I am very much delighted to hear about the starting of the official blog site, ‘CeNSBlog’ from May 1, 2021. I am sure that this platform will be seen as a golden opportunity by all researchers and Scientists of CeNS to exchange wide-ranging views on scientific issues and help themselves with information that might be a catalyst for new explorations and experimentation.
I have always believed that a healthy exchange of views, opinions and ideas, not only on scientific matters but also on general topics, becomes the basis for good science, as also ‘good food for greater scientific thought’, per se. In this modern era of communication, blogging is one channel that is most popular and the most effective tool for putting across one’s ideas and thoughts, for the world to ponder upon. Blogging also carries to the world, one’s sense of responsibility, dignity and knowledge.
I keenly look forward to a flood of organized thoughts, debates and opinions through CeNSBlog and wish that the scientific community of CeNS will greatly benefit from this endeavour and lead CeNS to greater heights.
Best wishes,
Prof. G.U. Kulkarni