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सोमवार, 10 मार्च 2025


  1. “Synergistic Effect of MgO/ZnO on β-Phase Crystallization in PVDF: A Comparative Study of Mode of Nanofiller Additions for Piezoelectric Applications”, Kavya Bodhi T K, Hridya P Kurup, Ankur Verma, Subash Cherumannil Karumuthil*, Journal of Macromolecular Chemistry & Physics, 2025, 2400392, [Imp F = 2.5]
  2. “Vanadium disulfide-incorporated polymer nanocomposites for flexible piezoelectric energy generators and road safety sensors”, Ankur Verma, Arjun Hari M, Subash Cherumannil Karumuthil*, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2024 (12), 12721-12732, DOI 10.1039/D3TA07335A. [Imp F = 11.9]
  3. “Polymer Nanocomposites with UiO-Derived Zirconia Fillers for Energy Generation and Pressure-Sensing Devices: The Role of Crystal Structure and Surface Characteristics”, Gargi Mukherjee, Ankur Verma, Arjun Hari Madhu, Bhagavatula L. V. Prasad, and Subash Cherumannil Karumuthil*, ACS Applied Nano Materials7 (6) 2024, 5809-5818, DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.3c04730. [Imp F = 5.9]
  4. “Electrodeposited Co–Mn–Sn multicomponent alloy as an efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction”, Athira Chandran M, Subash Cherumannil Karumuthil, Ashutosh K. Singh, Bhagavatula L.V. Prasad, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 49(A) 2024 658-667, [Imp F = 7.2]
  5. “Highly Stable Poly(o-methoxyaniline)/WO3-Nanoflower Composite-Based Electrochromic Supercapacitors with Real-Time Charge Indication”, Pritha Dutta, Subash Cherumannil Karumuthil, Rahuldeb Roy, and Ashutosh K. Singh, ACS Applied Polymer Materials5(6) 2023, 4088-4099, DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.3c00311. [Imp F = 6.7]
  6. “Optimization of PVDF nanocomposite based flexible piezoelectric tactile sensors: A comparative investigation”, Arjun Hari M., Subash Cherumannil Karumuthil*, Lintu Rajan, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, (353) 2023, 114215, [Imp F = 4.6]
  7. “Influence of graphene oxide on rheology, mechanical, dielectric, and triboelectric properties of poly(vinyl alcohol) nanocomposite hydrogels prepared via a facile one step process”, Swati Sharma, Akanksha Adaval, Shiva Singh, Pradip K.Maji, Cherumannil Karumuthil Subash, Valiyaveetil Haneefa Shafeeq, Arup R Bhattacharyya, RSC: Soft Matter, 19 (16) 2023, 2977-2992, DOI: 10.1039/D2SM01599D. [Imp F = 3.4]
  8. “Flexible and Self-Powered PVDF-Nanosilica Based Piezoelectric Touch Sensor”, M. Arjun Hari, R. S. Divya, K. Rakesh, Subhash Cherumannil Karumuthil, Soney Varghese & Lintu Rajan, SN Computer Science, 4 (64) 2023, [Imp F = 3.7]
  9. “A comprehensive investigation on the influence of processing techniques on the morphology, structure, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of poly (vinylidene fluoride)/Graphene oxide nanocomposites”, Akanksha Adaval, C.K. Subash, V.H. Shafeeq, Mohammed Aslam, Terence W. Turney, George P. Simon, Arup R. Bhattacharyya, Polymer, (256) 2022, 125239, [Imp F = 4.6]
  10. "Performance Enhancement of Flexible and Self-Powered PVDF-ZnO Based Tactile Sensors," M. A. Hari, S. C. Karumuthil, S. Varghese and L. Rajan, IEEE Sensors Journal, 22 (10) 2022, pp. 9336-9343, DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2022.3166706. [Imp F = 4.3]
  11. “Fabrication of dual-functional electrochromic smart window based on low-cost hybrid transparent electrode coated with a solution-processable polymer”, Subash Cherumannil Karumuthil, Mukhesh K.Ganesha, Indrajit Mondal, Ashutosh K.Singh, Giridhar U. Kulkarni, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 10 (43) 2022, 23265-23273, DOI: 10.1039/D2TA05973H. [Imp F = 11.9]
  12. "Influence of Nanosilica in PVDF Thin Films for Sensing Applications”, M. Arjun Hari, K. Rakesh, R. S. Divya, L. Rajan, C. K. Subash and S. VargheseIEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES), Jaipur, India, 2021, pp. 70-73, DOI: 10.1109/iSES52644.2021.00027.
