Tuesday, 17 September 2024

X-ray Diffraction System

  • Capillary samples (ambient and high temperature) and thin films at ambient temperature
  • Horizontal sample mounting
  • Transmission and grazing incidence geometries
  • 3 kW X-Ray generator
  • CuKalpha line beam with beam preparation optics
  • Hybrid monochromator/Focussing Elliptical mirror assembly
  • Soller slits before and after the sample for minimization of out-of-plane reflection
  • Scanning range: 1 Deg to 140 Deg
  • Minimum step width: 0.001 Deg in accumulation mode
  • Variable slit widths
  • Fast high resolution PIXCEL solid state multichannel detector
  • Temperature range: ambient to 250 deg C, 0.1 K resolution using Mettler hot stage
  • Rietveld, Stress and line-profile analysis