamaggad, C. | A photodriven dual-frequency addressable optical device | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 97(9) | 2005 | DOI | Yes | |
Gupta, V., Bandhoria, P., Kalyan, M., Mathews, M. and Yelamaggad, C. | Crystal structure of a liquid crystal non-symmetric dimer: cholesteryl 4-[4-(4-n-butylphenylethynyl)phenoxy]butanoate | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 32(6) | 741-747 | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Nair, G., Rao, D., Lobo, C., Shashikala, I. and Yelamaggad, C. | Biaxial nematic and smectic A phases in a "peelable banana-shaped" moleculet | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 437 | 2005 | DOI | Yes | |
S. Krishna prasad, Geetha G. Nair, Gurumurthy Hegde, K. L. Sandhya, D. S. Shankar Rao, Chethan V. Lobo & C. V. Yelamaggad | Photoinduced effects in nematic liquid crystals | Phase Transitions | 78:6 | 443-455 | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
Jana, C., Murthy, B., Jayaraman, N. and Yelamaggad, C. | Aggregation and mesomorphic properties of `double-headed' carbohydrate amphiphiles | PHASE TRANSITIONS | 78(6) | 529-535 | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
Kinoshita, H., Hata, M., Achalkumar, A., Yelamaggad, C., Akutsu, H., Yamada, J. and Nakatsuji, S. | Glass-forming organic radical compounds with cholesterol and benzylideneamine cores | TETRAHEDRON LETTERS | 46 | 6701-6703 | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Achalkumar, A., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Self-assembly of C-3h and C, symmetric keto-enamine forms of tris(N-salicylideneanilines) into columnar phases: A new family of discotic liquid crystals | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY | 126 | 6506-6507 | 2004 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Shashikala, I., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Bent-core V-shaped mesogens consisting of salicylaldimine mesogenic segments: synthesis and characterization of mesomorphic behaviour | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 31(7) | 1027-1036 | 2004 | DOI | Yes |
C.V. Yelamaggad, S. Krishna Prasad, Geetha G. Nair, I. Shashikala, D.S. Shankar Rao, Chetan V. Lobo and S. Chandrasekhar |
A Low Molar Mass, Monodispersive, Bent-Rod Dimer Exhibiting the Biaxial Nematic and Smectic A phases | Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. | 43 | 3429 –3432 | 2004 | DOI | |
Prasad, S., Nair, G., Hegde, G., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | Polymer network as a template for control of photoconductivity of a liquid crystal semiconductor | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 31(9) | 1265-1270 | 2004 | DOI | Yes |
Iyi, N., Kaneko, Y., Fujita, T., Nagamani, S. and Yelamaggad, C. | Thermal behavior of a cationic mesogen intercalated into clay interlayer | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 414 | 49-61 | 2004 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C. and Mathews, M. | Unsymmetrical dimers possessing a cholesteryl ester moiety and a difluoro-substituted biphenyl core: synthesis and mesomorphic behaviour | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 30(2) | 125-133 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Hiremath, U., Nagamani, S., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Novel chiral dimesogenic bidentate ligands and their Cu(II) and Pd(II) metal complexes | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 30(6) | 681-690 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Mathews, M., Hiremath, U., Nair, G., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Synthesis and thermal behaviour of salicylaldimine-based liquid crystalline symmetrical dimers | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 30(8) | 899-907 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Hiremath, U., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Monodispersive unsymmetrical tetramers exhibiting a columnar phase | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 397(2) | 507-529 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Mathews, M., Fujita, T. and Iyi, N. | Mesogenic Unsymmetric dimers containing cholesteryl ester and tolane moieties | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 30(9) | 1079-1087 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Maeda, Y., Rao, D., Nagamani, S., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | Phase behaviour of thermotropic banana-shaped compounds under pressure | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 30 | 1277-1283 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Sandhya, K., Rao, D., Prasad, S., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | Effect of pressure on liquid crystal dimers | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 30 | 1351-1355 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Hiremath, U., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | The first examples of monodispersive liquid crystalline tetramers possessing four non-identical anisometric segments | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 29(2) | 231-236 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Ajees, A., Karthikeyan, S., Yelamaggad, C. and Badami, B. | 4-(2-Benzoylhydrazinothiazol-4-yl)-3-phenylsydnone | ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE | 58(7) | 2002 | DOI | Yes | |
Prasad, S., Sandhya, K., Nair, G., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | Spacer parity dependence of photoinduced effects in liquid-crystalline dimers | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 92(2) | 838-841 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Lee, J., Oh, D., Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S. and Jin, J. | Ferroelectric liquid crystalline polyoxetanes bearing chiral dimesogenic pendants | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 12(8) | 2225-2230 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Nair, G., Rao, D., Prasad, S. and Jakli, A. | Achiral banana-shaped mesogenic bidentate ligands and their Cu(II) and Pd(II) complexes | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 29(9) | 1181-1185 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Nair, G., Prasad, S. and Yelamaggad, C. | Effect of electric field on the TGBC* phase | FERROELECTRICS | 277 | 431-438 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Fujita, T. and Iyi, N. | Organometallic chiral liquid crystals: bis4-{[}omega-(cholest-5-en-3-yloxycarbonyl)alkoxy]phenylethynyl\merc ury complexes | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 29 | 1393-1399 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Hiremath, U., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Salicylaldimine-based symmetric dimers: synthesis and thermal behaviour | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 29 | 1401-1408 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Sandhya, K., Nair, G., Prasad, S., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | Anomalous increase of photocurrent anisotropy in a liquid crystalline binary mixture | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 92 | 6987-6989 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Hiremath, U. and Rao, D. | Cholesterol-based dimesogenic bidentate ligands and their Cu( II) and Pd( II) metallomesogens | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28(3) | 351-355 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Nair, G., Prasad, S., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | Effect of light on the polarization of a banana-shaped achiral compound doped with a photoactive azobenzene material | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 90(1) | 48-52 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
V. N. Raja, C. V. Yelamaggad & Uma S. Hiremath | Effect of the temperature range of the nematic phase on the induction of a twist grain boundary phase in non-chiral liquid crystals | Liquid Crystals | 28:7 | 1041-1045 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
M. A. Sridhar, N. K. Lokanath, J. Shashidhara Prasad, C. V. Yelammagad & S. K. Varshney | Crystal structure of a cholesterol-based dimesogen | Liquid Crystals | 28:1 | 45-49 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Hiremath, U., Nagamani, S., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | A switchable salicylaldimine-based achiral bent-shaped mesogen: synthesis and characterization | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 11(7) | 1818-1822 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Hiremath, U. and Nair, G. | Cholesterol-based dimeric liquid crystals: synthesis and mesomorphic behaviour | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28(7) | 1009-1015 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
M.A.Sridhar, J. Shashidhar Prasad, C.V.Yelamaggad, S. K. Varshney |
Crystal Structure of Cholesterol-Based Dimesogen | Liq. Cryst. | 28 | 45 | 2001 | DOI | |
Iyi, N., Fujita, T., Yelamaggad, C. and Arbeloa, F. | Intercalation of cationic azobenzene derivatives in a synthetic mica and their photoresponse | APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE | 19 | 1-6 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Rao, D., Nair, G., Prasad, S., Nagamani, S. and Yelamaggad, C. | Experimental studies on the B-7 phase of a banana-shaped achiral mesogen | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28(8) | 1239-1243 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Rao, D., Prasad, S., Raja, V., Yelamaggad, C. and Nagamani, S. | Observation of a reentrant twist grain boundary phase | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS | 87(8) | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Hiremath, U., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Unsymmetrical trimesogens exhibiting the undulated twist grain boundary (UTGBC*) mesophase | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28 | 1581-1583 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Rao, D., Prasad, S. and Hiremath, U. | Electroclinic effect in unsymmetrical dimeric liquid crystals composed of two non-identical chiral mesogenic entities | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 363 | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
Lokanath, N., Sridhar, M., Prasad, J., Yelamaggad, C., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Crystal structure of an unsymmetrical dimeric liquid crystal with a wide temperature range chiral smectic A phase | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 364 | 567-574 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Cholesterol-based linear trimesogens: synthesis and evaluation of mesomorphic behaviour | 11 | 493-495 | 2001 | |||
Yelamaggad, C., Hiremath, U. and Prasad, D. | A novel calamitic liquid crystalline oligomer composed of three non-identical mesogenic entities: synthesis and characterization | 1 | 57-58 | 2000 | DOI | Yes | |
Nair, G., Prasad, S. and Yelamaggad, C. | Opto-dielectric effect on a nematic liquid crystal doped with a photoactive azo mesogen | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 87(5) | 2084-2089 | 2000 | DOI | Yes |
Balagurusamy, V., Prasad, S., Chandrasekhar, S., Kumar, S., Manickam, M. and Yelamaggad, C. | Quasi-one dimensional electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power studies on a discotic liquid crystal | PRAMANA-JOURNAL OF PHYSICS | 53(1) | 3-11 | 1999 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Srikrishna, A., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Synthesis and characterization of some new dimesogenic compounds | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 26 | 1547-1554 | 1999 | DOI | Yes |
A. Srikrishna, C. V. Yelamaggad and P. Praveen Kumar | Rearrangement approaches to sesquiterpenes containing multiple contiguous quaternary carbon atoms. Total synthesis of (±)-myltayl-8(12)-ene and (±)-6-epijunicedranol | Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 | 20 | 2877-2881 | 1999 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V. | A Novel Dimesogen with a Cholesteric Phase of Wide Temperature Range: Synthesis and Characterisation | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SECTION A-MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 326 | 149-153 | 1999 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Prasad, V., Manickam, M. and Kumar, S. | New Chiral Discotic Liquid Crystals | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SECTION A-MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 325 | 33-41 | 1998 | DOI | Yes |
Srikrishna, A., Viswajanani, R. and Yelamaggad, C. | Tributyltin chloride-sodium cyanoborohydride mediated tandem radical cyclisation-reductive demethoxylation sequence | TETRAHEDRON | 53 | 10479-10488 | 1997 | DOI | |
U.S.Hiremath, C.V.Yelamaggad and B.V.Badami | 1,3-Dipolar Cycloadducts of Syndnones : Versatile Synthons for the Synthesis of 2-Aryl-4, 7-diphenyl-2H-pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyridazines | Ind. J. Heterocycl, Chem. | 5 | 19 | 1995 | ||
C.V.Yelamaggad, U.S.Hiremath and B.V.Badami | Reactions of 4-(4- Thiazolyl)sydnones. Synthesis of 4-[2-(2,5-Dimethylpyrrol-1-yl)]-3-aryl-sydnones. | Ind. J. Chem. | 34B | 346 | 1995 | ||
C.V.Yelamaggad, U.S.Hiremath and B.V.Badami | Synthesis and Antimicrobial activity of 4-[3-methyl/aryl-7H-s-triazolo(3,4-b)(1,3,4)thiadia-zine-6-yl]-3-arylsyd-nones | Indian J.Chem. | 33B | 707-709 | 1994 | ||
U.S.Hiremath, C.V.Yelamaggad, B.V.Badami and G.S.Puranik | Synthetic Utility of 3-[4-(Hydrazinocarbonyl)]phenylsydnone : Synthesis and Anti-micorbial activity of 3-[4-(2,5-dimethylpyrrol-1-aminocarbonyl)], 3-[4-(5-amino-4-carbethoxy-3-methylthio-pyrazol-1-carbonyl) and 3-[4-(1,3,4-oxa-diazol-1-yl)]phenylsydnones | J.Chem. Res. | 502-503. | 1994 | |||
C.V.Yelamaggad, U.S.Hiremath and B.V.Badami | Reactions of 4-(4-Thiazolyl)sydnones in Acid Media : Synthesis of 4-[2-(3,5-dimethyl/phenyl-pyrazol-4-yl]-3-arylsydnones | Indian J.Chem. | 33B | 674-675 | 1994 | ||
C.V.Yelamaggad, U.S.Hiremath and B.V.Badami | Synthesis, Reactions and Biological Evaluation of 4-(4-Thiazolyl)sydnones | Indian J.Chem. | 32B | 848-857 | 1993 | ||
Authors Name | Title | Journal name | Vol no | Page no | Year | DOI | Affiliated to CeNS |
Nayak, Rashmi Ashwathama, Veerabhadraswamy, Bhyranalyar Nagarajappa, Shankar Rao, Doddamane S.Sudhakar, Achalkumar Ammathnadu & Yelamaggad, Channabasaveshwar V. | Room-Temperature, Deep-Red/NIR-Emissive, C3-Symmetric (n,π-conjugated) Columnar Liquid Crystals: C3h-Tris(keto-hydrazone)s | ACS Omega | 6 | 3291-3306 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Varshini, G. V.Rao, D. S. ShankarHiremath, Uma S.Yelamaggad, C. V.Yelamaggad, C. V. & Prasad, S. Krishna | Dielectric and viscoelastic investigations in a binary system of soft- and rigid-bent mesogens exhibiting the twist-bend nematic phase | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 323 | 114987 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Bhat, Sachin A.Bhat, Sachin A.Rao, D. S. ShankarRao, D. S. ShankarPrasad, S. KrishnaPrasad, S. Krishna and Yelamaggad, Channabasaveshwar V. | Chiral plasmonic liquid crystal gold nanoparticles: self-assembly into a circular dichroism responsive helical lamellar superstructure | Nanoscale Advances | 3 | 2269-2279 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Krishnamurthy, K. S.Shankar Rao, D. S.Kanakala, Madhu B & Yelamaggad, Channabasaveshwar V. | Electric response of topological dipoles in nematic colloids with twist-bend nematic droplets as the dispersed phase | Physical Review E | 103 | 042701 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Mandal, Sumana, Gupta, Ravindra Kumar, Pathak, Suraj Kumar, Rao, D. S. Shankar, Prasad, S. Krishna, Ammathnadu Sudhakar,Ammathnadu Sudhakar, Achalkumar & Jana, Chandan K. | Metal-free C–H functionalization of pyrrolidine to pyrrolinium-based room temperature ionic liquid crystals | New Journal of Chemistry | 45 | 8064-8071 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Chakraborty, SutapaChakraborty, Sutapa, Shyam, AbhijitShyam, Abhijit, Mondal, Paritosh, Prasad, S. Krishna, Rao, D. S. Shankar & Bhattacharjee, Chira R. | Liquid crystalline oxovanadium(IV) and copper(II) complexes of halogen-substituted salphen ligands: role of metal and spacer substituents | Liquid Crystals | 48 | 902-914 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Pragnya Satapathy, Srividhya Parthasarathi, D.S. Shamkar Rao, Saleheen Bano, Yuvraj Singh Negi and S.Krishna Prasad | Switchable smart windows using a biopolymer network of cellulose nanocrystals imposed on a nematic liquid crystal | Applied Physics Letters | 117(10) | 103702 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
K.L. Sandhya, Pushpavathi N.Rao,D.S. Shankar Rao and S.Krishna Prasad | Dielectric and electro optic studies in the vicinity of the transition between two tilted hexatic phases of a ZnO-liquid crystal nanocomposite | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 302 | 2020 | DOI | Yes | |
Priyanka Kanth,Hemanth Kumar Singh,Vijay Kumar,Scahin Kumar Singh, D.S. Shankar Rao, S. Krishna Prasad and Bachcha Singh. |
Effect of alkoxy chain density on the mesogenic properties of aroylhydrazone based liquid crystals: synthesis, characterisation, photophysical and gelation behaviour | Liquid Crystals | 47(12) | 1750-1761 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
G. V. Varshini, D. S. Shankar Rao, P. K. Mukherjee, and S. Krishna Prasad | Nanophase Segregation of Nanostructures: Induction of Smectic A and Re-Entrance in a Carbon Nanotube/Nematic Liquid Crystal Composite |
J. Phys. Chem. B (in press) |
DOI | ||||
K.L. Sandhya, N. Pushpavathi, S. Krishna Prasad, and D. S. Shankar Rao | Influence of ZnO nanoparticles on the polarization, dielectric and electro-optic behaviour in the Smectic C* and Hexatic I* phases | Journal of Molecular Liquids (in press) | 275 | 421 | 2019 | DOI | |
Golam Mohiuddin, Sharmistha Ghosh, Nazma Begum, Somen Debnath, Srikanth Turlapati, Doddamane Sreenivasamurthy Shankar Rao & Rao V. S. Nandiraju | Amide linkage in novel three-ring bent-core molecular assemblies: polar mesophases and importance of H-bonding | Liquid Crystals | 45:10 | 1549-1566 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Pragnya Satapathy, Srividhya Parthasarathi, D.S. Shankar Rao, M. Kanakala, C.V. Yelamaggad and S. Krishna Prasad | Influence of Zinc oxide nanorods on an orientationally ordered fluid comprising soft-bent dimers | Bull. Mater. Sci. | 41 | 116 | 2018 | DOI | |
B. N. Veerabhadraswamy, D. S. S. Rao, C. V. Yelamaggad | Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals: Synthesis and Thermal Behavior of Optically Active, Three‐Ring Schiff Bases and Salicylaldimines | Chem. Asian J. | 13 | 1012 | 2018 | DOI | |
S. Chakraborty, S. Krishna Prasad, D. S. Shankar Rao and C. R. Bhattacharjee | Photoluminescent nickel(II)-metallomesogens derived from salphen ligands: influence of halogens at the spacer on mesomorphism and emission properties | Liq. Cryst., (in press) | 2018 | DOI | |||
N. Das, D. Borah, H. Acharya, S. Choudhury, , S. Krishna Prasad, D.S. Shankar Rao, and C.R. Bhattacharjee | Grafting a mesomorphic Schiff base onto gold nanoparticle via ester link –photoluminescence, mesomorphism, electrical conductivity and antioxidant activity | Liq. Cryst., (in press) | 2018 | DOI | |||
K. Nagaraju, D. V. S. Phanindra, S. Krishna Prasad, D. S. Shankar Rao, and P. Sreekumar | Full Stokes polarimetry using dual-frequency liquid crystals | Proc. of SPIE | 10702 | 107024X | 2018 | DOI | |
R. Chakrabarty, A. Dutta, S. Roy, Gobinda Das, I. Ledoux-Rak, P. Mondal, S. Krishna Prasad, D. S. Shankar Rao and C. R. Bhattacharjee | Multifunctional Lanthanide Complexes: Mesomorphism, Photoluminescence and Second Order NLO Property | Chemistry Select | 3 | 8245 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
S. R. Srither, D. S. Shankar Rao, and S. Krishna Prasad | Triboelectric Nanogenerator Based on Biocompatible and Easily Available Polymer Films | Chemistry Select | 3 | 5055 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
D. R. Vinayakumara, Hidayath Ulla, S. Kumar, A. Pandith, M. N.Satyanarayan, D. S. Shankar Rao, S. Krishna Prasad, A. V. Adhikari | Hydrogen Bond-Driven Columnar Self-Assembly of Electroluminescent D-A-D Configured Cyanopyridones | J. Mater. Chem. C | 6 | 7385 | 2018 | DOI | |
A. Sandeep, V. K. Praveen, D. S. Shankar Rao, S. Krishna Prasad, and A. Ajayaghosh | Transforming a C3‑Symmetrical Liquid Crystal to a π‑Gelator by 2 Alkoxy Chain Variation | ACS Omega | 3 | 4392 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
G. Mohiuddin, S. Ghosh, N. Begum, S. Debnath, S. Turlapati, D. S. Shankar Rao and N.V.S. Rao, | Amide linkage in novel three ring bent-core molecular assemblies: polar mesophases and importance of H-bonding | Liq. Cryst., | 45 | 1549 | 2018 | DOI | |
H. K. Singh, B.Pradhan, S.K. Singh, R. Nandi, D. S. Shankar Rao, S. K. Prasad, A. S. Achalkumar and B. Singh, | Substituted Aroylhydrazone Based Polycatenars: Tuning of Liquid Crystalline Self‐Assembly | ChemistrySelect | 3 | 4027 | 2018 | DOI | |
R. K. Gupta, D. S. Shankar Rao, S. Krishna Prasad and A. S. Achalkumar | Columnar Self-Assembly of Electron-Deficient Dendronized Bay-Annulated Perylene Bisimides | Chem. Eur. J. | 24 | 3566 | 2018 | DOI | |
Srividhya Parthasarathi, D. S. Shankar Rao, Rashmi Prabhu, C. V. Yelamaggad, and S. Krishna Prasad | Influence of chirality on the thermal and electric properties of the columnar mesophase exhibited by homomeric dipeptides | J. Chem. Phys. | 147 | 134905 | 2017 | DOI | |
S. Chakraborty, P. Mondala, S. Krishna Prasad, D.S. Shankar Rao, C. R. Bhattacharjee | Zinc(II)-salphen complexes bearing long alkoxy side arms: Synthesis, solvent dependent aggregation, and spacer group substituent effect on mesomorphism and photophysical property | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 246 | 290 | 2017 | DOI | |
N. Das, H. Acharya, S. Krishna Prasad, D. S. Shankar Rao and C. R. Bhattacharjee | Mesomorphic Schiff base amine tethered giant gold nanoparticles | Liq. Cryst., | 44 | 2259 | 2017 | DOI | |
P. Kumar, D. S. Shankar Rao, S. K. Prasad, N. Jayaraman, | Connector Type-Controlled Mesophase Structures in Poly(propyl etherimine) Dendritic Liquid Crystals of Identical Dendrimer Generations | Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, | 55 | 3665 | 2017 | DOI | |
Gobinda Das, T. Skorjanc, S. K. Sharma, F. Gandara, M. Lusi, D. S. Shankar Rao, S. Vimala, S. Krishna Prasad, J. Raya, D. S. Han, R. Jagannathan, J.C. Olsen, and A, Trabolsi, | Viologen-Based Conjugated Covalent Organic Networks via Zincke Reaction | J. Am. Chem. Soc., | 139 | 9558 | 2017 | DOI | |
S. K. Saha, B. Bhattacharya, U. Sarkar, D.S. Shankar Rao, M. K. Paul, | Unsymmetrical achiral four ring hockey stick shaped mesogens based on 1,3,4-oxadiazole: Photophysical, mesogenic and DFT studies | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 241 | 881 | 2017 | DOI | |
Parthasarathi, S., Rao, D.S.S., Palakurthy, N.B., Yelamaggad, C.V. and Prasad, S.K. | Effect of Pressure on Dielectric and Frank Elastic Constants of a Material Exhibiting the Twist Bend Nematic Phase | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 121(4) | 896-903 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Sivadas, A.P., Rao, D.S.S., Kumar, N.S.S., Prabhu, D.D., Varghese, S., Ramachandran, C.N., Ongungal, R.M., Prasad, S.K. and Das, S. | Self-Assembling and Luminescent Properties of Chiral Bisoxadiazole Derivatives in Solution and Liquid-Crystalline Phases | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 121(8) | 1922-1929 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
R. Nandi, H. K. Singh, S. K. Singh, D. S. Shankar Rao, S. Krishna Prasad, B. Singh and R. K. Singh, | Investigation of liquid crystalline property of a new calamitic liquid crystalline system methyl 4-(4ʹ-(4ʹʹ-(decyloxy)benzyloxy) benzylideneamino)benzoate |
Liq. Cryst., | 44 | 1185 | 2017 | DOI | |
Srividhya Parthasarathi, D. S. Shankar Rao*, Nani Babu Palakurthy, C. V. Yelamaggad, and S. Krishna Prasad | Binary System Exhibiting the Nematic to Twist-Bend Nematic Transition: Behavior of Permittivity and Elastic Constants | J. Phys. Chem. B | 120(22) | 5056-5062 | 2016 | DOI | |
Uma S. Hiremath, Geetha G. Nair & D. S. Shankar Rao | Supramolecular non-symmetric dimers derived from cholesterol: synthesis and phase transitional properties | Liquid Crystals | 43:6 | 711-728 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Kumar, P., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Jayaraman, N.. | In-plane modulated smectic à vs smectic ‘A’ lamellar structures in poly(ethyl or propyl ether imine) dendrimers | POLYMER | 86 | 98-104 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Chakraborty, S., Purkayastha, D.D., Das, G., Bhattacharjee, C.R., Mondal, P., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Photoluminescent tetrahedral d(10)-metal Schiff base complexes exhibiting highly ordered mesomorphism | POLYHEDRON | 105 | 150-158 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Achalkumar, A.S., Veerabhadraswamy, B.N., Hiremath, U.S., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Photoluminescent discotic liquid crystals derived from tris(N-salicylideneaniline) and stilbene conjugates: Structure-property correlations | DYES AND PIGMENTS | 132 | 291-305 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Singh, H.K., Singh, S.K., Nandi, R., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K., Singh, R.K. and Singh, B. | Observation of exceptional 'de Vries-like' properties in a conventional aroylhydrazone based liquid crystal | RSC ADVANCES | 6 | 57799-57802 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Veerabhadraswamy, B.N., Dambal, H.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | s-Triazine-Based Functional Discotic Liquid Crystals: Synthesis, Mesomorphism and Photoluminescence | CHEMPHYSCHEM | 17 | 2225-2237 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Pramanik, H.A.R., Chanda, S., Bhattacharjee, C.R., Paul, P.C., Mondal, P., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Iron(III) metallomesogen of [N2O2] donor Schiff base ligand containing 4-substituted alkoxy chains | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 43 | 1606-1615 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Nandi, R., Singh, S.K., Singh, H.K., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K., Singh, B. and Singh, R.K. | Molecular approach to phase transitions in a calamitic ester substituted aroylhydrazone liquid crystal | JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY | 47 | 1095-1101 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Roy, S., Hazra, A., Bandyopadhyay, A., Raut, D., Madhuri, P.L., Rao, D.S.S., Ramamurty, U., Pati, S.K., Prasad, S.K. and Maji, T.K. | Reversible Polymorphism, Liquid Crystallinity, and Stimuli-Responsive Luminescence in a Bola-amphiphilic pi-System: Structure-Property Correlations Through Nanoindentation and DFT Calculations | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS | 7 | 4086-4092 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Chakraborty, S., Mondal, P., Prasad, S.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Bhattacharjee, C.R. | Induction of Mesomorphism through Supramolecular Assembly in Metal Coordination Compounds of ``salphen''-Type Schiff Bases: Photoluminescence and Solvatochromism | 28 | 4604-4614 | 2016 | DOI | Yes | |
