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सोमवार, 10 मार्च 2025



  • Patent title: “A synergistic composition as anode material for lithium-ion batteries and method thereof ”. Indian Patent Application No: 202241043951, Year of filing: 2021, Patent holders: H.S.S. Ramakrishna Matte, Sreejesh Moolyadukkam, Kenneth Lobo.
    1. Patent title: “A method for fabrication of liquid crystal device with unidirectional alignment of liquid crystals”. Indian Patent Application No: 202141029054, Year of filing: 2021, Patent holders: S Krishna Prasad, H.S.S Ramakrishna Matte, D S Shankar Rao, Gayathri R. Pisharody, Priyabrata Sahoo.
    1. Patent title: “Passive radiative cooling system and preparation thereof”. Indian Patent Application No: 202141031113, Year of filing: 2021, Patent holders: Geetha G Nair, Amit Bhardwaj and H.S.S Ramakrishna Matte. 
    1. Patent title: “A method of exfoliation of transition metal dichalcogenides and product there of” Indian Patent No: 335655, Year of filing: 2018, Patent holders: H.S.S Ramakrishna Matte, Kenneth Lobo, Shivam Trivedi.



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    सोमवार से शुक्रवार
    9:00 प्रात: से 5:30 संध्या