  13. “High-performance P(VDF-TrFE)/BaTiO3 nanocomposite based ferroelectric field effect transistor (FeFET) for memory and switching applications”, Uvais Valiyaneerilakkal, Subash Cherumannil Karumuthil, Kulwant Singh, Loksani Bhanuprakash, Rama Komaragiri, Soney Varghese, Nano Select, 2 (12) 2021, 2400-2406, DOI:
  14. “Stimuli-Responsive Electrospun Piezoelectric Mats of Ethylene-co-vinyl Acetate–Millable Polyurethane–Nanohydroxyapatite Composites”, Shafeeq V H, Subash Cherumannil Karumuthil, Juraij K, Soney Varghese, Sujith Athiyanathil, and Unnikrishnan Gopalakrishna Panicker, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces13(20) 2021, 24106-24116, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c02674. [Imp F = 9.5]
  15. “Nanocharacterisation Of Homoeopathic Ultra-Dilutions Of Plumbum Metallicum”, Subash Cherumannil Karumuthil, Soney Varghese, Dr. Abdurahiman, International Journal of Current Research, 13 (5) 2021, 17430-17434, DOI: [Imp F = 8.1]
  16. “Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Coated with (3-Aminopropyl)triethoxysilane as Additives for Boosting the Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Films for Energy Harvesting”, Akash M. Chandran, S. Varun, Subash Cherumannil Karumuthil, Soney Varghese, and Prasanna Kumar S. Mural, ACS Applied Nano Materials4(2) 2021, 1798-1809, DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.0c03214. [Imp F = 5.9]
  17. “Effect of nanoparticle size on the piezoelectric properties of PVDF based nanocomposite thin films”, M. Arjun Hari, Lintu Rajan, C.K. Subash, Soney Varghese, Materials Today: Proceedings, 46 (12) 2021, 5781-5784, . [Imp F = 4.9]
  18. “Nature-inspired PDMS cumulonimbus micro-energy-harvesting cloud”, Sreenidhi Prabha Rajeev, V Nimmy John, S Sabarinath, A Ashfak, Cherumanil Karimuthil Subash, Soney Varghese, Applied Nanoscience, 11 (1) 2021, 127-137, DOI: 10.1007/s13204-020-01556-y. [Imp F = 3.8]
  19. “Nanohydroxyapatite embedded blends of ethylene-co-vinyl acetate and millable polyurethane as piezoelectric materials: dielectric, viscoelastic and mechanical features”, Valiyaveetil Haneefa Shafeeq, Cherumannil Karumuthil Subash, Soney Varghese, Gopalakrishna Panicker Unnikrishnan, Polymer International, 69 (12) 2020, 1256-1266, [Imp F = 3.2]
  20. “Next-generation rooftop tribo–piezo electric energy harvesting from rain power”, Sreenidhi Prabha Rajeev, Shajimon K John, Riboy Cherian, Subash Cherumannil Karumuthil, Soney Varghese, Applied Nanoscience, 10 (3), 2020, 679–686, [Imp F = 3.8]
  21. “Fabrication of poly (vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) – Zinc oxide based piezoelectric pressure sensor”, Subash Cherumannil Karumuthil*, Kulwant Singh, Uvais Valiyaneerilakkal, Jamil Akhtar, Soney Varghese, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 303 2020, 111677, [Imp F = 4.6]
  22. “Nano P(VDF-TrFE) doped polyimide alignment layers for twisted nematic liquid crystal devices”, John V Nimmy, Subash Cherumannil Karumuthil, Soney Varghese, Liquid Crystals, 47 (1) 2019, 36-41, [Imp F = 2.2]
  23. “Prototype of energy harvesting door handles using polymer nanocomposite”, Sreenidhi Prabha Rajeev, S Sivapriya, Subash Cherumannil Karumuthil, Soney Varghese, Applied Nanoscience, 10 (1) 2020, 1-13, [Imp F = 3.8]
  24. “Electrospun Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene)-Based Polymer Nanocomposite Fibers for Piezoelectric Nanogenerators”, Subash Cherumannil Karumuthil*, Sreenidhi Prabha Rajeev, Uvais Valiyaneerilakkal, Sujith Athiyanathil, and Soney Varghese, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,11 (43) 2019, 40180-40188, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b17788. [Imp F = 9.5]