Padmini, V., Babu, P.N., Nair, G.G., Rao, D.S.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Optically Biaxial, Re-entrant and Frustrated Mesophases in Chiral, Non-symmetric Liquid Crystal Dimers and Binary Mixtures | CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL | 11 | 2897-2910 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Pradhan, B., Vaisakh, V.M., Nair, G.G., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Sudhakar, A.A. | Effect of Atomic-Scale Differences on the Self-Assembly of Thiophene-based Polycatenars in Liquid Crystalline and Organogel States | CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL | 22 | 17843-17856 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Veerabhadraswamy, B.N., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Optically active, three-ring calamitic liquid crystals: the occurrence of frustrated, helical and polar fluid mesophases | NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY | 39(3) | 2011-2027 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Pathak, S.K., Gupta, R.K., Nath, S., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Achalkumar, A.S. | Columnar self-assembly of star-shaped luminescent oxadiazole and thiadiazole derivatives | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 3 | 2940-2952 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Veerabhadraswamy, B.N., Rao, D.S.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Stable Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals Derived from Salicylaldimine-Core | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 119 | 4539-4551 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Chakraborty, S., Bhattacharjee, C.R., Mondal, P., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Synthesis and aggregation behaviour of luminescent mesomorphic zinc(II) complexes with `salen' type asymmetric Schiff base ligands | DALTON TRANSACTIONS | 44 | 7477-7488 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Gupta, R.K., Pathak, S.K., Pradhan, B., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Achalkumar, A.S. | Self-assembly of luminescent N-annulated perylene tetraesters into fluid columnar phases | SOFT MATTER | 11 | 3629-3636 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Singh, H.K., Singh, S.K., Nandi, R., Singh, M.K., Kumar, V., Singh, R.K., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Singh, B. | Tuning the thermotropic properties of liquid crystalline p-substituted aroylhydrazones | RSC ADVANCES | 5 | 44274-44281 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Pathak, S.K., Nath, S., Gupta, R.K., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Achalkumar, A.S. | Effect of regioisomerism on the self-assembly and photophysical behavior of 1,3,4-thiadiazole-based polycatenars | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 3 | 8166-8182 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Madhuri, P.L., Rao, D.S.S., Yelamaggad, C.V., Achalkumar, A.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Fast Photoluminescence Switching in the Nematic Phase of Calamitic-Discotic Composites | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS | 3(8) | 1116-1124 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Parthasarathi, S., Rao, D.S.S., Singh, H.K., Singh, B. and Prasad, S.K. | Anchoring transition driven by short range ordering in calamitic-discotic composites | THERMOCHIMICA ACTA | 616 | 61-68 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Mandal, J., Prasad, S.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Ramakrishnan, S. | Periodically Clickable Polyesters: Study of Intrachain Self-Segregation Induced Folding, Crystallization, and Mesophase Formation | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY | 136(6) | 2538-2545 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Sivadas, A.P., Kumar, N.S.S., Prabhu, D.D., Varghese, S., Prasad, S.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Das, S. | Supergelation via Purely Aromatic pi-pi Driven Self-Assembly of Pseudodiscotic Oxadiazole Mesogens | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY | 136 | 5416-5423 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Kumar, M.V., Prasad, S.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Mukherjee, P.K. | Competition between Anisometric and Aliphatic Entities: An Unusual Phase Sequence with the Induction of a Phase in an n-Alkane-Liquid Crystal Binary System | LANGMUIR | 30 | 4465-4473 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
T. N. Ahipa, Vijith Kumar, D. S. Shankar Rao, Subbarao Krishna Prasad and Airody Vasudeva Adhikari | New 4-(2-(4-alkoxyphenyl)-6-methoxypyridin-4-yl)benzonitriles: synthesis, liquid crystalline behavior and photo physical properties | CrystEngComm | 16:25 | 5573-5582 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Achalkumar, A.S., Rao, D.S.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Non-symmetric dimers comprising chalcone and cholesterol entities: an investigation on structure-property correlations | NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY | 38(9) | 4235-4248 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Parthasarathi, S., Rao, D.S.S., Csorba, K.F. and Prasad, S.K. | Viscoelastic Behavior of a Binary System of Strongly Polar Bent-Core and Rodlike Nematic Liquid Crystals | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 118 | 14526-14535 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Achalkumar, A.S., Hiremath, U.S., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Self-Assembly of Hekates-Tris(N-salicylideneaniline)s into Columnar Structures: Synthesis and Characterization | JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY | 78(2) | 527-544 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Nath, R.K., Deb, R., Chakraborty, N., Mohiuddin, G., Rao, D.S.S. and Rao, N.V.S. | Influence of the chloro substituent on the mesomorphism of unsymmetrical achiral four-ring bent-core compounds: 2D polarization modulated banana phases | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 1(4) | 663-670 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Bhalla, V., Gupta, A., Kumar, M., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Self-Assembled Pentacenequinone Derivative for Trace Detection of Picric Acid | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 5(3) | 672-679 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Bapat, P.N., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K., Hiremath, U.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Effect of pressure on the dielectric behavior of a bent-core liquid crystal | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 87(4) | 2013 | DOI | Yes | |
Kumar, M.V., Prasad, S.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Pozhidaev, E.P. | Confinement driven effects in a room temperature ferroelectric liquid crystal: X-ray, linear and non-linear dielectric investigations | PHASE TRANSITIONS | 86(4) | 323-338 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Reddy, M.K., Reddy, K.S., Yoga, K., Prakash, M., Narasimhaswamy, T., Mandal, A.B., Lobo, N.P., Ramanathan, K.V., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Structural Characterization and Molecular Order of Rodlike Mesogens with Three- and Four-Ring Core by XRD and C-13 NMR Spectroscopy | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 117 | 5718-5729 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Sarvamangala, M., Kumar, M.V., Khened, S.M., Basavaraja, S., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Anomalous dielectric behavior in the nematic and isotropic phases of a strongly polar-weakly polar binary system | PHASE TRANSITIONS | 86(5) | 454-462 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Majumdar, K.C., Ghosh, T., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Unsymmetrical tetracatenar liquid crystals containing 2-phenylbenzoxazole: Synthesis and characterisation | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 40(3) | 305-313 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Hiremath, U.S., Menezes, H.M., Nair, G.G., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Observation of a chiral smectic C phase over a wide thermal range with novel phase sequences in rigid, bulky chiral dimers | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 1 | 5799-5806 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Pramanik, H.A.R., Das, G., Bhattacharjee, C.R., Paul, P.C., Mondal, P., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Tunable Emissive Lanthanidomesogen Derived from a Room-Temperature Liquid-Crystalline Schiff-Base Ligand | CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL | 19 | 13151-13159 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Rao, D.S.S., Kumar, M.V., Prasad, S.K., Hiremath, U.S., Sarvamangala, M. and Basavaraja, S. | Novel columnar-calamitic phase sequences in a binary system of bent-core and rod-like mesogens | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 1 | 7488-7497 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Deb, R., Laskar, A.R., Sarkar, D.D., Mohiuddin, G., Chakraborty, N., Ghosh, S., Rao, D.S.S. and Rao, N.V.S. | Fluorescent unsymmetrical four-ring bent-core mesogens: 2D modulated phases | CRYSTENGCOMM | 15 | 10510-10521 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Bhattacharjee, C.R., Datta, C., Das, G., Das, D., Mondal, P., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Photoluminescent columnar zinc(II) bimetallomesogen of tridentate [ONO]-donor Schiff base ligand | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 40(7) | 942-950 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Shanker, G., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Self-assembly of chiral hexacatenar-bisamides into a columnar structure | RSC ADVANCES | 2(4) | 1592-1597 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Bapat, P.N., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Hiremath, U.S. | Effect of hydrostatic pressure on the Frank splay and bend elastic constants | THERMOCHIMICA ACTA | 537 | 65-69 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Nath, R.K., Sarkar, D.D., Rao, D.S.S. and Nandiraju, V.S.R. | Influence of polar substituents on the mesomorphism of non-symmetrical achiral four-ring bent-core compounds: synthesis and characterisation | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 39(7) | 889-902 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Shanker, G., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Synthesis and characterization of supramolecular optically active bisamides derived from amino acids | TETRAHEDRON | 68 | 6528-6534 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Sarvamangala, M., Kumar, M.V., Khened, S.M., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Dielectric Behavior in the Nematic and Isotropic Phases of a Strongly Polar-Weakly Polar Binary System | SOLID STATE PHYSICS, PTS 1 AND 2 | 1447 | 77+ | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Majumdar, K.C., Shyam, P.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Oxadiazole-based non-symmetric liquid crystalline trimers terminating with ferrocene and cholesterol units exhibiting TGBC* phase over a wide thermal range | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 39(9) | 1117-1123 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Majumdar, K.C., Shyam, P.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Oxadiazole-based unsymmetrical chiral liquid crystal dimers: synthesis and mesomorphic properties | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 39 | 1358-1367 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Majumdar, K.C., Shyam, P.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Occurrence of unusually wide thermal range enantiotropic twist grain boundary TGBC* phases in unsymmetrical cholesterol and oxadiazole based liquid crystalline dimers | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 21(2) | 556-561 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K., Rao, D.S.S., Sridevi, S., Naciri, J. and Ratna, B.R. | Critical behavior of three organosiloxane de Vries-type liquid crystals observed via the dielectric response | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER | 23 | 2011 | DOI | Yes | |
Hiremath, U.S., Sonar, G.M., Rao, D.S.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Wide thermal range frustrated liquid crystal phase in chiral dimers | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 21 | 4064-4067 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Bhattacharjee, C.R., Das, G., Mondal, P., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Novel Green Light Emitting Nondiscoid Liquid Crystalline Zinc(II) Schiff-Base Complexes | 9 | 1418-1424 | 2011 | DOI | Yes | |
Bhattacharjee, C.R., Das, G., Mondal, P., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Lamellar columnar mesomorphism in a series of oxovanadium(IV) complexes derived from N, N/-di-(4-n-alkoxysalicylidene)diaminobenzene | INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS | 14(4) | 606-612 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Bhattacharjee, C.R., Das, G., Goswami, P., Mondal, P., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Novel photoluminescent lanthanidomesogens forming bilayer smectic phase derived from blue light emitting liquid crystalline, one ring O-donor Schiff-base ligands | POLYHEDRON | 30(6) | 1040-1047 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Bhattacharjee, C.R., Das, G., Mondal, P., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Plastic columnar mesomorphism in half-disc-shaped oxovanadium(IV) Schiff base complexes | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 38(5) | 615-623 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Majumdar, K.C., Ghosh, T., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | 2-phenylbenzoxazole-containing calamitic liquid crystals: synthesis and characterisation | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 38(5) | 625-632 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Bapat, P.N., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K., Naciri, J. and Ratna, B.R. | High-Pressure Investigations of a Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Exhibiting a Trend Reversal in the Thermal Variation of Polarization | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 115 | 10425-10430 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Majumdar, K.C., Ghosh, T., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Unsymmetrical cholesterol and benzoxazole-based liquid crystalline dimers: synthesis and characterisation | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 38 | 1269-1277 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Achalkumar, A.S., Hiremath, U.S., Rao, D.S.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Non-conventional liquid crystals: synthesis and mesomorphism of non-symmetric trimers and tetramers derived from cholesterol | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 38 | 11-12 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Vijayaraghavan, R.K., Abraham, S., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Das, S. | Light induced generation of stable blue phase in photoresponsive diphenylbutadiene based mesogen | CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS | 46 | 2796-2798 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K., Sridevi, S. and Rao, D.S.S. | Diminution of the Ordering in Plastic and Liquid Crystalline Phases by Confinement | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 114 | 7474-7481 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Singh, M.K., Jayaraman, N., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Role of hydroxyl group on the mesomorphism of alkyl glycosides: synthesis and thermal behavior of alkyl 6-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranosides | CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF LIPIDS | 163(6) | 580-585 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Prabhu, R., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | The first examples of supramolecular discotic C-3h tris(N-salicylideneamine)s featuring inter- and intra-molecular H-bonding: synthesis and characterization | TETRAHEDRON LETTERS | 51 | 4579-4583 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Bapat, P.N., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | High-Pressure Dielectric Investigations of Nanocolloidal Aerosil-Nematic Liquid Crystal Composites | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 114 | 12825-12832 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Varshney, S.K., Nagayama, H., Rao, D.S.S. and Takezoe, H. | Synthesis and Liquid-Crystalline Properties of beta-Bromopentakis(Alkoxy) Triphenylene: Reactivity of VOCl3, MoCl5, and FeCl3 as Oxidants | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 528 | 38-48 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Kumar, M.V., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Confinement-Driven Weakening of the Rotator Phase Transitions in an Alkane through a Possible Tricritical Point | LANGMUIR | 26 | 18362-18368 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Majumdar, K.C., Ghosh, T., Chakravorty, S., Pal, N., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Cholesterol-based unsymmetrical Schiff's base dimer terminated with 4-alkoxy-5-phenylthiophene unit: synthesis and characterisation | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 37 | 1539-1547 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Achalkumar, A.S., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Luminescent, Liquid Crystalline Tris(N-salicylideneaniline)s: Synthesis and Characterization | JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY | 74(8) | 3168-3171 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
S Krishna Prasad, D S Shankar Rao, Geetha G Nair | Liquid crystalline phase transitions in confined geometries | Journal of the Indian Institute of Science | 89:2 | 211-227 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K., Rao, D.S.S., Sridevi, S., Lobo, C.V., Ratna, B.R., Naciri, J. and Shashidhar, R. | Unusual Dielectric and Electrical Switching Behavior in the de Vries Smectic A Phase of Two Organosiloxane Derivatives | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS | 102 | 2009 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Tamilenthi, V.P., Rao, D.S.S., Nair, G.G. and Prasad, S.K. | A new thermotropic reentrant behaviour in a chiral liquid crystal dimer: the occurrence of SmA-SmA(b)-SmA phase sequence | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 19 | 2906-2908 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Varghese, S., Kumar, N.S.S., Krishna, A., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Das, S. | Formation of Highly Luminescent Supramolecular Architectures Possessing Columnar Order from Octupolar Oxadiazole Derivatives: Hierarchical Self-Assembly from Nanospheres to Fibrous Gels | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS | 19 | 2064-2073 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K., Nair, G.G. and Rao, D.S.S. | Photoinduced phase transitions | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 36 | 6-7 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Bapat, P.N., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Effect of high pressure on the nematic-isotropic transition in aerosil-liquid crystal composites | THERMOCHIMICA ACTA | 495 | 1-2 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Varshney, S.K., Takezoe, H., Prasad, V. and Rao, D.S.S. | pi-Conjugated Triphenylene Twins Exhibiting Polymesomorphism Including the Nematic Phase | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 515 | 16-38 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Varshney, S.K., Takezoe, H. and Rao, D.S.S. | Discotic liquid crystals: Synthesis and characterization of radial polyalkynylbenzene derivatives | BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN | 81(1) | 163-167 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Tamilenthi, V.P., Rao, D.S.S., Nair, G.G. and Prasad, S.K. | Optically biaxial interdigitated smectic A phase: liquid crystalline dimeric bidentate ligands and their metal complexes | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 18 | 2096-2103 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Bhyrappa, P., Arunkumar, C., Varghese, B., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Synthesis and mesogenic properties of beta-tetrabrominated tetraalkyloxyporphyrins | JOURNAL OF PORPHYRINS AND PHTHALOCYANINES | 12(1) | 54-64 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Das, S., Gopinathan, N., Abraham, S., Jayaraman, N., Singh, M.K., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Manifestation of a chiral smectic C phase in diphenylbutadiene-cored bolaamphiphilic sugars | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS | 18 | 1632-1640 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Achalkumar, A.S., Rao, D.S.S., Nobusawa, M., Akutsu, H., Yamada, J.-i. and Nakatsuji, S. | The first examples of discotic radicals: columnar mesomorphism in spin-carrying triphenylenes | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 18 | 3433-3437 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Sridevi, S., Prasad, S.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Pretransitional behaviour in the vicinity of the isotropic-nematic transition of strongly polar compounds | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER | 20 | 2008 | DOI | Yes | |
Singh, M.K., Jayaraman, N., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Effect of the C-2 hydroxyl group on the mesomorphism of alkyl glycosides: synthesis and thermotropic behavior of alkyl 2-deoxy-D-arabino-hexopyranosides | CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF LIPIDS | 155(2) | 90-97 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shanker, G., Rao, R.V.R., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Babu, V.V.S. | Supramolecular Helical Fluid Columns from Self-Assembly of Homomeric Dipeptides | CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL | 14 | 10462-10471 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Mathews, M., Nagamani, S.A., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K., Findeisen, S. and Weissflog, W. | A novel family of salicylaldimine-based five-ring symmetric and non-symmetric banana-shaped mesogens derived from laterally substituted resorcinol: synthesis and characterization | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 17(3) | 284-298 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Sandhya, K.L., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K., Hiremath, U.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Dielectric studies under high pressure on strongly polar liquid crystals exhibiting monolayer smectic A phase | THERMOCHIMICA ACTA | 452(1) | 65-70 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Hiremath, U.S., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Liquid crystal dimers possessing chiral rod-like anisometric segments: synthesis, characterization and electro-optic behaviour | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 34(2) | 153-167 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Bonde, N.L., Achalkumar, A.S., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Prajapati, A.K. | Frustrated liquid crystals: Synthesis and mesomorphic behavior of unsymmetrical dimers possessing chiral and fluorescent entities | CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS | 19 | 2463-2472 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Jayaraman, N., Singh, M.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Studies of the mesomorphic behavior of bivalent carbohydrate amphiphiles | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 17 | 2228-2232 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Achalkumar, A.S., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Monodispersive linear supermolecules stabilizing unusual fluid layered phases | ORGANIC LETTERS | 9 | 2641-2644 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Achalkumar, A.S., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | A new class of discotic mesogens derived from Tris(N-salicylideneaniline)s existing in C-3h and C-s keto-enamine forms | JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY | 72 | 8308-8318 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Achalkumar, A.S., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | The first examples of optically active tris(N-salicylideneaniline)s: manifestation of chirality from molecules to fluid columnar phases | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 17 | 4521-4529 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Gupta, V., Rao, D., Lobo, C., Prasad, S., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | High pressure investigations of the photo-stimulated orientational ordering transition in a liquid crystal with photoactive dimeric molecules | THERMOCHIMICA ACTA | 440(2) | 205-211 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Liao, G., Shashikala, I., Yelamaggad, C., Rao, D., Prasad, S. and Jakli, A. | Ferroelectricity of a bent-core material with cholesteryl terminal chain | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 73 | 2006 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Hiremath, U.S., Liao, G., Jakli, A., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Li, Q. | Fluorine containing nonsymmetrical five-ring achiral banana-shaped compounds with columnar and synclinic antiferroelectric layered phases | SOFT MATTER | 2(9) | 785-792 | 2006 | DOI | |
Fodor-Csorba, K., Jakli, A., Vajda, A., Prasad, S.K., Rao, D.S.S., Dong, R.Y., Xu, J. and Galli, G. | Intercalated smectic a phases in banana-shaped liquid crystals groups | CHEMPHYSCHEM | 7 | 2184-2188 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Rao, D.S.S., Nair, G.G. and Prasad, S.K. | The biaxial smectic (SmAb) phase in nonsymmetric liquid crystal dimers comprising two rodlike anisometric segments: an unusual behavior | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 16 | 4099-4102 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Liao, G., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K., Li, Q. and Jakli, A. | Blue phase, smectic fluids, and unprecedented sequences in liquid crystal dimers | CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS | 18 | 6100-6102 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Nair, G.G., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Nonsymmetrical five-ring achira banana-shaped liquid crystals comprising salicylaldimine mesogenic segment | 9 | 612-616 | 2006 | DOI |
Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Mathews, M., Hiremath, U., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Self-organization of mesomeric-ionic hybrid heterocycles into liquid crystal phases: a new class of polar mesogens | 12 | 1552-1554 | 2005 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C., Mathews, M., Hiremath, U., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Self-assembly of chiral mesoionic heterocycles into smectic phases: a new class of polar liquid crystal | TETRAHEDRON LETTERS | 46 | 2623-2626 | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
Jakli, A., Prasad, V., Rao, D., Liao, G. and Janossy, I. | Light-induced changes of optical and electrical properties in bent-core azo compounds | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 71 | 2005 | DOI | Yes | |
S. Krishna prasad, Geetha G. Nair, Gurumurthy Hegde, K. L. Sandhya, D. S. Shankar Rao, Chethan V. Lobo & C. V. Yelamaggad | Photoinduced effects in nematic liquid crystals | Phase Transitions | 78:6 | 443-455 | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
S. Krishna Prasad, Geetha G. Nair, K. L. Sandhya & D. S. Shankar Rao | Photoinduced Phase Transitions in Liquid Crystalline Systems | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 436:1 | 83/[1037]-105/[1059] | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Nair, G., Rao, D., Lobo, C., Shashikala, I. and Yelamaggad, C. | Biaxial nematic and smectic A phases in a "peelable banana-shaped" moleculet | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 437 | 2005 | DOI | Yes | |
Lobo, C., Prasad, S. and Rao, D. | X-ray and dielectric measurements of smectic A-hexatic B transition in bulk and confined geometries | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 438 | 1715-1726 | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Gupta, V., Rao, D. and Lobo, C. | Effect of pressure on the dynamics of the photostimulated orientational ordering transition in a liquid crystal | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 72 | 2005 | DOI | Yes | |
Abraham, S., Paul, S., Narayan, G., Prasad, S., Rao, D., Jayaraman, N. and Das, S. | Observation of a chiral smectic phase in azobenzene-linked bolaamphiphiles containing free sugars | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS | 15 | 1579-1584 | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
Lobo, C., Prasad, S. and Rao, D. | Comparative x-ray measurements of a de Vries smectic-A material in bulk and confined geometries | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 72 | 2005 | DOI | Yes | |
Prasad, S., Nair, G., Sandhya, K. and Rao, D. | Photoinduced phase transitions in liquid crystalline systems | CURRENT SCIENCE | 86(6) | 815-823 | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Achalkumar, A., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Self-assembly of C-3h and C, symmetric keto-enamine forms of tris(N-salicylideneanilines) into columnar phases: A new family of discotic liquid crystals | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY | 126 | 6506-6507 | 2004 | DOI | Yes |
Lobo, C., Prasad, S. and Rao, D. | X-ray and dielectric measurements of the smectic-A-hexatic-B transition in bulk and confined geometries | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 69 | 2004 | DOI | Yes | |
Becchi, M., Janossy, I., Rao, D. and Statman, D. | Anomalous intensity dependence of optical reorientation in azo-dye-doped nematic liquid crystals | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 69 | 2004 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C., Shashikala, I., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Bent-core V-shaped mesogens consisting of salicylaldimine mesogenic segments: synthesis and characterization of mesomorphic behaviour | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 31(7) | 1027-1036 | 2004 | DOI | Yes |
Channabasaveshwar, V., Prasad, Y., Nair, G., Shashikala, I., Rao, D., Lobo, C. and Chandrasekhar, S. | A low-molar-mass, monodispersive, bent-rod dimer exhibiting biaxial nematic and smectic a phases | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 43 | 3429-3432 | 2004 | DOI | Yes |
