X-ray Diffractometer [Rigaku SmartLab]

Technical and Characterization Specifications:
- Powder samples and thin films -
- Horizontal sample mounting
- Bragg-Brentano (theta-theta) and parallel beam (grazing incidence) geometry
- Cu KAlpha line
- 3 kW X-Ray generator
- Bent/flat switchable receiving graphite monochromator
- Rotating sample plate
- 4" wafer sample plate; maximum thickness-1 mm
- Scanning range: -3 Deg-160 Deg (2theta equivalent)
- Minimum step width-0.0001 Deg.
- Variable slit widths
- Goniometer radius : 300 mm
- Scintillation counter and semiconductor detector
- Rocking curve measurement
- Automatic identification of crystal structure with PDF database
- PDXL software based refinement to obtain lattice parameters, unit cell volume
- Crystallite size and lattice strain analysis
- Global Fit XRR Reflectivity Analysis Software
- Reflectivity analysis-
- FFT film thickness analysis function,
- surface & interface roughness, and density analysis function by curve fitting
- Simulation function of reflectivity profile