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बुधवार, 12 मार्च 2025

An interaction meeting on 'Nanomaterials for Clean Energy and Environmental Sensors', IUSSTF, 11 & 13 March 2017

An interaction meeting on 'Nanomaterials for Clean Energy and Environmental Sensors', under an Indo-US R & D networked Joint Centre awarded by Indo-US Science & Technology Forum (IUSSTF) took place on 11 & 13, March 2017. The meeting began with the inspiring opening remarks by Bharat Ratna Professor C. N. R. Rao. Scientists and students from the participating institutes, viz., CeNS, IISc and JNCASR from India and Purdue University, North-western University, University of Notre Dame and the University of Akron from the US presented their work at the meeting. The scientific content of the presentations covered a wide variety of topics such as perovskites, helical nanomaterials, block copolymers/nanoparticles assemblies, advanced electron microscopy, nanostructured GaN, quantum dots, thermal interfaces, transparent conducting electrodes, liquid crystal-nanoparticle hybrids, nanofabrication under the theme of clean energy and environmental sensors. In all there were 17 invited talks and 25 poster presentations. The sessions took place in three places, viz., CeNS, JNCASR and CeNSE-IISc with a view to include a wider student audience of the respective institutes.




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सोमवार से शुक्रवार
9:00 प्रात: से 5:30 संध्या