Chandrasekhar, S., Raja, V., Prasad, S. and Rao, D. | Wide viewing angle and fast responding TN LCD | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 410 | 887-896 | 2004 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Hiremath, U., Nagamani, S., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Novel chiral dimesogenic bidentate ligands and their Cu(II) and Pd(II) metal complexes | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 30(6) | 681-690 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Sandhya, K., Rao, D. and Negi, Y. | Time-resolved measurements of the dynamics of the photoinduced smectic-C-alpha(*)-smectic-A transition | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 67 | 2003 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C., Mathews, M., Hiremath, U., Nair, G., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Synthesis and thermal behaviour of salicylaldimine-based liquid crystalline symmetrical dimers | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 30(8) | 899-907 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Rao, D., Chandrasekhar, S. and Kumar, S. | X-ray studies on the columnar structures of discotic liquid crystals | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 396(1) | 121-139 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Columnar mesophase in a novel series of banana-shaped compounds consisting of functional nitro groups | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 397(2) | 379-388 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Rao, D., Prasad, S., Bamezai, R. and Kumar, S. | High pressure investigations on the phase behaviour of discotic liquid crystals | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 397(2) | 443-459 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Hiremath, U., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Monodispersive unsymmetrical tetramers exhibiting a columnar phase | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 397(2) | 507-529 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Nair, G., Rao, D., Prasad, S., Chandrasekhar, S. and Kumar, S. | Electrooptic and viewing angle characteristics of a display device employing a discotic nematic liquid crystal | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 397(2) | 545-552 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Maeda, Y., Rao, D., Nagamani, S., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | Phase behaviour of thermotropic banana-shaped compounds under pressure | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 30 | 1277-1283 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Sandhya, K., Rao, D., Prasad, S., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | Effect of pressure on liquid crystal dimers | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 30 | 1351-1355 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Hiremath, U., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | The first examples of monodispersive liquid crystalline tetramers possessing four non-identical anisometric segments | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 29(2) | 231-236 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Kumar, S., Naidu, J. and Rao, D. | Novel dibenzo[fg,op] naphthacene discotic liquid crystals: a versatile rational synthesis | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 12(5) | 1335-1341 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Nair, G., Rao, D., Prasad, S. and Jakli, A. | Achiral banana-shaped mesogenic bidentate ligands and their Cu(II) and Pd(II) complexes | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 29(9) | 1181-1185 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Sandhya, K., Prasad, S., Rao, D. and Bahr, C. | Comparative x-ray and dielectric measurements of smectic A-smectic-C-* transition in bulk and confined geometries | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 66 | 2002 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Hiremath, U., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Salicylaldimine-based symmetric dimers: synthesis and thermal behaviour | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 29 | 1401-1408 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Hiremath, U. and Rao, D. | Cholesterol-based dimesogenic bidentate ligands and their Cu( II) and Pd( II) metallomesogens | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28(3) | 351-355 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Yoji Maeda, D. S. Shankar Rao, S. Krishna Prasad, S. Chandrasekhar & Sandeep Kumar | Phase behaviour of the discotic mesogen 2,3,6,7,10,11-hexahexylthiotriphenylene (HHTT) under hydrostatic pressure | Liquid Crystals | 28:11 | 1679-1690 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | A novel class of banana-shaped azo compounds exhibiting antiferroelectric switching behaviour | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28(4) | 643-646 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Liquid crystalline dimeric compounds with an alkylene spacer | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28(5) | 761-767 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Varshney, S., Rao, D. and Kumar, S. | Novel liquid-crystalline mercury acetylide complexes | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 357 | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C., Hiremath, U., Nagamani, S., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | A switchable salicylaldimine-based achiral bent-shaped mesogen: synthesis and characterization | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 11(7) | 1818-1822 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Rao, D. and Jeyagopal, P. | Effect of pressure on the photoinduced nematic-isotropic phase transition | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 64 | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
Rao, D., Nair, G., Prasad, S., Nagamani, S. and Yelamaggad, C. | Experimental studies on the B-7 phase of a banana-shaped achiral mesogen | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28(8) | 1239-1243 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Rao, D., Prasad, S., Raja, V., Yelamaggad, C. and Nagamani, S. | Observation of a reentrant twist grain boundary phase | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS | 87(8) | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Hiremath, U., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Unsymmetrical trimesogens exhibiting the undulated twist grain boundary (UTGBC*) mesophase | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28 | 1581-1583 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Manickam, M., Belloni, M., Kumar, S., Varshney, S., Rao, D., Ashton, P., Preece, J. and Spencer, N. | The first hexagonal columnar discotic liquid crystalline carbazole derivatives induced by noncovalent pi-pi interactions | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 11 | 2790-2800 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Rao, D., Prasad, S. and Hiremath, U. | Electroclinic effect in unsymmetrical dimeric liquid crystals composed of two non-identical chiral mesogenic entities | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 363 | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
Lokanath, N., Sridhar, M., Prasad, J., Yelamaggad, C., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Crystal structure of an unsymmetrical dimeric liquid crystal with a wide temperature range chiral smectic A phase | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 364 | 567-574 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Cholesterol-based linear trimesogens: synthesis and evaluation of mesomorphic behaviour | 11 | 493-495 | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
Prasad, V., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Ferroelectric switching in a novel bent-shaped mesogen having two non-mesogenic units linked by an alkylene spacer | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 27(5) | 585-590 | 2000 | DOI | Yes |
Kumar, S., Manickam, M., Varshney, S., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Novel heptasubstituted triphenylene discotic liquid crystals | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 10(11) | 2483-2489 | 2000 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V. and Rao, D. | Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of some anthraquinone derivatives: New difunctionalised discotic monomers | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 350 | 2000 | DOI | Yes | |
Rao, D., Prasad, S., Prasad, V. and Kumar, S. | Dielectric and high-pressure investigations on a thermotropic cubic mesophase | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 59 | 5572-5576 | 1999 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Srikrishna, A., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Synthesis and characterization of some new dimesogenic compounds | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 26 | 1547-1554 | 1999 | DOI | Yes |
Kumar, S., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | New branched chain tricycloquinazoline derivatives: a room temperature electron deficient discotic system | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 9 | 2751-2754 | 1999 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Nair, G. and Rao, D. | Non-linear dielectric response of a ferroelectric liquid crystal | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 26 | 1587-1590 | 1999 | DOI | Yes |
Chandrasekhar, S., Nair, G., Rao, D., Prasad, S., Praefcke, K. and Blunk, D. | Schlieren textures in free-standing nematic films: evidence of biaxiality | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 24(1) | 67-70 | 1998 | DOI | Yes |
Chandrasekhar, S., Nair, G., Rao, D., Prasad, S., Praefcke, K. and Blunk, D. | A thermotropic biaxial nematic liquid crystal | CURRENT SCIENCE | 75 | 1042-1046 | 1998 | DOI | Yes |
Rao, D.S.S., Gupta, V.K., Prasad, S.K., Manickam, M. and Kumar, S. | High Pressure Studies on Hexa-n-alkoxy Triphenylene Homologous Series | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SECTION A-MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 319 | 193-206 | 1998 | DOI | Yes |
Rao, D., Prasad, S., Chandrasekhar, S., Mery, S. and Shashidhar, R. | X-ray, dielectric and high pressure studies on a compound exhibiting ferro-, ferri- and antiferroelectric smectic phases | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SECTION A-MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 292 | 301-310 | 1997 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Rao, D., Khened, S., Chandrasekhar, S., Naciri, J. and Shashidhar, R. | Comparative study of the collective mode dynamics in ferroelectric liquid crystalline monomers and their corresponding copolymers | PHYSICA A | 224 | 1-2 | 1996 | DOI | Yes |
S. Krishna Prasad, D. S. Shankar Rao, S. Chandrasekhar, M. E. Neubert, and J. W. Goodby | OBSERVATION OF THE SMECTIC-C SMECTIC-I CRITICAL-POINT | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS | 74(2) | 270-273 | 1995 | DOI | Yes |
S. Krishna Prasad, D. S. Shankar Rao, V. N. Raja, S. Chandrasekhar, G. Heppke & M. E. Neubert | An Experimental Study of the Smectic A-Smectic C Transitions in Monolayer, Partially Bilayer and Bilayer Systems | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 238:1 | 241-247 | 1994 | DOI | Yes |
Authors Name | Title | Journal name | Vol no | Page no | Year | DOI | Affiliated to CeNS |
Govind Pathak, Gurumurthy Hegde and Veena Prasad | Investigation of electro-optical and dielectric properties of nematic liquid crystal dispersed with biowaste based porous carbon nanoparticles: Increased birefringence for display applications | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 314 | 2020 | DOI | Yes | |
Rekha S. Hegde, B.N. Sunil, Gurumurthy Hegde and Veena Prasad | Influence of alkyl and alkoxy groups on photoresponsive behaviour of bent-core azo mesogens: Synthesis, mesomorphic and photoswitching properties | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 309 | 2020 | DOI | Yes | |
T. Kavitha, S. Kumar, Veena Prasad, A. M. Asiri, T. Kamal, M. Ul-Islam | NiO powder synthesized through nickel metal complex degradation for water treatment | Desalination and Water Treatment | 155 | 216 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
Rekha S Hegde, Jitendra Kumar and Veena Prasad | Achiral bent-core salicylaldimine compounds exhibiting dark conglomerate and B2 mesophases: Effect of linkage groups and lateral substituents | Liq. Cryst. | 46 | 1091 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
Jitendra Kumar, Veena Prasad and Monika M. | Quantum dots dispersed hockey stick nematic liquid crystal: studies on dielectric permittivity, elastic constants and electrical conductivity | J. Mol. Liq. | 266 | 10-18 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Jitendra Kumar and Veena Prasad | Ferroelectric nematic and ferrielectric smectic mesophases in an achiral bent-core azo compound | J. Phys. Chem. B | 122 | 2998 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Rekha S. Hegde, Jitendra Kumar, Veena Prasad and M. Monika | The first examples of V-shaped compounds exhibiting a B5 mesophase and a direct transition from the isotropic to a polar biaxial smectic A mesophase | J. Mol. Liq. | 249 | 97 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Veena Prasad, N.G. Nagaveni and M. Monika | Thermally stable azo-substituted bent-core nematogens: Observation of chiral domains in the nematic mesophases composed of smectic nano clusters | Liq. Cryst. | 45 | 666 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Swapnil Singh, Harshita Singh, T. Karthick, Poonam Tandon and Veena Prasad | Phase transition analysis of V-shaped liquid crystal: combined temperature-dependent FTIR and density functional theory approach | Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy | 188 | 561 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
M. Monika, Arun Roy and Veena Prasad | Smectic nano clusters in the nematic mesophases of dimeric compounds composed of rod-like azo moieties with lateral substituents | New J. Chem | 41 | 11576 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Monika, M., Prasad, V. and Nagaveni, N.G. | Hockey stick-shaped azo compounds: effect of linkage groups and their direction of linking on mesomorphic properties | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 42(10) | 1490-1505 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Nagaveni, N.G., Prasad, V. and Roy, A. | Azo-functionalised liquid crystalline dimers composed of bent-core and rod-like moieties: synthesis and mesomorphic properties | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 40(8) | 1001-1015 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Nagaveni, N.G., Raghuvanshi, P., Roy, A. and Prasad, V. | Azo-functionalised achiral bent-core liquid crystalline materials: effect of presence of -N=N- linkage at different locations in the molecular architecture | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 40(9) | 1238-1254 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Nagaveni, N.G., Prasad, V. and Roy, A. | Azo functionalised achiral bent-core liquid crystals: observation of photo-induced effects in B-7 and B-2 mesophases | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 40(10) | 1405-1416 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Nagaveni, N.G. and Prasad, V. | Azo substituted V-shaped liquid crystalline compounds: synthesis and mesophase characterisation | PHASE TRANSITIONS | 86(12) | 1227-1240 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Nagaveni, N.G., Roy, A. and Prasad, V. | Achiral bent-core azo compounds: effect of different types of linkage groups and their direction of linking on liquid crystalline properties | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 22(18) | 8948-8959 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Aluculesei, A., Vaca Chavez, F., Cruz, C., Sebastiao, P.J., Nagaveni, N.G., Prasad, V. and Dong, R.Y. | Proton NMR Relaxation Study on the Nematic Nematic Phase Transition in A131 Liquid Crystal | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 116(31) | 9556-9563 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Varshney, S.K., Prasad, V. and Takezoe, H. | Room-temperature discotic cholesteric and nematic phases: influence of 3,7-dimethyloctane peripheral chain on the molecular self-assembly of radial polyalkynylbenzene | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 38(1) | 53-60 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Marini, A., Geppi, M., Prasad, V. and Dong, R.Y. | NMR study of a phasmid-like liquid crystal | CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS | 507 | 1-3 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V., Roy, A., Nagaveni, N.G. and Gayathri, K. | Anthraquinone-based discotic liquid crystals: new monomers and dimers | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 38(10) | 1301-1314 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Varshney, S.K., Nagayama, H., Prasad, V. and Takezoe, H. | Room temperature columnar phase: Influence of 2-ethylhexane peripheral chain on the mesomorphism of polyalkynylbenzene-based disc-shaped molecules | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 38(10) | 1321-1329 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Nagayama, H., Varshney, S.K., Goto, M., Araoka, F., Ishikawa, K., Prasad, V. and Takezoe, H. | Spontaneous Deracemization of Disc-like Molecules in the Columnar Phase | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 49(2) | 445-448 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V., Kang, S.-W., Varshney, S.K. and Nagaveni, N.G. | Self-assembly of azo molecules to mesogenic phasmid-like materials through inter-molecular hydrogen bonding | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 37(2) | 121-128 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Varshney, S.K., Nagayama, H., Prasad, V. and Takezoe, H. | Syntheses and Mesogenic Properties of Dimers and Trimers Consisting of Triphenylene Donor and Anthraquinone Acceptor | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 517 | 97-112 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Varshney, S.K., Monobe, H., Shimizu, Y., Takezoe, H. and Prasad, V. | Non-symmetrical discotic liquid crystalline dimers: molecular design, synthesis and mesomorphic properties double dagger | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 37(5) | 607-615 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Park, M.S., Yoon, B.-J., Park, J.O., Prasad, V., Kumar, S. and Srinivasarao, M. | Raman Scattering Study of Phase Biaxiality in a Thermotropic Bent-Core Nematic Liquid Crystal | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS | 105(2) | 2010 | DOI | Yes | |
Nagaveni, N.G., Gupta, M., Roy, A. and Prasad, V. | Photosensitive phasmid-like liquid crystalline materials with unusual mesomorphic behavior | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 20(41) | 9089-9099 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Acharya, B.R., Kang, S.-W., Prasad, V. and Kumar, S. | Role of Molecular Structure on X-ray Diffraction in Uniaxial and Biaxial Phases of Thermotropic Liquid Crystals | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 113(12) | 3845-3852 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Varshney, S.K., Nagayama, H., Takezoe, H. and Prasad, V. | Octasubstituted dibenzochrysenes: discotic liquid crystals with a twisted core | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 36(12) | 1409-1415 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Varshney, S.K., Takezoe, H., Prasad, V. and Rao, D.S.S. | pi-Conjugated Triphenylene Twins Exhibiting Polymesomorphism Including the Nematic Phase | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 515 | 16-38 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Dong, R.Y., Kumar, S., Prasad, V. and Zhang, J. | High nematic ordering in a bent-core smectogen showing a biaxial nematic phase: A C-13 NMR study | CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS | 448 | 1-3 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Jakli, A., Prasad, V., Rao, D., Liao, G. and Janossy, I. | Light-induced changes of optical and electrical properties in bent-core azo compounds | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 71 | 2005 | DOI | Yes | |
Prasad, V., Kang, S., Suresh, K., Joshi, L., Wang, Q. and Kumar, S. | Thermotropic uniaxial and biaxial nematic and smectic phases in bent-core mesogens | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY | 127(49) | 17224-17227 | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V. and Jakli, A. | Achiral bent-core azo compounds: observation of photoinduced effects in an antiferroelectric tilted smectic mesophase | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 31(4) | 473-479 | 2004 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V., Kang, S., Qi, X. and Kumar, S. | Photo-responsive and electrically switchable mesophases in a novel class of achiral bent-core azo compounds | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 14(9) | 1495-1502 | 2004 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V., Kang, S. and Kumar, S. | Novel examples of achiral bent-core azo compounds exhibiting B-1 and anticlinic-antiferroelectric B-2 mesophases | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 13(6) | 1259-1264 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Sandhya, K., Prasad, S., Nair, G. and Prasad, V. | Photoconductivity measurements in the discotic columnar phase of a few anthraquinone derivatives | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 396(1) | 113-119 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Columnar mesophase in a novel series of banana-shaped compounds consisting of functional nitro groups | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 397(2) | 379-388 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
N Hoai, P Nguyen, V Prasad, SW Cha, DW Lee, JI Jin | Luminescence Properites of Poly [2-(4'-t-butylphenoxy)-1, 4-phenylenevinylene] | Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society | 23 | 1470 | 2002 | DOI | No |
Prasad, V., Lee, K., Park, Y., Lee, J., Oh, D., Han, D. and Jin, J. | Dimeric compounds containing malonic acid as the central linking unit: synthesis and mesomorphic properties | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 29(9) | 1113-1119 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V. | Liquid crystalline compounds with V-shaped molecular structures: synthesis and characterization of new azo compounds | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28(1) | 145-150 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | A novel class of banana-shaped azo compounds exhibiting antiferroelectric switching behaviour | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28(4) | 643-646 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V. | Liquid crystalline properties in a series of disc-like compounds with two long alkyloxy chains attached to the core | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28(4) | 647-650 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Liquid crystalline dimeric compounds with an alkylene spacer | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28(5) | 761-767 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V. | Bent-core mesogens with biphenyl moieties: observation of a B-7 to B-4 phase transition | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28(7) | 1115-1120 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V. | Bent-shaped achiral azo compounds exhibiting banana mesophases | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 363 | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
Prasad, V., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Ferroelectric switching in a novel bent-shaped mesogen having two non-mesogenic units linked by an alkylene spacer | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 27(5) | 585-590 | 2000 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V., Krishnan, K. and Balagurusamy, V. | A novel series of anthraquinone-based discotic liquid crystals with bulky substituents: synthesis and characterization | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 27(8) | 1075-1085 | 2000 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V. and Rao, D. | Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of some anthraquinone derivatives: New difunctionalised discotic monomers | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 350 | 2000 | DOI | Yes | |
Rao, D., Prasad, S., Prasad, V. and Kumar, S. | Dielectric and high-pressure investigations on a thermotropic cubic mesophase | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 59 | 5572-5576 | 1999 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Prasad, V., Manickam, M. and Kumar, S. | New Chiral Discotic Liquid Crystals | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SECTION A-MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 325 | 33-41 | 1998 | DOI | Yes |
Sadashiva, B. and Prasad, V. | Mesomorphic properties of 1-(4'-dodecylbiphenyl-4-yl)-3-(2 or 3-alkoxyphenyl)propane-1,3-diones: The influence of alkoxy-substituent position | JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY, PERKIN TRANSACTIONS 2 | 4 | 755-759 | 1996 | DOI | |
Prasad, V. and Sadashiva, B. | Liquid crystalline behaviour in some homologous series of beta-diketones and a few of their copper(II) and palladium(II) complexes | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SECTION A-MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 268 | 89-100 | 1995 | DOI | |
Authors Name | Title | Journal name | Vol no | Page no | Year | DOI | Affiliated to CeNS |
Aswathi B. Nair, Navas Meleth Puthoor and Geetha G.Nair | Formation of selenium superstructures: Self-assembly of monodispersed submicron spheres and nanorods | Applied Surface Science | 513 | 2020 | DOI | Yes | |
Amit Bhardwaj,Puthoor, N. M., & Geetha G.Nair | Tunable Directional Scattering from High-Refractive-Index Particles Dispersed in an Anisotropic Medium | Journal of Physical Chemistry C | 124(34) | 18698-18706 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
Amit Bhardwaj, Vimala Sridurai, Navas Meleth Puthoor, Aswathi B. Nair, Tripti Ahuja, Geetha G. Nair | Evidence of Tunable Fano Resonance in a Liquid Crystal‐Based Colloidal Metamaterial | Advanced Optical Materials | 2020 | DOI | Yes | ||
V. V. Mohanan, Balaram Pradhan, Vimala Sridurai, C. V. Yelamaggad, A. S. Achal Kumar and Geetha G. Nair | Giant enhancement and facile tuning of photoluminescence in a soft anisotropic magneto-gel | Nanoscale | 10 | 15686–15695 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
V Sridurai, M Mathews, CV Yelamaggad, Geetha G.Nair | Electrically Tunable Soft Photonic Gel Formed by Blue Phase Liquid Crystal for switchable Color-Reflecting Mirror | ACS applied materials & interfaces | 9 | 39569 - 39575 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
V Jayalakshmi, G Hegde, Geetha G.Nair and S. Krishna Prasad | Role of the order parameter, electric field, and geometric confinement on the dynamics of the photoinduced Nematic-Isotropic transition | Liquid Crystals | 21 | 1036(01 - 09) | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
L. Zhang, L. Wang, U. S. Hiremath, H. K. Bisoyi, G. G. Nair, C. V. Yelamaggad, A. M. Urbas, T. J. Bunning, Q. Li | Dynamic Orthogonal Switching of a Thermoresponsive Self-Organized Helical Superstructure | Advanced Materials | 29:24 | 1700676 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Vimala, S., Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K., Veerabhadraswamy, B.N. and Hiremath, U.S. | Diminished Splay Stiffening in Weak Gels of Calamitic-Bent-Core Nematic Composites | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 120(9) | 2596-2603 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Padmini, V., Babu, P.N., Nair, G.G., Rao, D.S.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Optically Biaxial, Re-entrant and Frustrated Mesophases in Chiral, Non-symmetric Liquid Crystal Dimers and Binary Mixtures | CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL | 11(20) | 2897-2910 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Uma S. Hiremath, Geetha G. Nair & D. S. Shankar Rao | Supramolecular non-symmetric dimers derived from cholesterol: synthesis and phase transitional properties | Liquid Crystals | 43:6 | 711-728 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Pradhan, B., Vaisakh, V.M., Nair, G.G., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Sudhakar, A.A. | Effect of Atomic-Scale Differences on the Self-Assembly of Thiophene-based Polycatenars in Liquid Crystalline and Organogel States | CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL | 22(49) | 17843-17856 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Vimala, S., Sathya, S.M., Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Photo-driven change in the polar environment tunes gelation in a nematic liquid crystal | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 4(47) | 11313-11320 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Madhuri, P.L., Prasad, S.K. and Nair, G.G. | Influence of polymer stabilization on the dielectric relaxations of an antiferroelectric liquid crystal | RSC ADVANCES | 4(7) | 3121-3130 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Vimala, S., Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K., Hiremath, U.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Influence of polarization-tilt coupling on the ferroelectric properties of smectic gels | SOFT MATTER | 10(32) | 5905-5915 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Bhargavi, R., Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K., Majumdar, R. and Bag, B.G. | A charge transfer complex nematic liquid crystalline gel with high electrical conductivity | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 116(15) | 2014 | DOI | Yes | |
