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सोमवार, 10 मार्च 2025


  • C.V. Yelamaggad, S. Krishna Prasad and Q. Li,Photo-stimulated phase transformations in liquid crystals and their non-display applications,, in Liquid Crystals Beyond Displays: Chemistry, Physics and Applications (John Wiley & Sons , New York, 2013)
  • S. Krishna Prasad,Liquid crystals under high pressure, in The Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, Eds. K.H.J. Buschow et al(Elsevier Science Ltd., Amsterdam, 2001)
  • S. Krishna Prasad, S.M. Khened and S. Chandrasekhar,Dielectric Study of a Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal at High Pressure,  in Modern Topics in Liquid Crystals, Ed., A. Buka (World Scientific, Singapore, 1994)



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