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Friday, 14 March 2025

Science Academies workshop on Emerging trends on Nano Science and NanoTechnology, 7 & 8 Sept 2018, Shivamogga

CeNS participated in the workshop on 'Emerging Trends in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology” organized by Jawaharlal Nehru National College for Engineering, Shivamogga. Prof. G U Kulkarni, Director, CeNS was felicitated by the organizers during the inaugural event for his contributions to Nanoscience and technology.

The workshop was sponsored by the Science Academies and three faculty members from CeNS, namely, Prof. G U Kulkarni, Dr. Geetha G Nair and Dr. Neena Susan John delivered lectures to graduate students, research scholars and young faculty of the college.


JNNCE Shimoga Academy workshop Sept 2018