Hareesh, K., Ranganathaiah, C., Ramya, P., Bhargavi, R., Nair, G.G., Sangappa and Sanjeev, G. | Variation of lexan polycarbonate properties by electron beam | JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE | 127(3) | 2010-2018 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Bhargavi, R., Nair, G.G. and Prasad, S.K. | Anchoring Transition Induced by Gelation in a Liquid Crystal System | CHEMPHYSCHEM | 14(2) | 331-337 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Hareesh, K., Sen, P., Bhat, R., Bhargavi, R., Nair, G.G., Sangappa and Sanjeev, G. | Proton and alpha particle induced changes in thermal and mechanical properties of Lexan polycarbonate | VACUUM | 91 | 1-6 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Hiremath, U.S., Menezes, H.M., Nair, G.G., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Observation of a chiral smectic C phase over a wide thermal range with novel phase sequences in rigid, bulky chiral dimers | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 1(36) | 5799-5806 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Nair, G.G. and Bhargavi, R. | Anomalously Large Bend Elastic Constant and Faster Electro-optic Response in Soft Glassy Gels Formed by a Dipeptide | LIQUID CRYSTALS AND RELATED MATERIALS II | 181-182 | 14-21 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Bhargavi, R., Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K., Prabhu, R. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Anomalously large bend elastic constant and faster electro-optic response in anisotropic gels formed by a dipeptide | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 109(8) | 2011 | DOI | Yes | |
Bhargavi, R., Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K., Kumar, N. and Sundaresan, A. | Enhanced Frank elasticity and storage modulus in a diamagnetic liquid crystalline ferrogel | SOFT MATTER | 7(21) | 10151-10161 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K., Bhargavi, R., Jayalakshmi, V., Shanker, G. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Soft Glass Rheology in Liquid Crystalline Gels Formed by a Monodisperse Dipeptide | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 114(2) | 697-704 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Sridevi, S., Prasad, S.K., Nair, G.G., D'Britto, V. and Prasad, B.L.V. | Enhancement of anisotropic conductivity, elastic, and dielectric constants in a liquid crystal-gold nanorod system | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 97(15) | 2010 | DOI | Yes | |
Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K., Jayalakshmi, V., Shanker, G. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Fast Responding Robust Nematic Liquid Crystalline Gels Formed by a Monodisperse Dipeptide: Electro-Optic and Rheological Studies | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 113(19) | 6647-6651 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Tamilenthi, V.P., Rao, D.S.S., Nair, G.G. and Prasad, S.K. | A new thermotropic reentrant behaviour in a chiral liquid crystal dimer: the occurrence of SmA-SmA(b)-SmA phase sequence | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 19(19) | 2906-2908 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Jayalakshmi, V., Hegde, G., Nair, G.G. and Prasad, S.K. | Photo-controlled conformation-assisted permanent optical storage device employing a polymer network liquid crystal | PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS | 11(30) | 6450-6454 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
S Krishna Prasad, D S Shankar Rao, Geetha G Nair | Liquid crystalline phase transitions in confined geometries | Journal of the Indian Institute of Science | 89:2 | 211-227 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K., Nair, G.G. and Rao, D.S.S. | Photoinduced phase transitions | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 36 | 6-7 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Sridevi, S., Prasad, S.K. and Nair, G.G. | Electric-field-dictated phase diagram and accelerated dynamics of a reentrant nematic liquid crystal under photostimulation | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 80(2) | 2009 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Tamilenthi, V.P., Rao, D.S.S., Nair, G.G. and Prasad, S.K. | Optically biaxial interdigitated smectic A phase: liquid crystalline dimeric bidentate ligands and their metal complexes | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 18(18) | 2096-2103 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
A. Jákli, M. Chambers, J. Harden, M. Madhabi, R. Teeling, J. Kim, Q. Li, G. G. Nair, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, J. T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt | Extraordinary properties of nematic phases of bent-core liquid crystals | Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies III | 6911 | 2008 | DOI | Yes | |
Prasad, S.K., Nair, G.G. and Jayalakshmi, V. | Electric-field-assisted acceleration of the photostimulated nematic-isotropic transition | ADVANCED MATERIALS | 20(7) | 1363+ | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Nair, G.G., Bailey, C.A., Taushanoff, S., Fodor-Csorba, K., Vajda, A., Varga, Z., Bota, A. and Jakli, A. | Electrically tunable color by using mixtures of bent-core and rod-shaped molecules | ADVANCED MATERIALS | 20(16) | 3138-3142 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K., Nair, G.G. and Hegde, G. | Nonequilibrium liquid crystalline layered phase stabilized by light | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 111(2) | 345-350 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
V. Jayalakshmi, Geetha G. Nair, and S. Krishna Prasad | Kinetics of the thermal back relaxation time of the photoinduced nematic-isotropic transition | Physical Review E | 75:031710 | 2007 | DOI | Yes | |
Jayalakshmi, V., Nair, G.G. and Prasad, S.K. | Effect of aerosil dispersions on the photoinduced nematic-isotropic transition | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER | 19(22) | 2007 | DOI | Yes | |
Prasad, S.K., Nair, G.G., Hegde, G. and Jayalakshmi, V. | Evidence of wormlike micellar behavior in chromonic liquid crystals: Rheological, X-ray, and dielectric studies | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 111(33) | 9741-9746 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Nair, G., Hegde, G., Prasad, S., Lobo, C. and Negi, Y. | Photoinduced effects in the vicinity of the smectic-A-smectic-C-A(*) transition: Polarization, tilt angle, and response time studies | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 73(1, 1) | 2006 | DOI | Yes | |
Nair, G.G., Hegde, G., Prasad, S.K. and Negi, Y.S. | Investigations of the opto-dielectric effects in the vicinity of the smectic-A-smectic-C-A(*) transition | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER | 18(41) | 9415-9425 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Rao, D.S.S., Nair, G.G. and Prasad, S.K. | The biaxial smectic (SmAb) phase in nonsymmetric liquid crystal dimers comprising two rodlike anisometric segments: an unusual behavior | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 16(42) | 4099-4102 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K., Sandhya, K.L., Nair, G.G., Hiremath, U.S., Yelamaggad, C.V. and Sampath, S. | Electrical conductivity and dielectric constant measurements of liquid crystal-gold nanoparticle composites | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 33(10) | 1121-1125 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Nair, G.G., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Nonsymmetrical five-ring achira banana-shaped liquid crystals comprising salicylaldimine mesogenic segment | 9 | 612-616 | 2006 | DOI | Yes | |
Hegde, G., Nair, G., Prasad, S. and Yelamaggad, C. | A photodriven dual-frequency addressable optical device | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 97(9) | 2005 | DOI | Yes | |
S. Krishna prasad, Geetha G. Nair, Gurumurthy Hegde, K. L. Sandhya, D. S. Shankar Rao, Chethan V. Lobo & C. V. Yelamaggad | Photoinduced effects in nematic liquid crystals | Phase Transitions | 78:6 | 443-455 | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Nair, G., Rao, D., Lobo, C., Shashikala, I. and Yelamaggad, C. | Biaxial nematic and smectic A phases in a "peelable banana-shaped" moleculet | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 437 | 1455+ | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
S. Krishna Prasad, Geetha G. Nair, K. L. Sandhya & D. S. Shankar Rao | Photoinduced Phase Transitions in Liquid Crystalline Systems | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 436:1 | 83/[1037]-105/[1059] | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Nair, G. and Hegde, G. | Dynamic self-assembly of the liquid-crystalline smectic A phase | ADVANCED MATERIALS | 17(17) | 2086+ | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Nair, G., Sandhya, K. and Rao, D. | Photoinduced phase transitions in liquid crystalline systems | CURRENT SCIENCE | 86(6) | 815-823 | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
Nair, G., Prasad, S. and Hegde, G. | Influence of a long-chain alkane on the photoinduced nematic-isotropic transition | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 69(2, 1) | 2004 | DOI | Yes | |
Channabasaveshwar, V., Prasad, Y., Nair, G., Shashikala, I., Rao, D., Lobo, C. and Chandrasekhar, S. | A low-molar-mass, monodispersive, bent-rod dimer exhibiting biaxial nematic and smectic a phases | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 43(26) | 3429-3432 | 2004 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Nair, G., Hegde, G., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | Polymer network as a template for control of photoconductivity of a liquid crystal semiconductor | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 31(9) | 1265-1270 | 2004 | DOI | Yes |
Jakli, A., Nair, G., Sawade, H. and Heppke, G. | A bent-shape liquid crystal compound with antiferroelectric triclinic-monoclinic phase transition | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 30(3) | 265-271 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Antal Jákli, Daniel Krüerke, and Geetha G. Nair | Liquid crystal fibers of bent-core molecules | Physical Review E | 67:051702 | 2003 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C., Mathews, M., Hiremath, U., Nair, G., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Synthesis and thermal behaviour of salicylaldimine-based liquid crystalline symmetrical dimers | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 30(8) | 899-907 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Sandhya, K., Prasad, S., Nair, G. and Prasad, V. | Photoconductivity measurements in the discotic columnar phase of a few anthraquinone derivatives | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 396(1) | 113-119 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Nair, G., Rao, D., Prasad, S., Chandrasekhar, S. and Kumar, S. | Electrooptic and viewing angle characteristics of a display device employing a discotic nematic liquid crystal | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 397(2) | 545-552 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Sandhya, K., Prasad, S. and Nair, G. | Enhanced dynamic response of the photoinduced nematic-isotropic transition in a polymer matrix | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 83(13) | 2707-2709 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Sandhya, K., Nair, G., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | Spacer parity dependence of photoinduced effects in liquid-crystalline dimers | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 92(2) | 838-841 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Rauch, S., Bault, P., Sawade, H., Heppke, G., Nair, G. and Jakli, A. | Ferroelectric-chiral-antiferroelectric-racemic liquid crystal phase transition of bent-shape molecules | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 66(2, 1) | 2002 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Nair, G., Rao, D., Prasad, S. and Jakli, A. | Achiral banana-shaped mesogenic bidentate ligands and their Cu(II) and Pd(II) complexes | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 29(9) | 1181-1185 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Jakli, A., Nair, G., Abeygunarartna, S., Sun, R., Lee, C. and Chien, L. | Surface effects on liquid crystals of bent-shaped molecules | FERROELECTRICS | 276 | 135-146 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Nair, G., Prasad, S. and Yelamaggad, C. | Effect of electric field on the TGBC* phase | FERROELECTRICS | 277 | 431-438 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Sandhya, K., Nair, G., Prasad, S., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | Anomalous increase of photocurrent anisotropy in a liquid crystalline binary mixture | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 92(12) | 6987-6989 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S. and Nair, G. | Effects of photo-controlled nanophase segregation in a re-entrant nematic liquid crystal | ADVANCED MATERIALS | 13(1) | 40+ | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Jakli, A., Nair, G., Lee, C. and Chien, L. | Electro-disclinic effect in tilted smectic phases of banana-shaped liquid crystal materials | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28(4) | 489-494 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Jakli, A., Nair, G., Lee, C., Sun, R. and Chien, L. | Macroscopic chirality of a liquid crystal from nonchiral molecules | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 63(6, 1) | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
K. L. Sandhya, Geetha G. Nair, S. Krishna Prasad & Anjuli Khandelwal | Dynamics of the two-dimensional melting transition of a liquid crystal confined in Anopore membranes | Liquid Crystals | 28:12 | 1847-1853 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Nair, G., Prasad, S., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | Effect of light on the polarization of a banana-shaped achiral compound doped with a photoactive azobenzene material | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 90(1) | 48-52 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Hiremath, U. and Nair, G. | Cholesterol-based dimeric liquid crystals: synthesis and mesomorphic behaviour | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28(7) | 1009-1015 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Rao, D., Nair, G., Prasad, S., Nagamani, S. and Yelamaggad, C. | Experimental studies on the B-7 phase of a banana-shaped achiral mesogen | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28(8) | 1239-1243 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Sandhya, K., Prasad, S. and Nair, G. | Photoinduced nematic-isotropic phase transition: A case for the random-field Ising model | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 64(4, 1) | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
Nair, G., Prasad, S. and Yelamaggad, C. | Opto-dielectric effect on a nematic liquid crystal doped with a photoactive azo mesogen | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 87(5) | 2084-2089 | 2000 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S. and Nair, G. | First observation of a photo-induced transition to a more ordered phase in a system exhibiting reentrant nematic - Smectic A phase sequence | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 350:1 | 79-86 | 2000 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S. and Nair, G. | Investigations of the non-linear dielectric response in the smectic C*, smectic I* and smectic F* phases of a chiral liquid crystal | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 350 | 199-206 | 2000 | DOI | Yes |
Janossy, I., Jakli, A., Nair, G., Raina, K. and Kosa, T. | Optical control of the alignment of a liquid crystal in the smectic A phase | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SECTION A-MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 329(2) | 1119+ | 1999 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Nair, G. and Rao, D. | Non-linear dielectric response of a ferroelectric liquid crystal | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 26(11) | 1587-1590 | 1999 | DOI | Yes |
Chandrasekhar, S., Nair, G., Rao, D., Prasad, S., Praefcke, K. and Blunk, D. | Schlieren textures in free-standing nematic films: evidence of biaxiality | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 24(1) | 67-70 | 1998 | DOI | Yes |
Nair, G. | Square-grid patterns in a twist grain boundary phase | CURRENT SCIENCE | 74(2) | 98-99 | 1998 | Yes | |
Prasad, S., Nair, G. and Kant, R. | Dielectric investigations of the dynamics of the hexatic-hexatic transition in a chiral liquid crystal | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 57 | 1789-1792 | 1998 | DOI | Yes |
Kasthuraiah, N., Sadashiva, B., Krishnaprasad, S. and Nair, G. | Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of some esters of trans-4-n-alkoxycinnamic and trans-4-n-alkoxy-alpha-methylcinnamic acids exhibiting ferroelectric and antiferroelectric phases | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 24(5) | 639-645 | 1998 | DOI | Yes |
Chandrasekhar, S., Nair, G., Rao, D., Prasad, S., Praefcke, K. and Blunk, D. | A thermotropic biaxial nematic liquid crystal | CURRENT SCIENCE | 75(10) | 1042-1046 | 1998 | DOI | Yes |
Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K., Kumar, S. and Manickam, M. | Dielectric Studies on Strongly Polar Discotic Liquid Crystals | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SECTION A-MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 319 | 89-99 | 1998 | DOI | Yes |
Kasthuraiah, N., Sadashiva, B., Krishnaprasad, S. and Nair, G. | Ferroelectric and antiferroelectric liquid crystalline phases in some pyridine carboxylic acid derivatives | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 6(10) | 1619-1625 | 1996 | DOI | Yes |
S. Chandrasekhar, Geetha G. Nair, K. Praefcke & D. Singer | Schlieren Textures in Biaxial Nematic Liquid Crystals | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 288:1 | 7-14 | 1996 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Nair, G. and Chandrasekhar, S. | Observation of a smectic C* smectic I* critical point in a binary system using polarisation measurements | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 5(12) | 2253-2256 | 1995 | DOI | |
S. Krishna Prasad, Geetha G. Nair, S. Chandrasekhar & J. W. Goodby | Pressure Induced Twist Grain Boundary Phase | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 260:1 | 387-394 | 1995 | DOI | Yes |
Geetha G. Nair, S. Krishna Prasad & S. Chandrasekhar | Measurements of Pitch of a Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal at High Pressures | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 263:1 | 311-323 | 1995 | DOI | Yes |
S. Krishna Prasad, Geetha G. Nair and S. Chandrasekhar | Observation of a smectic C*-smectic I* critical point in a binary system using polarisation measurements | Journal of Materials Chemistry | 5:12 | 2253-2256 | 1995 | DOI | Yes |
Authors Name | Title | Journal name | Vol no | Page no | Year | DOI | Affiliated to CeNS |
Pragnya Satapathy, Srividhya Parthasarathi, D.S. Shamkar Rao, Saleheen Bano, Yuvraj Singh Negi and S.Krishna Prasad | Switchable smart windows using a biopolymer network of cellulose nanocrystals imposed on a nematic liquid crystal | Applied Physics Letters | 117(10) | 103702 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
Pragnya Satapathy, V.Navyashree, Pralay K.Santra and S.Krishna Prasad | Photoisomerization-Driven Photoluminescence Modulation in CdSeS Gradient Quantum Dot/Liquid Crystal Nanocomposites | Chemphotochem | 4(6) | 413-419 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
K.L. Sandhya, Pushpavathi N.Rao,D.S. Shankar Rao and S.Krishna Prasad | Dielectric and electro optic studies in the vicinity of the transition between two tilted hexatic phases of a ZnO-liquid crystal nanocomposite | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 302 | 2020 | DOI | Yes | |
N.Pushpavathi, K.L. Sandhya and S. Krishna Prasad | Effect of graphene flakes, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles on the birefringence, I-V characteristics and photoluminescence properties of liquid crystal | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 302 | 2020 | DOI | Yes | |
Priynka Kanth,Hemanth Kumar Singh,Vijay Kumar,Scahin Kumar Singh, D.S. Shankar Rao, S. Krishna Prasad and Bachcha Singh. | Effect of alkoxy chain density on the mesogenic properties of aroylhydrazone based liquid crystals: synthesis, characterisation, photophysical and gelation behaviour | Liquid Crystals | 47(12) | 1750-1761 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
Pragnya Satapathy, Pralay K. Santra, Anamul Haque, C. V. Yelamaggad, Shyamashis Das, and S. Krishna Prasad | Anisotropic Fast Electrically Switchable Emission from Composites of CsPbBr3 Perovskite Quantum Cuboids in a Nematic Liquid Crystal | Advanced Optical Materials | 1801408 (1 to 9) | 2019 | DOI | Yes | |
Marlin Baral, Kommula Bramhaiah, Neena Susan John, and S. Krishna Prasad | Graphene-Augmented Polymer Stabilization: Drastically Reduced and Temperature-Independent Threshold and Improved Contrast Liquid Crystal Device | ACS Omega | 4 | 403 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
D.R. Vinayakumara, Sandeep Kumar, S. Krishna Prasad and A. Vasudeva Adhikari | Self-assembly of taper- and wedge-shaped maleimide derivatives: Synthesis and structure-property relationship | J. Mol. Liq. | 2019 | DOI | Yes | ||
S. Dutta, S. Srikantamurthy, P K. Mukherjee and S. Krishna Prasad | Nanometer Confinement-Driven Promotion and Stabilisation of a Hexatic Phase Intervening between Ordered Rotator Phases | J. Phys. Chem. B | 122 | 10953 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
K.L. Sandhya, N. Pushpavathi, S. Krishna Prasad and D.S. Shankar Rao DOI: | Influence of ZnO nanoparticles on the polarization, dielectric and electro-optic behaviour in the smectic C* and hexatic I* phases | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 275 | 421 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
S Dutta and S. Krishna Prasad | Confinement-driven radical change in a sequence of rotator phases: a study on n-octacosane, | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 20 | 24345 | 2018 | DOI | |
YG Marinov, GB Hadjichristov, AG Petrov, S Krishna Prasad | UV light enhanced confined Fréedericksz transition in photoisomerizable nematic nanocomposite with photoactive molecules of azobenzene nematic liquid crystal | AIP Conference Proceedings | 2075 | 020020 | 2019 | ||
GK Exner, YG Marinov, GB Hadjichristov, VK Shumanov, S Krishna Prasad | Thermal properties and structure of nematic liquid crystalline polymer nanocomposite with single wall carbon nanotubes | AIP Conference Proceedings | 2075 | 020019 | 2019 | ||
G. V. Varshini, D. S. Shankar Rao, P. K. Mukherjee, and S. Krishna Prasad | Nanophase Segregation of Nanostructures: Induction of Smectic A and Re-Entrance in a Carbon Nanotube/Nematic Liquid Crystal Composite | J. Phys. Chem. B, | 122 | 10774 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
S. Krishna Prasad, P. Lakshmi Madhuri, Pragnya Satapathy, and C. V. Yelamaggad | A soft-bent dimer composite exhibiting twist-bend nematic phase: Photo-driven effects and an optical memory device | Applied Physics Letters | 112 | 253701 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Pragnya Satapathy, Srividhya Parthasarathi, D. S. Shankar Rao, Madhubabu Kanakala, C. V. Yelamaggad, and S. Krishna Prasad |
Influence of zinc oxide nanorods on an orientationally ordered fluid comprising soft-bent dimers | Bulletin of Materials Science | 41 | 116 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
K. Nagaraju, D. V. S. Phanindra, S. Krishna Prasad, D. S. Shankar Rao and P. Sreekumar | Full Stokes polarimetry using Dual-Frequency Liquid Crystals | Proc. SPIE 10702, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII | 10702 | 107024X | 2018 | DOI | |
Marlin Baral, S. Krishna Prasad, Himali Patel, A.S. Achal Kumar, and C.V. Yelamaggad | Giant enhancement of photoluminescence and tertiary emission in a chiral nematic by matching photonic band gap and excitation wavelength | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 262 | 354 | 2018 | ||
R. Chakrabarty, A. Dutta, S. Roy, Gobinda Das, I. Ledoux-Rak, P. Mondal, S. Krishna Prasad, D. S. Shankar Rao and C. R. Bhattacharjee | Multifunctional Lanthanide Complexes: Mesomorphism | Photoluminescence and Second Order NLO Property Chemistry Select | 3 | 8245 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
D. R. Vinayakumara, Hidayath Ulla, Sandeep Kumar, Anup Pandith, M. N. Satyanarayan, D. S. Shankar Rao, S. Krishna Prasad and A. Vasudeva Adhikari | Hydrogen bond-driven columnar self-assembly of electroluminescent D–A–D configured cyanopyridones | J. Mater. Chem. C |
6 | 7385 | 2018 | Yes | |
R.K. Gupta, D. S. Shankar Rao, S. Krishna Prasad and A. S. Achalkumar | Columnar Self‐Assembly of Electron‐Deficient Dendronized Bay‐Annulated Perylene Bisimides | Chem. Eur. J. | 24 | 3566 | 2018 | Yes | |
A. Sandeep, V. K. Praveen, D. S. Shankar Rao, S. Krishna Prasad, and A. Ajayaghosh | Transforming a C3‐Symmetrical Liquid Crystal to a π‐Gelator by 2 Alkoxy Chain Variation | ACS Omega | 3 | 4392 | 2018 | ||
H. K. Singh, B. Pradhan, S. K. Singh, R. Nandi, D.S. Shankar Rao, S. Krishna Prasad A. S. Achalkumar B. Singh | Substituted Aroylhydrazone Based Polycatenars: Tuning of Liquid Crystalline Self‐Assembly | Chemistry Select | 3 | 4027 | 2018 | Yes | |
Divya Jayoti, Praveen Malik and S. Krishna Prasad | Effect of ZnO nanoparticles on the morphology, dielectric, electro-optic and photoluminescence properties of a confined ferroelectric liquid crystal material | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 250 | 381 | 2018 | ||
Rajib Nandi, Hemant Kumar Singh, Sachin Kumar Singh, D. S. Shankar Rao, S. Krishna Prasad, Bachcha Singh & Ranjan K. Singh | Investigation of liquid crystalline property of a new calamitic liquid crystalline system methyl 4-(4ʹ-(4ʹʹ-(decyloxy)benzyloxy) benzylideneamino)benzoate | Liquid Crystals | 4 | 1185-1193 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
G B Hadjichristov, Y G Marinov, A G Petrov and S K Prasad | Photoresponsive azo-doped aerosil/7CB nematic nanocomposites: the effect from concentration of the azobenzene photoactive agent | J. Phys.: Conf. Ser | 794 | 012037 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Srividhya Parthasarathi, D. S. Shankar Rao, R. Prabhu, C. V. Yelamaggad, and S. Krishna Prasad | Influence of chirality on the thermal and electric properties of the columnar mesophase exhibited by homomeric dipeptides | J. Chem. Phys. | 147 | 134905 | 2017 | DOI | |
G. Das, T. Skorjanc, S. K. Sharma, F. Gandara, M. Lusi, D. S. Shankar Rao, S. Vimala, S. Krishna Prasad, J. Raya, D. S. Han, R. Jagannathan, J.C. Olsen, and A, Trabolsi | Viologen-Based Conjugated Covalent Organic Networks via Zincke Reaction | J. Am. Chem. Soc. | 139 | 9558 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
V. Jayalakshmi V., Gurumurthy Hegde, Geetha G. Nair and S. Krishna Prasad | Role of the order parameter, electric field, and geometric confinement on the dynamics of the photoinduced Nematic-Isotropic transition | Proc. SPIE 10361, Liquid Crystals | 10361 | 1036109 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
S. Chakraborty, P. Mondala, S. Krishna Prasad, D.S. Shankar Rao, C. R. Bhattacharjee | Zinc(II)-salphen complexes bearing long alkoxy side arms: Synthesis, solvent dependent aggregation, and spacer group substituent effect on mesomorphism and photophysical property | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 246 | 290 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
P. Kumar, D. S. Shankar Rao, S. K. Prasad, N. Jayaraman | Connector Type-Controlled Mesophase Structures in Poly(propyl etherimine) Dendritic Liquid Crystals of Identical Dendrimer Generations | Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry | 55 | 3665 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
S. K. Saha, B. Bhattacharya, U. Sarkar, D.S. Shankar Rao, M. K. Paul | Unsymmetrical achiral four ring hockey stick shaped mesogens based on 1,3,4-oxadiazole: Photophysical, mesogenic and DFT studies | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 241 | 881 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
N. Das, H. Acharya, S. Krishna Prasad, D. S. Shankar Rao and C. R. Bhattacharjee | Mesomorphic Schiff base amine tethered giant gold nanoparticles | Liq. Cryst. | 44 | 2259 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
S. Krishna Prasad, Marlin Baral A. Murali and S. N. Jaisankar | Carbon nanotube reinforced polymer stabilized liquid crystal device: Lowered and thermally invariant threshold with accelerated dynamics | ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces | 9 | 26622 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Parthasarathi, S., Rao, D.S.S., Palakurthy, N.B., Yelamaggad, C.V. and Prasad, S.K. | Effect of Pressure on Dielectric and Frank Elastic Constants of a Material Exhibiting the Twist Bend Nematic Phase | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 121(4) | 896-903 | 2017 | DOI | |
