Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Atomic force Microscope

Atomic force Microscope

Technical and Characterization Specifications:
  • Contact Mode AFM & F-Z spectroscopy for topography imaging and force measurements
  • Intermittent Contact Mode AFM & F-Z spectroscopy
  • Scanning Tunneling Microscopy & Spectroscopy
  • Kelvin Probe Microscopy for mapping surface potential
  • Magnetic Force Microscopy for mapping magnetic domains
  • Electric Force Microscopy for mapping electric field gradient
  • Current Sensing Atomic Force Microscopy & I-V spectroscopy for mapping current
  • Piezoresponse force microscopy and spectroscopy
  • Nanolithography for patterning nanometer-scale structures
  • Sample types: Thin films, polished solids, dispersed powders on substrates like silicon, HOPG, Au/mica, quartz
  • Sample dimensions: X,Y (max) 20mm, 35mm for ambient AFM imaging, XY (max) 20mm for liquid cell AFM imaging
  • Top down multipurpose closed loop large scanner (XY 90μm, Z 8μm), resolution for small area scans <500nm x 500nm, with interchangeable nose-cones for STM, AFM, CSAFM, AC-AFM
  • Top down multipurpose open small scanner (XY 9μm, Z 2μm), provides atomic resolution, with interchangeable nose-cones for STM, AFM, CSAFM, AC-AFM.
  • Scanners compatible with environmental and temperature control options
  • STM scanner (XY 10 μm, Z 1.6 μm)
  • AFM head with easy laser alignment and high resolution CCD camera
  • Vibration and acoustic isolation chamberHeating sample stage (up to 250°C)
  • Liquid cell imaging
  • Environmental control chamber
  • PicoView software capable of real-time 3D data rendering
  • PicoImage software for analysis and post-processing images
  • PicoLith software for nanolithography