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Mr. Rajapandy (SRFP, 7.5.2019 - 8.7.2019, 2 months)
M.Sc. (Physics), Bharathidhasan University, Tiruchirapalli.
Project entitled Structural and morphological studies on sublimed zinc phthalocyanine
Supervisor: Dr. P. Viswanath |
Ms. Jigyasa Watwani (22.05.2018 to 20.07.2018, 3 months)
M.Sc. (Physics), University of Delhi, New Delhi
Project entitled Langmuir monolayer of some ester of cholesterol at the air-water interface
Supervisor: Dr. P. Viswanath |
Mr. Karthik Chandra (05.06.2017 to 08.08.2017 - 2 months)
M.Sc, Mangalore University, Mangalore
Project entitled Dilatational rheology studies on langmuir film of PVDF/PMMA blends
Supervisor: Dr. P. Viswanath |
Mr. Somen Adhikary (26.12.2016 to 25.03.2017 - 3 months)
M.Sc., NIT, Durgapur
Project entitled Interfacial stress rheology
Supervisor: Dr. P. Viswanath |
Ms. Seema Choudhury (04.01.2016 to 03.04.2016 - 3 Months)
M.Sc., Central University of Karnataka, Gulbarga
Project entitled Interaction of curcumin dye with a biologically relevant lipid monolayer at the air-buffer interface
Supervisor: Dr. P. Viswanath |
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