Sivadas, A.P., Rao, D.S.S., Kumar, N.S.S., Prabhu, D.D., Varghese, S., Ramachandran, C.N., Ongungal, R.M., Prasad, S.K. and Das, S. | Self-Assembling and Luminescent Properties of Chiral Bisoxadiazole Derivatives in Solution and Liquid-Crystalline Phases | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 121(8) | 1922-1929 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Marinov, Y.G., Marinov, M.P., Hadjichristov, G.B., Petrov, A.G., Prasad, S.K., Marino, L. and Scaramuzza, N. | Dielectric study of azo-doped aerosil/7CB nematic nanocomposite upon UV light | INERA WORKSHOP 2016: MEMBRANE AND LIQUID CRYSTAL NANOSTRUCTURES (MELINA 2016) | 780 | 2017 | DOI | Yes | |
Kumar, P., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Jayaraman, N. | In-plane modulated smectic (A)over-tilde vs smectic `A' lamellar structures in poly(ethyl or propyl ether imine) dendrimers | POLYMER | 86 | 98-104 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Chakraborty, S., Purkayastha, D.D., Das, G., Bhattacharjee, C.R., Mondal, P., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Photoluminescent tetrahedral d(10)-metal Schiff base complexes exhibiting highly ordered mesomorphism | POLYHEDRON | 105 | 150-158 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Vimala, S., Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K., Veerabhadraswamy, B.N. and Hiremath, U.S. | Diminished Splay Stiffening in Weak Gels of Calamitic-Bent-Core Nematic Composites | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 120(9) | 2596-2603 | 2016 | DOI | |
Marinov, Y.G., Hadjichristov, G.B., Petrov, A.G. and Prasad, S.K. | Photo-controllable electro-optics of aerosil/7CB nanocomposite nematic doped with azo-bonded molecules | INERA CONFERENCE 2015: LIGHT IN NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY (LNN 2015) | 682 | 2016 | DOI | Yes | |
Marinov, Y.G., Hadjichristov, G.B., Petrov, A.G. and Prasad, S.K. | Electro-optic modulation by silica-nanostructured nematic system (aerosil/7CB nanocomposite) | COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING | 90 | 471-477 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Madhuri, P.L., Hiremath, U.S., Yelamaggad, C.V., Madhuri, K.P. and Prasad, S.K. | Influence of virtual surfaces on Frank elastic constants in a polymer-stabilized bent-core nematic liquid crystal | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 93(4) | 2016 | DOI | ||
Achalkumar, A.S., Veerabhadraswamy, B.N., Hiremath, U.S., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Photoluminescent discotic liquid crystals derived from tris(N-salicylideneaniline) and stilbene conjugates: Structure-property correlations | DYES AND PIGMENTS | 132 | 291-305 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Singh, H.K., Singh, S.K., Nandi, R., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K., Singh, R.K. and Singh, B. | Observation of exceptional 'de Vries-like' properties in a conventional aroylhydrazone based liquid crystal | RSC ADVANCES | 6(63) | 57799-57802 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Pramanik, H.A.R., Chanda, S., Bhattacharjee, C.R., Paul, P.C., Mondal, P., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Iron(III) metallomesogen of [N2O2] donor Schiff base ligand containing 4-substituted alkoxy chains | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 43(11) | 1606-1615 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Nandi, R., Singh, S.K., Singh, H.K., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K., Singh, B. and Singh, R.K. | Molecular approach to phase transitions in a calamitic ester substituted aroylhydrazone liquid crystal | JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY | 47 | 1095-1101 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Madhuri, P.L., Prasad, S.K., Shinde, P. and Prasad, B.L.V. | Large reduction in the magnitude and thermal variation of Frank elastic constants in a gold nanorod/nematic composite | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS | 49(42) | 2016 | DOI | Yes | |
Roy, S., Hazra, A., Bandyopadhyay, A., Raut, D., Madhuri, P.L., Rao, D.S.S., Ramamurty, U., Pati, S.K., Prasad, S.K. and Maji, T.K. | Reversible Polymorphism, Liquid Crystallinity, and Stimuli-Responsive Luminescence in a Bola-amphiphilic pi-System: Structure-Property Correlations Through Nanoindentation and DFT Calculations | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS | 7(20) | 4086-4092 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Chakraborty, S., Mondal, P., Prasad, S.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Bhattacharjee, C.R. | Induction of Mesomorphism through Supramolecular Assembly in Metal Coordination Compounds of ``salphen''-Type Schiff Bases: Photoluminescence and Solvatochromism | 28 | 4604-4614 | 2016 | DOI | Yes | |
Pradhan, B., Vaisakh, V.M., Nair, G.G., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Sudhakar, A.A. | Effect of Atomic-Scale Differences on the Self-Assembly of Thiophene-based Polycatenars in Liquid Crystalline and Organogel States | CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL | 22(49) | 17843-17856 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Vimala, S., Sathya, S.M., Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Photo-driven change in the polar environment tunes gelation in a nematic liquid crystal | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 4(47) | 11313-11320 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Kamaliya, B., Kumar, M.V., Yelamaggad, C.V. and Prasad, S.K. | Enhancement of electrical conductivity of a liquid crystal-gold nanoparticle composite by a gel network of aerosil particles | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 106(8) | 2015 | DOI | Yes | |
Yordan G. Marinov, Georgi B. Hadjichristov, Alexander G. Petrov, S. Krishna Prasad | Thin films of silica nanoparticle doped nematic liquid crystal 7CB for electro-optic modulation | Photonics Letter Poland | 7:4 | 94-96 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Veerabhadraswamy, B.N., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Optically active, three-ring calamitic liquid crystals: the occurrence of frustrated, helical and polar fluid mesophases | NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY | 39(3) | 2011-2027 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Pathak, S.K., Gupta, R.K., Nath, S., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Achalkumar, A.S. | Columnar self-assembly of star-shaped luminescent oxadiazole and thiadiazole derivatives | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 3(12) | 2940-2952 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Chakraborty, S., Bhattacharjee, C.R., Mondal, P., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Synthesis and aggregation behaviour of luminescent mesomorphic zinc(II) complexes with `salen' type asymmetric Schiff base ligands | DALTON TRANSACTIONS | 44(16) | 7477-7488 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Gupta, R.K., Pathak, S.K., Pradhan, B., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Achalkumar, A.S. | Self-assembly of luminescent N-annulated perylene tetraesters into fluid columnar phases | SOFT MATTER | 11(18) | 3629-3636 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Singh, H.K., Singh, S.K., Nandi, R., Singh, M.K., Kumar, V., Singh, R.K., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Singh, B. | Tuning the thermotropic properties of liquid crystalline p-substituted aroylhydrazones | RSC ADVANCES | 5(55) | 44274-44281 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Kumar, M.V., Prasad, S.K., Marinov, Y., Todorova, L. and Petrov, A.G. | Flexo-Dielectro-Optical Spectroscopy as a Method of Studying Nanostructured Nematic Liquid Crystals | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 610 | 51-62 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Pathak, S.K., Nath, S., Gupta, R.K., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Achalkumar, A.S. | Effect of regioisomerism on the self-assembly and photophysical behavior of 1,3,4-thiadiazole-based polycatenars | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 3(31) | 8166-8182 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Madhuri, P.L., Rao, D.S.S., Yelamaggad, C.V., Achalkumar, A.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Fast Photoluminescence Switching in the Nematic Phase of Calamitic-Discotic Composites | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS | 3(8) | 1116-1124 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Parthasarathi, S., Rao, D.S.S., Singh, H.K., Singh, B. and Prasad, S.K. | Anchoring transition driven by short range ordering in calamitic-discotic composites | THERMOCHIMICA ACTA | 616 | 61-68 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Mukherjee, P.K. and Prasad, S.K. | Dielectric properties of anti-ferroelectric B-2 phase of bent core liquid crystal | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS | 212 | 127-132 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K., Kumar, M.V., Shilpa, T. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Enhancement of electrical conductivity, dielectric anisotropy and director relaxation frequency in composites of gold nanoparticle and a weakly polar nematic liquid crystal | RSC ADVANCES | 4(9) | 4453-4462 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Madhuri, P.L., Prasad, S.K. and Nair, G.G. | Influence of polymer stabilization on the dielectric relaxations of an antiferroelectric liquid crystal | RSC ADVANCES | 4(7) | 3121-3130 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
T. N. Ahipa, Vijith Kumar, D. S. Shankar Rao, Subbarao Krishna Prasad and Airody Vasudeva Adhikari | New 4-(2-(4-alkoxyphenyl)-6-methoxypyridin-4-yl)benzonitriles: synthesis, liquid crystalline behavior and photo physical properties | CrystEngComm | 16:25 | 5573-5582 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Mandal, J., Prasad, S.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Ramakrishnan, S. | Periodically Clickable Polyesters: Study of Intrachain Self-Segregation Induced Folding, Crystallization, and Mesophase Formation | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY | 136(6) | 2538-2545 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K., Madhuri, P.L., Hiremath, U.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | A photo-driven dual-frequency addressable optical device of banana-shaped molecules | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 104(11) | 2014 | DOI | Yes | |
Sivadas, A.P., Kumar, N.S.S., Prabhu, D.D., Varghese, S., Prasad, S.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Das, S. | Supergelation via Purely Aromatic pi-pi Driven Self-Assembly of Pseudodiscotic Oxadiazole Mesogens | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY | 136(14) | 5416-5423 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Kumar, M.V., Prasad, S.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Mukherjee, P.K. | Competition between Anisometric and Aliphatic Entities: An Unusual Phase Sequence with the Induction of a Phase in an n-Alkane-Liquid Crystal Binary System | LANGMUIR | 30(15) | 4465-4473 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Madhuri, P.L., Prasad, S.K., Hiremath, U.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Photo-driven giant reduction of the Frank elastic constants in a bent-core nematic liquid crystal | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 104(24) | 2014 | DOI | Yes | |
Vimala, S., Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K., Hiremath, U.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Influence of polarization-tilt coupling on the ferroelectric properties of smectic gels | SOFT MATTER | 10(32) | 5905-5915 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Bhargavi, R., Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K., Majumdar, R. and Bag, B.G. | A charge transfer complex nematic liquid crystalline gel with high electrical conductivity | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 116(15) | 2014 | DOI | Yes | |
Parthasarathi, S., Rao, D.S.S., Csorba, K.F. and Prasad, S.K. | Viscoelastic Behavior of a Binary System of Strongly Polar Bent-Core and Rodlike Nematic Liquid Crystals | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 118(49) | 14526-14535 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Achalkumar, A.S., Hiremath, U.S., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Self-Assembly of Hekates-Tris(N-salicylideneaniline)s into Columnar Structures: Synthesis and Characterization | JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY | 78(2) | 527-544 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Bhargavi, R., Nair, G.G. and Prasad, S.K. | Anchoring Transition Induced by Gelation in a Liquid Crystal System | CHEMPHYSCHEM | 14(2) | 331-337 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Bhalla, V., Gupta, A., Kumar, M., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Self-Assembled Pentacenequinone Derivative for Trace Detection of Picric Acid | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 5(3) | 672-679 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Bapat, P.N., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K., Hiremath, U.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Effect of pressure on the dielectric behavior of a bent-core liquid crystal | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 87(4) | 2013 | DOI | Yes | |
Kumar, M.V., Prasad, S.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Pozhidaev, E.P. | Confinement driven effects in a room temperature ferroelectric liquid crystal: X-ray, linear and non-linear dielectric investigations | PHASE TRANSITIONS | 86(4) | 323-338 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Reddy, M.K., Reddy, K.S., Yoga, K., Prakash, M., Narasimhaswamy, T., Mandal, A.B., Lobo, N.P., Ramanathan, K.V., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Structural Characterization and Molecular Order of Rodlike Mesogens with Three- and Four-Ring Core by XRD and C-13 NMR Spectroscopy | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 117(18) | 5718-5729 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Sarvamangala, M., Kumar, M.V., Khened, S.M., Basavaraja, S., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Anomalous dielectric behavior in the nematic and isotropic phases of a strongly polar-weakly polar binary system | PHASE TRANSITIONS | 86(5) | 454-462 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K., Kumar, M.V. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Dual frequency conductivity switching in a carbon nanotube/liquid crystal composite | CARBON | 59 | 512-517 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Majumdar, K.C., Ghosh, T., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Unsymmetrical tetracatenar liquid crystals containing 2-phenylbenzoxazole: Synthesis and characterisation | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 40(3) | 305-313 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Hiremath, U.S., Menezes, H.M., Nair, G.G., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Observation of a chiral smectic C phase over a wide thermal range with novel phase sequences in rigid, bulky chiral dimers | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 1(36) | 5799-5806 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Pramanik, H.A.R., Das, G., Bhattacharjee, C.R., Paul, P.C., Mondal, P., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Tunable Emissive Lanthanidomesogen Derived from a Room-Temperature Liquid-Crystalline Schiff-Base Ligand | CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL | 19(39) | 13151-13159 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Rao, D.S.S., Kumar, M.V., Prasad, S.K., Hiremath, U.S., Sarvamangala, M. and Basavaraja, S. | Novel columnar-calamitic phase sequences in a binary system of bent-core and rod-like mesogens | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 1(45) | 7488-7497 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Bhattacharjee, C.R., Datta, C., Das, G., Das, D., Mondal, P., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Photoluminescent columnar zinc(II) bimetallomesogen of tridentate [ONO]-donor Schiff base ligand | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 40(7) | 942-950 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Shanker, G., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Self-assembly of chiral hexacatenar-bisamides into a columnar structure | RSC ADVANCES | 2(4) | 1592-1597 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Bapat, P.N., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Hiremath, U.S. | Effect of hydrostatic pressure on the Frank splay and bend elastic constants | THERMOCHIMICA ACTA | 537 | 65-69 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Shanker, G., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Synthesis and characterization of supramolecular optically active bisamides derived from amino acids | TETRAHEDRON | 68(32) | 6528-6534 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Sarvamangala, M., Kumar, M.V., Khened, S.M., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Dielectric Behavior in the Nematic and Isotropic Phases of a Strongly Polar-Weakly Polar Binary System | SOLID STATE PHYSICS, PTS 1 AND 2 | 1447 | 77+ | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Majumdar, K.C., Shyam, P.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Oxadiazole-based non-symmetric liquid crystalline trimers terminating with ferrocene and cholesterol units exhibiting TGBC* phase over a wide thermal range | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 39(9) | 1117-1123 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Kumar, M.V. and Prasad, S.K. | Influence of quenched disorder created by nanosilica network on phase transitions in tetracosane | RSC ADVANCES | 2(22) | 8531-8538 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Majumdar, K.C., Shyam, P.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Oxadiazole-based unsymmetrical chiral liquid crystal dimers: synthesis and mesomorphic properties | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 39(11) | 1358-1367 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K. | Photostimulated and Photosuppressed Phase Transitions in Liquid Crystals | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 51(43) | 10708-10710 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Marinov, Y.G., Hadjichristov, G.B., Petrov, A.G., Sridevi, S., Hiremath, U.S., Yelamaggad, C.V. and Prasad, S.K. | Trans-cis photoizomerization-induced tilted anchoring in photoactive guest-host liquid crystalline systems | 17TH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS (ISCMP): OPEN PROBLEMS IN CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS, BIOMEDICAL PHYSICS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS | 398 | 2012 | DOI | Yes | |
Majumdar, K.C., Shyam, P.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Occurrence of unusually wide thermal range enantiotropic twist grain boundary TGBC* phases in unsymmetrical cholesterol and oxadiazole based liquid crystalline dimers | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 21(2) | 556-561 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K., Rao, D.S.S., Sridevi, S., Naciri, J. and Ratna, B.R. | Critical behavior of three organosiloxane de Vries-type liquid crystals observed via the dielectric response | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER | 23(10) | 2011 | DOI | Yes | |
Bhattacharjee, C.R., Das, G., Mondal, P., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Novel Green Light Emitting Nondiscoid Liquid Crystalline Zinc(II) Schiff-Base Complexes | 9 | 1418-1424 | 2011 | DOI | Yes | |
Bhattacharjee, C.R., Das, G., Mondal, P., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Lamellar columnar mesomorphism in a series of oxovanadium(IV) complexes derived from N, N/-di-(4-n-alkoxysalicylidene)diaminobenzene | INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS | 14(4) | 606-612 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Bhargavi, R., Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K., Prabhu, R. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Anomalously large bend elastic constant and faster electro-optic response in anisotropic gels formed by a dipeptide | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 109(8) | 2011 | DOI | Yes | |
Bhattacharjee, C.R., Das, G., Goswami, P., Mondal, P., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Novel photoluminescent lanthanidomesogens forming bilayer smectic phase derived from blue light emitting liquid crystalline, one ring O-donor Schiff-base ligands | POLYHEDRON | 30(6) | 1040-1047 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Bhattacharjee, C.R., Das, G., Mondal, P., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Plastic columnar mesomorphism in half-disc-shaped oxovanadium(IV) Schiff base complexes | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 38(5) | 615-623 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Majumdar, K.C., Ghosh, T., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | 2-phenylbenzoxazole-containing calamitic liquid crystals: synthesis and characterisation | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 38(5) | 625-632 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Petrov, A.G., Marinov, Y.G., Hadjichristov, G.B., Sridevi, S., Hiremath, U.S., Yelamaggad, C.V. and Prasad, S.K. | New Photoactive Guest-Host Nematics Showing Photoflexoelectricity | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 544 | 3-13 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Marinov, Y., Hadjichristov, G., Petrov, A., Chakravarthy, S., Hiremath, U., Yelamaggad, C. and Prasad, S.K. | THERMO-OPTICAL STUDY OF AZO-DYE DOPED NEMATIC LIQUID CRYSTALS AS FLEXOELECTRIC GUEST-HOST SYSTEMS | COMPTES RENDUS DE L ACADEMIE BULGARE DES SCIENCES | 64(5) | 669-676 | 2011 | Yes | |
Bapat, P.N., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K., Naciri, J. and Ratna, B.R. | High-Pressure Investigations of a Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Exhibiting a Trend Reversal in the Thermal Variation of Polarization | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 115(35) | 10425-10430 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Majumdar, K.C., Ghosh, T., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Unsymmetrical cholesterol and benzoxazole-based liquid crystalline dimers: synthesis and characterisation | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 38(10) | 1269-1277 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Bhargavi, R., Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K., Kumar, N. and Sundaresan, A. | Enhanced Frank elasticity and storage modulus in a diamagnetic liquid crystalline ferrogel | SOFT MATTER | 7(21) | 10151-10161 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Sridevi, S., Hiremath, U.S., Yelamaggad, C.V., Prasad, S.K., Marinov, Y.G., Hadjichristov, G.B. and Petrov, A.G. | Behaviour of photosensitive soft materials: Thermo-optical, dielectric and elastic constant studies on azo-dye doped nematic liquid crystals | MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS | 130(3) | 1329-1335 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Bhalla, V., Singh, H., Kumar, M. and Prasad, S.K. | Triazole-Modified Triphenylene Derivative: Self-Assembly and Sensing Applications | LANGMUIR | 27(24) | 15275-15281 | 2011 | DOI | Yes |
Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K., Bhargavi, R., Jayalakshmi, V., Shanker, G. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Soft Glass Rheology in Liquid Crystalline Gels Formed by a Monodisperse Dipeptide | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 114(2) | 697-704 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Vijayaraghavan, R.K., Abraham, S., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Das, S. | Light induced generation of stable blue phase in photoresponsive diphenylbutadiene based mesogen | CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS | 46(16) | 2796-2798 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K., Sridevi, S. and Rao, D.S.S. | Diminution of the Ordering in Plastic and Liquid Crystalline Phases by Confinement | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 114(22) | 7474-7481 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K. | Photo-stimulated phase transitions | ADVANCES IN LIQUID CRYSTALS | 428-429 | 29-38 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Y G Marinov, G B Hadjichristov, A G Petrov, S Sridevi, U S Hiremath, C V Yelamaggad, S K Prasad | Conoscopic evidence of the UV light-induced flexoelectric effect in homeotropic layers of nematic liquid crystal doped with azobenzene derivatives | Journal of Physics Conference Series | 253:1 | 012060 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Singh, M.K., Jayaraman, N., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Role of hydroxyl group on the mesomorphism of alkyl glycosides: synthesis and thermal behavior of alkyl 6-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranosides | CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF LIPIDS | 163(6) | 580-585 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Prabhu, R., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | The first examples of supramolecular discotic C-3h tris(N-salicylideneamine)s featuring inter- and intra-molecular H-bonding: synthesis and characterization | TETRAHEDRON LETTERS | 51(34) | 4579-4583 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Bapat, P.N., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | High-Pressure Dielectric Investigations of Nanocolloidal Aerosil-Nematic Liquid Crystal Composites | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 114(40) | 12825-12832 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Sridevi, S., Prasad, S.K., Nair, G.G., D'Britto, V. and Prasad, B.L.V. | Enhancement of anisotropic conductivity, elastic, and dielectric constants in a liquid crystal-gold nanorod system | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 97(15) | 2010 | DOI | Yes | |
Kumar, M.V., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Confinement-Driven Weakening of the Rotator Phase Transitions in an Alkane through a Possible Tricritical Point | LANGMUIR | 26(23) | 18362-18368 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Majumdar, K.C., Ghosh, T., Chakravorty, S., Pal, N., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Cholesterol-based unsymmetrical Schiff's base dimer terminated with 4-alkoxy-5-phenylthiophene unit: synthesis and characterisation | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 37(12) | 1539-1547 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Achalkumar, A.S., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Luminescent, Liquid Crystalline Tris(N-salicylideneaniline)s: Synthesis and Characterization | JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY | 74(8) | 3168-3171 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
S Krishna Prasad, D S Shankar Rao, Geetha G Nair | Liquid crystalline phase transitions in confined geometries | Journal of the Indian Institute of Science | 89:2 | 211-227 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K., Rao, D.S.S., Sridevi, S., Lobo, C.V., Ratna, B.R., Naciri, J. and Shashidhar, R. | Unusual Dielectric and Electrical Switching Behavior in the de Vries Smectic A Phase of Two Organosiloxane Derivatives | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS | 102(14) | 2009 | DOI | Yes | |
Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K., Jayalakshmi, V., Shanker, G. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Fast Responding Robust Nematic Liquid Crystalline Gels Formed by a Monodisperse Dipeptide: Electro-Optic and Rheological Studies | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 113(19) | 6647-6651 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Tamilenthi, V.P., Rao, D.S.S., Nair, G.G. and Prasad, S.K. | A new thermotropic reentrant behaviour in a chiral liquid crystal dimer: the occurrence of SmA-SmA(b)-SmA phase sequence | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 19(19) | 2906-2908 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Jayalakshmi, V. and Prasad, S.K. | Understanding the observation of large electrical conductivity in liquid crystal-carbon nanotube composites | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 94(20) | 2009 | DOI | Yes | |
Jayalakshmi, V., Hegde, G., Nair, G.G. and Prasad, S.K. | Photo-controlled conformation-assisted permanent optical storage device employing a polymer network liquid crystal | PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS | 11(30) | 6450-6454 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Varghese, S., Kumar, N.S.S., Krishna, A., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Das, S. | Formation of Highly Luminescent Supramolecular Architectures Possessing Columnar Order from Octupolar Oxadiazole Derivatives: Hierarchical Self-Assembly from Nanospheres to Fibrous Gels | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS | 19(13) | 2064-2073 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K., Nair, G.G. and Rao, D.S.S. | Photoinduced phase transitions | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 36 | 6-7 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Sridevi, S., Prasad, S.K. and Nair, G.G. | Electric-field-dictated phase diagram and accelerated dynamics of a reentrant nematic liquid crystal under photostimulation | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 80(2) | 2009 | DOI | Yes | |