  25. “α- & β-crystalline phases in polyvinylidene fluoride as tribo-piezo active layer for nanoenergy harvester”, Rajeev, S.P., Sabarinath, S., Subash, C.K., Valiyaneerilakkal, U., Parameswaran, P. and Varghese, S  High Performance Polymers, 31 (7) 2019, 785-799, DOI:10.1177/0954008318796141. [Imp F = 2.1] .,
  26. “Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene)-ZnO Nanoparticle Composites on a Flexible Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Substrate for Energy Harvesting”, Subash Cherumannil Karumuthil*, Sreenidhi Prabha Rajeev, and Soney Varghese, ACS Applied Nano Materials2(7) 2019, 4350-4357, DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.8b02248. [Imp F = 5.9]
  27. “Tuning of structural, laser power-dependent and temperature dependent luminescence properties of NaYF4:Yb, Er (Y: 88%, Yb: 10 and Er: 2%) submicron crystals using Cr3+ ion doping”, Shivanand H. Nannuri, Amiya Ranjan Samal, C.K. Subash, C. Santhosh, Sajan D. George, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 777 2019, 894-901, [Imp F = 6.2]
  28. “Post annealing induced manipulation of phase and upconversion luminescence of Cr3+ doped NaYF4:Yb,Er crystals”, Shivanand H Nannuri, Suresh D Kulkarni, CK Subash, Santhosh Chidangil, Sajan D George, RSC advances, 9 (17) 2019, 9364-9372, DOI: 10.1039/C9RA00115H. [Imp F = 3.9]
  29. “Flexible nanoenergy harvester using piezo-tribo functional polymer and carbon fibre as electrodes”, Sreenidhi Prabha Rajeev, Subash Cherumannil Karimuthil, Lokasani Bhanuprakash, Soney Varghese, Materials Research Express, 5 (7) 2018, 075509, DOI10.1088/2053-1591/aad069. [Imp F = 2.3]
  30. “Nanoscale static voltage generation and its surface potential decay using scanning probe microscopy”, Sreenidhi Prabha Rajeev, Subash Cherumannil Karumuthil, Uvais Valiyaneerilakkal, Soney Varghese, Micro & Nano Letters, 12 (12) 2017, 928-933, [Imp F = 1.3]
  31. “Piezo-tribo nanoenergy harvester using hybrid polydimethyl siloxane based nanocomposite”, Subash Cherumannil Karumuthil*, Sreenidhi Prabha Rajeev, Soney Varghese, Nano Energy, 40 2017,487-494, [Imp F = 17.6]
  32. “Fast Transport of Water Droplets over a Thermo-Switchable Surface Using Rewritable Wettability Gradient”, Theneyur Narayanaswamy Banuprasad, Thamarasseril Vijayan Vinay, Cherumannil Karumuthil Subash, Soney Varghese, Sajan D. George, and Subramanyan Namboodiri Varanakkottu, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces9(33) 2017, 28046-28054, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b07451. [Imp F = 9.5]
  33. “Preparation and characterization of poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene)/barium titanate polymer nanocomposite for ferroelectric applications”, Polymer Composites, Uvais Valiyaneerilakkal,  Amit Singh,  C.K. Subash,  Kulwant Singh,  S.M. Abbas,  Soney Varghese, 38 (8) 2017,1655-1661, [Imp F = 5.2]
  34. “Device level optimization of poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene)–zinc oxide polymer nanocomposite thin films for ferroelectric applications”, Subash C K*, Uvais Valiyaneerilakkal, Kulwant Singh, Soney Varghese, Journal of Applied Physics, 118 (20) 2015, 204102, [Imp F = 3.2]
  35. “Ferroelectric characteristics of MFIS structure with P(VDF–TrFE)/BaTiO3nanocomposite as ferroelectric layer”, Uvais Valiyaneerilakkal, Amit Singh, Kulwant Singh, CK Subash, SM Abbas, Rama Komaragiri, Soney Varghese, Applied Physics A, 117 2014, 1535-1540, [Imp F = 2.7]
  36. “Short beam Shear strength measurements of Glass fibre reinforced Epoxy Nanocomposites modified with Graphene Oxide interfaces”, Subin Mohan, L Bhanuprakash, CK Subash, Soney Varghese, Int J Chem Tech Research, 6 2014, 1693-1695.