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Amit Kumar GuptaM.Sc Chemistry, IIT Guwahati
Project Titled: Graphene as nano-additive in lubricant oils with enhanced stability and tribological properties (TSAMRC)
Duration: 15th June 2022 to 31th March 2023 (9 Months) |
Shivam TrivediM.Tech. Nanotechnology, Amity University, Noida
Project Titled: Synthesizing novel materials and their nanocomposites for energy storage devices like batteries & micro-supercapacitors. |
Bikesh GuptaM.Tech. Nanotechnology, NIT-Surathkal, Karnataka
Project Titled: Metal oxides and 2D layered materials for low-cost flexible and transparent electronic devices for energy, sensing, health monitoring and display applications. |
नैनो एवं मृदु पदार्थ विज्ञान केन्द्र (सी ई एन एस)
प्रोफेसर यू आर राव रोड़, जालहल्ली
बेंगलूरु, 560 013
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