Prasad, S.K. | Photo-Stimulated and Photo-Suppressed Phase Transitions | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 509 | 1059-1069 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Bapat, P.N., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Effect of high pressure on the nematic-isotropic transition in aerosil-liquid crystal composites | THERMOCHIMICA ACTA | 495 | 1-2 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Tamilenthi, V.P., Rao, D.S.S., Nair, G.G. and Prasad, S.K. | Optically biaxial interdigitated smectic A phase: liquid crystalline dimeric bidentate ligands and their metal complexes | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 18(18) | 2096-2103 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K., Nair, G.G. and Jayalakshmi, V. | Electric-field-assisted acceleration of the photostimulated nematic-isotropic transition | ADVANCED MATERIALS | 20(7) | 2008 | DOI | Yes | |
Bhyrappa, P., Arunkumar, C., Varghese, B., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Synthesis and mesogenic properties of beta-tetrabrominated tetraalkyloxyporphyrins | JOURNAL OF PORPHYRINS AND PHTHALOCYANINES | 12(1) | 54-64 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shanker, G., Hiremath, U.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Cholesterol-based nonsymmetric liquid crystal dimers: an overview | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 18(25) | 2927-2949 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Das, S., Gopinathan, N., Abraham, S., Jayaraman, N., Singh, M.K., Prasad, S.K. and Rao, D.S.S. | Manifestation of a chiral smectic C phase in diphenylbutadiene-cored bolaamphiphilic sugars | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS | 18(11) | 1632-1640 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Sridevi, S., Prasad, S.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Pretransitional behaviour in the vicinity of the isotropic-nematic transition of strongly polar compounds | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER | 20(46) | 2008 | DOI | Yes | |
Singh, M.K., Jayaraman, N., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Effect of the C-2 hydroxyl group on the mesomorphism of alkyl glycosides: synthesis and thermotropic behavior of alkyl 2-deoxy-D-arabino-hexopyranosides | CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF LIPIDS | 155(2) | 90-97 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shanker, G., Rao, R.V.R., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Babu, V.V.S. | Supramolecular Helical Fluid Columns from Self-Assembly of Homomeric Dipeptides | CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL | 14(33) | 10462-10471 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Mathews, M., Nagamani, S.A., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K., Findeisen, S. and Weissflog, W. | A novel family of salicylaldimine-based five-ring symmetric and non-symmetric banana-shaped mesogens derived from laterally substituted resorcinol: synthesis and characterization | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 17(3) | 284-298 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
V. Jayalakshmi, Geetha G. Nair, and S. Krishna Prasad | Kinetics of the thermal back relaxation time of the photoinduced nematic-isotropic transition | Physical Review E | 75:031710 | 2007 | DOI | Yes | |
Prasad, S.K., Nair, G.G. and Hegde, G. | Nonequilibrium liquid crystalline layered phase stabilized by light | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 111(2) | 345-350 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Sandhya, K.L., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K., Hiremath, U.S. and Yelamaggad, C.V. | Dielectric studies under high pressure on strongly polar liquid crystals exhibiting monolayer smectic A phase | THERMOCHIMICA ACTA | 452(1) | 65-70 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Hiremath, U.S., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Liquid crystal dimers possessing chiral rod-like anisometric segments: synthesis, characterization and electro-optic behaviour | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 34(2) | 153-167 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Bonde, N.L., Achalkumar, A.S., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Prajapati, A.K. | Frustrated liquid crystals: Synthesis and mesomorphic behavior of unsymmetrical dimers possessing chiral and fluorescent entities | CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS | 19(10) | 2463-2472 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Jayalakshmi, V., Nair, G.G. and Prasad, S.K. | Effect of aerosil dispersions on the photoinduced nematic-isotropic transition | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER | 19(22) | 2007 | DOI | Yes | |
Jayaraman, N., Singh, M.K., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Studies of the mesomorphic behavior of bivalent carbohydrate amphiphiles | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 17(21) | 2228-2232 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Achalkumar, A.S., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Monodispersive linear supermolecules stabilizing unusual fluid layered phases | ORGANIC LETTERS | 9(14) | 2641-2644 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K., Nair, G.G., Hegde, G. and Jayalakshmi, V. | Evidence of wormlike micellar behavior in chromonic liquid crystals: Rheological, X-ray, and dielectric studies | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 111(33) | 9741-9746 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Achalkumar, A.S., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | A new class of discotic mesogens derived from Tris(N-salicylideneaniline)s existing in C-3h and C-s keto-enamine forms | JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY | 72(22) | 8308-8318 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Achalkumar, A.S., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | The first examples of optically active tris(N-salicylideneaniline)s: manifestation of chirality from molecules to fluid columnar phases | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 17(42) | 4521-4529 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Gupta, V., Rao, D., Lobo, C., Prasad, S., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | High pressure investigations of the photo-stimulated orientational ordering transition in a liquid crystal with photoactive dimeric molecules | THERMOCHIMICA ACTA | 440(2) | 205-211 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Nair, G., Hegde, G., Prasad, S., Lobo, C. and Negi, Y. | Photoinduced effects in the vicinity of the smectic-A-smectic-C-A(*) transition: Polarization, tilt angle, and response time studies | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 73 | 2006 | DOI | Yes | |
Lobo, C., Prasad, S. and Yelamaggad, C. | Experimental investigations on weakly polar liquid crystal-aerosil composites | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER | 18(3) | 767-776 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Liao, G., Shashikala, I., Yelamaggad, C., Rao, D., Prasad, S. and Jakli, A. | Ferroelectricity of a bent-core material with cholesteryl terminal chain | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 73 | 2006 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Hiremath, U.S., Liao, G., Jakli, A., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K. and Li, Q. | Fluorine containing nonsymmetrical five-ring achiral banana-shaped compounds with columnar and synclinic antiferroelectric layered phases | SOFT MATTER | 2(9) | 785-792 | 2006 | DOI | |
Nair, G.G., Hegde, G., Prasad, S.K. and Negi, Y.S. | Investigations of the opto-dielectric effects in the vicinity of the smectic-A-smectic-C-A(*) transition | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER | 18(41) | 9415-9425 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Fodor-Csorba, K., Jakli, A., Vajda, A., Prasad, S.K., Rao, D.S.S., Dong, R.Y., Xu, J. and Galli, G. | Intercalated smectic a phases in banana-shaped liquid crystals groups | CHEMPHYSCHEM | 7(10) | 2184-2188 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Rao, D.S.S., Nair, G.G. and Prasad, S.K. | The biaxial smectic (SmAb) phase in nonsymmetric liquid crystal dimers comprising two rodlike anisometric segments: an unusual behavior | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 16(42) | 4099-4102 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Liao, G., Rao, D.S.S., Prasad, S.K., Li, Q. and Jakli, A. | Blue phase, smectic fluids, and unprecedented sequences in liquid crystal dimers | CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS | 18(26) | 6100-6102 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K., Sandhya, K.L., Nair, G.G., Hiremath, U.S., Yelamaggad, C.V. and Sampath, S. | Electrical conductivity and dielectric constant measurements of liquid crystal-gold nanoparticle composites | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 33(10) | 1121-1125 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C.V., Shashikala, I.S., Nair, G.G., Rao, D.S.S. and Prasad, S.K. | Nonsymmetrical five-ring achira banana-shaped liquid crystals comprising salicylaldimine mesogenic segment | 9 | 612-616 | 2006 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C., Mathews, M., Hiremath, U., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Self-organization of mesomeric-ionic hybrid heterocycles into liquid crystal phases: a new class of polar mesogens | 12 | 1552-1554 | 2005 | DOI | Yes | |
S. Krishna prasad, Geetha G. Nair, Gurumurthy Hegde, K. L. Sandhya, D. S. Shankar Rao, Chethan V. Lobo & C. V. Yelamaggad | Photoinduced effects in nematic liquid crystals | Phase Transitions | 78:6 | 443-455 | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
S. Krishna Prasad, Geetha G. Nair, K. L. Sandhya & D. S. Shankar Rao | Photoinduced Phase Transitions in Liquid Crystalline Systems | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 436:1 | 83/[1037]-105/[1059] | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Mathews, M., Hiremath, U., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Self-assembly of chiral mesoionic heterocycles into smectic phases: a new class of polar liquid crystal | TETRAHEDRON LETTERS | 46(15) | 2623-2626 | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
Hegde, G., Nair, G., Prasad, S. and Yelamaggad, C. | A photodriven dual-frequency addressable optical device | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 97(9) | 2005 | DOI | Yes | |
Prasad, S., Nair, G., Sandhya, K. and Rao, D. | Photoinduced phase transitions in liquid crystalline systems | CURRENT SCIENCE | 86(6) | 815-823 | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Nair, G., Rao, D., Lobo, C., Shashikala, I. and Yelamaggad, C. | Biaxial nematic and smectic A phases in a "peelable banana-shaped" moleculet | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 437 | 2005 | DOI | Yes | |
Lobo, C., Prasad, S. and Rao, D. | X-ray and dielectric measurements of smectic A-hexatic B transition in bulk and confined geometries | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 438 | 1715-1726 | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Gupta, V., Rao, D. and Lobo, C. | Effect of pressure on the dynamics of the photostimulated orientational ordering transition in a liquid crystal | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 72 | 2005 | DOI | Yes | |
Prasad, S., Nair, G. and Hegde, G. | Dynamic self-assembly of the liquid-crystalline smectic A phase | ADVANCED MATERIALS | 17(17) | 2005 | DOI | Yes | |
Abraham, S., Paul, S., Narayan, G., Prasad, S., Rao, D., Jayaraman, N. and Das, S. | Observation of a chiral smectic phase in azobenzene-linked bolaamphiphiles containing free sugars | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS | 15(10) | 1579-1584 | 2005 | DOI | Yes |
Lobo, C., Prasad, S. and Rao, D. | Comparative x-ray measurements of a de Vries smectic-A material in bulk and confined geometries | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 72 | 2005 | DOI | Yes | |
Nair, G., Prasad, S. and Hegde, G. | Influence of a long-chain alkane on the photoinduced nematic-isotropic transition | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 69 | 2004 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C., Achalkumar, A., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Self-assembly of C-3h and C, symmetric keto-enamine forms of tris(N-salicylideneanilines) into columnar phases: A new family of discotic liquid crystals | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY | 126(21) | 6506-6507 | 2004 | DOI | Yes |
Lobo, C., Prasad, S. and Rao, D. | X-ray and dielectric measurements of the smectic-A-hexatic-B transition in bulk and confined geometries | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 69 | 2004 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C., Shashikala, I., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Bent-core V-shaped mesogens consisting of salicylaldimine mesogenic segments: synthesis and characterization of mesomorphic behaviour | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 31(7) | 1027-1036 | 2004 | DOI | Yes |
Chandrasekhar, S., Raja, V., Prasad, S. and Rao, D. | Wide viewing angle and fast responding TN LCD | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 410 | 887-896 | 2004 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Nair, G., Hegde, G., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | Polymer network as a template for control of photoconductivity of a liquid crystal semiconductor | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 31(9) | 1265-1270 | 2004 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Hiremath, U., Nagamani, S., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Novel chiral dimesogenic bidentate ligands and their Cu(II) and Pd(II) metal complexes | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 30(6) | 681-690 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Yoji Maeda, S. Krishna Prasad, Shoichi Kutsumizu & Shinichi Yano | In situ observation of the pressure-induced mesophase for 4′-n-hexadecyloxy-3′-nitrobiphenyl-4-carboxylic acid | Liquid Crystals | 30:1 | 7-16 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Sandhya, K., Rao, D. and Negi, Y. | Time-resolved measurements of the dynamics of the photoinduced smectic-C-alpha(*)-smectic-A transition | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 67 | 2003 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C., Mathews, M., Hiremath, U., Nair, G., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Synthesis and thermal behaviour of salicylaldimine-based liquid crystalline symmetrical dimers | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 30(8) | 899-907 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Sandhya, K., Prasad, S., Nair, G. and Prasad, V. | Photoconductivity measurements in the discotic columnar phase of a few anthraquinone derivatives | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 396(1) | 113-119 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Rao, D., Chandrasekhar, S. and Kumar, S. | X-ray studies on the columnar structures of discotic liquid crystals | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 396(1) | 121-139 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Columnar mesophase in a novel series of banana-shaped compounds consisting of functional nitro groups | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 397(2) | 379-388 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Rao, D., Prasad, S., Bamezai, R. and Kumar, S. | High pressure investigations on the phase behaviour of discotic liquid crystals | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 397(2) | 443-459 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Hiremath, U., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Monodispersive unsymmetrical tetramers exhibiting a columnar phase | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 397(2) | 507-529 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Nair, G., Rao, D., Prasad, S., Chandrasekhar, S. and Kumar, S. | Electrooptic and viewing angle characteristics of a display device employing a discotic nematic liquid crystal | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 397(2) | 545-552 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Sandhya, K., Prasad, S. and Nair, G. | Enhanced dynamic response of the photoinduced nematic-isotropic transition in a polymer matrix | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 83(13) | 2707-2709 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Maeda, Y., Rao, D., Nagamani, S., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | Phase behaviour of thermotropic banana-shaped compounds under pressure | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 30(11) | 1277-1283 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Sandhya, K., Rao, D., Prasad, S., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | Effect of pressure on liquid crystal dimers | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 30(11) | 1351-1355 | 2003 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Hiremath, U., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | The first examples of monodispersive liquid crystalline tetramers possessing four non-identical anisometric segments | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 29(2) | 231-236 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Sandhya, K. and Negi, Y. | Photoinduced effects in the vicinity of the smectic-C-a(*)-smectic-A transition | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 65 | 2002 | DOI | Yes | |
Prasad, S., Sandhya, K., Nair, G., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | Spacer parity dependence of photoinduced effects in liquid-crystalline dimers | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 92(2) | 838-841 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Nair, G., Rao, D., Prasad, S. and Jakli, A. | Achiral banana-shaped mesogenic bidentate ligands and their Cu(II) and Pd(II) complexes | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 29(9) | 1181-1185 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Sandhya, K., Prasad, S., Rao, D. and Bahr, C. | Comparative x-ray and dielectric measurements of smectic A-smectic-C-* transition in bulk and confined geometries | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 66 | 2002 | DOI | Yes | |
Nair, G., Prasad, S. and Yelamaggad, C. | Effect of electric field on the TGBC* phase | FERROELECTRICS | 277 | 431-438 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Hiremath, U., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Salicylaldimine-based symmetric dimers: synthesis and thermal behaviour | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 29(11) | 1401-1408 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Sandhya, K., Nair, G., Prasad, S., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | Anomalous increase of photocurrent anisotropy in a liquid crystalline binary mixture | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 92(12) | 6987-6989 | 2002 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S. and Nair, G. | Effects of photo-controlled nanophase segregation in a re-entrant nematic liquid crystal | ADVANCED MATERIALS | 13(1) | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
K. L. Sandhya, Geetha G. Nair, S. Krishna Prasad & Anjuli Khandelwal | Dynamics of the two-dimensional melting transition of a liquid crystal confined in Anopore membranes | Liquid Crystals | 28:12 | 1847-1853 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Yoji Maeda, D. S. Shankar Rao, S. Krishna Prasad, S. Chandrasekhar & Sandeep Kumar | Phase behaviour of the discotic mesogen 2,3,6,7,10,11-hexahexylthiotriphenylene (HHTT) under hydrostatic pressure | Liquid Crystals | 28:11 | 1679-1690 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | A novel class of banana-shaped azo compounds exhibiting antiferroelectric switching behaviour | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28(4) | 643-646 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Janossy, I. and Prasad, S. | Optical generation of inversion walls in nematic liquid crystals | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 63 | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
Prasad, V., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Liquid crystalline dimeric compounds with an alkylene spacer | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28(5) | 761-767 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Nair, G., Prasad, S., Hiremath, U. and Yelamaggad, C. | Effect of light on the polarization of a banana-shaped achiral compound doped with a photoactive azobenzene material | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 90(1) | 48-52 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Hiremath, U., Nagamani, S., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | A switchable salicylaldimine-based achiral bent-shaped mesogen: synthesis and characterization | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 11(7) | 1818-1822 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Rao, D. and Jeyagopal, P. | Effect of pressure on the photoinduced nematic-isotropic phase transition | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 64 | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
Rao, D., Nair, G., Prasad, S., Nagamani, S. and Yelamaggad, C. | Experimental studies on the B-7 phase of a banana-shaped achiral mesogen | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28(8) | 1239-1243 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Rao, D., Prasad, S., Raja, V., Yelamaggad, C. and Nagamani, S. | Observation of a reentrant twist grain boundary phase | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS | 87(8) | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Hiremath, U., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Unsymmetrical trimesogens exhibiting the undulated twist grain boundary (UTGBC*) mesophase | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 28(10) | 1581-1583 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Sandhya, K., Prasad, S. and Nair, G. | Photoinduced nematic-isotropic phase transition: A case for the random-field Ising model | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 64 | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Rao, D., Prasad, S. and Hiremath, U. | Electroclinic effect in unsymmetrical dimeric liquid crystals composed of two non-identical chiral mesogenic entities | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 363 | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
Lokanath, N., Sridhar, M., Prasad, J., Yelamaggad, C., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Crystal structure of an unsymmetrical dimeric liquid crystal with a wide temperature range chiral smectic A phase | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 364 | 567-574 | 2001 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Nagamani, S., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Cholesterol-based linear trimesogens: synthesis and evaluation of mesomorphic behaviour | 11 | 493-495 | 2001 | DOI | Yes | |
Nair, G., Prasad, S. and Yelamaggad, C. | Opto-dielectric effect on a nematic liquid crystal doped with a photoactive azo mesogen | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 87(5) | 2084-2089 | 2000 | DOI | Yes |
Spector, M., Prasad, S., Weslowski, B., Kamien, R., Selinger, J., Ratna, B. and Shashidhar, R. | Chiral twisting of a smectic-A liquid crystal | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 61 | 3977-3983 | 2000 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, V., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Ferroelectric switching in a novel bent-shaped mesogen having two non-mesogenic units linked by an alkylene spacer | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 27(5) | 585-590 | 2000 | DOI | Yes |
Kumar, S., Manickam, M., Varshney, S., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Novel heptasubstituted triphenylene discotic liquid crystals | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 10(11) | 2483-2489 | 2000 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S. and Nair, G. | First observation of a photo-induced transition to a more ordered phase in a system exhibiting reentrant nematic - Smectic A phase sequence | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 350 | 2000 | DOI | Yes | |
Prasad, S. and Nair, G. | Investigations of the non-linear dielectric response in the smectic C*, smectic I* and smectic F* phases of a chiral liquid crystal | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 350 | 199-206 | 2000 | DOI | Yes |
Rao, D., Prasad, S., Prasad, V. and Kumar, S. | Dielectric and high-pressure investigations on a thermotropic cubic mesophase | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 59 | 5572-5576 | 1999 | DOI | Yes |
Chandrasekhar, S. and Prasad, S. | Recent developments in discotic liquid crystals | CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS | 40(4) | 237-245 | 1999 | DOI | Yes |
Balagurusamy, V., Prasad, S., Chandrasekhar, S., Kumar, S., Manickam, M. and Yelamaggad, C. | Quasi-one dimensional electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power studies on a discotic liquid crystal | PRAMANA-JOURNAL OF PHYSICS | 53(1) | 3-11 | 1999 | DOI | Yes |
Yelamaggad, C., Srikrishna, A., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | Synthesis and characterization of some new dimesogenic compounds | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 26(10) | 1547-1554 | 1999 | DOI | Yes |
Kumar, S., Rao, D. and Prasad, S. | New branched chain tricycloquinazoline derivatives: a room temperature electron deficient discotic system | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY | 9(11) | 2751-2754 | 1999 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S., Nair, G. and Rao, D. | Non-linear dielectric response of a ferroelectric liquid crystal | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 26(11) | 1587-1590 | 1999 | DOI | Yes |
Ranjith-Kumar, C., Manoharan, M., Prasad, S., Cherian, S., Umashankar, M., Sita, G. and Savithri, H. | Engineering resistance against physalis mottle tymovirus by expression of the coat protein and 3 ` noncoding region | CURRENT SCIENCE | 77(11) | 1542-1547 | 1999 | ||
Chandrasekhar, S., Nair, G., Rao, D., Prasad, S., Praefcke, K. and Blunk, D. | Schlieren textures in free-standing nematic films: evidence of biaxiality | LIQUID CRYSTALS | 24(1) | 67-70 | 1998 | Yes | |
Prasad, S., Nair, G. and Kant, R. | Dielectric investigations of the dynamics of the hexatic-hexatic transition in a chiral liquid crystal | PHYSICAL REVIEW E | 57 | 1789-1792 | 1998 | DOI | Yes |
Chandrasekhar, S., Nair, G., Rao, D., Prasad, S., Praefcke, K. and Blunk, D. | A thermotropic biaxial nematic liquid crystal | CURRENT SCIENCE | 75(10) | 1042-1046 | 1998 | DOI | Yes |
Nair, G.G., Prasad, S.K., Kumar, S. and Manickam, M. | Dielectric Studies on Strongly Polar Discotic Liquid Crystals | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SECTION A-MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 319 | 89-99 | 1998 | DOI | Yes |
Rao, D.S.S., Gupta, V.K., Prasad, S.K., Manickam, M. and Kumar, S. | High Pressure Studies on Hexa-n-alkoxy Triphenylene Homologous Series | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SECTION A-MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 319 | 193-206 | 1998 | DOI | Yes |
Rao, D., Prasad, S., Chandrasekhar, S., Mery, S. and Shashidhar, R. | X-ray, dielectric and high pressure studies on a compound exhibiting ferro-, ferri- and antiferroelectric smectic phases | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SECTION A-MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 292 | 301-310 | 1997 | DOI | Yes |
Ravi, K., Joseph, J., Nagaraju, N., Prasad, S., Reddy, H. and Savithri, H. | Characterization of a pepper vein banding virus from chili pepper in India | PLANT DISEASE | 81(6) | 673-676 | 1997 | DOI | |
Prasad, S., Rao, D., Khened, S., Chandrasekhar, S., Naciri, J. and Shashidhar, R. | Comparative study of the collective mode dynamics in ferroelectric liquid crystalline monomers and their corresponding copolymers | PHYSICA A | 224 | 1-2 | 1996 | DOI | Yes |
S. Krishna Prasad, S. Chandrasekhar & Geetha G. Nair | Influence of Bond Orientational Order on the Switching Time of Ferroelectric Smectics | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 288:1 | 63-72 | 1996 | DOI | Yes |
S. Krishna Prasad, Geetha G. Nair, S. Chandrasekhar & J. W. Goodby | Pressure Induced Twist Grain Boundary Phase | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 260:1 | 387-394 | 1995 | DOI | Yes |
