X-ray Diffractometer
- 8 keV Cu K alpha line
- X-ray beam of 1.5 x 1.5 mm sq. Size
- Shielded microfocus tube
- XYZ translation stage
- Mounting base for detector with rail system
- Bragg and tilt adjustments
- 50 W generator, 50 kV/1 mA
- X-ray CCD camera for optic alignment with an X-ray to visible light converter screen
- PIN Diode detector for optics and beam alignment with calibrated response for absolute flux measurement
- Collimator with 2 transparent screen and 3 pinholes of 0.2 mm, 0.5 mm, 0.8 mm
- Image plate detector and software for data acquisition
- Hot Stage attachment
Intensity versus 2q graph and the XRD patterns (inset: small angle region) obtained for the liquid crystal molecules (a) at 125°C (b) at 145°C.
Liq. Cryst., 40, 1405 (2013).