Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Thermogravimetric and Differential Thermal analyzer (TGA/DTA) (STA – 2500, NETZSCH, GERMENY):

Thermgravimetric and Differential Thermal analyzer

Technical and Characterization Specifications:
  • TG : To measure the weight loss with respect to temperature or time Peak temperatures and values of the 1st and 2nd derivatives
  • DTA : To measure the Endothermic and Exothermic
  • Sample Load : 0.050 – 15 mg
  • Gas atmospheres : inert, oxidizing, vacuum
  • Vacuum-tight: up to 10-4 mbar (10-2 Pa)
  • Maximum Sample Temperature : 1600°C
  • Furnace I: RT to 1100°C (heating rate 0.001 to 100 K/min)
  • Furnace II: RT to 1600°C (heating rate 0.001 to 50 K/min)
  • Al Container range – 600oC
  • Al2O3 Container range - 1700oC
  • Pt Container range – 1600oC