Geetha G. Nair, S. Krishna Prasad & S. Chandrasekhar | Measurements of Pitch of a Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal at High Pressures | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 263:1 | 311-323 | 1995 | DOI | Yes |
S. Krishna Prasad, Geetha G. Nair and S. Chandrasekhar | Observation of a smectic C*-smectic I* critical point in a binary system using polarisation measurements | Journal of Materials Chemistry | 5:12 | 2253-2256 | 1995 | DOI | Yes |
S. Krishna Prasad, D. S. Shankar Rao, V. N. Raja, S. Chandrasekhar, G. Heppke & M. E. Neubert | An Experimental Study of the Smectic A-Smectic C Transitions in Monolayer, Partially Bilayer and Bilayer Systems | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 238:1 | 241-247 | 1994 | DOI | Yes |
S. Krishna Prasad, S. M. Khened & S. Chandrasekhar | High pressure studies on ferroelectric liquid crystals | Ferroelectrics | 147:1 | 351-365 | 1993 | DOI | Yes |
Prasad, S.K. and Nair, G.G. | On the Variation of Pitch and Polarisation-Tilt Coupling in Chiral Smectic C | MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS | 202 | 91-102 | 1991 | DOI | |
Authors Name | Title | Journal name | Vol no | Page no | Year | DOI | Affiliated to CeNS |
Amir Sohel, Muhammed Safeer Naduvil Kovilakath, Palash J. Gogoi, Hasem Ansari, Plabana Phukan, Soumabha Bag, Neena S. John, and Ananya Baksi | Mechanistic Insights into the Stabilization of In Situ Formed 𝜸-NiOOH Species on Ni60Nb40 Nanoglass for Effective Urea Electro-Oxidation | Small | 20 | 2405160 | 2024 | DOI | Yes |
Chandraraj Alex, Muhammed Safeer Naduvil Kovilakath, Nikhil N. Rao, Chinnusamy Sathiskumar, Akhil Tayal, Lavanya Meesala, Pramod Kumar, Neena S. John, | In-situ generated Ni(OH)2 on chemically activated spent catalyst sustains urea electro-oxidation in extensive alkaline conditions | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | 59 | 390-399 | 2024 | DOI | Yes |
Muhammed Safeer Naduvil Kovilakath, Chandraraj Alex, Nikhil N. Rao, Debabrata Bagchi, Akhil Tayal, Sebastian C. Peter, and Neena S. John | Unfolding the Significance of Regenerative Active Species in Nickel Hydroxide-Based Systems for Sustained Urea Electro-Oxidation | Chemistry of Materials | 2024 | DOI | Yes | ||
Ramya Prabhu B., Bhamy Maithry Shenoy, Manish Verma, Soumyashant Nayak, Gopalkrishna Hegde, Neena S John | Self-cleaning formulations of mixed metal oxide-silver micro-nano structures with spiky coronae as antimicrobial coatings for fabrics and surfaces | Materials Advances | 5:10 | 4293-4310 | 2024 | DOI | Yes |
Nikhil N Rao, C Alex, M Mukherjee, S. Roy, A. Tayal, Ayan Datta, Neena S. John |
Evidence for exclusive direct mechanism of urea electro-oxidation driven by in-situ generated resilient active species on a rare earth-nickelate |
ACS Catalysis | 14:2 | 981–993 | 2024 | DOI | Yes |
Bramhaiah Kommula, Ramya Prabhu B, Harishankar Kopperi, Vinay S. Bhat, Gurumurthy Hegde, Neena S. John | Diverse Morphologies of Nb2O5 Nanomaterials: A Comparative Study for the Growth Optimization of Elongated Spiky Nb2O5 and Carbon Nanosphere Composite | Particle & Particle Systems Characterization | 41:3 | 2300118 | 2023 | DOI | Yes |
K Lobo, V K Gangaiah, C Alex, Neena S John, HSS Ramakrishna Matte | Spontaneous Decoration of Ultrasmall Pt Nanoparticles on Size-Separated MoS2 Nanosheets | Chemistry–A European Journal | 29:56 | e202301596 | 2023 | DOI | Yes |
B M Basavaraja, Ramya Prabhu B, A Tripathi, G Hegde, Neena S John, R Thapa, G Hegde, R G Balakrishna, M Saxena, A Altaee, A K Samal | Functionalized Silver Nanocubes for the Detection of Hazardous Analytes through Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering: Experimental and Computational Studies | ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering | 11:29 | 10605-10619 | 2023 | DOI | Yes |
C Alex, R Jana, V Ramakrishnan, MS Naduvil Kovilakath, A Datta, Neena S John, A.Tayal | Probing the Evolution of Active Sites in MoO2 for Hydrogen Generation in Acidic Medium | ACS Applied Energy Materials | 6:10 | 5342-5351 | 2023 | DOI | Yes |
Ramya Prabhu B and Meenakshi M Varier and Neena S John | Fabrication of sandwich structures of Ag/analyte/MoO3 sea urchins for SERS detection of methylene blue dye molecules | Nanotechnology | 34:21 | 215701 | 2023 | DOI | Yes |
Muhammed Safeer N. K, C. Sathiskumar, Neena S. John | Metallic MoO2 as a Highly Selective Catalyst for Electrochemical Nitrogen Fixation to Ammonia under Ambient Conditions | ChemistrySelect | 8 | e202203344 | 2023 | DOI | Yes |
Ramya Prabhu B, C. Kavitha, Neena S. John | Ag decorated sea urchin-MoO3 based hierarchical micro-nano structures as surface - enhanced Raman spectroscopy substrates for the detection of a nitrosamine industrial pollutant | Materials Today Communications | 33 | 104995 | 2022 | DOI | Yes |
Karthika S Sunil, K. Bramhaiah, S. Mandal, S. Kar, Neena S. John, S. Bhattacharyya | Emergence of long afterglow and room temperature phosphorescence emissions from ultra-small sulfur dots | Materials Advances | 3 | 2037-2046 | 2022 | DOI | Yes |
Muhammed Safeer NK, C. Alex, R. Jana, Ayan Datta, Neena S. John | Remarkable COx tolerance of Ni3+active species in a Ni2O3 catalyst for sustained electrochemical urea oxidation | Journal of Materials Chemistry A | 10 | 4209-4221 | 2022 | DOI | Yes |
C. Alex, C. Sathiskumar, Neena S John | Role of Metal Ion Sites in Bivalent Cobalt Phosphorus Oxygen Systems toward Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction | The Journal of Physical Chemistry C | 125:45 | 24777-24786 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
C. Alex, G. Shukla, Neena S John | Introduction of surface defects in NiO with effective removal of adsorbed catalyst poisons for improved electrochemical urea oxidation | Electrochimica Acta | 385 | 138425 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
M. Moun, A. Vasdev, R. Pujar, K Priya Madhuri, U Mogera, Neena S John, G U Kulkarni, Goutam Sheet | Enhanced electrical transport through wrinkles in turbostratic graphene films | Applied Physics Letters | 119:3 | 033102 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
S. Kar, K. Bramhaiah, Neena S John, S. Bhattacharyya | Insight into the Multistate Emissive N, P‐doped Carbon Nano‐Onions: Emerging Visible‐Light Absorption for Photocatalysis | Chem. Asian J. | 16 | 1138-1149 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Kommula Bramhaiah, Rahul Bhuyan, Srayee Mandal, Subhajit Kar, Ramya Prabhu, Neena S John, Moritz Gramlich, Alexander S Urban, Santanu Bhattacharyya | Molecular, Aromatic, and Amorphous Domains of N-Carbon Dots: Leading toward the Competitive Photoluminescence and Photocatalytic Properties | The Journal of Physical Chemistry C | 125:7 | 4299-4309 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
C Sathiskumar, L Meesala, P Kumar, B R Rao, NS John, HSSR Matte | Waste to wealth: spent catalyst as an efficient and stable bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst for zinc–air batteries | Sustainable Energy & Fuels | 5 | 1406-1414 | 2021 | DOI | No |
MB Bhavya, SR Manippady, M Saxena, Ramya Prabhu B, NS John, RG Balakrishna, AK Samal | Gold Nanorods as an Efficient Substrate for the Detection and Degradation of Pesticides | Langmuir | 36 (26) | 7332-7344 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
MB Bhavya, Ramya Prabhu B, Bhamy Maithry Shenoy, Prangya Bhol, Swarnalata Swain, Manav Saxena, Neena S John, Gopalkrishna Hegde, Akshaya K Samal | Femtomolar detection of thiram via SERS using silver nanocubes as an efficient substrate | Environmental Science: Nano | 7 (12) | 3999-4009 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
K. Priya Madhuri, Abhay A. Sagade, Pralay K. Santra and Neena S. John | Templating effect of single-layer graphene supported by an insulating substrate on the molecular orientation of lead phthalocyanine | Beilstein J Nanotechnol | 11 | 814–820 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
C. Sathiskumar, C. Alex, and Neena S. John | Nickel Cobalt Phosphite Nanorods Decorated with Carbon Nanotubes as Bifunctional Electrocatalysts in Alkaline Medium with a High Yield of Hydrogen Peroxide | ChemElectroChem | 7:8 | 1935-1942 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
C. Kavitha, K. Bramhaiah and Neena S. John | Low-cost electrochemical detection of l-tyrosine using an rGO–Cu modified pencil graphite electrode and its surface orientation on a Ag electrode using an ex situ spectroelectrochemical method | RSC Adv. | 10:39 | 22871-22880 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
C.Alex, S. C. Sarma, S. C. Peter, and N. S. John | Competing Effect of Co3+ Reducibility and Oxygen-Deficient Defects Toward High Oxygen Evolution Activity in Co3O4 Systems in Alkaline Medium | ACS Appl. Energy Mater. | 3:6 | 5439-5447 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
Ramya B. Prabhu and Kaushalendra K. Singh and Chandraraj Alex and Neena S. John | A general route to free-standing films of nanocrystalline molybdenum chalcogenides at a liquid/liquid interface under hydrothermal conditions | Applied Surface Science | 511 | 145579 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
Chandraraj Alex, Sachin A. Bhat, Neena S. John and C. V. Yelamaggad | Highly Efficient and Sustained Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution by Embedded Pd-Nanoparticles on a Coordination Polymer-Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite | ACS Applied Energy Materials | 2019 | DOI | Yes | ||
K. Priya Madhuri, Pralay K. Santra, F. Bertram and Neena S. John | Current Mapping of Lead Phthalocyanine Thin Films in the Presence of Gaseous Dopants | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 2019 | DOI | Yes | ||
Kaushalendra K. Singh, Ramya Prabhu B, Shyam Choudhary, Chandrani Pramanik, and Neena S. John | Effect of Graphene and MoS2 Flakes in Industrial Oils to Enhance Lubrication | ACS Omega | 4(11) | 14569-14578 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
K Priya Madhuri, Neena S John | Solution Processable Transition Metal Phthalocyanine Nanofibres | ChemistrySelect | 4:24 | 7292-7299 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
Kommula Bramhaiah, Chandraraj Alex, Vidya N Singh, Neena S John | Hybrid Films of Ni(OH)2 Nanowall Networks on Reduced Graphene Oxide Prepared at a Liquid/Liquid Interface for Oxygen Evolution and Supercapacitor Applications | ChemistrySelect | 4:9 | 2519-2528 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
Ramya Prabhu, Bramhaiah Kommula, Kaushalendra K Kumar Singh, Neena Susan John | Single sea urchin–MoO3 nanostructure for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy of dyes | Nanoscale Advances | 1:6 | 2426-2434 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
K Priya Madhuri, Neena S John, S Angappane, Pralay K Santra, Florian Bertram | Influence of Iodine Doping on the Structure, Morphology, and Physical Properties of Manganese Phthalocyanine Thin Films | The Journal of Physical Chemistry C | 122 | 49 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Vivek Ramakrishnan, C Alex, Aruna N Nair, Neena S John | Designing Metallic MoO2 Nanostructures on Rigid Substrates for Electrochemical Water Activation | Chemistry–A European Journal | 24 | 68 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
K. Priya Madhuri and Neena S. John. | Metallophthalocyanine-nanofibre-based electrodes for electrochemical sensing of biomolecules | Bulletin of Materials Science | 41(5):118 | 2018 | DOI | Yes | |
K. Bramhaiah, Indu Pandey, Vidya N. Singh, Nagaiah Kambhala, S.Angappane and Neena S. John | Films and dispersions of reduced graphene oxide based Fe2O3 nanostructure composites: Synthesis, magnetic properties and electrochemical capacitance | Mater. Chem. Phy | 209:1 | 2018 | DOI | Yes | |
C. Kavitha, K. Bramhaiah, Neena S. John | Reduced Graphene oxide / Nanoparticle hybrid structures: A new generation smart materials for optical sensors | Materials Today: Proceedings | 5 | 2609–2618 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
K. Bramhaiah, Indu Pandey, Vidya N. Singh, C. Kavitha, Neena S. John | Enhanced electrocatalytic activity of reduced graphene oxide-Os nanoparticle hybrid films obtained at a liquid/liquid interface | J. Nanopart. Res. | 20 | 56 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
John N.S., Bramhaiah K., Pandey I., Kavitha C | Films of Reduced Graphene Oxide-Based Metal Oxide Nanoparticles | Nanoelectronic Materials and Devices. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering | 466 | 2018 | DOI | Yes | |
K. Priya Madhuri, Neena S. John | Supercapacitor application of nickel phthalocyanine nanofibres and its composite with reduced graphene oxide | Applied Surface Science | 449 | 528 - 536 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
C. Kavitha,K. Bramhaiah,Neena S. John and Shantanu Aggarwal | Improved surface-enhanced Ramanandcatalytic activities of reduced grapheneoxide–osmium hybridnanothinfilms | R.Soc.opensci | 4 | 170353 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Kaushalendra K. Singh, Vivek Ramakrishnan, Ramya Prabhu B. and Neena S. John | Rapid augmentation of vertically aligned MoO3 nanorods via microwave irradiation | Cryst Eng Comm | 19 | 6568 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Bramhaiah, K., Singh, V.N., Kavitha, C. and John, N.S. | Films of Reduced Graphene Oxide with Metal Oxide Nanoparticles Formed at a Liquid/Liquid Interface as Reusable Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Substrates for Dyes | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY | 17(4) | 2711-2719 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Madhuri, K.P., Kaur, P., Ali, M.E. and John, N.S. | Nanoscale Conductance in Lead Phthalocyanine Thin Films: Influence of Molecular Packing and Humidity | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C | 121(17) | 9249-9259 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Bramhaiah, K., Singh, V.N. and John, N.S. | Hybrid materials of ZnO nanostructures with reduced graphene oxide and gold nanoparticles: enhanced photodegradation rates in relation to their composition and morphology | PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS | 18(3) | 1478-1486 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Som, M., Majumdar, S., Bachhar, N., Kumaraswamy, G., Kumar, G.V.P., Manoharan, V.N., Kumar, S., Basavaraj, M.G., Kulkarni, S., Bandyopadhyay, R., Punnathanam, S., Medhi, H., Srivastav, A., Frenkel, D., Tripathy, M., Eiser, E., Gonzalez-Garcia, L., Chowdhury, P.R., Singh, J., Sridurai, V., Edwards, A., Prasad, B.L.V., Singh, A.K., Bockstaller, M., John, N.S., Seth, J., Misra, M., Chakravarty, C., Shinde, V., Bandyopadhyaya, R., Jestin, J., Poojari, R., Kotov, N., Gang, O., Karim, A., Ju-Nam, Y., Granick, S., Chervinskii, S. and Tao, A. | Synthesis of Nanoparticle Assemblies: general discussion | FARADAY DISCUSSIONS | 186 | 123-152 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Kumaraswamy, G., Kumar, S., Kulkarni, S., Srivastav, A., Chowdhury, P.R., Kumar, G.V.P., Eiser, E., Edwards, A., Prasad, B.L.V., Basavaraj, M.G., Shetti, N., Bockstaller, M., Medhi, H., Joshi, Y.M., John, N.S., Chakravarty, C., Shinde, V., Bandyopadhyaya, R., Kotov, N., Krishnamoorti, R., Couty, M., Jestin, J. and Frenkel, D. | Nanocomposites: general discussion | FARADAY DISCUSSIONS | 186 | 277-293 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Manoharan, V.N., Kumaraswamy, G., Basavaraj, M.G., Kumar, S., Kulkarni, S., Bandyopadhyay, R., Punnathanam, S., Srivastav, A., Gonzalez-Garcia, L., Kumar, G.V.P., Frenkel, D., Poojari, R., Chowdhury, P.R., Shrivastav, G., Tripathy, M., Sridurai, V., Edwards, A., Som, M., Prasad, B.L.V., Walker, L., John, N.S., Ju-Nam, Y., Joshi, Y.M., Bachhar, N., Chakravarty, C., Bandyopadhyaya, R., Shireen, Z., Kotov, N., Gang, O., Karim, A., Tagliazucchi, M., Eiser, E. and Tao, A. | Applications to Soft Matter: general discussion | FARADAY DISCUSSIONS | 186 | 503-527 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Madhuri, K.P., Bramhaiah, K. and John, N.S. | Nanoscale photocurrent distribution in ultra-thin films of zinc oxide nanoparticles and their hybrid with reduced graphene oxide | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS | 3(3) | 2016 | DOI | Yes | |
Madhuri, K.P., Bramhaiah, K. and John, N.S. | Electrical Properties of Films of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and its Hybrid with Reduced Graphene Oxide | 1731 | 2016 | DOI | Yes | ||
Kavitha, C., Bramhaiah, K., John, N.S. and Ramachandran, B.E. | Low cost, ultra-thin films of reduced graphene oxide-Ag nanoparticle hybrids as SERS based excellent dye sensors | CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS | 629 | 81-86 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Bramhaiah, K. and John, N.S. | Reduced Graphene Oxide Based Silver Sulfide Hybrid Films Formed at A Liquid/Liquid Interface | 1591 | 366-368 | 2014 | DOI | Yes | |
Bramhaiah, K., Singh, V.N. and John, N.S. | Three Dimensional Branched Gold Nanostructures on Reduced Graphene Oxide Films Formed at a Liquid/Liquid Interface | PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION | 31(11) | 1168-1174 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Bramhaiah, K. and John, N.S. | Hybrid films of reduced graphene oxide with noble metal nanoparticles generated at a liquid/liquid interface for applications in catalysis | RSC ADVANCES | 3(21) | 7765-7773 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Chakraborti, H., Bramhaiah, K., John, N.S. and Pal, S.K. | Excited state electron transfer from aminopyrene to graphene: a combined experimental and theoretical study | PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS | 15(45) | 19932-19938 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Saranya, D., John, N.S., Parui, J. and Krupanidhi, S.B. | Studies on Field Dependent Domain Structures in Multi-Grained 0.85PbMg(1/3)Nb(2/3)O3-0.15PbTiO(3) Thin Films by Scanning Force Microscopy | INTEGRATED FERROELECTRICS | 134 | 39-47 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
K Bramhaiah and Neena S John | Facile synthesis of reduced graphene oxide films at the air–water interface and in situ loading of noble metal nanoparticles | Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology | 3:4 | 2012 | DOI | Yes | |
John, N.S., Saranya, D., Parui, J. and Krupanidhi, S.B. | Effect of oxygen pressure on the grain and domain structure of polycrystalline 0.85PbMg(1/3)Nb(2/3)O(3)-0.15PbTiO(3) thin films studied by scanning probe microscopy | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS | 44(41) | 2011 | DOI | Yes | |
John, N.S., Stevens, S.M., Terasaki, O. and Anderson, M.W. | Evolution of Surface Morphology with Introduction of Stacking Faults in Zeolites | CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL | 16(7) | 2220-2230 | 2010 | DOI | |
John, N.S., Raina, G., Sharma, A. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Cellular network formation of hydrophobic alkanethiol capped gold nanoparticles on mica surface mediated by water islands | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS | 133(9) | 2010 | DOI | Yes | |
John, N.S., Scherb, C., Shoaee, M., Anderson, M.W., Attfield, M.P. and Bein, T. | Single layer growth of sub-micron metal-organic framework crystals observed by in situ atomic force microscopy | 41 | 6294-6296 | 2009 | DOI | ||
John, N.S., Pati, S.K. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Electrical characteristics of layered palladium alkanethiolates by conducting atomic force microscopy | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 92(1) | 2008 | DOI | ||
Stevens, S.M., Jansson, K., John, N.S., Terasaki, O., Anderson, M.W., Castro, M., Wright, P.A. and Cubillas, P. | High-Resolution scanning electron and atomic force microscopies: observation of nanometer features on zeolite Surfaces | 174(2) | 775-780 | 2008 | |||
John, N.S. and Kulkarni, G.U. | Dip-pen lithography using pens of different thicknesses | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY | 7(3) | 977-981 | 2007 | DOI | |
John, N.S., Kulkarni, G.U., Datta, A., Pati, S.K., Komori, F., Kavitha, G., Narayana, C. and Sanyal, M.K. | Magnetic interactions in layered nickel alkanethiolates | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C | 111(5) | 1868-1870 | 2007 | DOI | |
Mathur, M., DasGupta, R., Selvi, N.R., John, N.S., Kulkarni, G.U. and Govindarajan, R. | Gravity-free hydraulic jumps and metal femtoliter cups | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS | 98(16) | 2007 | DOI | ||
John, N.S., Selvi, N.R., Kulkarni, G.U., Heun, S., Cavaliere, E., Fanetti, M., Kholmanov, I., Gavioli, L. and Sancrotti, M. | Transformation of femtoliter metal cups to oxide cups: chemical mapping by scanning Auger spectroscopy | APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING | 87(4) | 683-689 | 2007 | DOI | |
Angappane, S., John, N. and Kulkarni, G. | Pyramidal nanostructures of zinc oxide | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY | 6(1) | 101-104 | 2006 | DOI | |
John, N.S., Selvi, N.R., Mathur, M., Govindarajan, R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | A facile method of producing femtoliter metal cups by pulsed laser ablation | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 110(46) | 22975-22978 | 2006 | DOI | |
Pal, S., Sanyal, M., John, N. and Kulkarni, G. | Formation of a rectifier with gold nanoclusters: X-ray reflectivity and atomic force microscopy measurements | PHYSICAL REVIEW B | 71(12) | 2005 | DOI | ||
John, N. and Kulkarni, G. | Gold-coated conducting-atomic force microscopy probes | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY | 5(4) | 587-591 | 2005 | DOI | |
Deepak, F., John, N., Govindaraj, A., Kulkarni, G. and Rao, C. | Nature and electronic properties of Y-junctions in CNTs and N-doped CNTs obtained by the pyrolysis of organometallic precursors | CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS | 411 | 4-6 | 2005 | DOI | |
Vijaykumar, T., John, N. and Kulkarni, G. | A resistless photolithography method for robust markers and electrodes | SOLID STATE SCIENCES | 7(12) | 1475-1478 | 2005 | DOI | |
Datta, A., John, N., Kulkarni, G. and Pati, S. | Aromaticity in stable tiara nickel thiolates: Computational and structural analysis | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A | 109(51) | 11647-11649 | 2005 | DOI | |
John, N.S., Gundiah, G., Thomas, P.J., Kulkarni, G.U. and Heun, S. | DIP-PEN nanolithography using colloidal inks | 4 | 5-6 | 2005 | DOI | ||
Gundiah, G., John, N., Thomas, P., Kulkarni, G., Rao, C. and Heun, S. | Dip-pen nanolithography with magnetic Fe2O3 nanocrystals | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 84(26) | 5341-5343 | 2004 | DOI | |
Pal, S., John, N., Thomas, P., Kulkarni, G. and Sanyal, M. | Deposition of a metal-organic heterostructure to form magnetic-nonmagnetic bilayer films | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 108(30) | 10770-10776 | 2004 | DOI | |
John, N., Thomas, P. and Kulkarni, G. | Self-assembled hybrid bilayers of palladium alkanethiolates | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B | 107(41) | 11376-11381 | 2003 | DOI |
Authors Name | Title | Journal name | Vol no | Page no | Year | DOI | Affiliated to CeNS |
Mano Balaji Gandhi, Aiswarya Mohan, Sreekala Meyyarappallil Sadasivan, Sabu Thomas, Angappane Subramanian, Jean Christian Bernède, Guy Louarn, Linda Cattin, Predeep Padmanabhan | Graphite-Based Localized Heating Technique for Growing Large Area Methylammonium Lead Bromide Single Crystalline Perovskite Wafers and Their Charge Transfer Characteristics | ACS Omega | 2025 | DOI | Yes | ||
Nishita Pawar, Vishnu G Nath, John D. Rodney, Sindhur Joshi, Angappane Subramanian, N. K. Udayashankar | Defects Enriched p-type Zinc Stannate for Selective Detection of ppb-Level NO2 Gas at Ambient Temperature | ACS Appl. Nano Mater. | 7 | 20877 | 2024 | DOI | Yes |
Subir Roy, Chandraraj Alex, Muhammed Safeer N. K., Abhijit Paul, Neena S. John and Angappane Subramanian | Role of active redox sites and charge transport resistance at reaction potentials in spinel ferrites for improved oxygen evolution reaction | Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry | 972 | 118613 | 2024 | DOI | Yes |
Vishnu G Nath, Subhasmita Ray, John D Rodney, Somalapura Prakasha Bharath, Subir Roy, Kartick Tarafder, Angappane Subramanian, Byung Chul Kim | Mechanistic insight and first principle analysis of cation-inverted zinc ferrite nanostructure: A paradigm for ppb-level room temperature NOx sensor | Chemical Engineering Journal | 490 | 151873 | 2024 | DOI | Yes |
Bharath Somalapura Prakasha , Gaurav Shukla, Angappane Subramanian | Discriminative analysis of volatile organic compounds using machine-learning assisted Au loaded ZnO and TiO2-based thin film sensors | Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical | 373 | 115385 | 2024 | DOI | |
Swathi S. P., Athira Makkaramkott, S. Angappane | Tin oxide nanorod array-based photonic memristors with multilevel resistance states driven by optoelectronic stimuli | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 15 | 15676–15690 | 2023 | DOI | Yes |
Shubhanth Jain, V. Vedavyas, R. V. Prajwal, Malavika Shaji, Vishnu G Nath, S. Angappane and Govindaraj Achutharao | Silk and its composites for humidity and gas sensing applications | Front. Chem. | 11 | 1141259 | 2023 | DOI | Yes |
Nagaiah Kambhala, S. Angappane, Harish Sharma Akkera | Structural, Morphological, and Magnetic Properties of Ba, Sm Doped and Ba–Sm Co-Doped BiFeO3 Nanocrystalline Thin Films Deposited by a Spin Coating Method | Cryst. Res. Technol. | 2200261 | 2023 | DOI | Yes | |
M Athira, Fathima Shafna K K and S. Angappane |
Enhanced photodetector performance of SnO2/NiO heterojunction via Au incorporation | Semicond. Sci. Technol. | 38 | 055014 | 2023 | DOI | Yes |
Gaurav Shukla, S. Angappane | Highly transparent, superhydrophilic and high-temperature stable anatase phase TiO2 | Materials Chemistry and Physics | 301 | 127589 | 2023 | DOI | Yes |
M Athira, S Angappane | Bias dependent NDR in TiO2/NiO heterojunction diodes | Physica Scripta | 98 | 035810 | 2023 | DOI | Yes |
Nagaiah Kambhala, Kaveramma A.B., Angappane S., Shwetha Rani R., Thiyagaraj S., Harish Sharma Akkera | Effects of the phase, morphology, band gap and hydrogen evolution of vanadium oxide with reduced graphene oxide | Materials Today Communications | 34 | 105478 | 2023 | DOI | Yes |
Nagaiah Kambhala, S. Angappane, S. Thiyagaraj, Harish Sharma Akkera | Structural and Magnetic Properties of Bi0.9Ba0.1FeO3 and Bi0.9Ba0.05Sm0.05FeO3 Nanoparticles | Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism | 36 | 223–228 | 2022 | DOI | Yes |
S. P. Swathi, S. Angappane | Digital and analog resistive switching in NiO-based memristor by electrode engineering | Japanese Journal of Applied Physics | 61 | SM1009 | 2022 | DOI | Yes |
Subir Roy, Nikhita H.R., Varshini G.V., Ajit Kumar Patra, R.B.Gangineni, S.Angappane | Enhancement of room-temperature magnetoresistance in polyvinyl acetate encapsulated Fe3O4 nanoparticles | Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials | 557 | 169468 | 2022 | DOI | Yes |
S. P. Swathi, S Angappane | Enhanced resistive switching performance of hafnium oxide-based devices: Effects of growth and annealing temperatures | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | 913 | 165251 | 2022 | DOI | Yes |
Athira M., Bharath S. P., S. Angappane | SnO2-NiO heterojunction based self-powered UV photodetectors | Sensors and Actuators A: Physical | 340 | 113540 | 2022 | DOI | Yes |
Gaurav Shukla, S. Angappane | Dimensional constraints favour high temperature anatase phase stability in TiO2 nanorods | Applied Surface Science | 577 | 151874 | 2022 | DOI | Yes |
S. P. Swathi, S. Angappane | Low power multilevel resistive switching in titanium oxide-based RRAM devices by interface engineering | Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices | 6 | 601-610 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Subir Roy, Iniyan Sivakumar, Femy Francis, Varshini G. V., Angappane Subramanian | Observation of room-temperature low-field magnetoresistance in reduced graphene oxide/CoFe2O4 nanocomposites | Phys. Status Solidi B | 2100033 | 2021 | DOI | Yes | |
Hiran Jyothilal, Gaurav Shukla, S Walia, S P Bharath, S. Angappane | UV assisted room temperature oxygen sensors using titanium dioxide nanostructures | Materials Research Bulletin | 140 | 111324 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Athira Makkaramkott, Rudra Mukherjee, Sushobhan Avasthi, Angappane Subramanian |
Ambient Prepared Mesoporous Perovskite Solar Cells with Longer Stability | Journal of Electronic Materials | 50 | 1535–1543 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
P. Muhammed Razi, S. Angappane, R B Gangineni | Bipolar resistive switching studies in amorphous barium titanate thin films in Ag/am-BTO/ITO capacitor structures | Materials Science and Engineering: B | 263 | 114852 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Subir Roy, Rajesh Katoch, R. B. Gangineni, S. Angappane | Investigations of metal-insulator transition and magnetic properties of NdNiO3 nanoparticles | Journal of Solid State Chemistry | 294 | 121865 | 2021 | DOI | Yes |
Gaurav Shukla and Angappane Subramanian |
Self-Cleaning Structural Colors by TiO2/Ti Nanostructures | Applied Optics | 59 | 10483-10492 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
