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शुक्रवार, 21 फरवरी 2025

Large Area Transparent ZnO Photodetectors with Au Wire Network Electrodes

K. Shanmugam, S. Singh and G. U. Kulkarni
RSC Adv., 6, 4468-44672 (2016)

Transparent electronics as a futuristic technology are fast growing and expanding beyond conventional optoelectronics. The fabrication of a large area, visibly transparent ultraviolet (UV) photodetector employing a laser deposited ZnO active layer in between branched Au wire networks was reported, with the latter serving as electrodes due to being transparent in UV as well as visible regions. The Au wire networks were prepared using a crack templating method which is not only cost effective but also enables heterostructuring with simple processes in addition to the enhanced photocurrent collection efficiency.

Posted by Dr. K. Shanmugam



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