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Friday, 14 March 2025

World Environmental Day

The World Environmental Day celebration was marked two events. Prof G U Kulkarni, Director-in-Charge, planted a sapling of Couroupita guianensis (‘Nagalinga Pushpa’ in Kannada). This was followed by a talk titled “Let the park be green: becoming conscious and proactive to protect our Environment” by Dr Ganesh T, Scientist, ATREE, Bengaluru.

Dr.Ganesh touched upon the following aspects in his talk: environment as an issue of concern, the current thinking of environment issue of concern, and how a citizen can protect the environment.He said the new agenda for the next ten years should be Reimage, Recreate and Restore, which means bringing back plants and animals from the brink of extinction. He also discussed how nanoscience and technology could be utilized to clean environmentsby providing efficient energy solutions.