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शुक्रवार, 07 मार्च 2025

Dr. Vivek Ramakrishnan

Current Research Topics

  • Transition metal oxide based hetero junction nanostructures for photo-electrochemical water splitting
  • Molybdenum oxide based nanostructures for energy generation – electrocatalysis (HER) and super capacitor
  • Ultrafast synthesis of Transition metal oxide nanostructures – Microwave route

Ph D Research Topic

  • Photochemistry in the layered micro-environment
  • Ultrafast spectroscopic (pico and nanosecond laser) investigation of molecular heat trapping

Supervisor - Dr. Neena S John


Dr. C Sathiskumar

Research interests:- Synthesis of MWNTs from waste material by CVD, Preparation of activated carbon from various raw materials, Utilization of carbon nanotubes for energy storage application.


Supervisor - Dr. Neena S John


Dr. Indu Pandey


Supervisor - Dr. Neena S John



नैनो एवं मृदु पदार्थ विज्ञान केन्द्र (सी ई एन एस)
प्रोफेसर यू आर राव रोड़, जालहल्ली
बेंगलूरु, 560 013
फोन: +91-80-2308 4200
फैक्स: +91-80-2838 2044

कार्यालय घंटे
सोमवार से शुक्रवार
9:00 प्रात: से 5:30 संध्या