Swathi S. P. and S. Angappane | Grain boundary assisted bipolar resistive switching in solution-processed NiO films | AIP Conf. Proc. | 2265 | 030295 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
Raghavendar Chikkonda, Arun Ravindran, Sumeer Saikia, Akhil Raman Thankamani Sathyanathan, Arout Chelvane, Angappane Subramanian, James Raju Kanakkappillavila Chinnayya, Ramesh Babu Gangineni | Low‐frequency ferroelectric switching studies in PVDF thin films across Cu or (Ag/Cu)/PVDF/Cu capacitor structures | J Appl Polym Sci. | 138 | 50018 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
J. Rajesh Banu, V. Godvin Sharmila, S. Kavitha, R. Rajajothi, M. Gunasekaran, S. Angappane, Gopalakrishnan Kumar | TiO2 - chitosan thin film induced solar photocatalytic deflocculation of sludge for profitable bacterial pretreatment and biofuel production | Fuel | 273 | 117741 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
Sachin Ashok Bhat, Nani Babu Palakurthy, Nagaiah Kambhala, Angappane Subramanian, Doddamane S Shankar Rao, Subbarao Krishna Prasad, Channabasaveshwar V Yelamaggad | Gram-Scale Synthesis and Multifunctional Properties of a Two-Dimensional Layered Copper (II) Coordination Polymer | ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. | 2 | 1543 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
V. Godvin Sharmila, S. Angappane, M. Gunasekaran, Gopalakrishnan Kumar, J. Rajesh Banu | Immobilized ZnO nano film impelled bacterial disintegration of dairy sludge to enrich anaerobic digestion for profitable bioenergy production: Energetic and economic analysis | Bioresource Technology | 308 | 123276 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
Hiran Jyothilal, Gaurav Shukla, Sunil Walia, Suman Kundu, S. Angappane | Humidity sensing and breath analyzing applications of TiO2 slanted nanorod arrays | Sensors and Actuators A: Physical | 301 | 111758 | 2020 | DOI | Yes |
H. Biswal, V. Singh, R. Nath, S. Angappane, J. R. Sahu | Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of LaCr1-xMnxO3 (x= 0, 0.05, 0.1) | Ceramics International | 45 | 22731-22736 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
Gaurav Shukla, Chandan Kumar, and Subramanian Angappane | Structural Properties and Wettability of TiO2 Nanorods | Phys. Status Solidi B | 1900032 | 2019 | DOI | Yes | |
V. Godvin Sharmila, M.Gunasekaran, S. Angappane, Guangyin Zhen, Ick Tae Yeom and J.Rajesh Banu | Evaluation of Photocatalytic thin film pretreatment on anaerobic degradability of exopolymer extracted biosolids for biofuel generation | Bioresource Technology | 279 | 132 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
Dhiraj Kumar Rana, Suresh Kumar Singh, Shovan Kumar Kundu, Subir Roy, S. Angappane and Soumen Basu | Electrical and room temperature multiferroic properties of polyvinylidene fluoride nanocomposites doped with nickel ferrite nanoparticles | New J. Chem. | 43 | 3128 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
Subir Roy, Rajesh Katoch, and S. Angappane | Extraordinary ferromagnetic coupling and magnetodielectric phenomena in NiO nanoparticles | IEEE-Trans. Magn. | 55 | 1-4 | 2019 | DOI | Yes |
K. Priya Madhuri, Neena John, Angappane Subramanian, Pralay K. Santra, Florian Bertram | Influence of Iodine Doping on the Structure, Morphology and Physical Properties of Manganese Phthalocyanine Thin Films | The Journal of Physical Chemistry C | 122 | 49 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Subir Roy, Rajesh Katoch and S. Angappane |
Large magnetoresistance in carbon-coated Ni/NiO nanoparticles | Bull. Mater. Sci. | 41 | 127 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Gaurav Shukla, and S. Angappane | Relation between textured surface and diffuse reflectance of Cu films | AIP Conf. Proc. | 1942 | 050137 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Subir Roy, Nagaiah Kambhala, and S. Angappane | Magnetocapacitance effect in core/shell NiO nanoparticles | AIP Conf. Proc. | 1942 | 050082 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
V. Godvin Sharmila, J. Rajesh Banu, M. Gunasekaren, S. Angappane and Ick Tae Yeom | Nano-layered TiO2 for effective bacterial disintegration of waste activated sludge and biogas production | J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. | 93 | 2701 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
K. Bramhaiah, Indu Pandey, Vidya N. Singh, Nagaiah Kambhala, S. Angappane, Neena S. John | Films and dispersions of reduced graphene oxide based Fe2O3 nanostructure composites: synthesis, magnetic properties and electrochemical capacitance | Mater. Chem. Phys. | 209 | 1 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
U. P. Mohammed Rasi, J. Arout Chelvane, S. Angappane, P. Magudapathy, S. Amirthapandian, R. B. Gangineni | Influence of Thickness on Structural and Magnetic Properties of Co-rich Bi10Co16O38 Sillenite Thin Films | J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. | 31 | 1623 | 2018 | DOI | No |
Gaurav Bahuguna, Vikash C Janu, Vinay Uniyal, Nagaiah Kambhala, S Angappane, Rakesh K Sharma, Ritu Gupta | Electrophilic fluorination of α-Fe2O3 nanostructures and influence on magnetic properties | Materials and Design | 135 | 84-91 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
N Kambhala, S Angappane | Aging Effect of the Resistive Switching in ZnO Thin Film | Physica Status Solidi B | 1700208 | 2017 | DOI | Yes | |
C Murugesan, N Kambhala, S Angappane, G Chandrasekaran | Influence of Zn concentration on the structural and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Cu(1− x)ZnxFe2O4 mixed ferrites synthesized using novel combustion method | J. Magn. Magn. Mater. | 443 | 334 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
R Sugumar, S Angappane | Influence of substrate heating and annealing on the properties and photoresponse of manganese doped zinc oxide thin films | Superlattices Microstruct. | 110 | 57 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
N Kambhala, SS Samatham, R Venkatesh, V Ganesan, S Angappane | Anomalous Magnetotransport Properties of Bi Doped La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 | Physica Status Solidi B | 255:3 | 1700194 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
Kambhala, N., Chen, M., Li, P., Zhang, X.-x., Rajesh, D., Bhagyashree, K.S., Goveas, L.R., Bhat, S.V., Kumar, P.A., Mathieu, R. and Angappane, S. | Study of coexisting phases in Bi doped La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 | J. Magn. Magn. Mater. | 406 | 22-29 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Rajalakshmi, R. and Angappane, S. | Resistive Switching Behavior of RF Magnetron Sputtered ZnO Thin Films | AIP Conf. Proc. | 1665 | 080051 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
Nagaiah Kambhala and S. Angappane | Anisotropic Magnetotransport Properties of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 Thin Film | Physics Procedia | 54 | 164-167 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Rajalakshmi, R. and Angappane, S. | Effect of thickness on the structural and optical properties of sputtered ZnO and ZnO:Mn thin films | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS | 615 | 355-362 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
Kambhala, N. and Angappane, S. | Anisotropic magnetoresistance studies of polycrystalline La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 | PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER | 411 | 72-76 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Rajalakshmi, R. and Angappane, S. | Photoresponse Study On Transition Metal (Co, Ni, Mn) Doped ZnO Thin Films | AIP Conf. Proc. | 1512 | 1050-1051 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Rajalakshmi, R. and Angappane, S. | Synthesis, characterization and photoresponse study of undoped and transition metal (Co, Ni, Mn) doped ZnO thin films | Mater. Sci. Eng. B | 178(16) | 1068-1075 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
Kambhala, N., Viswanath, P. and Angappane, S. | Observation of double exchange driven electroresistance of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 thin film | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 103(10) | 2013 | DOI | Yes | |
Hwang, Y., Angappane, S., Park, J., An, K., Hyeon, T. and Park, J.-G. | Exchange bias behavior of monodisperse Fe3O4/gamma-Fe2O3 core/shell nanoparticles | CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS | 12(3) | 808-811 | 2012 | DOI | No |
Rajalakshmi, R., Kambhala, N. and Angappane, S. | Enhanced magnetic properties of chemical solution deposited BiFeO3 thin film with ZnO buffer layer | MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL SOLID-STATE MATERIALS | 177(11) | 908-912 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Kambhala, N. and Angappane, S. | Synthesis of BiFeO3 Thin Films by Chemical Solution Deposition - Structural and Magnetic Studies | AIP Conf. Proc. | 1451 | 94-96 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Rajalakshmi, R., Kambhala, N. and Angappane, S. | Magnetic Properties of BiFeO3 with ZnO Buffer Layer | AIP Conf. Proc. | 1451 | 127-129 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
Singh, V., Srinivas, V., Ranot, M., Angappane, S. and Park, J.-G. | Effect of polymer coating on the magnetic properties of oxygen-stabilized nickel nanoparticles | PHYSICAL REVIEW B | 82(5) | 2010 | DOI | No | |
Kim, K.-Y., Shin, S.-C., Hwang, Y.-S., Jo, Y., Angappane, S. and Park, J.G. | Large Exchange Bias due to the Spin Density Wave Antiferromagnet Cr in a Fe/Cr(100) Bilayer | JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY | 54(1) | 175-179 | 2009 | No | |
Angappane, S., Selvi, N.R. and Kulkarni, G.U. | ZnO(101) films by pulsed reactive crossed-beam laser ablation | BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE | 32(3) | 253-258 | 2009 | Yes | |
Pattabiraman, M., Adepu, R., Singh, N.P., Venkatesh, R., Angappane, S., Rama, N. and Rangarajan, G. | Phase competition driven temperature broadening of colossal magnetoresistance in La0.815Sr0.185MnO3 | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS | 452(2) | 230-233 | 2008 | DOI | No |
Venkatesh, R., Pattabiraman, M., Sethupathi, K., Rangarajan, G., Angappane, S. and Park, J.G. | Tricritical point and magnetocaloric effect of Nd(1-x)Sr(x)MnO(3) | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 103(7) | 2008 | DOI | No | |
Angappane, S., Park, J., Jang, Y., Hyeon, T. and Park, J.-G. | Magnetic Pd nanoparticles: effects of surface atoms | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER | 20(29) | 2008 | DOI | No | |
Angappane, S., Pattabiraman, M., Rangarajan, G., Sethupathi, K., Varghese, B. and Sastry, V.S. | ESR study of spin-lattice correlated clusters in single crystalline Nd0.7Sr0.3MnO3 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER | 19(3) | 2007 | DOI | No | |
Venkatesh, R., Pattabiraman, M., Angappane, S., Rangarajan, G., Sethupathi, K., Karatha, J., Fecioru-Morariu, M., Ghadimi, R.M. and Guntherodt, G. | Complex ferromagnetic state and magnetocaloric effect in single crystalline Nd0.7Sr0.3MnO3 | PHYSICAL REVIEW B | 75(22) | 2007 | DOI | No | |
Bae, C.J., Angappane, S., Park, J.-G., Lee, Y., Lee, J., An, K. and Hyeon, T. | Experimental studies of strong dipolar interparticle interaction in monodisperse Fe3O4 nanoparticles | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 91(10) | 2007 | DOI | No | |
Kwon, S.G., Piao, Y., Park, J., Angappane, S., Jo, Y., Hwang, N.-M., Park, J.-G. and Hyeon, T. | Kinetics of monodisperse iron oxide nanocrystal formation by ``heating-up'' process | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY | 129(41) | 12571-12584 | 2007 | DOI | No |
Angappane, S., John, N. and Kulkarni, G. | Pyramidal nanostructures of zinc oxide | JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY | 6(1) | 101-104 | 2006 | DOI | No |
Angappane, S., Pattabiraman, M., Rangarajan, G. and Sethupathi, K. | Electron spin resonance study of Nd0.7Sr0.3MnO3 single crystals | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 97 | 2005 | DOI | No | |
S. Angappane, Neena Susan John and G. U. Kulkarni | Pyramidal nanostructures of ZnO | Kiran-A Bulletin of the Indian Laser Association | 15-16 | 14-16 | 2005 | No | |
Angappane, S., Pattabiraman, M., Rangarajan, G., Sethupathi, K. and Sastry, V. | Electron magnetic resonance study in a single crystal of the colossal magnetoresistance manganite Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 | PHYSICAL REVIEW B | 69(9) | 2004 | DOI | No | |
Angappane, S., Pattabiraman, M., Rangarajan, G., Sethupathi, K., Balakrishnan, G., Paul, D., Lees, M. and Sastry, V. | ESR study of Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 single crystal | JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS | 272 | 1807-1809 | 2004 | DOI | No |
Angappane, S., Rangarajan, G. and Sethupathi, K. | Magnetic clusters in Nd1-xSrxMnO3 (0.3 <= x <= 0.5): An electron-spin resonance study | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 93 | 8334-8336 | 2003 | DOI | No |
Angappane, S., Rangarajan, G. and Sethupathi, K. | ESR study of magnetic homogeneity in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 thin films | PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER | 339 | 2-3 | 2003 | DOI | No |
Angappane, S., Sethupathi, K. and Rangarajan, G. | Electrical transport in La1-xCaxMnO3 thin films at low temperatures | PRAMANA-JOURNAL OF PHYSICS | 58 | 5-6 | 2002 | DOI | No |
Angappane, S., Kini, N., Natarajan, T., Rangarajan, G. and Wessling, B. | PAni-PMMA blend/metal Schottky barriers | THIN SOLID FILMS | 417 | 1-2 | 2002 | DOI | No |
Rangarajan, G., Srinivasan, D., Angappane, S. and Wessling, B. | Electrical conduction in polyaniline-PMMA blends and their use as cryomagnetic temperature sensors | SYNTHETIC METALS | 119 | 1-3 | 2001 | DOI | No |
Angappane, S., Murugaraj, P., Sethupathi, K., Rangarajan, G., Sastry, V., Chakkaravarthi, A. and Ramasamy, P. | Electrical and magnetoresistivity studies in chemical solution deposited La(1-x)CaxMnO3 thin films | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 89 | 6979-6981 | 2001 | DOI | No |
Angappane, S., Srinivasan, D., Rangarajan, G., Prasad, V., Subramanyam, S. and Wessling, B. | Transport and magneto-transport study on some conducting polyanilines | PHYSICA B | 284(2) | 1982-1983 | 2000 | DOI | No |
Authors Name | Title | Journal name | Vol no | Page no | Year | DOI | Affiliated to CeNS |
Kanakapura S. Krishnamurthy, Madhu B. Kanakala, Channabasaveshwar V. Yelamaggad, and Maurice Kleman |
Instabilities in the electric freedericksz state of the twist-bend nematic liquid crystal cb7cb | Soft Matter | 14 | 5393–5406 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
Kleman, Maurice and Krishnamurthy, Kanakapura S. | Defects in the twist-bend nematic phase: Stabilities and instabilities of focal conic domains and related topics | Phys. Rev. E | 98 | 032705 | 2018 | DOI | Yes |
K. S. KRISHNAMURTHY, NANI BABU PALAKURTHY and C. V. YELAMAGGAD | Confined Electroconvective and Flexoelectric Instabilities Deep in the Freedericksz State of Nematic CB7CB | J. Phys. Chem. B | 121 | 5447-5454 | 2017 | DOI | Yes |
K. S. Krishnamurthy, Pramoda Kumar, Nani B. Palakurthy, C. V. Yelamaggad and Epifanio G. Virga | Interfacial and morphological features of a twist-bend nematic drop | Soft Matter | 12 | 4967-4978 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
K. S. Krishnamurthy and pramoda kumar | Effect of waveform of the driving field on electroconvection near the dielectric inversion frequency | Phys. Rev. E | 93 | 22706 | 2016 | DOI | Yes |
Krishnamurthy, K. S. | Transient, polarity-dependent dielectric response in a twisted nematic liquid crystal under very low frequency excitation. | Physical Review E | 92(3) | 032504 | 2015 | DOI | Yes |
K. S. Krishnamurthy | Spatiotemporal character of the Bobylev-Pikin flexoelectric instability in a twisted nematic bent-core liquid crystal exposed to very low frequency fields | Phys. Rev. E | 89 | 52508 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
K. S. Krishnamurthy, Pramod Tadapatri and P. Viswanath | Dislocations 1 and metastable chevrons in the electroconvective inplane normal roll state of a bent core nematic liquid crystal | Soft Matter | 10 | 7316-7327 | 2014 | DOI | Yes |
K. S. Krishnamurthy, Pramoda Kumar, and M. Vijay Kumar | Polarity-sensitive transient patterned state in a twisted nematic liquid crystal driven by very low frequency fields | Phys. Rev. E | 87 | 22504 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
K. S. Krishnamurthy | Polarity sensitive electric responses in a twisted smectic-C liquid crystal | Phys. Rev. E | 88 | 62503 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
K. S. Krishnamurthy and Pramoda Kumar | Inhomogeneous Freedericksz effect in a quarter turn twisted achiral smectic C liquid crystal | EPL | 102 | 66001 | 2013 | DOI | Yes |
PRAMOD TADAPATRI, K. S. KRISHNAMURTHY AND W. WEISSFLOG | Patterned flexoelectric instability in a bent-core nematic liquid crystal | Soft Matter | 8 | 1202-1214 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
PRAMOD TADAPATRI AND K. S. KRISHNAMURTHY | Competing instability modes in an electrically driven bent-core nematic liquid crystal | J. Phys. Chem. B | 116 | 782-793 | 2012 | DOI | Yes |
K. S. KRISHNAMURTHY, PRAMOD TADAPATRI, AND W. WEISSFLOG | Twist disclination loops in a bent-core nematic liquid crystal | Soft Matter | 7 | 6273-6284 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
PRAMOD TADAPATRI, UMA S. HIREMATH, C. V. YELAMAGGAD, AND K. S. KRISHNAMURTHY | Permittivity, conductivity, elasticity and viscosity measurements in the nematic phase of a bent-core liquid crystal | J. Phys. Chem. B | 114 | 1745-1750 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
PRAMOD TADAPATRI, UMA S. IREMATH, C. V. YELAMAGGAD, AND K. S. KRISHNAMURTHY | Patterned electroconvective states in a bent-core nematic liquid crystal | J. Phys. Chem. B | 114 | 43029 | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
PRAMOD TADAPATRI, K. S. KRISHNAMURTHY, AND W. WEISSFLOG | Multiple electroconvection scenarios in a bent-core nematic liquid crystal | Phys. Rev. E | 82 | 031706(1-15) | 2010 | DOI | Yes |
PRAMODA KUMAR, Y. G. MARINOV, H. P. HINOV, UMA S. HIREMATH, C. V. YELAMAGGAD, K. S. KRISHNAMURTHY, AND A. G. PETROV | Converse Flexoelectric Effect in Bent-Core Nematic Liquid Crystals | J. Phys. Chem. B | 113 | 9168-9174 | 2009 | DOI | Yes |
K. S. KRISHNAMURTHY, PRAMODA KUMAR AND PRAMOD TADAPATRI | Flexoelectrically Driven Instabilities in Liquid Crystals | J. Ind. Inst. Sc. | 89 | 255-270 | 2009 | ||
PRAMODA KUMAR, UMA S. HIREMATH, C. V. YELAMAGGAD, AXEL G. ROSSBERG, AND K. S. KRISHNAMURTHY | Electroconvection in a Homeotropic Bent-Rod Nematic Liquid Crystal Beyond the Dielectric Inversion Frequency | J. Phys. Chem. B | 112 | 9753–9760 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
PRAMODA KUMAR, UMA S. HIREMATH, C. V. YELAMAGGAD, AXEL G. ROSSBERG, AND K. S. KRISHNAMURTHY | Drifting Periodic Structures in a Degenerate-Planar Bent-Rod Nematic Liquid Crystal Beyond the Dielectric Inversion Frequency | J. Phys. Chem. B | 112 | L9270–9274 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
PRAMOD TADAPATRI AND K. S. KRISHNAMURTHY | Shear Deformation and Division of Cylindrical Walls in Free-Standing Nematic Films under High Electric Fields | J. Phys. Chem. B | 112 | 13509–13517 | 2008 | DOI | Yes |
PRAMODA KUMAR, SHIVARAM N. PATIL, UMA S. HIREMATH, AND K. S. KRISHNAMURTHY | Instabilities Across the Isotropic Conductivity Point in a Nematic Phenyl Benzoate under AC Driving | J. Phys. Chem. B | 111 | 8792-8800 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
Kanakapura S. Krishnamurthy, Pramod Tadapatri and P. Viswanath | Drifting Undulations in an Achiral Smectic C Liquid Crystal Driven by a Static Electric Field | J. Phys. Chem. B (Letters) | 111 | 2423-2426 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
PRAMODA KUMAR AND K. S. KRISHNAMURTHY | Gradient flexoelectric switching response in a nematic phenyl benzoate | Liq. Cryst. | 34 | 257–266 | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
. S. KRISHNAMURTHY AND PRAMODA KUMAR | Emergence of periodic order in electric-field-driven planar nematic liquid crystals | Phys. Rev. E | 76 | 051705(1-8) | 2007 | DOI | Yes |
PRAMODA KUMAR and K.S. KRISHNAMURTHY | Flexoelectric response at defect sites in nematic inversion walls | Liquid Crystals | 33 | 131-138 | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
PRAMODA KUMAR and K.S. KRISHNAMURTHY | Competing modes of instability in an electrically driven nematic liquid crystal with a small positive dielectric anisotropy | Phys. Rev. E | 74 | 031705(1-15) | 2006 | DOI | Yes |
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List of publications can also be accessed from following publication database profiles of Dr. Ashutosh's
- Rhiannon M. Evans, Bhavin Siritanaratkul, Clare F. Megarity, Kavita Pandey, Thomas F. Esterle, Selina Badiania and Fraser A. Armstrong: The value of enzymes in solar fuels research – efficient electrocatalysts through evolution. Chem. Soc. Rev.; 2018, 48, 2039-2052. Paper Link
- Kavita Pandey, Deobrat Singh, Sanjeev Kumar Gupta, Pankaj Yadav, Yogesh Sonvane, Igor Lukačević, Manjeet Kumar, Manoj Kumar, Rajeev Ahuja: Improving electron transport in the hybrid perovskite solar cells using CaMnO3-based buffer layer. Nano Energy; 2018, 45. Paper Link
- Kavita Pandey, Dhyey Raval, Abul Kalam, Manjeet Kumar, Manoj Kumar, Joondong Kim, Pankaj Yadav: Electro-analytical method for the quantities evaluation of the silicon solar cell by DC and AC characterization technique. Materials Research Bulletin; 2018, 100. Paper Link
- Pankaj Yadav, Silver-Hamill Turren-Cruz, Daniel Prochowicz, Mohammad Mahdi Tavakoli , Kavita Pandey, Shaik M. Zakeeruddin, Michael Grätzel, Anders Hagfeldt, and Michael Saliba: Elucidation of Charge Recombination and Accumulation Mechanism in Mixed Perovskite Solar Cells. J. Phys. Chem. C; 2018, 122, 27, 15149–15154. Paper Link
- Daniel Prochowicz, Mohammad Mahdi Tavakoli, Ankur Solanki, Teck Wee Goh, Kavita Pandey, Tze Chien Sum, Michael Salibag and Pankaj Yadav: Understanding the effect of chlorobenzene and isopropanol anti-solvent treatments on the recombination and interfacial charge accumulation in efficient planar perovskite solar cells. J. Mater. Chem. A; 2018, 6, 14307-14314. Paper Link
- Kaushik Natarajan, Parth Bhatt, Pankaj Yadav, Kavita Pandey, Brijesh Tripathi, Manoj Kumar: Investigating the Role of Substrate Tin Diffusion on Hematite based Photo-electrochemical Water Splitting System. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; 2015, 18, 1856-1863. Paper Link
- Daniel Prochowicz, Mohammad Mahdi Tavakoli, Silver-Hamill Turren-Cruz, Kavita Pandey, Michael Saliba, Pankaj Yadav: Blue and red wavelength resolved impedance response of efficient perovskite solar cells. Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018, 2, 2407-2411. Paper Link
- Kavita Pandey, Shams T. A. Islam, Thomas Happe, Fraser A. Armstrong: Frequency and Potential Dependence of Reversible Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Interconversion by [FeFe]-hydrogenases. PNAS; 2017, 114 (15). Paper Link
- Hong-Sik Kim, Pankaj Yadav, Malkeshkumar Patel, Joondong Kim, Kavita Pandey, Donggun Lim, Chaehwan Jeong: Transparent Cu4O3/ZnO heterojunction photoelectric devices.Superlattices and Microstructures; 2017, 112, 262-268. Paper Link
- Pankaj Yadav, Shanmugam Manivannan, Hong‐Sik Kim, Kavita Pandey, Kyuwon Kim, Joondong Kim: Electrochemical Properties of Highly Sensitive and Selective CuO Nanostructures Based Neurotransmitter Dopamine Sensor. Electroanalysis; 2017, 29, 2106-2113. Paper Link
- Kavita Pandey, Pankaj Yadav, Deobrat Singh, Sanjeev K. Gupta, Yogesh Sonvane, Igor Lukačević, Joondong Kim, Manoj Kumar: First step to investigate nature of electronic states and transport in flower-like MoS2: Combining experimental studies with computational calculations. Scientific Reports; 2016; 6. Paper Link
- Kavita Pandey, Mihir Chauhan, Vishwa Bhatt, Brijesh Tripathi, Pankaj Yadav, Manoj Kumar: High-Performance, Self Powered and Fast Photoconductive Response Perovskite Photodetector. RSC Advances; 2016; 6(107). Paper Link
- Hong-Sik Kim, Pankaj Yadav, Malkeshkumar Patel, Hyunki Kim, Kavita Pandey, Joondong Kim: High potential for the optimum designs for a front contact and junction: A route to heterojunction solar cell.Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells; 2016; 154. Paper Link
- Parth Bhatt, Kavita Pandey, Pankaj Yadav, Brijesh Tripathi, Manoj Kumar: Impedance Spectroscopic Investigation of the Degraded Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell due to Ageing. International Journal of Photoenergy; 2016; 2016(2). Paper Link
- Pankaj Yadav, Kavita Pandey, Vishwa Bhatt, Manoj Kumar, Joondong Kim: Critical aspects of impedance spectroscopy in silicon solar cell characterization: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; 2016,76. Paper Link
- Pankaj Yadav, Kavita Pandey, Brijesh Tripathi, P. V. V. Jayaweera, S. Kaneko, Manoj Kumar: Electroanalytical investigation of the losses during interfacial charge transport in dye-sensitized solar cell. Solar Energy; 2016; 129. Paper Link
- Vishwa Bhatt, Kavita Pandey, Sanjeev Kumar Gupta, Yogesh Sonvane, Pankaj Yadav, Manoj Kumar: Photodynamic Response of a Solution Processed Organolead Halide Photodetector. RSC Advances; 2016; 6(113). Paper Link
- Kavita Pandey, Pankaj Yadav, Indrajit Mukhopadhyay: Interplay between enhanced charge storage and charge transfer mechanism in Cu doped PANI: The role of surface morphology. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry; 2015; 745. Paper Link
- Kavita Pandey, Pankaj Yadav, Indrajit Mukhopadhyay: Electrochemical and Electronic Properties of flower like MoS2 nanostructures in aqueous and ionic liquid medium. RSC Advances; 2015; 5(71). Paper Link
- Pankaj Yadav, Kavita Pandey, Brijesh Tripathi, Chandra Mauli Kumar, Sanjay K. Srivastava, P. K. Singh, Manoj Kumar: An effective way to analyse the performance limiting parameters of poly-crystalline silicon solar cell fabricated in the production line. Solar Energy; 2015; 122. Paper Link
- Parth Bhatt, Kavita Pandey, Pankaj Yadav, Brijesh Tripathi, Chandrakant, Manoj Kumar Pandey, Manoj kumar: Investigating the Charge Carrier Transport within the Hole-Transport Material Free Perovskite Solar Cell Processed in Ambient Air. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2015, 140. Paper Link
- Pankaj Yadav, Kavita Pandey, Parth Bhatt, Manoj Kumar, Brijesh Tripathi, Manoj Kumar Pandey: Probing the electrochemical properties of TiO2/graphene composite by cyclic voltammetry and impedance spectroscopy. Materials Science and Engineering B; 2015; 206. Paper Link
- Pankaj Yadav, Kavita Pandey, Parth Bhatt, Dhyey Raval, Brijesh Tripathi, Chandra Kanth P., Manoj Kumar Pandey, Manoj Kumar: Exploring the performance limiting parameters of perovskite solar cell through experimental analysis and device simulation. Solar Energy; 2015, 122. Paper Link
- Pankaj Yadav, Kavita Pandey, Brijesh Tripathi, Manoj Kumar: Investigation of interface limited charge extraction and recombination in polycrystalline silicon solar cell: Using DC and AC characterization techniques. Solar Energy; 2015, 116. Paper Link
- Kavita Pandey, Pankaj Yadav, Indrajit Mukhopadhyay: Influence of the magnitude and direction of electric field on the transport and growth property of deposited polyaniline films. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry; 2014; 18(2). Paper Link
- Kavita Pandey, Pankaj Yadav, Indrajit Mukhopadhyay: Elucidating the Role of Copper as Redox Additive and Dopant on the Performance of PANI based Supercapacitor. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 2014; 17(2). Paper Link
- Kavita Pandey, Pankaj Yadav, Indrajit Mukhopadhyay: Elucidating Different Mass Flow Direction Induced Polyaniline-Ionic Liquid Interface Properties: Insight Gained from DC Voltammetry and Impedance Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B; 02/2014; 118(11). Paper Link
- Kavita Pandey, Pankaj Yadav, Indrajit Mukhopadhyay: Influence of current collector electrode on the capacitive performance of electrodeposited PANI: Insight gained from frequency and time domain analysis. RSC Advances; 2014; 4(96). Paper Link
- Pankaj Yadav, Brijesh Tripathi, Kavita Pandey, Manoj Kumar: Investigating the charge transport kinetics in poly-crystalline silicon solar cells for low-concentration illumination by impedance spectroscopy. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells; 2014, 133. Paper Link
- Brijesh Tripathi, Pankaj Yadav, Kavita Pandey, Pooja Kanade, Manjeet Kumar, Manoj Kumar: Investigating the role of graphene in the photovoltaic performance improvement of dye-sensitized solar cell. Materials Science and Engineering B; 2014, 190. Paper Link
- Pankaj Yadav, Brijesh Tripathi, Kavita Pandey, Manoj Kumar: Recombination kinetics in a silicon solar cell at low concentration: Electro-analytical characterization of space-charge and quasi-neutral regions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 2014, 16. Paper Link
- Pankaj Yadav, Brijesh Tripathi, Kavita Pandey, Manoj Kumar: Effect of varying concentration and temperature on steady and dynamic parameters of low concentration photovoltaic energy system. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems; 2014, 61. Paper Link
(* denotes the corresponding author)